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21640368 No.21640368 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this?

>> No.21640377

>1. pirate

>> No.21640380
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 85092B80-630B-4C31-8ACD-38615B07E3C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Pirate
Yahar we stay winnin ya scurvy cuckolds, YARRR

>> No.21640382

I still can't get over the fact that women have a bleeding hole between their legs. Becker fixated on the anus, yet this is much worse.

>> No.21640391


They are a personification of their desires.

>> No.21640410

Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean.
50 Shades of Grey.
Scrubs, Greys anatomy, House.
Robert Pattinson, Twilight.
Taylor Lautner, Twilight.

They are this shallow and vapid.

>> No.21640417

So you're saying women will be impressed by my terabytes of ill gotten data?

>> No.21640418

based women


>> No.21640422

Man, you're ruining my fantasy. I want to believe that women are wet over the pirates because of the bronze age trader-pirate fleets that sailed across the coasts of Europe.

>> No.21640428

3 male phantasies:
1. MILF (freudian motherly substitute)
2. Teen slut (highschool relationship substitute)
3. Anime girl (eternal childhood paralysis)

That's it. Moids don't even have 5 phantasies, they're less than shallow.

>> No.21640434

4 correct and 1 wrong, almost got it sport. The beastilaity bit plays into the danger power and sex bit. Mindless overpowering fuckbeast and all.

>> No.21640438

Kek. I can see you're a real woman and not even trolling. Tell me, where the fuck do women get all this "men want" bullshit? Is it just schizo babble? Where did you get your idea? Because it absolutely doesn't connect with the reality.

>> No.21640439

You will never be a woman

>> No.21640443

I don't think women think in terms of bestiality when they get sopping wet thinking about werewolves, I think >>21640434 is completely correct, and it has more to do with an animalistic and rapey male approach to sex.

>> No.21640449

How do you get trolled so easily?

You forgot Tomboy, the most important one.

>> No.21640451
File: 5 KB, 236x236, likeaboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One for each day of the week, I guess that makes today pretend-to-be-a-werewolf-day, cool.

>> No.21640453

I don't even have fantasies. The act of sex with an attractive woman is sufficient. No I don't day dream about women. They've ruined all romantic allure. There's nothing to romanticize and fantasize about when you don't view women as beautiful

>> No.21640464

Teach me your wisdom. How do I see ugliness in every female?

>> No.21640470

>6. Sheikh

>> No.21640481
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Pretty based to be honest.

>> No.21640508

This nigger went out to make this shitty post on twitter, screenshot it and then repost it here. Get help.

>> No.21640515

You forgot 4. Becoming a sissy femboy

>> No.21640521
File: 136 KB, 1014x750, 4C7CF35B-500C-409A-8710-D898805EB6C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does that earring mean you’re a pirate?

>> No.21640525

I don't think women past a certain age believe in romantic love at all. They can experience infatuation and things like that, but not romantic love. Not the kind a man dreams about and maybe even experiences when he is you get. Women seem practical in matters of love to a disturbing fault .

>> No.21640526

Thats a faggot fantasy, not a man’s fantasy.

>> No.21640531
File: 79 KB, 620x349, FF7C13C7-1A4F-49A4-8B3A-7B40E9127023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>21640526
and picrel

>> No.21640537

This one I’m not sure about. I feel like it has to do more with calculated, complete control

>> No.21640554

There are less and less men left out there, their populations are dwindling, only a small group of select BBCs are kept in the studfarm to breed the women and still the little "boys" hungry lips; they are kept on a tight leash by their archons tho', in pseudofreedom...

>> No.21640563

The same could be Saïd for the millennial roast, though.

>> No.21640573

I keep my seedbox online 24/7 with good seed ratio
where is pussy?
women like pirates and im a pirate?

>> No.21640574

>faggots really think like this

>> No.21640592

funny I was just thinking about a pirate billionnaire surgeon werewolf protagonist for a story the other day
vampires are dead and gay tho

>> No.21640593

Nobody cares about that nerd shit.

>> No.21640600

How are teen slut and anime girl any different?

>> No.21640617
File: 118 KB, 1500x964, 123474845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style.

>> No.21640683


>> No.21640691

I don't believe women can truly love to the extent men do, albeit at any age. Either they lack the consciousness for it or biological limitations that would allow for the experience. That said women will unconditionally love their children, but how real and to what degree of virtue is this if it's essentially the byproduct of your coding and lacks the semblance of free will (if there is such a thing.) Looking at biological roles it wouldn't make sense to shame women's inability to sacrifice, but when you have man's innate ability to sacrifice and even die for a woman and she's simply unable to reciprocate that, makes it impossible to give love to a woman on my end when conscious of this dynamic. When you look at animals in nature from a place of detached observer, it's the males that hold all the beauty. The male cardinal with his beautiful red, the female with her boring brown. The male works endlessly to get the approval of the female who from our perspective is nothing to note, but to the male that's his entire world. He'll get food for her, build her nest, and if he was human would write songs in dedication or build monuments and weep from her absence. This is no different than the male/female human dynamic where it's men who hold all the beauty, have the romantic longing, shape the world, brave it alone, suffer the hardest, forge their souls, while the woman stands there in her boring brown and just takes what men give with no real appreciation or love, not sincerely anyway.

>> No.21640703
File: 308 KB, 952x754, roger-scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The male works endlessly to get the approval of the female who from our perspective is nothing to note, but to the male that's his entire world.

Thank God their beautiful.

>> No.21640706

No, merely a proud European father aware of the actions globohomo is taking AS WE SPEAK.

>> No.21640711
File: 67 KB, 500x625, roger-scruton-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me and my spelling. >:*(
I'm so angry and embarrassed now

>> No.21640718

tfw land lubber

But jokes aside, what are some good pirate/sea novels? They can be historical as well, I've been learning about Thomas Cochrane and would say he is, as the kids say, a based lad.

>> No.21640765

>1. MILF (freudian motherly substitute)
Freud was such a hack it's not even funny anymore, it ruined 5 generations of people by making them think they became Hannibal Lecter by reading his books

>> No.21640769

>3. surgeon
in what world?

>> No.21640791

1.Pirates are dangerous, but adventurous, and dashing
2.Billionaires have a lot of money, and can afford helicopters
3.Nobody fucking wants to fuck surgeons, mothers want their daughters to fuck surgeons
4. Vampires super sexy and immortal, and can make you immortal and sexy too.
5. Werewolves FUCK.

>> No.21640802

Surgeons are wanted because they make good money. It’s an old stereotype.

>> No.21640807

the stereotype is that mothers want their daughters to marry a surgeon or lawyer. it's a gag. I have never seen a surgeon sexy romance, ever.

>> No.21640843
File: 135 KB, 960x640, 134799951dfdeabf61b6ff6d8370e332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how detective didn't make it to the list, despite the popularity of Cucumber's Sherlock Holmes among horny women on internet. But then again gentleman thief wasn't so lucky either, when there was a time he could make all knickers drop by just flashing a smile.

>> No.21640852

I don't actually think women can feel in general. I'm pretty sure they are the philosophical zombie.

If you want to find female archetypes that'd appeal to men, you can basically break them down to:

Nurses, doctors, teachers, milfs, babysitters, etc.
Nuns, highschool girls, babysitters, etc.
Maids, nuns, japanese, asian, etc.

Basically men want to nut in someone who hasn't been turned into a roastie before, would make for a good mother, and does what they're told. It doesn't take a degree in evolutionary psychology to figure out why this is the case.

Poor / low status men also want a BBW with DDDD titties because they're biologically wired to want to nut in women with energy reserves in case they aren't able to provide enough food.

>> No.21640860

My grandma used to own a collection of cheap romance novels that took place at hospital, but it was more comfy than sexy, though that could be the influence of the time it was written.

>> No.21640863

>gentleman thief wasn't so lucky

Don't worry, Disney's Robin Hood made many, many women and men into furries.

>> No.21640868

I guess there are a lot of sexy doctor tv shows.

>> No.21640870

Sometimes I think Disney is secretly owned by Satan.

>> No.21640878

You forget the whore archetype.

>> No.21640885

You sound like a dumb bitch. Here's the actual list:
1. Big titties
2. Big titties
3. Big titties

>> No.21640896

Low t

>> No.21640902

>Big titties
Then what about men that go gaga over a squishy ass?

>> No.21640905
File: 997 KB, 1079x1061, Screenshot_20230207-234315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian Babysitters
Got it.
*Wink and a nudge* me and you bro _we_ get It

>> No.21640907

That’s stupid.

>> No.21640909

More like
1.Plain as a board
2.Big titties
4.Average jane

>> No.21640911

Sorry I forgot i was amongst intellectuals

>> No.21640917

Do better next time.

>> No.21640919

The reverse is also true, every single one of those ancestors have thousands of descendants and I bet most of them were retards.

>> No.21640928

How come IT guys never got to enjoy this stereotype?

>> No.21640931

You didn't even list Nazi prison officer, or Barbarian woman. Come on.

>> No.21640939

Underrated oldfag

>> No.21640944

It's just a high status profession in the eyes of normies

>> No.21640952

>No tomboy
>No e-girl
>No goth
>No bimbo
>No girl-next-door

>> No.21640953
File: 31 KB, 567x286, Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 19-48-19 Resource Security Impacts Men’s Female Breast Size Preferences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags, on my Saskatchewan quilt-knitting forum? More likely than you think.

>> No.21640955
File: 1.16 MB, 4958x2875, 599860884eb44481b7b0814fa28c5230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery

>> No.21640957

ayo this nigga's furry yo

>> No.21640959

I'd say that anon mixed surgeon (power, especially over life, related to hurting/saving people with a surgery) with Billionarie, that's more direcly about money

>> No.21640963

It's because they're legally allowed to cut people up, and women are fucking weird.

>> No.21640965

Surgeon is just a lesser, more attainable "billionaire"

>> No.21640966

where are IT workers and code monkeys?

>> No.21640970

Billionaire one is about power, having money is just a side effect. Surgeon is about money. What else if not?

>> No.21640972

It's because models don't have tits.

>> No.21640975

I am here, thanks for asking :)

>> No.21640983

Generally depicted as socially awkward, ugly and working for the billionaire.

>> No.21640982

>2. Teen slut (highschool relationship substitute)
anon, this is 4chan(((nel))), you can say jailbait or even loli in here

>anime girl
nah, it's
>Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Basically a woman that reach out for, loves you despite your flaws, helping you overcome your depression

then you missed
>Tomboy, basically a bro you can fuck because it's a woman
and still has womanly charms
>Childhood Friend, they one you always liked and you eventually, despite the odds and your inability, achieve the good true ending with

>> No.21640985
File: 80 KB, 326x313, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a poorfag thirdworlder I can confirm I fucking love gigantic tits.

>> No.21640994

I was Team Ass before but since I have been an unemployed NEET, tits are more and more appealing.

>> No.21641000

as a child i preferred ass, but as i matured into an adult man with fully developed mental faculties, i came to prefer tits

>> No.21641013

>as a child i preferred ass
So your mother fed you excrement from her asshole? Children prefer tits.

>> No.21641025

all i can tell you is that when i was 13 i liked to stare at the girl's asses in gym class

>> No.21641039

Women want vampires, billionaires, and werewolves.

Yet women become absolutely rabid about the "cool girl" archetype that men like because it's allegedly an 'impossible fantasy".

>> No.21641042

Thats when you became a man. If you prefer tits now you’re a manchild o a poorfag (>>21640953)

>> No.21641058

Why would attainability matter in fiction? Surgeon is about competence not money. Billionaires aren't really seen as "competent go-getters" in the same way, they're more like wealthy scions in most peoples' eyes, even if self-made. Surgeons are just upper middle class money wise.

>> No.21641092

>implying more fantasies mean you're less shallow
It's literally the other way around.
As a woman you will never really have any true understanding of what "shallow" really means, because like any abstract concept, men invented it. You will only know how to present yourself as not shallow in a social sense, but all women are soulless at heart and all female reproductive systems work on a golddigger mechanism.

>> No.21641102

the preference for large asses over large breasts is characteristic of the negro, the underdeveloped civilization; the white man prefers breasts. you can deny this, but that will do no good as it's plainly evident.

>> No.21641111

They’re black men. Different species

>> No.21641116
File: 1.80 MB, 720x1280, 1674265719416703.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are women like this

If only I knew, anon

>> No.21641125

It’s not a negro thing exclusively. It’s a sexual thing. The ass are is incredibly sexual. Preferring tits is childlike. A child loves his mother’s fits. A man is prefers the sexual area of women.

>> No.21641130

Not scientifically speaking.

>> No.21641131

>Sexual area

>> No.21641141

you know how in hentai women get fucked buy ugly fat guys? getting fucked by a dog evokes the same level of disgust and revulsion. and that's hot.

>> No.21641147

i prefer tits on a woman because it indicates she will be able to provide for my offspring. sex is a means and not an end.

>> No.21641153
File: 527 KB, 3168x3080, 1660324060028569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pirateposter

>> No.21641156

Screenshotted. Beautifully written, well argued.

>> No.21641167

Wide hips are generally considered "child-birthing" hips, because it indicates that the pelvis is wide to let the baby through more easily, and more fat means the body will have more to work with during pregnancy. Small tits could easily grow big under influence of hormones, as tits of pregnant women tend to do.

>> No.21641172

you make a well-reasoned argument, but i will not listen. i am set in stone, and i will never change.

>> No.21641177

>getting fucked by a dog evokes the same level of disgust
Nah, ugly fat dudes are way worse. If you said pig, I would agree, but a healthy and pleasant looking breed of dog doesn't inspire that much revulsion. Except if you're a Saracen

>> No.21641190

For you, maybe. But women can't appreciate animals, they only fuck them.

>> No.21641193

I should have said "disgust in the self". Being disgusted by the thing fucking you can be hot, but it's the disgust with yourself that's the flavoring. I don't know what it is. A kind of adrenaline?

>> No.21641200

Can you really say you appreciate something if you wouldn't fuck it?

>> No.21641202
File: 13 KB, 882x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this diagram for my gf while trying to explain this concept to her last time we had a fight. This is also why they're solipsistic, because they're unable to comprehend anything beyond their body, they're unable to reach that level of self-awareness where they can contextualise themselves in relation to the world accurately (a lot of men are like this too but that's only because they're feminine/unmanly.) And women love their children because they are an extension of their body, which is a very different kind of love to the aesthetic romantic love of Plato.

>> No.21641215
File: 2.96 MB, 268x268, 1660192961343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see another post by a man trying to explain why I'm a bugman
>mfw he made a fucking diagram for his girlfriend

>> No.21641225

Theres no such thing as mind/body separation. You are your whole body, idealist retard. And if you disagree with me show a mind with no brain

>> No.21641238

Is the tv channel part of the set? Physicalism is vacuous nonsense.
How else are you supposed to express your feelings?

>> No.21641246

>Theres no such thing as mind/body separation

Oh, boy.

>> No.21641253

start with the Greeks
start with the French. Jacques Pepin is a good cook (because he is a man).

>> No.21641266

>no refutation
Let me guess: you believe its possible to think yourself out if drowning in a river?

>> No.21641271

I can tell that you're a woman because you're hastily throwing shit at people in a panicking attempt to redeem yourself. Only children and women do that and you must be 18 to post.

>> No.21641277

>refutation goes over his/xer head

>> No.21641280

So you are my example of a mind with no brain?

>> No.21641286


>> No.21641295


1) Adventure
2) Money
3) Status/Skill
4) Nobility
5) Strength

>> No.21641323

top 3:
1. big forehead
2. big occipital bone

>> No.21641325

This is missing the Hallmark channel fantasy, where the city businesswoman falls for the small town teacher/dog shelter worker/other humble job.

>> No.21641333

Lmao. Why thots loves Adam Driver so much.

>> No.21641345

do you not?

>> No.21641350

> Hooks up everyday of the week with fresh babes into Larping.
> Still got the weekend to be yourself.
You might very well be a genius.

>> No.21641353

yes, i love him too, but like a brother

>> No.21641359

I'm guessing it's because it gives you a feeling of control over your self-hatred.

>> No.21641399
File: 197 KB, 914x1024, 1664849736887224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel, women are superior to men

>> No.21641412

How did you spell fantasy wrong twice?

>> No.21641417
File: 910 KB, 220x218, ebony gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poor / low status men also want a BBW with DDDD titties because they're biologically wired to want to nut in women with energy reserves in case they aren't able to provide enough food.

i love evolutionary psychology, seamingly random things that doesn´t make any sense, makes a lot MORE sense considering EP

>> No.21641418
File: 19 KB, 322x311, fi43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape fantasy---this is on the nose but what do pirates do? Pillage booty. This reflects woman's subconscious desire to be ravaged by atavistic unrestrained masculinity, to be "taken" by the audacious transgressor , the rule breaker.
In a word, money.
(For a more detailed analysis: total material envelopment . The ability for him to construct an opulent world that is his world which she merely exists in , an asset among assets, though privileged and pampered, placed upon a satin pillow like the shiniest of baubles. The egotistic gratification of temporarily capturing the attentions of a man who has it all and could have more besides. This surrender of autonomy is necessarily the psychology of sexual prey )
Anatomical penetration metaphors. A surgeon -- a body mechanic, a body artist perhaps -- a fantasy that he knows perhaps the involuted mysteries of the female organism, that she can surrender her body to his guiding hand and expert touch. Her ignorance of her own workings may be redeemed by his knowledge . She can therefore surrender the burden.
The classic supernatural seducer. Mysterious, cunning, and -- in consistence with the theme-- predatory. Typically depicted as wealthy, experienced, a man who knows what he wants.
Raw libidinal bestial sexualism. Wants to get fucked by a giant dick and throw everything else aside. The werewolf symbolizes the primal truth of the instinctual arousal women feel at the active, virile, athletic, sexually assertive, masculine principle.

>> No.21641423

i´m the other way around, mostly because when i reach puberty, my dick got bigger, so i NEED a woman with big ass so my dick can feel satiated

>> No.21641429
File: 66 KB, 640x955, 4x5jo2kl8c681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing she got wrong is teen slut. The current porn trends seems to be old Chinese women and hentai.

>> No.21641442

Keep this thread up untill tomorrow so I can dispute anon above from the jungian position.

>> No.21641457

What a shit logic. Prove that this statistic actually means what you're implying.

>> No.21641470

this doesn't make much sense. if a woman has a small ass, a large penis would still penetrate her entirely; if anything, a large ass would only detract from a large penis' true penetrative potential

>> No.21641476
File: 1.07 MB, 860x813, 126-1265562_pol-politically-incorrect-thread-laughing-man-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upper middle class

>making 500k a year

To the average American who makes less than 100k, that's filthy rich and nearly on the same level as a billionaire. Surgeon fetishists are definitely into it for the money.

>> No.21641487

>Why is this?
Pirates are just billionaires for anarchists, prove me wrong.

Werewolves are just horror dog pirates, prove me wrong.

>> No.21641509

>this doesn't make much sense

i don´t want to deal with ego when i´m fucking, i just want to be in a state of lustful bliss when i´m fucking a girl with a big ass, that´s why it´s a good combo with my BIG DICK

if she has small ass, i may fuck her but it´s not that primal for me, just more of the old in out in out

also sexual attraction isn´t logical to begin with, because you deal with emotions, what are you?, some sort of sheldon cooper fella?

>> No.21641523

i've reached a state of lustful bliss whilst fucking my gf, who has a fairly small ass. once, when i was a bit younger, i had sex with a black girl, who had an obscenely large ass. it was disgusting. small asses are where it's at for me.

>> No.21641528

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.21641568

i find it hard to believe pirates are the most common. why dont we see more pirate stories then?

>> No.21641583

yeah! where are of these supposed pirate smut stories?

>> No.21641874

That's a pleb income in current year purchasing power (not that I'm not a pleb myself)

>> No.21641879 [DELETED] 

On a salary of 500k a year, you could buy two houses in some low cost of living city. Not everywhere is New York.

>> No.21641903

On a salary of 500k a year, you could buy three houses a year in some low cost of living city. Not everywhere is New York.

>> No.21641907


>> No.21641918

women are just fags with vaginas