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File: 187 KB, 1566x1044, treterwtewr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21640988 No.21640988 [Reply] [Original]

>Regret choosing Peterson instead of me yet?

>> No.21641003

I chose neither.

>> No.21641127
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he was a scholar and a gentleman
he will be missed

>> No.21641132
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>btw he was right

>> No.21641163

>different zoom levels
>different color saturation

>> No.21641168

Nature reclaiming what once was is more beautiful to me.

>> No.21641171
File: 308 KB, 952x754, roger-scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it.

>> No.21641183

I believe we can have a beautiful communion with nature where we don't see nature purely as a resource to be exploited, but something that sparks wonder and reverence

>> No.21641191

this is the power of autism

>> No.21641309
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This is now officially a trad thread.

Roger Scruton
>many people identified themselves primarily in religious rather than national terms. Hassan al-Banna, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928, told his followers that bringing together the world's Muslims in a supra-national Islamic State, a Caliphate, should be a top priority.

>By contrast Europeans are more inclined to define ourselves in national terms. In any conflict it is the nation that must be defended. And if God once ordered otherwise, then it is time he changed his mind. Such an idea is anathema to Islam, which is based on the belief that God has laid down an eternal law and it is up to us to submit to it: that is what the word Islam means: submission.

>The Muslim Brotherhood has always sought to be a mass movement, seeking to establish itself by popular support. But its most influential leader, Sayyid Qutb, denounced the whole idea of the secular state as a kind of blasphemy, an attempt to usurp the will of God by passing laws that have a merely human authority.

>When God makes the laws, the laws become as mysterious as God is. When we make the laws, and make them for our purposes, we can be certain what they mean. The only question then is "who are we?" What way of defining ourselves reconciles democratic elections with real opposition and individual rights? That, to my mind, is the most important question facing the West today.

>> No.21641318
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From Sir Roger Scruton’s book “How to be a Conservative”

>Our national narrative may change, but what underlies it is something that remains always in place: the secular law. We who have been brought up in the English-speaking world have internalized the idea that law exists to do justice between individual parties, rather than to impose a uniform regime of commands. Other Western systems have also reinforced the attachment of citizens to the political order – notably Roman law and its many derivatives (the code napoléon among them). It was evident from the earliest days of Christianity that the New Testament was not an attempt to replace the law of the imperial power, but an attempt to make a space for spiritual growth within it. In his parables, Christ emphasized that the secular law is to be obeyed, and that our duty to God does not require us to defy or to replace it. Nor should we pay too much attention to the finicky edicts of the Torah, since ‘the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath’.

>To someone raised on the doctrine that legitimate law comes from God, and that obedience is owed to Him above all others, the claims of the secular jurisdiction are regarded as at best an irrelevance, at worst a usurpation. Such is the message of Sayyid Qutb’s writings, and of Milestones (ma‘alim fi’l tariq, 1964) in particular. In that book, Qutb denounces secular law, national identity and the attempt to establish a purely human political order without reference to the revealed will of God: all are blasphemous in Qutb’s eyes. Qutb’s followers have included Osama Bin Laden and his successor Ayman al-Zawahiri

>Anybody who understands what is at stake in the global conflict that is developing today will, I believe, come to see that the nation is one of the things that we must keep. In what follows, therefore, I shall be appealing to people who identify their political rights and duties in national terms, and who have learned to put God in the place where He belongs.

He goes on to describe Islam as standing against and the biggest threat to all the core western values

>> No.21641330
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Rod Dreher

>Mr. Elmougy said he didn’t understand why I considered Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the popular satellite TV evangelist and spiritual advisor of the Muslim Brotherhood, to be violent. I responded by pointing out that Qaradawi has advocated executing homosexuals, and that he gave advice on his website about how a Muslim man can beat his wife in an Islamically correct way.

>“That’s violent,” I told Mr. Elmougy. He slammed his hand on the table and said he agreed with the Shaykh, and that he wouldn’t apologize for it. He went on to tell a story about an adulteress who came to the Prophet asking for release from her sins. The Prophet ordered her stoned to death, said Mr. Elmougy, and declared that he could see her rejoicing in paradise. Mr. Elmougy finished his account by saying that things we Westerners consider to be unacceptable violence are considered by Muslims like him to be pro-family “deterrence.”

>I thanked him for his candor, for admitting that he favors executing gays, wife-beating, stoning adulteresses, and chopping the hands off of thieves.

>> No.21641341
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only the pure of heart can properly understand Scruton

>> No.21641342

Western Cuckservatives are pussies.

>> No.21641364

Oh, no, think of the gays!

>> No.21641681
File: 123 KB, 1024x569, 1635559810456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can I no longer find his documentary on beauty on youtube? where else can I re-watch it?

>> No.21641830

Western values are freedom, progress and equality

>> No.21641853

western values are gay sex, HRT and equity

>> No.21641885

What's the difference? They're both zionists i.e. Satan worshippers

>> No.21641898

He's right though,the bottom photo clearly desaturates the green while the top photo saturates them. Can't visually compare so why even do it

>> No.21641904

My question is: will I learn architecture if I read this gayboy?

>> No.21641942

top looks like some gay fairy tale shit
bottom looks fucking badass! imagine the violence the thrill! the depravity! noise! I'd rather live in the bottom because I am badass top is for faggots

>> No.21641956

This is cringe even ironically.

>> No.21641973
File: 104 KB, 1200x630, 123535253534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"bottom looks fucking badass! imagine the violence the thrill! the depravity! noise! I'd rather live in the bottom because I am badass top is for faggots"

>> No.21641996

>progress is when you chop off your dick, freedom is when you're fired for calling a man in a wig a man

>> No.21642003

>If only you knew, etc...

>> No.21642015

Anti-Weaternism, Anti-Judaism, and Anti-Christianity are all integral to the Muslim faith. So he’s not wrong, and we should counter any advancement of Islamic culture here in the West.

>> No.21642023
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>the spoils of conservatism

>> No.21642034

genuinely wholesome that kids are interested in philosophy

>> No.21642035
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We should let muslims drive off the jews, then fight them to the death, thereby either achieving synthesis in victory that will leave us stronger than ever or vanish in an act of heroic warfare worthy of being the final chapter in our history

>> No.21642043
File: 140 KB, 1366x727, liberalism and conservatism kondylis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFO by Kondylis (pbuh)

>> No.21643388

Beauty is too "problematic" for the censors at Google

>> No.21643424


>> No.21644422

thanks anon

>> No.21644470

Both are advocate's of geniality in the face of managed decline. All they do is diagnose the ills of the world then create alarmism around any potential solution.
"Chin up, old chap" the conservative says to you as your head is placed on the chopping block.

>> No.21644515
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>> No.21644547

I choose Francis or Gottfried

>> No.21644560


>> No.21644601

He was a smoker and a reactionary. I will not mourne for such a one.

>> No.21644625
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Who the fuck is Peterson

>> No.21644632
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there's a certain calmness and contemplative quality in pipe and cigar smoking though

>> No.21644669

NOT THE HECKIN FAGGOTERINOOOOOOOOS. Kek, I'm an atheist antinatalist natalist. Let me tell you something. There is NO reason to keep gays around. Their lives are of extremely negative value from the misanthropic arguments against being alive as their lives by virtue of their wanton sexual acts and just the sheer ugliness and social incongruence of them existing is a profound harm to all others existing. They being gay does not inhibit the proliferation of life as women with gay male friends frequently sleep with them, often fathering children. Moreover, they are extremely deluded to their own assessment of quality of life through their sexual excesses and view it as better than it really is. The same argument actually could be extended to Muslims as well but I'll call a spade a spade, and say it's more from them being made of inferior genes, so in point of fact yes it is because they are inbred, brown and low IQ. As a broke clock is often right twice a day, the Muslims are correct in this situation and Roger is wrong. To probe this, I would wager it stems from him being a unwitting cuckhold from his wife introducing the fashionable gays she would sleep with on occasion mixed with counter culture mentality of his boomer era. You know the funny thing if I said this aloud in a coffee shop, people would start throwing rocks or chairs at me because they don't like it even though I'm 100% correct.

>> No.21644803

Still, it doesn't change the point of comparisson

>> No.21644813
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>> No.21645318

I like Scruton but Islam is tempting because of strict anti degeneracy stance and keeping women virgin, the latter part is especially good since nobody wants to pay a full price for a used car.

>> No.21645527
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Or you could just follow biblical truths instead of apostates and atheist jews, but you won't, you can't even talk about the bible on this kiked board either unless it's some low effort nigger thread for fedora whiners who are the same fucking niggers who are responsible for everything being fucking shit--they're all simps for feminist whores and get mad if you don't simp for fat old hags they post online and call you low T for wanting to marry a hot young cute and funny instead. I'm sure even you will cry about that because you're a feminist nigger.

>> No.21645538

I'll follow the biblical truths of NOT JUDGING and FORGIVENESS becaude it doesn't matter, let's see all your sins.

>> No.21645575

>never once spoke out against mass immigration
Into the trash he goes.

>> No.21645890

Quintessential larping tradcath post.

>> No.21647113

imagine the smell of both pictures. I prefer the gay fairytale one, aka the one who was not build by the melinda gates globo homo aids fund, but by faithful catholics.

>> No.21647543

Bible, God, and Christ said to judge. You took two words out of context and stopped reading like a fucking retard.

Jews and catholics love each other.

>> No.21647578
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>> No.21647581

It does. It’s dishonest.

>> No.21647606 [DELETED] 

Here, you niggerbrained down syndrome dimwits, is this better?

>> No.21647612
File: 1.66 MB, 1637x2094, phoo'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you niggerbrained down syndrome dimwits. Is this better?

>> No.21647616

I used to commute to this very square every single day a few years ago. Instantly recognized it from the thumbnail and seeing it again caused me to have a visceral reaction. Fuck that place.

>> No.21647624
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, london.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21647629
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>> No.21647631
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>> No.21647645

This is a good thing btw. Europe deserves to be destroyed and repopulated by BLACKS. Whine all you want, /pol/tards, you are ultimately powerless.

>> No.21647685

I agree, France is a retarded country that has a satirical newspaper that mocks earthquake victims and religion but fired someone when he suggested Macron’s son converted to Judaism for financial reasons

>> No.21648057

yeap, it does not make the second picture look any better
we lost the beauty of our cities in the span of a few decades

>> No.21648344

Jews detected

>> No.21648366
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>> No.21648531

If you hate gays for not making children when you gonna kys?