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21636175 No.21636175 [Reply] [Original]

Somehow, after all those years, this book still unrefuted by the simple fact that people don't have any argument for:

Justify pointless suffering
Playing russian roulette with a children's life

Bassicaly people can't refute the simple line of thinking:

>do you want to have children, bro?

>nah, man, I don't think is worthwhile to bring a new life without knowing for sure that don't won't suffer a terrible fate, or have a difficult life, life can be good and all for some, but still don't justify playing dice with someone's life just for the sake of reproduce like a retard animal.
That kill the avarage /lit/tard.

>> No.21636184

Why would I want to refute it? Antinatalists willingly remove themselves from the gene pool. It’s a win-win

>> No.21636194

Thank God, Imagine being such barbaric animal that just want to satisfy his own ego and bring a child into this world just for vanity sake, lmao. Breeders are retard.

>> No.21636200

>Imagine being such barbaric animal that just want to satisfy his own ego and bring a child into this world just for vanity sake, lmao
What are you gonna do about it, pussy?

>> No.21636209

Nothing, just have a brood, bro, and enjoy your fruits of your stupidity and egoitism. Not my problem.

>> No.21636214

Buzzword used by feminized minds. No need to take you seriously. Enjoy your funkopops good sir.

>> No.21636225

1. Humans do not create life, GOD creates life.

2. The unborn do not exist, therefor you can't wrong them

3. Antinatalism destroys itself, it is by definition self defeating.

4. Only beings with a high intellect can choose to stop having children, other animals will continue to have them. Therefor continue to suffer until by your logic they to become intelligent enough to stop having children, and so on. Antinatalism which claims to be against suffering, paths the way to eternal suffering.

5. I have never in my life met an antinatalist who was not depressed or has been severely so in his life. Maybe it is heavily bound to your world view? More connected to your own life experience than to logic?

>> No.21636234

I do not jewish “writers” nor support the jewish publishing mafia

>> No.21636257

1. You've never been truly in love, so you just don't know what life can be.. You've told yourself you've been in love before, but what you had wasn't actually it. Your ego has difficulty processing this information.

2. Your parents did not love you, so you do not understand how you can safely bring a child into this world.. Again, the problem is your unfortunate experience and lack of information.

A person can lead a happy and good life of love is present. Author of this book is simply unaware of the power love has. Both he and his antinatalist followers reveal themselves, and we should take pity. The problem is too common

>> No.21636259

Lmao, back to /pol/, you low IQ nigger.

>> No.21636263


>> No.21636307

Stop kvetching

>> No.21636311

Why would you post this again day, after day, after day? FUCK OFF

>> No.21636320

How many times.are you going to make the exact same thread?

>> No.21636326

IDF pays him exactly 1 shekel for every post and 2 shekels for every copy they get some westerner to buy

>> No.21636329

weekly thread of
>suffering is... LE BAD

>> No.21636331

And that somehow wrong?

>> No.21636337

Benatar argues within the framework of moral realist negative utilitarianism. You must first convince people that this is the correct ethical position, which is far form obvious. But to argue within that framework:

If we want to minimise suffering in the known universe across space and time, it is not obvious that promoting antinatalism a la Benatar optimises for this. If his message were to be as successful as realistically possible, it would mean that the people sensitive and intelligent enough to not only even learn about this subject but also practise it opt out from procreation. The dumb and the cruel simply will not be convinced by rational argument. So all this does is provide a selection pressure against the type of people that strive for a world with less suffering in it. In the long run a world inherited by the dumb and the cruel will likely lead to more net suffering being experienced by conscious beings than if all those sensitive and intelligent people never encountered antinatalism but were, say, to adhere to a kind of secular Boddhisattva mentality where they dedicate themselves to the most pragmatic methods of minimising suffering for all sentient beings. It is not unreasonable to suggest that this involves actually having a higher percentage of intelligent, compassionate people among the populace.

As fantastical as his ideas may seem, someone like David Pearce is actually a more realistic negative utilitarian than Benatar.

If you really want to defend antinatalism a Kantian/deontological approach actually makes more sense.

>> No.21636339

Antinatalists cannot understand that they are the defect, not life itself. The fact that most people enjoy life, and don’t consider having children immoral, proves this.

>> No.21636386

In addition, to argue the extreme and unrealistic optimal outcome: Even if you manage to make all humans go extinct or even all life of earth, it is no guarantee that once we have abandoned stewardship of our corner of the universe that life will not evolve again in ways that are worse and create more net suffering. Maybe the best way to minimise suffering is to become a space faring multi-planetary civilisation that colonises our entire light cone in order to diminish the amount of negative hedons wherever it goes.

Perhaps if you really want to prevent and alleviate suffering you must first become benevolent Gods. Therefore the ethical thing from a negative utilitarian position is to put all effort towards this goal.

>> No.21636411

Yes? Can you objectively show me that suffering is bad?

>> No.21636418

For fuck's sake the last antinatalism thread isn't even dead yet, have some mercy

>> No.21636427

Yes, it doesn't feel good to feel it at all.

>> No.21636432

>doesn't feel good to feel it
I said objectively, that's subjective by definition

>> No.21636449

That's circular reasoning buddy, babby's first fallact

>> No.21636463

>Justify pointless suffering
1: there is no need to justify it, I reject whatever hedonist ethical framework you have chosen.
2: it isn't pointless, it is part and parcel of the precondition for meaning as such, namely life.

I don't want to debate you. You've posted this thousands of times for years and have been demolished an equal amount of times, but you are delusional. To anyone reading along who are interested in non-retarded vitalist philosophy, that speak of the metaphysical value of life as such, I'd heartily recommend Hans Jonas.

>> No.21636474

The most chad negative utilitarian is Brian Tomasik who subscribes to non-cognitivism but still wants to decrease suffering fully accepting it's just his arbitrary feels that drive him to do so.

He's also not as speciesist as most antinatalists and cares about bug and potentially videogame NPC suffering.


>> No.21636490

The ONLY based correct view on this matter is -strict natalism-, people should be born, but only from those that are capable of being a good parent, and overall good person, and that, sadly almost all of people fail to be a capable person or to be a good parent and good human being. In short: only those deem good and capable should reproduce, otherwise, should not.

>> No.21636511

This goes against all the founding myths of the West and can likely only be implemented in China or something sadly

>> No.21636513

How am I supposed to respect your irrefutable argument when you can't even speak English?

>> No.21636528
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Ironically i consider that point four definitely destroyed antinatalism completely.
Subhumans must be pulverized. They are incredibly stupid and reproduce worse than rabbits, they are the most dangerous parasites.
I don't know how but high intellect antinatalists must have children to fulfill the end of eliminating suffering.
The only other solution would be to destroy the planet.

>> No.21636535

Metzinger had a fun argument that a benevolent superintelligence would probably put humanity out of its misery.


>> No.21636562

Life is worth living. There, antinatalism refuted, it's that easy

>> No.21636581

>*Blocks your path*

>> No.21636589
File: 46 KB, 850x400, 144875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic

>> No.21636594

>Life is worth living

>> No.21636626

It is 100% certain that after I hammer you in the eye with a nail, you will never need an objective argument for why suffering is bad.

>> No.21636634

How is suffering the precondition for meaning?

>> No.21636645

no suffering = no conflict = no action = no meaning

>> No.21636646 [SPOILER] 

>The superintelligence knows that one of our highest values consists in maximizing happiness and joy in all sentient beings, and it fully respects this value. However, it also empirically realizes that biological creatures are almost never able to achieve a positive or even neutral life balance. It also discovers that negative feelings in biosystems are not a mere mirror image of positive feelings, because there is a much higher sense of urgency for change involved in states of suffering, and because it occurs in combination with the phenomenal qualities of losing control and coherence of the phenomenal self—and that this is what makes conscious suffering a very distinct class of states, not just the negative version of happiness. It knows that this subjective quality of urgency is dimly reflected in humanity’s widespread moral intuition that, in an ethical sense, it is much more urgent to help a suffering person than to make a happy or emotionally neutral person even happier. Further analysing the phenomenological profile of sentient beings on Earth the superintelligence quickly discovers a fundamental asymmetry between suffering and joy and logically concludes that an implicit, but even higher value consists in the minimization of suffering in all sentient creatures. Obviously, it is an ethical superintelligence not only in terms of mere processing speed, but it begins to arrive at qualitatively new results of what altruism really means. This becomes possible because it operates on a much larger psychological data-base than any single human brain or any scientific community can. Through an analysis of our behaviour and its empirical boundary conditions it reveals implicit hierarchical relations between our moral values of which we are subjectively unaware, because they are not explicitly represented in our phenomenal self-model. Being the best analytical philosopher that has ever existed, it concludes that, given its current environment, it ought not to act as a maximizer of positive states and happiness, but that it should instead become an efficient minimizer of consciously experienced preference frustration, of pain, unpleasant feelings and suffering. Conceptually, it knows that no entity can suffer from its own non-existence.

>The superintelligence concludes that non-existence is in the own best interest of all future self-conscious beings on this planet. Empirically, it knows that naturally evolved biological creatures are unable to realize this fact because of their firmly anchored existence bias. The superintelligence decides to act benevolently.

>> No.21636651

I ironically wrote an essay about why it is immoral to keep on living while others suffer and that we should blow the earth up to end all suffering. That was in 8th grade.
Imagine your philisophy being at the level of a 14 year old.

>> No.21636675

Well, what is your philosophy currently?

>> No.21636697

>Those who wan to be free cannot understand that they are the defect, not slavery itself. The fact that most slaves enjoy slavery, and don’t consider having children immoral, proves this.

>> No.21636708
File: 146 KB, 3360x1628, LIFESUCKERS GO TO HELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21636733

What about Pewdiepie?

>> No.21636737
File: 16 KB, 540x540, 1508058095635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really believed what you preach you'd kill yourself right now

>> No.21636743

Life is good for me, but maybe can't be for my child, I'm not taking chances to give born to a suffering kid. Cope and Seethe, dumb ass.

>> No.21636744

Hell yeah crow wanna go eat some garbage in the park later

>> No.21636777

i meet you guys there

>> No.21636798

You are missing the point
Yeah, some people live good lives, but many don’t
Birthing children into this world when you don’t know how they will have it is immoral because you can’t protect them from suffering
Some people being happy isn’t a refutation of the point, it’s literally what he said

>> No.21636814

>your philosophy
Dude, i couldn’t give less of a turd about what my philosophy is. Philosophy is for autists who believe in definitions as truth and who are so vain they can’t stand the fact that no matter how intelligent you are, your brain is limited and you can’t figure everything out. Just live.

>> No.21636868

Quite a few layers of subliminal messages here, very sneaky

>> No.21636873

It remains a philosophical position. I think it's realism or idealism.

>> No.21636886

Philosophy literally doesn't matter. Only what happens in reality matters. Genghis Khan killing millions and spreading his genes across Asia was truth.

>> No.21636972 [DELETED] 

David Benatar has a wife and kids.

>> No.21637310

>philosophy literally doesn't matter
>Genghis Khan's philosophy matters

>> No.21637327

Antinatalism is such a deeply polarizing issue that it's not even worth discussing in any public sphere. You could argue there isn't anything to discuss in the first place. Either procreate or don't. Feel free to feel good about yourself for not procreating, I don't care. Good for you. It's like believing in God, there is nothing to be discussed. It's a personal thing

>> No.21637349
File: 68 KB, 646x687, F369D8D5-3086-434C-9648-D098B4EE14B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true love