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/lit/ - Literature

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21629666 No.21629666 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Barnes and Nobles
>Nothing interests me
>Leave with sexy manga slop
What do I do bros

>> No.21629672

Become an alcoholic.

>> No.21629955

Nothing a lethal injection won't fix

>> No.21629971

Buy/download from better vendors.

>> No.21629975
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>Go to Barnes and Nobles
>Everything is paperback
>Leave with sexy manga slop

>> No.21629999

jerk off before going i guess.

>> No.21630153

>Nothing interests me

You can find pretty much all mainstream classics and even some more obscure literary fiction books at B&N. If you have a more niche genre or author in mind then it could be a bit different.

I tend to go to bookstores with a few authors or titles in mind beforehand (B&N’s site lists whether a book is stocked at your location) that way I’m not wasting time wandering or randomly choosing books to evaluate whether I might enjoy them.

My problem is more that Barnes and Noble costs so damn much that I feel guilt in buying more than 3 books at a time. Used bookstores are a lot better for me and might be for you if you don’t care much about aesthetics. If you’re into niche stuff online is really the only way to go unless you’re in a big city with a specialized bookstore or something.

>> No.21630199
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what manga slop?

>> No.21630224

I never knew Orson was so based

>> No.21630267

i find it courageous you would buy that from a barnes and noble wagie, i will only peak at the manga/comics/scifi/fantasy if nobody else is in the aisle and still will neber buy what interests me

>> No.21630507

shop at goodwill for books there is much better books for lower price obviously a lot of garbage women donated but often there are a few good books also used book stores can be better but they’re overpriced just keep checking the thrift stores over and over and you’ll end up with a lot of good stuff plus you can get 5 books for the price of booktok

>> No.21630518

picrel this was my recent stack for 30$

>> No.21630520
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>> No.21630535
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>Go to Barnes and Nobles
>They don't have what I want in stock
>Leave with sexy free bookmark

>> No.21630580

Go to a university publisher shop. I always find good stuff at that.

>> No.21630585

Accept your position as a slave. Just kidding, seek Christ.

>> No.21630909

pirate like a normal person

>> No.21630918

Have fun spending minimum $80 a book. The only reason anyone should be buying academic literature is for specific interests. If you have that much money to frivolously spend on books, you will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

>> No.21630919

>go to Barnes and Nobles for sexy manga slop
>Nothing interest me
>Leave with Thomas of Aquinas
every time

>> No.21631009

Bro, your self-esteem?

>> No.21631803

Did you make sure it was /lit/ approved sexy manga slop?

>> No.21631811
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Shop at hpb instead and learn some self control.

>> No.21631837

>Go to bookshop
>Everything interests me
>Realize I don't have time for books that aren't for study
>Leave with nothing

>> No.21631884

>Go to Barnes and Noble
>Stare at the teenaged girls
>Use their bathroom
>Leave with nothing
>Order some books on Amazon

>> No.21631899

Christ never existed

>> No.21631928

Lean into it bro. Stop trying to be some inauthentic version of yourself, feeling shame for not reading the "classics." You like your sexy manga. You're a creep who loves his sexy manga. Now be authentic self without shame. And...escalate it.

>> No.21631937
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>look at bookshelf
>at this point, hundreds of tomes of philosophy and wonderful literature that deserves a first or second read
>nothing interests me
>browse femdom forced asslicking pornography for 3 hours without even considering masturbation, purely out of intellectual interest

>> No.21632160

Wish I knew. I’ve been in a slump since November. I’ve read one 100 page book.

>> No.21632264

Read shorter stuff. Helped me, now im about 100 pages shy of finishing the second book of a 700 page omnibus.

>> No.21633346


>> No.21633455

>B&N for first time in a decade
>loud staff and customers
>everyone is rude
>wander around, find nothing of interest
>briefly pause to look at bookmarks, they suck
>as I walk away a fat woman with the air of a manager waddles over as quick as she can while giving me the glaring stink eye
>goes straight to bookmark rack and starts combing though it
>yells out to some assistant across the store
>'looks like we're missing some more bookmarks again. we gotta keep a better eye on these things'
>all the while staring daggers at me
>kek and leave
>last trip to B&N
The kicker is I was home for the holidays and wearing tailored church clothes. I was dressed nicer then everyone I met that day yet she singled me out for shoplifting shitty made in China $2 bookmarks while ignoring the borderline homeless guy mumbling to himself in the children's section.

>> No.21633502

Celebrating 10 years of cringe vaporwave visual aesthetics

>> No.21633545
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Have a comfy night in and treat yourself because you're based

>> No.21633562

>go to Barns and Noble
>pick up a new copy of my favorite ecchi anime to masturbate to
>waiting in line to pay
>cute girl looks at my manga
>"Battle Vixens?" she says in an attempt to publicly humiliate me
>tell her it's a manga based on the ancient Chinese story Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but the US translator decided it would sell better with a dumb title
>her pussy does a complete 180 from sahara desert dry to birthday cake moist
>pay for my book and have a good fap in the parking lot

>> No.21633613
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>go to Barns and Noble
>put my self published crap on the #1 best seller shelf
>and the #2 best seller shelf as well
>take a selfie with myself and my wonderful best selling books
>security gets up and starts coming towards me
>grab my books and run out the door
>"hey, you didn't pay for those books!" they shout at me
>"I BROUGHT THESE BOOKS FROM HOME!" I scream back as I dash through the parking lot