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21627493 No.21627493 [Reply] [Original]

So is Steinbeck actually good or am I just brainwashed by the American education system? I haven’t actually read any of his work beyond Of Mice and Men, but I noticed that the only people I have ever heard plug his books are really stupid. Is this just coincidence or is Steinbeck not very good?

>> No.21627500

I'm English and we don't study Steinbeck here, so I have no bias. I like him very much, his prose is warm and sincere.
We do study To Kill a Mockingbird and I hate that book with every fibre of my being regardless of how good it might actually be.

>> No.21627655

Steinbeck is very good. Of the authors who are often read from that period of American lit he is one of the most readable yet he is still able to reach significant depths.

He is 100% the most comfy author imo. He writes friendships and camaraderie very well. There is very little male/female romance in what I’ve read for what that’s worth.

I just finished Grapes of Wrath and it’s my favorite novel I’ve read. The only book of his I didn’t enjoy was “The Moon is Down” which takes place in Europe which isn’t his forte.

Tortilla Flat and Cannery Row are good starter books. The Pearl is also very good.

>> No.21627668

Around here there are tons of his books, translated sadly, and I feel like the translations are clunky as hell.
>Of mice and Men
>Gayrapes of Wrath
>East of Eden
>The Moon is Down
I got the translations of these for like 5€ total but kinda eh I want to read the originals but don't really care to spend even 20€ to get them.

>> No.21627953

>There is very little male/female romance in what I’ve read for what that’s worth.
Yeah, I'm not sure why this is. I've read nearly everything he's written, and the only thing I can think of is the romance which blossoms between Cal and Abra at the end of East of Eden. Even in other books where protagonists are married (The Pearl, Grapes of Wrath), Steinbeck gives little focus to the romantic relationships of his characters.
>The only book of his I didn’t enjoy was “The Moon is Down” which takes place in Europe which isn’t his forte.
Certainly not his best, but I still really enjoyed it. It gave me a lot of food for thought for such a short book.

>> No.21627989

He’s good, I wouldn’t say he’s one of the greatest authors ever, not even really of his generation, but his books are consistently enjoyable and in a literary way rather than just as entertainment. I think he’s great for teenagers because he’s mostly very accessible but is still relatively mature and meaningful/beautiful
>I'm English and we don't study Steinbeck here, so I have no bias. I like him very much, his prose is warm and sincere.
Some schools in England do teach him, but I agree, he’s enjoyable.

>> No.21629211

Travels with Charley is good.

>> No.21629328

Yes, a very unpretentious writer that is still able to conjure up powerful, memorable moments and is consistently able to maintain a sympathetic view and display the humanity of his subjects.

>> No.21629339 [SPOILER] 
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He's more than good. Its a shame that his credibility gets diminished due to Highschool teachers forcing it down the throats of plebs.
I think he's underrated ..... significantly.

>> No.21629342

East of Eden is an underrated classic. Better than Grapes or Mice. His style allows him to make fundamental points concisely and without pretension and maintaining a great sense of readability

>> No.21629351

>His style allows him to make fundamental points concisely and without pretension and maintaining a great sense of readability
yes. yes. yes. yes.! Well put.

>> No.21630674

Loved Grapes which I read about a year ago.