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File: 167 KB, 800x1041, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21637316 No.21637316 [Reply] [Original]

What books are prerequisite for understanding Hegel and German Idealism?

>> No.21637372

start with the greeks

>> No.21637394

No need for anything. Dive straight into the phenomenology.

>> No.21637480

Nothing really, but you might want to watch some lectures explaining it on youtube. There's a guy that has done a half hour lecture on every single paragraph in the phenomnology, called "half hour Hegel".
Very useful when you don't know what on earth Hegel is talking about.

>> No.21637758
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Don't listen to any of these faggots. Start with picrel. Then read the three critiques. Kant is the foundation.
>I would mention that in the Science of Logik I frequently refer to the Kantian philosophy (which to many may seem superfluous) because whatever may be said, both in this work and elsewhere, about the precise character of this philosophy and about particular parts of its exposition, it constitutes the base and THE STARTING POINT of recent German philosophy and that its merit remains unaffected by whatever faults may be found in it. The reason too why reference must often be made to it in the objective logic is that it enters into detailed consideration of important, more specific aspects of logic, whereas later philosophical works have paid little attention to these and in some instances have only displayed a crude — not unavenged — contempt for them. The philosophising which is most widespread among us DOES NOT GO BEYOND THE KANTIAN RESULTS, that Reason cannot acquire knowledge of any true content or subject matter and in regard to absolute truth must be directed to faith. But what with Kant is a result, forms the immediate starting-point in this philosophising, so that the preceding exposition from which that result issued and which is a philosophical cognition, is cut away beforehand. The Kantian philosophy thus serves as a cushion for intellectual indolence which soothes itself with the conviction that everything is already proved and settled. Consequently for genuine knowledge, for a specific content of thought which is not to be found in such barren and arid complacency, one must turn to that preceding exposition [the Critique of Pure Reason itself].