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21628319 No.21628319 [Reply] [Original]

>Uhm...ACKSHULY Haiti was better as slaves off under the French.

When is his book coming out? I have been a subscriber for three years.

>> No.21628343

Is that chud? He looks a bit like him

>> No.21628348

Is that moldbug? He looks a bit like him

>> No.21628758

>Uhm...ACKSHULY Haiti would become another Sweden if the USA would just let them implement socialist policies

What answer can you give to someone who is so retarded?

>> No.21629043

No, that's Curtis Yarvin, the latest and hottest Jew on the right. Some people seem to think he's connected to moldbug but he clearly isn't because moldbug was good.

>> No.21629361

heh some truth in this. UR is miles better than gay mirror

>> No.21630289

He strikes me as someone incapable of understanding basic human urges and motivations. Even if the rather dubious claim that Haitians were better off materially when they were slaves under France than after independence is true, he sidesteps entirely why someone (particularly when they are delineated as such by race) would despise being reduced to chattel and why they might rebel against their enthralled status, even if you told them their daily rations would be insecure or whatever.
Ben is still a fat gay Jew (which Yarvin is too, just less pronounced).

>> No.21630319

Paperbacks for UR when?

>> No.21630326

Why call it the cathedral and not the synagogue?

>> No.21630329

yeah!!! hey i signed up to get a book

>> No.21630331

name ONE THING about what he says that is jewish.
now as i was saying there are elves who were born to rule, and hobbits who were born to be ruled. a hobbit can never hope to rule like an elf. the best they can do is hope some dark elves seize power

>> No.21630336

Because that’s not the point. The point of the Cathedral is that the Catholic Church was the intelligentsia that stretched across all of Europe — from Britain to Italy to Poland, everyone no matter their loyalty to a particular Crown was first and foremost a Catholic Christian, attached to an intellectualism that is embodied by the Cathedral. Catholicism was the overbearing cultural consensus that everybody had, the Cathedral was the body that maintained it. That’s where the parallel comes from. It’s not supposed to be a rip on Christians

>> No.21630348

> Yarvin counseled Milo Yiannopoulos, then a reporter at Breitbart News, to deal with neo-Nazis "the way some perfectly tailored high-communist NYT reporter handles a herd of greasy anarchist hippies. Patronizing contempt. Your heart is in the right place, young lady, now get a shower and shave those pits."[46]
lol wtf

>> No.21630350

He insists that Jews who emigrated to America and wormed their way into the State department are aristocratic. He insists the nation is just a big company.

>> No.21630428

>everyone opposed to communism is perforce a 'fascist'
MoldBread is possible the most reliable and efficient mid sounding rod alive.

>Major Jordan, 7th Floor Group both in the Soviet Union and State Department

>> No.21630639

Slavery is just a meaningless bureaucratic legal category. It's just people building their conceptions on low-brow propaganda, i.e it's one state trying to incriminate the other's authority, while nobody is actually trying to change the world or in this case even abolish forced labor.

>> No.21630648

He is right, ask the Domincans about it.

>> No.21630658

Say citizens of the British empire loathed slavery by the 19th century, meanwhile they use little orphan boys with a brush hat to clean their chimneys because it's cheaper than using a tool since when they die from cancer at age 13 you can just get a new one for free.

>> No.21630750

>Peaks in the Tucker interview and produces nothing of value since
how do you fuck up your golden opportunity this badly?

>> No.21630832

He's not Jewish he's a dark elf

>> No.21631069

(((dark elf)))

>> No.21631073

gay with an a the american way

>> No.21631094

>name ONE THING about what he says that is jewish.

He's a turbo-libertarian, there's hardly a philosophy more Jewish.

>> No.21631117

>slaves were better off enslaved
But were the masters?

>> No.21631190

Actually I'll be a devil's advocate here and say that Moldbug is far ahead of most moderns in his understanding of both slavery and monarchy. Historically pretty much no two slaveries were alike. In the ancient world slavery was far more lenient for example - slaves even received salaries and were occasionally allowed to travel. When it comes to monarchy - the early 11th century European kings didn't even have coinage, so they had to engage in people management on steroids. The overwhelming majority of monarchs in history didn't have anywhere near the kind of 20th century dictator power that normies imagine.

>> No.21631208

This is of course true, but also irrelevant because the only reason Moldbug even talks about the topics he talks about in these contrarian terms is to piss off the Cathedral and not because he actually believes them.

>> No.21631212

He does believe in them. The Haiti shit for example he 100% believes in. He's just too autistic to understand that he shouldn't be leading with that kind of shit if normalfags are the target audience.

>> No.21631221

I think what Moldbug truly believes is that which all Silicon Valley goons believe in, e.g the supremacy of capitalism. And the rest of the shit he spouts is just window-dressing and shitposting.

>> No.21631245

He doesn't actually. There's an article on GM called 'Based Ruskin' IIRC that suggests otherwise.

>> No.21631255

And yet he favors making some gross rent-seeker capitalist like Elon Musk the CEO-Monarch of the U.S. The guy is simply the walking and talking logical conclusion to libertarianism.

>> No.21631264

See, I don't think that's fair. You're abstracting his positions - which are IMO quite interesting as far as modern thinkers go - to the nearest available bogeyman.

>> No.21631270

No, I just don't get infatuated by the amount of pomp and pretense he spits out like the average 100 IQ rightoid does.

>> No.21631275

Okay, I don't think we're gonna have a productive discussion here.

>> No.21631282

Yeah because you clearly don't understand him at all. Even if his dark elf/hobbit essay proves I'm right, he spells it out clearly in that essay that any other right-wing politics than the acceleration of neoliberal multinational capitalism is disgusting "hobbit politics".

>> No.21631376
File: 65 KB, 399x475, eb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that he's a tranny chaser

(I totally would btw, he's like if my dad was actually smart and attractive t. tranner)

>> No.21631381

>t. tranner
god damn it

>> No.21631389
File: 199 KB, 640x534, imagine-wanting-to-restore-the-empire-when-you-cant-hunt-a-v0-dtlwnbp36u4a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry there is nothing more trad of neoreactionary than having a eunuch bureaucrat caste

>> No.21631732

Can I get an actual synopsis of what he thinks and why he is popular with his fans?