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21641987 No.21641987 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read Dauntless by Marcus Follin? (aka The Golden One)

>> No.21642044

No, but I notice that it's also available in French and German.

>> No.21642080

I need to buy it and resubscribe to his podcast.

>> No.21642163

No need to, i know it's spooked since he's a nationalist

>> No.21642281

Yes I read it. Although some stuff will sound repetitive when you watched his videos, it’s a perfect summary of spirituality/politics/selfimprovement for Europeans.

>> No.21642347


>> No.21642365

>pan-european nationalist

This is like some Amerimutt "white" nationalist bullshit. Finns and Portugese aren't the same nation. This forced unity bullshit is one step away from globalism. Even nationalism is often forced, fake and gay.

We must retvrn to the city state.

>> No.21642371

Wow this is fucking cringe. Isn't this guy like 30? I would have written that as a 15 year old when I listened to Sargon of Akkad (and this guy) during Gamergate.
Demigods and Ascension. Jesus..

>> No.21642383

That snownigga is a narcissistic oxymoron incarnate. Literally a pagan and christlarper in one person.

>> No.21642389

>a pagan and christlarper in one person.
kek, got to get that eTrad dollar I guess

>> No.21642403

So this is the "sigma griftset" the kids are going on a bout.

>> No.21642410

campanilism for Europeans means death in the face of the large racial blocks that are already on the road to dominate the world in Asia and Africa, there's a reason why city states got BTFO
the choice of words I agree is not opportune, Europe's unification doesn't need to entail Portuguese moving to Finland and viceversa or dropping national languages and identities, "nationalism" isn't the proper word, imperialism or federalism would be the better word

>> No.21642413

There are worse edaddies for internet retards to latch onto but I have no desire to read his book

>> No.21642417

True but when you tell American /pol/tards how Europe actually works you get called a Jew.

>> No.21642431

>This forced unity bullshit is one step away from globalism.
you guys are finally catching on

>Even nationalism is often forced
see: the 19th century

>> No.21642439
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>Finns and Portugese aren't the same nation.
Another jewish lie.

>> No.21642440

How did such an autist get such a qt wife?

>> No.21642442

Has anything ever been more clear of advertisement bots?

>> No.21642443

because he's a chad, mogs you and you are projecting

>> No.21642605

kek, the seppo strikes as predicted

>> No.21642619

Sure, pragmatic cooperation when necessary is probably wise. But the EU-ish model of seeing European as a nationality in itself just destroys what makes the European peoples worth preserving. The people who embody a generic Europeanness are very close to just being a generic Western liberal globalist.

>> No.21642624

Post the wife

>> No.21642751

Yeah, like Taint. I don't get how he blew up so big, the shit he espouses is no different from what Doosh V and the rest of the PUA gang did more than a decade ago.

>> No.21642760

>The people who embody a generic Europeanness are very close to just being a generic Western liberal globalist.
They are one and the same.

>> No.21642794

You had to go to obscure blogs and actually read for the oldschool PUA crowd. Tate made loads of video content which then got made into TikTok clips by his minions as part of referral scheme to his online courses, so the memers were financially motivated to make it succeed. It was really quite elegant. That and he really does have a talent for reaching zoomers, basically living like a GTA character and saying bite sized edgy things optimised for virality. He's also a globethrotting mulatto with no national allegiances which makes his audience much greater than the more right wing nationalist types.

>> No.21642821

The Golden One is based

>> No.21642823

>large racial blocks that are already on the road to dominate the world in Asia and Africa
You mean the Asia of Chinese hating everyone, Indians believing they're better than everyone else(and therefore hating them), Koreans thinking that humanity came out of Korea and everyone else is an ape or Japanese who at this point have started a trend of disconnection with the world(for a good 10-20 years now, the country has passed "peak English" knowledge, the younger the Japanese right now the less likely he is to know it)?

Africans I'm not even counting because they for the most part can't keep a country stable without reaping at its seams. The only time they act as a racial block is encountering other races, and that's about as much of pan nationalism as whites should do as well

>> No.21642836

Why is every fucking board /pol/ now?

Fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.21642837

I read the first edition. It’s fine. If you’re familiar with his YouTube content and ideology it’s basically just a more concise version of all that. Part of the reason I got a copy of the book was because I wanted a souvenir of that time period (around 2019) for that sort of young far right and nationalist movement that had traction during that moment. It’s a decent read but not outstanding.

>> No.21642865

Marcus has never had anything interesting to say. Even in the old days of him just being known as a bodybuilder, it's the most inane, entry level talking points.

>> No.21643916

How about the incessant andrew tate posts suddenly occurring all at once, or gardner posting his crap everywhere?
People can be fans of his content and positive message and are therefor his advocates. You know, his followers.

>> No.21643921

Because he's an Nordic Chad.

>> No.21643925

>oy vey, how dare Europeans try to pragmatically unite under a shared existential threat! Nothing like this ever happened in history, the HRE never existed, white is only a group when we can attack them!
Shalom, rabbi.

>> No.21643927

>implying you're even right wing
Go back to watching your sissy porn, brown soyy.

>> No.21643931

Muttman detected.
>paganism and Christianity are irreconcilable
You should not concern yourself with such issues, you dirty shudra.

>> No.21643937

>how dare someone devote their life to a noble cause they believe in and try to support their family at the same time
You realize that once you come out with these opinions you cannot hope to have a normal career, right? Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit.

He is clearly a man of monumentally higher caliber than you.

>> No.21643942

Tate is a veritable grifter of the highest order, he brags about running million-dollar scams on video to some other mutt bastards. His recent popularity is just his advertising pyramid scheme gaining more ground.

>> No.21643950

His podcast has some good content. I don't think he is pretending to be high-brow, he is more of an advocate for higher ideals.

>> No.21644207

Do guys who went full throttle into their trad phase, get married and have kids not regret it when they inevitably get bored of being trad?
A bit like someone who goes through a trans phase and ends up making life changing decisions like cutting their dick off.

>> No.21644345

Me and my trad transgf are doing fine. Now its off to the wheat fields to do manual labor like my ancestors.

>> No.21644598

brown fingers typed this

>> No.21644916
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I'm probably the only "chud" on 4chan who actually has a stay at home wife and a child, and I dropped the trad facade a while ago. Not that my ideals have degenerated or softened in any way, but my wife and I are just completely burnt out on directionbrains and disillusioned with how impotent and dysfunctional the right-wing actually is.

>> No.21644956

There’s a lot of post purchase rationalisation once they’ve bought into it, I don’t think most of them would be honest about their regrets. But starting a family not as an authentic desire but because Twitter has told you it is “based” must have lead to a lot of quiet desperation.

>> No.21644989

I used to watch his video for lulz, and the most remarkable thing was his self-admitted state as an apophantic poet. He would say 1-2 times per video that he was a great poet, but it would always be a preface to saying that he couldn't describe something, be that the joy of nature because it was too great, or the revulsion he felt over some söyboy because it was too great or whatever. It became really, really conspicuous and paradoxical once I noticed it, he would always, always refer to himself as a great poet whenever he couldn't find the words to describe something.
But yeah no I'm not gonna read his fucking book, he is good for a laugh at the end of the day when I need to unwind from real mental exertion, not anything more.

>> No.21645024

I remember he did some really shitty paintings a couple years ago. Which is fine on its own to be an amateur artist, but to post such trite attempts on social media with his usual "hIgLy GlOrIoUs" egotism is laughable.

>> No.21645041

I am planning to have at least 4 kids with my beautiful white wife. We have loved each other for years and we have the same plans now. Nothing like continuing your genetic bloodline. I am also black btw.

>> No.21645051

Well thank God you have the wisdom to dilute your animal genes out of existence.

>> No.21645073

Anything for the betterment of the white race. Heil Hitler, white brother.

>> No.21645694

You don't have a white wife and you never will. You should kill yourself for being a lying faggot and a dumb subhuman. Or maybe go die of malaria in whatever 3rd world toilet your faggot parents fled from like cowards.

>> No.21645702

Write a blog about it, faggot.

>> No.21645719

Go back to r3ddit since you thought this was funny.

Nobody lives a "trad" lifestyle. Most don't buy a farm in a rural area and do everything by hand. You have the mind of a child. Being trad is basically just being committed to your religion and having a wife and kids and not endlessly indulging in mindless hedonism like a bugman.

I know multiple people irl who got married and have multiple children who are "far right".

>> No.21645727

What does buying into it even entail? Getting a wife and having children? Growing your own food? Going to church? Being proud of your race and not wanting mudpeople living around you? You act as if these are massive upheavals but in reality it is natural, so you're wrong.

>> No.21645743

I heard that guy fakes his opinions for money and is actually super gay .

>> No.21645790

>being committed to your religion

>> No.21645866 [DELETED] 

You suck at trolling. Go back to your marx thread, nigger halfwit.

>> No.21645873

Black population in Europe is growing while the Native population is decreasing. You will never have an ethnostate, pseudo-Nazi boy. Europe now belongs to the BLACK man.

>> No.21645875

>t. 15 year old atheist who thinks bashing christians is edgy

>> No.21645891

Ethnostates are the actually the historical norm, as is enslavement of Afro-simians and repression of the darker races.
>coco the gorilla IQ tries talking about rates of change and current events
Don't bother, dumb 3rd worlder. Make yourself useful and go get killed over a crack rock.

>> No.21645908

Everything he does is just a bunch of peacocking, but he can get away with it because he looks like adonis. Even Varg made fun of him and he knows more about LARPing than most people would in several lifetimes. The right is doing nothing more than playing pretend on the internet for 6+ years now, if that isn't full blown Reddit, then I don't know what is.

>> No.21645916

>living in the past
lmao sure, jerk off to your historical power fantasies which you were never a part of. In the present, where we live, I spread my BLACK seed in Europe. Whine, cry, screech, the BLACK future still comes.

>> No.21645918

Christianity is of semitic origin and revolves around semites. You can't change that little fact.

>> No.21645922

>he looks like adonis.
he looks average at best in the OP photo. mostly the long hair tricking you he's handsome.

>> No.21645923

> basically just signing a risky unequal marriage contract then consumating it by creating life that you have to nurture for at least 18 years, pretty much nothing really.

>> No.21645925

>The right is doing nothing more than playing pretend on the internet for 6+ years now, if that isn't full blown Reddit, then I don't know what is.
It's not like you're doing anything better. At least he puts his face out there while naming the j*w, far more significant than anything you or the majority of most people would do. You sit inside on a computer all day criticizing actual men, you are functionally a woman.
Reddit is a leftist hugbox, basically the polar opposite of 4chan, are you retarded?

>> No.21645931

Christianity is the correct religion. If you're a pagan fag you should kill yourself.

>> No.21645939

>the BLACK future
i cant wait to return to the trees

>> No.21645940

>accusing others of fantasies while you sit on 4chan telling others about spreading your seed despite being a fat incel virgin
You're probably the dumbest person I've come across on here in awhile.

>> No.21645943

edgy no
funny yes

>> No.21645945

Every generation before ours did it more, it's totally normal.

>> No.21645948
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No, but I have it at home. Too many books to read. But I like his advice in his videos when is not going on tangents about his esoteric beliefs.

>> No.21645950

He lifts n' shit, most likely juices and ingests other chemicals too.
>At least he puts his face out there while naming the j*w, far more significant than anything you or the majority of most people would do.
I'm socially retarded, I'm on 4chan with you lot after all.
>Reddit is a leftist hugbox, basically the polar opposite of 4chan
The lines have become really blurry, or maybe that's just me.
>Christianity is the correct religion.
You do you.

>> No.21645954 [DELETED] 

>he thinks history is linear progression
Literal retard detected
>is anigger
Makes sense, I can't wait till you're all taken back or put out in the ocean and the boats all sink. Do a monkey dance.

>> No.21645963 [DELETED] 

He doesn't do steroids, you're so pathetic.

He has the body of a demi-god and he's Aryan, he's a 9/10 (10/10) to every woman. Keep coping. shitskin.

>> No.21645967

Africa reproduces at a higher rate than Europe. FACT.
Black population is increasing in Europe while Native population is in decline. FACT.
I will spread my BLACK seed. FACT.
You are coping and seething in an attempt to ignore reality. FACT.

>> No.21645977

Spengler is Jewish.

>> No.21645994

Just ask him to be your boyfriend. God, all the shit about fascists being closeted homosexuals is true.

>> No.21646008

>Africa reproduces at a higher rate than Europe. FACT.
So? africa is a 3rd world toilet.
>Black population is increasing in Europe while Native population is in decline. FACT.
From where? prove it is a fact. The amount of Europeans vastly outnumber the amount of 3rd world apes, even if the chimp growth rate increased 50x it would still take decades for them to become a majority in Europe.

You're too stupid to talk about these issues. You won't spread your seed, since you're a failed nigger permavirgin who posts on 4chan, or a tranny. Meanwhile people like me make six figures and are preparing to join communities and have a bunch of kids, while making sure 3rd world garbage like you is sent back.

>> No.21646009

Youre among the first generations lucky enough to actually have a choice.

>> No.21646020


I haven't read him but he's based.

>> No.21646025

>nooooo you can't defend honourable men who you're a fan of against my jew slander

>> No.21646040

Now tell us about all the stds you collect from the "bitches" (crackwhores and grannies). Or tell us how you did crack at age 12 and got assraped by your gangsta brotha.

>> No.21646056
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>> No.21646059

The point is BLACK kings and queens are both reproducing in Europe and immigrating to Europe while Native Europeans are chopping off their cocks or impotently whining online while not reproducing enough. The era of the BLACK people has just started. Every day that passes, BLACK people become stronger and Europeans become weaker.

>> No.21646089
File: 342 KB, 2880x1920, LiverKing-e1670325248826[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't do steroids
Neither does any other /fit/fag e-celeb.

>> No.21646094

>The point is BLACK kings and queens are both reproducing in Europe and immigrating to Europe
Because their countries are 3rd world toilets and the current immigration system is a farce, you dumb animal. Not because of any virtue they possess. Calling them kings and queens is hilarious, there is no other group less worthy of the titles. Blacks represent quantity (vulgar, common), Europeans represent quality (noble, Regal, superior). It's why the only argument you have is "ooga booga we hav mor kids dan u lol xd"

You think turning top-tier cities into disgusting slums not worthy of barn animals is something to be proud of? because blacks epitomize that.

>> No.21646095

This might actually be him lol, before he was a public figure like 8 or so years ago he used to spam himself and his youtube channel on /pol/ daily

>> No.21646100

>TGO is the same tier as mainstream youtubers

>> No.21646105

Based! When do we return to the trees tho>?

>> No.21646112

>no argument
>"This might actually be him lol"
Take your meds.

>> No.21646120

He is to *insert ideology here* what Marvel is to actual mythology.

>> No.21646126

What happens when we recapture our governments and all you chimps are forcibly removed or isolated to your slums? Europeans are totally superior to you, there's plenty of time for things to change.

>> No.21646138

So? He promotes good ideas and he's making young men care about actual mythology. Your criticisms mean nothing since you're just some whining faggot with no skin in the game. You don't have a fraction of the courage it takes to talk about these ideas publicly. I doubt you're even right wing, just some loser faggot. Bye.

>> No.21646166

I do in fact have my foreskin intact.

>> No.21646171

Turning soulless Europe into SOVL Africa is an achievement, yes. It will be the most important aesthetic, cultural, and metaphysical achievement of the present century. A masterpiece in itself. And yes, modern Africans are spiritually kings and queens while Europeans are mere peasants today. In the past, Africans were slaves and Europeans were royalty, but like all metaphysical roles of the universe, the cycle is now reversing. and the result will be an Africanized Europe. That is the future, that is where we are headed and it's going to be beautiful.

>> No.21646222 [DELETED] 

That anon ranting about niggers is actually a demoralised white tranny with a humiliation fetish. You see them a lot and once you notice their patterns they’re easy to spot

>> No.21646224

>white is only a group when we can attack them!
Turks are whiter than Greeks, who you consider the source of "your" civilization. Finns are whiter than Europeans yet they are stick out and are isolated from Europeans genetically and linguistically. So, white skin colour doesn't equal "European", whatever that means. There's no tribal unity among Europeans and any attempt at unification is an "existential threat" from the perspective of some smaller unit, tribe, peoples.

>> No.21646241 [DELETED] 
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>And yes, modern Africans are spiritually kings and queens

Africucks have no conception of sacred rites or even divinity, they get possessed by demons and suffer under superstition, slaughtering and enslaving each other for fun or to harvest organs for superstitious witchcraft "rituals". Equating that with high spirituality, like we see in Europe and elsewhere, is nothing short of delusional. You're an idiot.
>proceeds to talk about metaphysics as if he actually knows anything
KEK keep going, primate.

>> No.21646254 [DELETED] 

>Turks are whiter than Greeks
No they aren't.
> Finns are whiter than Europeans
Whiter than some Europeans in the sense of having brighter skin, you mean. Not actually whiter.
>So, white skin colour doesn't equal "European"
That was never the argument, you monumental fucking retard.
> There's no tribal unity among Europeans
Yes there is, you're just too stupid/ignorant to know about it. Try reading a book sometime, or is that asking too much from your dumb shitskinned ass?

>> No.21646276

>nooooo stop refuting me and laughing at me
Tranny detected.

>> No.21646277

Africa is soulless, it is a toilet. Europe has soul and africans can only destroy it, not make it better. Take a look at pictures of the cities today vs 100 years ago. Or do the same thing in the US. Africans act like a cancer on civilisations (soul).

>> No.21646283

>No they aren't.
Yes they are
>Whiter than some Europeans in the sense of having brighter skin, you mean. Not actually whiter.
It's a bit retarded to call a quality "white" if it has nothing to do with the skin color and you have to take up "actual whiteness" to defend it.
>That was never the argument, you monumental fucking retard.
Just showing you your categories are stupid, but you're not getting it.
>is that asking too much from your dumb shitskinned ass?
I have white skin, dumbass.

>> No.21646284

Whites have already united around common ancestry, it is done routinely in the past. You don't even have an argument against it, you just deny it like a delusional moron.

>> No.21646289

Then why does the guy I'm talking to deny that Finns are "actually white"? Why doesn't he accept Turks as white?

>> No.21646293

You're cringe and American.

>> No.21646301

>Yes they are
HAHAHAH you will never be white jamal. Greeks are white, their history and legacy is white (try reading them sometime), and even today after being mongrelized many of them are still white.
>It's a bit retarded to call a quality "white" if it has nothing to do with the skin color and you have to take up "actual whiteness" to defend it.
You're retarded so whatever you claim is retarded probably isn't retarded.
>Just showing you your categories are stupid, but you're not getting it.
Your midwit arguments are not impressive or interesting.
>I have white skin, dumbass.
Kek you will never be white, you dirty middle eastern mutt man. You will never be a Germanic European brother.

>> No.21646306

Greeks are Meds, not white. White means Anglo-Germanic. You mistake white with Caucasian.

>> No.21646307
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>having a completely civil discussion discussing a right wing figure
>burger enters

>> No.21646311 [DELETED] 

>Then why does the guy I'm talking to deny that Finns are "actually white"?
I don't, that was your strawman.
>Why doesn't he accept Turks as white?
Because their middle eastern mutts with a low-trust semitic culture you dumb turkish monkey.

Nope, I just care about rallying all Europeans/Germanics against the shitskin hordes, nothing more. Cry more, faggot.

>> No.21646319

'white' as an identity is an american concept.

>> No.21646320

Greeks originate from Germanic tribes you dumb donkey, so they are nominally white. Read Homer or many others, and see how the gods, heroes and kings are described as having "nordic features" like blonde or golden hair or grey and blue eyes.

>> No.21646324

>the absolute state of /lit/'s self-identified intellectuals

>> No.21646325


>> No.21646326

>Europeans have no shared heritage or culture/values because Americans used the term white when Europeans immigrated there en masse
Are you mentally retarded, or just brown?

>> No.21646331

Those are not exclusively nordic features. Plus they could easily tan which suggests a med type skin, not pigskin.

>> No.21646333

>so BTFO he responds twice
Get to work on your wrists in a hot bath, brown dog.

>> No.21646345

>Those are not exclusively nordic features
No shit sherlock, they are just white features, typified by the superior Nordic-Aryan.
>Plus they could easily tan which suggests a med type skin, not pigskin.
Ah yes, I guess the Golden One is actually a med, because he has a tan. LMAO.

What are you even doing here you dirty middle eastern mutt? go worship allah with your ass in the air assuming the position, idiotic fag. You're obviously just jealous of white people.

>> No.21646351

Kek. Post your dirty brown hands, ahmed.

>> No.21646353

Nice strawman but I never said any of that. I said white is an American concept, which it is. All the immigrants lost their cultural and national identity over time so the only thing they had in common, after years of mixing, was their pale skin. This is not an identity, it's a physical feature. In Europe, culture and nationality are the things that matter and constitute identities.

>> No.21646372

>Because their middle eastern mutts with a low-trust semitic culture you dumb turkish monkey.
I don't see the connection between that and "white". Besides, I wouldn't say Italy or Greece belong to high-trust cultures. Additionally:

>A whole-genome sequencing study of Turkish genetics, conducted on 16 individuals, concluded that the Turkish population forms a cluster with Southern European and Mediterranean populations

>I don't, that was your strawman.
Then why do you not accept Turks as white, given that they actually form a cluster with others you presumably call whites? Remember you can't really exclude the Greeks and Italians given their influence on "your" culture.

>> No.21646393

> As with Ancient Egyptians, Mycenaean Greeks and Minoans generally depicted women with pale or white skin and men with dark brown or tanned skin.
That's just how it is. Greeks could easily tan, they did not have that awful pigskin. Tanned men were considered masculine because men worked under the sun. Paleness was associated with feminity because women stayed at home. Literally everyone into ancient Greek culture knows that and some of their art reflects this view.

>> No.21646395
File: 134 KB, 800x1028, macchiavelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel, it's a sovlful evropean proponent of a high trust culture, important part of the white canon of high trust

>> No.21646400 [DELETED] 

Cool, so a nigger could mimic your culture and become a citizen, and he'd be European in your eyes? nice civcuck naitonalism, who's the american now?

Greeks and Italians are European, and genetically and historically Germanic, taking part in European history and fighting for European alliances. Turkey is basically the opposite. Some of them have lighter skin, that is it. They have nothing else white about them. You're honestly retarded if you don't understand that, just more non-white cope.

>> No.21646413 [DELETED] 

White people tan, non-whites don't tan.
> Tanned men were considered masculine because men worked under the sun. Paleness was associated with feminity because women stayed at home
Again tanned, not dark pigmented skinned. Also, having dark skin / a tan was also more of an indicator of lower class, having pale skin was considered more noble, and darker skin more base. Keep coping, ahmed, you will beer be white, you don't tan, you're just (shit) brown.

>> No.21646418

Why is he so ugly

>> No.21646423

>Turkey is basically the opposite
Then why does it form a cluster with med countries?
>taking part in European history
Well, Finland and Estonia didn't really do that, would you not call them Europeans or whites?
>historically Germanic
lmao, what does this even mean? Greek high culture predates anything by Germans and was influenced by the Mediterranean cultural sphere rather than Germans.
>They have nothing else white about them.
Same goes for Finland and Estonia. Again, do you deny that Finland and Estonia are white nations? (I'm just playing along with this retardation where white suddenly means a different thing than skin colour because it shows the flaws in your categories)

>> No.21646427

>red-haired Italian from prior centuries.
Many such cases.

How stupid are you trying to equate Machiavellianism with culture? they're separate spheres. High trust cultures and low trust cultures; white people see lying and trickery as bad things, semites see them as smart and good. Blacks don't care or can't even conceive of such things, and just want free shit. Learn what these are first you brain-damaged niggmutt.

>> No.21646430

>Well, Finland and Estonia didn't really do that, would you not call them Europeans or whites?
They're on the borderline, but yes. Definitely more so than turks and other middle eastern mutts. Except for the ancient Iranians and others, many of them still have blue eyes, blonde hair and tanned skin, Mohamed had red hair and the ancient Berbers were white, at least in their looks.

>> No.21646436

The Greeks were Meds, not white. The men had tanned/dark/brown skin whatever you define it. They are depicted as dark in some of the art. People who are white can't truly tan, they just go from pale pink to reddish. That's not tanning lmao you need at least olive skin to tan (which the Greeks had). Germanic = white = pigskin = can't truly tan. That's why all those British slags use fake tanning these days.

>> No.21646439

Dorian Greeks came from the same stock as Germanics, you imbecile.
>muh estonia and muh finland
I don't care, sure they are basically European/white, and you're not, dirty turk bastard.
>muh categories
Irrelevant outside the realm of abstract speculation.

>> No.21646440

>white people see lying and trickery as bad things
Again, greeks and italians aren't really high trust cultures in any way. I'm doubtful about the rest too, but at least with regard to the Mediterraneans your argument collapses immediately.

Also, Turks aren't semitic so again your fucking up with your categorization right from the outset.

>> No.21646443

>I don't care
Good that you are able to admit your worldview is bullshit even to yourself.

>> No.21646460

>The Greeks were Meds, not white
The ancient Greeks were very white. Why else would Homer (and many authors) describe the Gods, demi-Gods, and Kings/Royals as having pale skin, blue or grey eyes, or blonde/golden hair? The original ethnic stock of Greece came from the North, too. Only later did they start to brown.
>People who are white can't truly tan, they just go from pale pink to reddish.
This is idiotic Some whites tan less but some tan better than others. Whites get sunburnt.
>They are depicted as dark in some of the art.
So? that's mostly symbolic and/or in later periods. They're more often depicted as having red or brown or golden hair. A roman statue was uncovered with the paint still able to be analyzed and the statue had red hair. Read the description of the Roman emperors. The majority of the ones we have physical descriptions for aren't described as meds, they're described as whites. Darker skin is a lower class thing, being out in the fields, having mutt ancestry, etc.
You obviously aren't even white, so it's pretty funny that you'd try to tell white people what is and isn't white.

>> No.21646464

>Again, greeks and italians aren't really high trust cultures in any way.
Not compared to Sweden, but compared to the middle east and most of asia and africa they totally are.

I'm just not interested in playing by your shitty rules, which you make up as you go, while not even being white. It's just a waste of time, like arguing with a tranny if women exist or not. You're an imbecile.

>> No.21646471

>Also, Turks aren't semitic so again your fucking up with your categorization right from the outset.
Turks are semetic and a bunch of other shit. They are mutts. Arguing that they should be considered white is like arguing that a afro-spic amerimutt with pube-hair on it's head is white. Fucking kek.

>> No.21646491
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Dude he refuted you and all you could do was complain about him not including your mystery meat ethnic group as white

>> No.21646495

>Whites get sunburnt.
That's not the same as tanned.
>that's mostly symbolic
Symbolic of masculinity which was associated with dark/tanned men.
>The majority of the ones we have physical descriptions for aren't described as meds, they're described as whites.
They weren't the common folk.
>Darker skin is a lower class thing, being out in the fields,
And masculinity. The elites were feminine and partook in homosexuality.
> having mutt ancestry
Not necessarily, just Med (aka non-white).
>You obviously aren't even white, so it's pretty funny that you'd try to tell white people what is and isn't white.
I am a Med who doesn't go by Americanised identities, or worse by snownigger's ideas.

>> No.21646505

>most of asia and africa
Yeah but I mean, high trust social culture doesn't make the Japanese and the Chinese "actually white"? Since apparently that quality would be enough to make up for the darker skin tone of Meds as compared to most Turks.
>I'm just not interested in playing by your shitty rules,
You don't actually give a shit about knowing anything, you're in it for the kitsch. Clown.

>> No.21646506

>mystery meat ethnic group as white
That describes many Americans and Southern Europeans yet they are "white"

>> No.21646531

>That's not the same as tanned.
If you were white you'd know that tanning precedes a sunburn, kek
>Symbolic of masculinity which was associated with dark/tanned men.
No, more often it is Red, or white. It doesn't really matter. Dark skin was synonymous with lower class across many civilisations outside of the Med. India and Asia still believe it today, and they are right to do so. The Whites came from the north and conquered the darker races, imposing a caste system over them. Again, try reading a book and you will see that nobility and royalty is almost always portrayed as having pale skin, since getting a tan or just being brown was synonymous with lower class.
>They weren't the common folk.
Yes, the ruling elites were more racially pure, the slave castes were mutts from all over.
>And masculinity. The elites were feminine and partook in homosexuality.
Only masculinity in a degraded and more base sense. The elites went to war and commanded legions, that isn't effeminate. Gods aren't described as having dark skin. That is for dirty shudras.

>I'm a Med
Kek, you're a mooslem mutt man, not a Med. Meds are white (European).

>> No.21646540

>Yeah but I mean, high trust social culture doesn't make the Japanese and the Chinese "actually white"?
No, they are Asian.
>That describes many Americans and Southern Europeans yet they are "white"
Because they have Germanic ancestry and European history/heritage. They certainly aren't the whitest, you're right.

>> No.21646565

>No, they are Asian.
So how can you differentiate between the Turks and the Greeks and the Italians only with the element of high trust culture, since whiteness is not an essential property of high trust cultures, and the Turks are not semitic?

>> No.21646568

>If you were white you'd know that tanning precedes a sunburn, kek
Correct and whites don't really tan. Meds do (olive skin).
>No, more often it is Red, or white. I
Pale skin was literally associated with feminity because women stayed at home and had little sun contact.
>racially pure
No such thing.
> India and Asia
We're talking ancient Greece here.
>Kek, you're a mooslem mutt man, not a Med. Meds are white (European).
Meds are not white, they're Meds.

>> No.21646572

>the whitest
Only goes to show it's a social construct.

>> No.21646599

Because Italians and Greeks have a shared culturally European/Germanic heritage and Germanic ancestors, you literal halfwit. I said as much in the same post that you replied to.
>Correct and whites don't really tan. Meds do (olive skin).
This is how I know you aren't white. The Golden One tans, is he a med? In my white family there are some who tan more easily and some who tan less. We are German and English.

>> No.21646627

>Pale skin was literally associated with feminity because women stayed at home and had little sun contact.
No it isn't. Whiteness is associated with purity, pale-skin is a sign of aristocracy, since the ruling elites were usually white and the workers were darker skinned or tanned while working in the sun. The elite represent the nucleus or the quintessential form of the nation, masculine or feminine has nothing to do with it. Whiteness is symbolic of purity, which the elites were supposed to embody.
>No such thing.
Yes there is, you're just a coping mutt.
>We're talking ancient Greece here.
It's the same there as it was elsewhere, the point is these are perennial.
>Meds are not white, they're Meds.
I don't really care, they are on the border of being white, Greeks and Southern Italians are still European.

Btw, you're an adhd retard who can't type in complete sentences, all you have are little r*ddit quips because you can't write.

>Only goes to show it's a social construct.
Social, biological, cultural, etc.

European identity (what is really meant behind "whiteness") is not merely social, as much as you'd like it to be, since you're not white kek.

>> No.21646632

Turkey shares ancestry with Mediterraneans, as I've showed already in this thread. Moreover, Greek was influenced culturally by Egypt and India and the cosmopolitan era of the Persian empire - does the fact that those entities share cultural elements make them all European?

>> No.21646644
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He can't tan like a MED BVLL. Plus his face is retarded and doesn't have the Med factor. Meds and whites are not the same. Asians can also tan, doesn't mean they're the same as us Meds. We are a unique bunch and none of the feminine snowniggers in the world will change that .

>> No.21646645

Actually darkness is Traditionally given to the female and whiteness to the male. It can be either though, more it is more accurate and more spiritual to ascribe whiteness to the male and darkness to the female, since light corresponds to Truth, Logos, etc. and darkness corresponds to the negation of such things.

>> No.21646658

>Whiteness is associated with purity, pale-skin is a sign of aristocracy, since the ruling elites were usually white and the workers were darker skinned or tanned while working in the sun.
We are talking about ancient Greece. Dark = masculine. Pale = feminine. That's how they viewed it. It was related to the roles of man and women in society. Anything else is degenerate.
>Yes there is, you're just a coping mutt.
There isn't. Racial purity is a non-scientific meme.
>I don't really care, they are on the border of being white, Greeks and Southern Italians are still European.
European =/= white.

>> No.21646665

>Actually darkness is Traditionally given to the female and whiteness to the male
Not in ancient Greece, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.21646666

>Turkey shares ancestry with Mediterraneans, as I've showed already in this thread.
Genetic ancestry.
>Greek was influenced culturally by Egypt and India and the cosmopolitan era of the Persian empire
>does the fact that those entities share cultural elements make them all European?
No, since they aren't from Europe you absolute retard.

This is just sad, it's obvious that you're insecure over not being white enough / at all. Aryan Chads like the Golden One mog you. HAHAHA everyone knows blue eyes, white skin, and coloured hair are more interesting, unique and thus desirable. I don't even believe that you're a med, you're a turk bastard or something.

Don't take it personally. Hey, at least you aren't black, right?

>> No.21646688

>Dark = masculine. Pale = feminine.
Wrong. Once again, the elites of society were portrayed as pale with white features, try reading actual Greek authors. The elites were masculine compared to the lower classes, who are feminine (dominated). Having darker skin is a sign of lower caste, and in Traditional civilisations/esotericism, darkness is feminine and whiteness/light is masculine.
>There isn't. Racial purity is a non-scientific meme.
Maybe if you keep repeating it that will make it true?

Meanwhile in reality, white people retain their desirable features by keeping their race pure and not mixing with the darker races. The word "science" is meaningless, since it just means whatever the financial source wants it to mean, which is usually anti-White.
>European =/= white.
All Europeans are white, normally when someone says European they are thinking white, you're being pedantic because you aren't white or European.

You also can't even formulate written responses, you can only type r3ddit quips, and your opinions are low IQ mutt opinions.

>> No.21646691
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>Racial purity is a non-scientific meme.
I complete disagree. European and East Asian peoples are simply head and shoulders above the rest of humanity.

>> No.21646697

>t. hasn't read Homer
>doesn't know that the founding stock of Ancient Greece was from Northwestern Europe
>doesn't know that the aristocracy were white af
Anti-white mutt cope.

>> No.21646698

fuckin juicy

>> No.21646702

>shitskins thinking they get to define white/European

>> No.21646707

>Genetic ancestry.
Which you referred to as well, I addressed the rest of the points too.
You yourself brought up the relevance of shared cultural heritage in the identification of someone as this European/white-hybrid ideal. I pointed out there is shared cultural heritage with peoples you would exclude from this concept of European/white. If cultural heritage is irrelevant, you can't use it to argue against me. And then we are back to my original question: on what grounds do you reject the Turks from being white?
>No, since they aren't from Europe you absolute retard.
Lot of Europeans are originally further from Eurasia than their current geographical locations, the great steppes and all. Surely you are not reducing your ctageory to mere current geographical location, since that would make all the Semitic peoples living in Europe Europeans, which would contradict your earlier statements.

>> No.21646709

Imagine being made this insecure by pure Germanics

>> No.21646746

>Which you referred to as well, I addressed the rest of the points too.
That is only one criteria, there are plenty of nigmutts whose ancestors were slave owners, that doesn't make them white.
>I pointed out there is shared cultural heritage with peoples you would exclude from this concept of European/white.
Like who? Late Egyptians mixing with Greeks doesn't make modern Egyptians white.
> And then we are back to my original question: on what grounds do you reject the Turks from being white?
Because they lack a shared cultural heritage in Europe and likely have little to no Germanic ancestry. A Brit has much more in common with the average Italian than with the average Turk.

I don't really need to explain it or go into detail. Europeans are white, turks aren't. It's like a tranny trying to gaslight you into believing women aren't real. These are just philosophical games detached from reality.
>Lot of Europeans are originally further from Eurasia than their current geographical locations
12,000 years ago.
>Surely you are not reducing your ctageory to mere current geographical location,
Obviously not, I've made it pretty clear. It is shared culture, genetics, history, religion, etc.

>> No.21646748

NO, why? Is it interesting?

>> No.21646755

> Traditional civilisations/esotericism
We are talking about Greek art and people, not about symbols. Dark/tanned = masculine (men under the sun). Pale = Feminine (women in the kitchen). That is a historical fact.

> White skin was so strongly associated with women that Aristotle felt compelled to offer a biological explanation: women lose so much blood during menstruation, that it makes them pale.

> The examples given in LSJ indicate that leukos, meaning "white-skinned" (entries II.b and c), is "a sign of youth and beauty" (II.b) when applied to women, but means "weakly, womanish" (II.c) when applied to men.

> Furthermore, Agathon's effeminate good looks feature white skin (leukos, 191). Stehle notes that "His mask was probably white, the standard type for an effete male in Aristophanes"

> In Xenophon pale skin comes to signify 'physical debilitation,'

> Aristophanes’s schema is simple and essentialist: white skin = woman, tan skin = man, and suggesting the opposite = comedy.


Now go outside and tan like a man (if you’re a MED BVLL), or transition already if you’re a snownig.

>> No.21646804

>so BTFO he starts copy-pasting shitty academic arguments
Just read the original texts for yourself. Pale skin, grey eyes, golden hair, etc. are all representative of the higher castes or Gods. More noble, more masculine, more virile. Darkness is a feminine quality, signifying passivity and chaos. This isn't just in ancient Greece, it is perennial.

Also, arguing that tanning is the same as dark skin is dishonest. White Nordic people tan too and they turn golden, not dark. Look up the Golden One, since you're not fully White and wouldn't know by experience. He talks about it all the time.

>> No.21646819

>That is only one criteria, there are plenty of nigmutts whose ancestors were slave owners, that doesn't make them white.
But you haven't told any coherent criterion what does.
>Like who? Late Egyptians mixing with Greeks doesn't make modern Egyptians white.
Then why would a shared cultural HERITAGE make any anyone white, since heritage implies commonalities in the past, which have affected the present form of culture.
>Because they lack a shared cultural heritage in Europe
see above, again
>and likely have little to no Germanic ancestry.
Greeks also have little Germanic ancestry, and they cluster together with Turks: also, Eastern Finns have little Germanic ancestry, so would you disqualify them from being white on this ground? Turks cluster with other mediterraneans
>A Brit has much more in common with the average Italian than with the average Turk.
a baseless assertion. A Finn would have more in common with someone from Singapore than someone from Greece.
>These are just philosophical games detached from reality.
I mean, you haven't even defined what white is, since clearly it is not the same as skin tone to you. Due to this lack of explanation, this is just a monstrously meaningless statement, which means nothing until you DEFINE it in such a way that everyone you consider as part of it actually satisfies the criteria and anybody you don't consider a part of it will not.
>It is shared culture, genetics, history, religion, etc.
All of which I've problematized.

>> No.21646822

lmao what a pathetic reply you just gave.
In ancient Greece. White skin = woman. Tan skin = man. All else is a cope and a result of modern standards.

>> No.21646839

In Ancient Greece: Gods, Heroes, Royalty = Aryan. That means white features like golden hair and grey eyes. These are signs of superiority and from the oldest sources (Hesiod, Homer, others). Your sources are actually more recent and you're the one who is coping. You pretend that darker skin is equal to tanning, which is typical mutt cope. You're so brown that you didn't even know that Nordic/White people could tan too.

>> No.21646862

>But you haven't told any coherent criterion what does.
Yes I have, you just can't engage with it because it refutes your low IQ points.
>Then why would a shared cultural HERITAGE make any anyone white, since heritage implies commonalities in the past, which have affected the present form of culture.
What? White people's ancestors were part of the HRE, for example. Or were part of the old pre-Christian Germanic tribes all over Europe. Turks don't have that. Italians do. Greeks came from the same ethnic stock as them 4000 years ago.
>Greeks also have little Germanic ancestry, and they cluster together with Turks: also, Eastern Finns have little Germanic ancestry, so would you disqualify them from being white on this ground? Turks cluster with other mediterraneans
Meds are white, Finns are white, Estonians basically are too, since they are all have a common European ancestry and culture with little amounts of admixture. Turks are not at all like this. They are very culturally different, religiously different, were at war with white Europeans and wanted to destroy them, etc. They are foreigners and outsiders. You can that even today they cannot too well in European society. Still better than others though, because they are more white than some middle easterners.
>I mean, you haven't even defined what white is, since clearly it is not the same as skin tone to you
I don't need to define it, it can be intentionally left vague if I want it to be. I don't need to be able to sufficiently define a woman, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Your argument is exactly the same, just philosophical, jewy word games to deconstruct white/European identity.

>> No.21646868

We are talking about people, though, not myths.
> As with Ancient Egyptians, Mycenaean Greeks and Minoans generally depicted women with pale or white skin and men with dark brown or tanned skin. As a result, men with pale or light skin, leukochrōs (λευκόχρως, "white-skinned") could be considered weak and effeminate by Ancient Greek writers such as Plato and Aristotle.
For the ancient Greeks. Dark = masculine. Pale = feminine. I’m not sure why you keep coping when this is a known fact. Take it with Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, or Aristophanes, and then explain them their own society and culture LMAO

>> No.21646887

Myths were just the origin stories of the people, you idiot.
>Dark = masculine. Pale = feminine.
You haven't shown that, all you've shown is that having a tan was something that men had and women were more likely to be pasty since they stayed in doors all the time, with no distinction for caste at all, which was a crucial factor back then. Meanwhile I give you evidence to the contrary, that dark skin was seen as lower class (perennially, not just in Hellas) and all you can do is cope and insinuate that white people can't get tans which is ridiculous. Sorry you aren't white and half a little more inferior african admixture than the average European, get over it.

>> No.21646891

>Dark = masculine
Where do any of them say this?

>> No.21646929

>What? White people's ancestors were part of the HRE, for example. Or were part of the old pre-Christian Germanic tribes all over Europe. Turks don't have that. Italians do. Greeks came from the same ethnic stock as them 4000 years ago.

"White" people literally share ancestor with Turks lmao.
>In a 2015 study, Turkish samples were in the West Eurasian clade which consisted of "ALL OF MAINLAND EUROPE, Sardinia, Sicily, Cyprus, western Russia, the Caucasus, Turkey, and Iran, and some individuals from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan." In this study, ancestry from East Asia was also visible in Turkish samples, with events after 1000 CE generally involving Asian sources being important when it comes to the ancestry of Turkey and its region.[25]

>A clade (from Ancient Greek κλάδος (kládos) 'branch'), also known as a monophyletic group or natural group,[1] is a group of organisms that are monophyletic – that is, composed of a common ancestor and all its lineal descendants...Increasingly, taxonomists try to avoid naming taxa that are not clades; that is, taxa that are not monophyletic.

So according to any biological taxonomy, mainland Europeans share ancestry with the Turks. Against this background, how do you defend the relevance of shared cultural heritage, given the divergence between cultural heritages within the same clade? For example, you mention Turks having wars against Holy Roman Empire, but it turns out Italians had wars against the French, the Spanish had wars against Charlemagne, just to give one example:
And the list could go on...
>I don't need to define it, it can be intentionally left vague if I want it to be
Lol, of course but then don't expect your world view to be taken seriously.

>> No.21646947

>"White" people literally share ancestor with Turks lmao.
Ya, I know that. It's a shame that Turks are islamic megamutts.
>So according to any biological taxonomy, mainland Europeans share ancestry with the Turks.
So? that doesn't make turks white. Like I said, there are blacks alive today with the DNA of some famous American from 200 years ago, that doesn't make them white.
> but it turns out Italians had wars against the French, the Spanish had wars against Charlemagne, just to give one example
Obviously, but it wasn't at all the same and you're an idiot to not understand the differences. White people can and do go to war with each other, especially throughout history.
>Lol, of course but then don't expect your world view to be taken seriously.
I don't need to be taken seriously by an idiot shitskin like you, begging white people to accept turk bastards as white Europeans.

>> No.21646956

“No you haven’t shown that!” lmao as if the already mentioned references weren’t enough, here’s directly from Aristotle:
> On this account it is always very noticeable that the female is pale, and the blood-vessels are not prominent, and there is an obvious deficiency in physique as compared with males.
> Speaking generally, this happens in fair-skinned women who are typically feminine, and not in dark women of a masculine appearance.
Another instance of fair/pale = feminine and dark = masculine. If a man was pale he was viewed as feminine (as per >>21646755) and if a woman was dark she was seen as masculine. Those were their aesthetic standards. Keep coping, though.

>> No.21646958
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Turks aren't European, Ahmed.

>> No.21646970

>So? that doesn't make turks white.
Yet you continue to use ancestry as a grounding when it suits your purposes, allowing you never to actually define what "white" is.
>Ya, I know that. It's a shame that Turks are islamic megamutts.
If religious affiliation determines what is "white", then I have bad news for you about the origin of the mainstream religions among the "whites".
>Obviously, but it wasn't at all the same and you're an idiot to not understand the differences
You are making a fool of yourself.
>I don't need to be taken seriously by an idiot shitskin like you, begging white people to accept turk bastards as white Europeans.

>> No.21646977

There are also countless older examples of superiority, masculinity, and upper-caste being associated with white traits and darker features being associated with inferiority, lower caste, etc. These are in the origin stories of the people. You are not making any distinction between pale/white and tan/dark. Because you can be golden and not shit-brown, or white without being pasty and pale.

>> No.21646995

>Yet you continue to use ancestry as a grounding when it suits your purposes, allowing you never to actually define what "white" is.
No, ancestry is just one of the criteria among others. That's the problem you're having, despite me having mentioned it multiple times.
>If religious affiliation determines what is "white", then I have bad news for you about the origin of the mainstream religions among the "whites".
Look, you spotted another criteria! Yes, Christianity is semitic, it is unfortunate. White people and Europeans converted to Christianity over a thousand years ago, did you know that?

Being European or "white" is a combination of genetic, cultural, and religious heritage, among other things. It is not easily defined, but it is easily known. Which is true for most things. Sorry you're not white lol. Turks are middle eastern mutts.

>> No.21647024
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> Whiteness was associated with femininity. Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazeusae 191-192 has Euripides criticising Agathon as λευκος (white), γυναικοφωνος (woman-voiced), and ‘απαλος (soft). His Ecclesiazeusae 428 similarly has a young man described as λευκος proposing that women should rule the city. Xenophon’s Hellenica 3.4.19 records Spartan soldiers, on seeing that their enemies are λευκος, deciding that fighting against them would be ει γυναιξι δεοι μαχεσθαι (like having to fight women). Euripides’ Bacchae 457 has Pentheus describe Dionysus as λευκος, and also ουκ αμορφος […] ‘ως ες γυναικας (not ill-formed […] as unto women, 453-4). The association is quite consistent.
> Meanwhile, Aristotle’s Politics makes a ‘golden mean’ argument about geography and ethnicity, if not precisely skin colour, claiming that Europeans and people living in cold places are θυμοῦ μέν ἐστι πλήρη, διανοίας δὲ ἐνδεέστερα καὶ τέχνης (‘full of courage but lacking in intelligence and skill’), and thus are too disorganised to conquer their neighbours, whilst Asians are διανοητικὰ μὲν καὶ τεχνικὰ τὴν ψυχήν, ἄθυμα δέ (‘intelligent and skilful, but without courage’, Politics 7, 1327b), and that Greeks occupy the perfect mean between the two and thus have intelligence, skill, and courage. Pale-skinned northern Europeans, then, he represents as inferior.
cope & seethe & goodbye

>> No.21647047

>Look, you spotted another criteria! Yes, Christianity is semitic, it is unfortunate. White people and Europeans converted to Christianity over a thousand years ago, did you know that?
But then you cannot use these criteria against Turks not being white if they are permissible for "whites", and given Turks and "whites" belong to the same clade, you have presented no justification for separating them. That is what's at issue. I mean, the "whites" you mention have wars, and even within Christianity split into different factions: you are merely zooming into a level that you have determined in advance, according to a definition that you can't even provide.
>No, ancestry is just one of the criteria among others. That's the problem you're having, despite me having mentioned it multiple times.
Then you cannot use the other criteria against the Turks either, as I mentioned in the past paragraph, and you would need to address all the differences found internally within "whites" to make any kind of sense. Because currently, you are speaking nonsense.
>Being European or "white" is a combination of genetic, cultural, and religious heritage, among other things. It is not easily defined, but it is easily known. Which is true for most things.
You need to define the area of this combination to present any case supporting why Turkey is not "white", and additionally, you have to define the relevancy of this divergence among all the other random divergences you can outline in the world. You have not come even remotely close to doing that. If you don't care about discussion, then why keep talking?

>> No.21647076

Yes, sorry turkey is not in Europe.

>> No.21647081

>can't address any criticisms of his juvenile argument
>simply reposting some shitty anti-white academic article
>"look i posted a frog so i am le based right?"
Mutt cope.

You aren't white.

>> No.21647489

lmao this is what the Greeks thought, it’s in their own works. Cope.

>> No.21647513

The greeks thought a lot of things, like white features were more noble

>> No.21647553

The Greeks thought northern Europeans were inferior and being tan/dark as a Greek was masculine. Based beyond relief.

>> No.21647684

They thought everyone who wasn't Greek was inferior. Nordics are superior, objectively speaking. They are the closest race to the original Aryan conquerors that were the founding ethnic stock of Greece and many other civilisations.

>> No.21647708

> They thought everyone who wasn't Greek was inferior.
> Nordics are superior, objectively speaking
Not for the Greeks. As previously mentioned.
> They are the closest race to the original Aryan conquerors that were the founding ethnic stock of Greece and many other civilisations.
This is a Nazi myth. The Aryans were the Persians (today’s Iranians). See: https://www.worldhistory.org/Aryan/

>> No.21647835

>The Aryans were the Persians
That's just the beginning of the story, if you trace the Iranian/Aryan ancesty back through the BMAC-Sintashta etc they descend from the same Yamnaya/Corded Ware people as the Greeks and Nordics, they're the same people. Also, this whole discussion is stupid.

>> No.21647838

Does the “Amerimutt” live rent free in your head too?

>> No.21647839

And rightfully so, there’s only a smidgen of difference between the two of you.

>> No.21647845

You know what? Who cares anyways.

>> No.21648012

No, been meaning to read it, why? Is there something I should know about?

>> No.21648907

Golden "90% were probably gay but it's okay" Goy

>> No.21648938
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I don't know what this is referring to but I literally could not care less about Greeks having twink side pieces when they still came home to their wives and performed their civil and patriarchal duties.

>> No.21649240

No they pay a lot of money financing all of NATO while we use our defense budget to pay for my neetbux and free healthcare and education while mocking you for not having any desu

>> No.21649303

מייי אתה בכלל שתרים את הקול שלך עלייייי יא ילד מפגר מייייי??? שאני לא יבוא לחור שאתה גר בו עם אופניים יא בן זונה, אתה תקשיב לי טו- שבבבבב בשקט יא מזדיין בתחת, אתה תהיה בשקט יא בן זונה, מי אתה בכלל יא בן של זונה יא חבר של דונאלד דאק יא מזדיין, תנגב תחלב שיש לך על הפנים יא מזדיין בואנה תראה איך אתה מדבר יא מפגר אני יכול להיות אבא שלך דודה שלך והכוס של אחותך יא מזדיין בתחת שאני לא ישבור לך את הצורה יא מזדיין תראה איך אתה נראה, מהזה כל החצ’קונים האלה יערמת מצה של פסח, בואנה יא ביצה תראה איך אתה נראה כמו קובה לשבת יא מזדיין, יא מניאק יאללה תנגב את החלב מהפה. חברים, גיברותי ורבותי, סטארטר הירידות החדש. יא בן של זונה, וואלק אתה תהיה בשקט לפני שאני ישבור לך תצורה, מי אתה בכלל?! מה אתה חושב?!?!! תשתוק רגע יאהבל מי אתה חושב שאתה?! הגיבור בים שבא עם המקל של הפירולו, ומרים את המדוזה?! אתה מכיר אותם?? תראה איך אתה נראה, אבא שלך זה ההוא ממלך הסלים עם דוביגל יבן זונההה תראה איך אתה נראה יאפס, אתה בטח- שב בשקט שאני מדבר!!!!! אתה בטח נראה בן זונה, אתה הילד המפגר הזה שבים, אתה הילד הזה שבא בים עם המקל של הפירולו ומרים את המדוזה, אא אני גיבור הים, לךךך תשן על ספסלים אמאשלך מקרצפת רצפות, אתה לא מפחיד כאן אף אחדדד. מיייי אתה בכלל, מי אתה בכלל?! מי אתה תגיד, מה יראש ביצה, יהומו מה? מהה??אתה לא מסוגל מהההה?!???! כוסעכטק ערס על הבוקר, צריך לצעוק פה על ילד שקטן ממני ב25 שנים אני יודע כמה?? כוסעכטק ערס עם הילדים המעצבנים האלה, גם כן הוא, אתה יודע מי זה, זה הילד הזה שבא חושב הוא מלך.כוס של האמאשלך יראש ונטילטור אל תצא עלי בחיים למה אני יזיין אותך.

>> No.21650098
File: 133 KB, 1024x887, 1667599265856646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the city state which can easily be subverted by a single large multi-national bussiness entity.

Ethno-nationalism is the only thing that can reverse the damaging trends of globalism and multi-ethnic societies in the West. Maybe after a few decades we can find another means to organize society, but right now nothing will reverse, only slow. Libertarians are your enemy as much as Globalists.

>> No.21650111

Alright, enforce it, then.

>> No.21650144

the yamnaya were swarthy gypsies

>> No.21650160
File: 98 KB, 631x913, 1526755205765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is so fucking stupid. How exactly do you plan to oppose special interests if you're not personally smart and capable? As if private interests are what's actually keeping you from being your better self. Fuck off with your shallow appeal to rebellion.

>> No.21650773

If you're going to trawl at least put some effort in.

>> No.21650824

>city states
Though I like the ideia a lot and it’s my personal political utopia that no government be large than a city state, that’s a pipe dream and easy prey to globalism. China taking over Hong Kong will teach you the fate of city states.

>> No.21652177

His post in forums(forgot which) when he showed his pics with gays for an underwear brand

>> No.21652253

Yes I've read it. Pretty good desu. I'm not the target audience though. This is intended for younger people. The kind that could fall for the likes of andrew tate. Difference is that he's a genuinely nice and positive dude that just wants to help and that comes through in the writing. Not sure if you need to read it if you watched all the videos and payed attention but I'd still recommend it if only to have it all summarized in one place. Get a bag of whey too when you order the book, the stuff really is better than most name brand powders.

>> No.21653547

I meant actual sovereign city states. In our age this means armed with nukes. All states without nuclear deterrents are vassal states under the status quo already.

>> No.21653569
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your blonde and blue-eyed aryan ancestors

>> No.21654504

>the same Yamnaya/Corded Ware people as the Greeks and Nordics
Wow, your infographic says exactly the same thing as I did, fascinating.

>> No.21654528

it's so funny you coprodermic chimpanzees think that "reconstruction" is anything but the fantasy of some random south asian "artist"

>> No.21655743

That image is an artist's redition of what they think they looked like, dumb browncuck.

>> No.21655758

>Greeks were gay
Thoroughly refuted in this video:

Why are you implying he's a jew when you're the one spreading anti-Western lies?

>> No.21655766

Actual mummies of these people in China were described as Swedish by the scientists who first looked at them.

>> No.21655772

Idiotic post.
>nazi myth
Ya, antisemitic and white privilege too right?

>> No.21655775

>we wuzz chinks n shieet

>> No.21655786


Do not concern with such things, dark-skinned shudra.

>> No.21655791

>we wuz hapas n shieet

>> No.21655887

Tf are you talking about?
>Mention goldengoy went to gay underwear parades

Idiot idgaf about ancient greeks

>> No.21656202

so true, there's no more difference between a Swede and a Brit than a Swede and a Somali. One race, the human race

>> No.21656207

> goldengoy
Top kek

>> No.21656212

Damn right. Chuddies begone.