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21629942 No.21629942 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best written religious text? In terms of written skill, poetic beauty, and overall plot?

>> No.21629950


>> No.21629958

You already know the answer retard. No religious text comes close to KJV Bible in terms of lore, narrative, poetic language, and obviously skill. Other translations of the Christian Bible (like the Septuagint) are also good.
A distant second is the Iliad and Odyssey.

>> No.21629961

The Bible is the recapitulation, creation and annihilation of all theology, history and art


>> No.21629969

how is national socialism anyway congruent with Christianity?

>> No.21629985

American Christers love the Nazis.

>> No.21629993

>No religious text comes close to KJV Bible in terms of lore
>poetic language
>and obviously skill.

>> No.21629998

Where did the 1611 King James Bible hurt you?

>> No.21630019

>religious text

>> No.21630038

Of course, the Holy Bible, but DO NOT associate Christianity and Nazism. That is pure satanism. There is nothing Christ-like about Nazism - NOTHING!

Seriously though, I've read Proverbs nearly (let me see...) 120x and I am STILL learning. I am currently rereading Exodus and it is MAGNIFICENT! The New Testament is unbelievably awesome, and the whole of the Word of God is unparalleled. And, YES, I have read other religious texts, Muslim, Buddhist, Egyptian, Sumerian, Celtic mythos, Greco-Roman mythos, Native-American shamanic mythos, Hermetic, Shinto, Daoist, and other occultic/religious texts! Nothing compares to the Word of God!

>> No.21630042

It is not.
No we do not. Those larpists are as fringe as it gets. Never let them convince you otherwise.

>> No.21630046

>t. midwitterling pupae
Ascend! Seek Christ!

>> No.21630053

The essential religious beauty and wisdom reading order.
>Tao te Ching
>The Holy Bible, King James Version
>The Holy Qur'an
>The Hidden Words

>> No.21630062

Cope, cuckold. The south will be national socialist.

>> No.21630094

The Hymn of the Pearl

>> No.21630118
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it really isn't, but there's now a group of Christards called the GDL who project a mixture of Christian and Nazi imagery onto the sides of buildings in Florida, with the goal to offend the highest amount of people possible and to help the Jews pass anti-hatespeech laws that would normally get rejected for violating the 1st amendment.

>> No.21630134

>le Jewish bogeyman
Christers are Nazis. Accept it.

>> No.21630143

That translation is very obviously false in many places. It's only pushed by Amerilards who are too lazy and too dumb to actually learn Hebrew and Greek despute believing that their soul depends on understanding a Jewish fairy tale book correctly.

For starters, it translates one of the 10 commandments as "thou shalt not kill."
This is obviously false, since the Bible also instructs you to execute criminals and kill enemies in warfare.
The real translation is "thou shalt not murder."

>> No.21630166
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>For starters, it translates one of the 10 commandments as "thou shalt not kill."
>This is obviously false, since the Bible also instructs you to execute criminals and kill enemies in warfare.
>The real translation is "thou shalt not murder."
So killing somebody is fine according to the Bible according to... you... as long as it's done with witnesses in full sunlight got it.

>> No.21630192

No, lol. It never will. Your braindead ilk are not only incompetent, but have always been a rejected minority.

>> No.21630225
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>implying some 80% of Americans are Nazis
You have no idea how much I wish all those hysterical lies you leftist subhumans always make up were actually true.

Even according to the picture you posted, murder has always had the sense of being an unlawful killing, while "kill" is a neutral term that may refer to an execution. The Torah is full of instances where God orders the Israelites to kill foreign people and execute criminals, and even Moses himself killed an Egyptian. All these things would contradict the Ten Commandments if the KJV were right.

>> No.21630251

You are a liar, servant of Satan. Repent.

>> No.21630252

You will only get normie answers because people only read the normie ones. At least consider the Mahabharata. This board feels uncultured without its name drop. There should also be some defenders of the Popol Vuh, Theogony, Hermetic fragments, and Poetic Edda. However strictly in terms of correctness The Bible is the right answer.

>> No.21630376

>le leftist bogeyman
Who you gonna seethe at next? You're a child.

>> No.21630383

The Silmarillion.
Hands down. Everyone go home.

>> No.21630497
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The Orphic Hymns

>> No.21630505

The Bhagwat Geeta. And its not even close

>> No.21630544

projection. you're literally a 16 year old girl

>> No.21630694

The Quran in Arabic

>> No.21630733

the divine comedy

>> No.21630804

Jews killed Christ. The whole point of his life was that he condemned Judaism and fought against Jewish society

>> No.21630806
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>its another ignorant mutt episode

>> No.21630821

Thunder, Perfect Mind

>> No.21631325

So which of these symbols pissed off the jews more?

>> No.21631339

mostly depends on the language

english: 1611 KJV
sanskrit: gita
chinese: dao de ching
arabic: koran
tamil: ramavataram

can't say for other languages that i haven't read

>> No.21631352

literally no way of knowing unless you actually know the original languages of the texts. every opinion in this thread is therefore worthless.

>> No.21631396

You're retarded

>> No.21631479

The Jews are very happy about seeing both symbols together. On the one hand, it confirms their mythology about Christians being Edom, and on the other hand it upsets normie Christians, who see this as an insult. Now the Jews can push for legislation to crack down on free speech, and almost nobody will oppose it.

>> No.21631488

Otto Weininger’s Sex and Character, aphorisms, and his essay ‘on ultimate things’

>> No.21632036

Why are you calling yourself an ignorant mutt, when you're already a satanic pagan larpist?

>> No.21632044


>> No.21632062
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>Christers are Nazis. Accept it.

I wish that were true, but they are not. The only ones who have a tenuous claim are the Iron Guard of Codreanu. National-Socialists were no more Christian than Capitalism is now, they were largely unconnected to it and refused to comment on it lest it create a divison in the national ethic comminity they had taken great effort to built. They had plans to remove the jewish elements from it and supplant them with Germanic legends and myth. It may have worked.

>> No.21632316
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Even if the nazis weren’t Christian, which they were most certainly Christian beyond a small minority like Himmler, the entire idea that a political system can’t be conflated with a religion because of some figure that stood for it in the past weren’t particularly religious is retarded. The US was founded by a bunch of borderline atheist deists, yet you fags don’t autistically call out democratic and American symbols being wrapped up in Christian symbols.

>> No.21632344
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Everyone push the fuck over.

>> No.21632350
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Because the creed it was made in was shaped by Christian doctrine does not mean it was a Christian expression or movement. Hitler made countless references to the concepts of fate, destiny and chance in all his writings and speech. They were culturally Christian, as all Europeans. No doubt many National-Socialists were devoted Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, but the doctrine they made in 1930s Germany was not Christian focused, it eventually sought to supplant Christianity, with what we are unsure as even Hitler himself said we are not seeking to restore the past, nor replace it with something similar in form and function.

>> No.21633150

Job. It digs down to the most basic problems of human understanding in a way which is both sentimental and poetic without compromising on how cruel reality is on this issue (limited beings cannot break outside the mechanisms of their perception).

>> No.21633745

Came here to say this.