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21619148 No.21619148 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any esoteric tradition that isn't just a bunch of faggots and weirdos pretending to be wizards?

>> No.21619153

Modern science. Math is the perfect example of esoteric knowledge that only a few people can understand.

>> No.21619505

no. thats why they hide in the shadows
remember that satan is a loser first of all

>> No.21619738

Are you asking whether wizards are real?

>> No.21619788

no, of course not, what a ridiculous question.

of course wizards are real.

>> No.21620402

its too hard

>> No.21620449

"science" is just a euphemism for papist communism

calling antediluvian magic "science" is a molestation of the English language

>> No.21621893

Whoever says science, you're on the right track but if you wanted to see the bigger picture you'd need to get on the train that goes backwards and get off on a station that is a bit further from the destination that science leads to, then take the next train going in the opposite direction.

John Locke stated that the philosopher is the "Underworker of science" it is up to the philosopher to outline the foundation upon which a science can be considered to yield veritably true results. If OP is asking about religion, I have to admit I stick to exoteric rites myself; in my opinion there is nothing I could do for my spirit that would not be better as part of a community.

If by esotericism you mean artistic work like the search for inspiration to write a poem then just go out and live, read some books and practice! Share your insights with people you think might understand and do not be presumptuous or prejudiced. No one who does not advance in life through their own abilities is fulfilled.

>> No.21621952

esoterism is inherently cringe since only larpers like this crap

there is no knowledge nor truth in maths

>> No.21621969

no they are all larpers and some of the most spiritually dead people i’ve encountered when i meet them irl. it’s all cringe and it’s all corrupted by modernity. the only esoteric tradition you can depend on is your own intuition. even the cosmos have been plundered by modernity. also don’t fall for the math larp the numbers lost their meaning hundreds of years ago and modern math is essentially built on the corrupt foundation of the most spiritually bankrupt version of mathematics.

>> No.21622031

What the actual fuck are you on about? You guys don't want to believe in yourselves go the fuck on ahead, just remember how even athletes like Garrincha, Kaká, Modrić and even Messi himself were all told that they were physically unfit to play soccer and look how they all became superstars.

You guys wanna' go full fedora go on ahead and do that shit, forget that thaumaturgy is the making of thought into something else that you can have fun with. That life may not be fair or easy but goddamn it is worth reconciling with because even if everyone turns their back on you, you can choose the juiciest ass to look at. Take life with more humour, it will save you trouble.

>> No.21622061

Not only is magic real, it exist independent of these /lit/wits verification.
as science is the observation of the material world, growing from natural philosophy and chemistry has it's roots in alchemy.
mind you physical alchemy which is a misdirection from the spiritual alchemy that is the ideal.
why don't you try practicing some operations or invocation of spirits over a period of time and record the results to see what happens.
gatekeepers are pathetic losers and should hang as all they are, are ego's more blind to their own vanity than serving a real purpose.

>> No.21622083

Gatekeep like you're doing you mean?

>> No.21622098

the opposite in fact, the individuals who insist magic isn't real are either completely ignorant of any sort of tradition or are liars attempting to push away those who seek more.
that is gatekeeping.
There are so many texts to choose from, depending on the tradition or egregore current that one indulges in.
I'd say using choate framework laid out in libernull psychonauts is a good start, of course then perhaps as well one can choose spirits to work with or to adapt energy systems perhaps mantalk chias as his work is from taoist spirituality
gatekeepers should all hang, they are worthless and the spirits won't allow them authority

>> No.21622110

Yeah, I've been cynical about the whole thing lately idk why. People have to learn for themselves. Someone's ambitions could lead to their ruin or the ruin of people around them. Gatekeep all you want, just know people will do whatever the fuck they want anyway.

>> No.21622195

I'm not gatekeeping, I'm affirming things are when others would have it that they believe not to control their actions.
people can have the choice of doing what they want, it's their own lessons to learn and experience what happens.

>> No.21622214

>filtered by math AND esotericism

damn you are retarded i guess

>> No.21622226
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>> No.21622245
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the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.

as you can see here, I am not controlling or limiting general access to magic, I am by definition not gatekeeping. I am the opposite of opening the door, the inferior subhuman gatekeeper wishes to keep closed perhaps only for their personal ego believing themselves special.
die gatekeeping pieces of shit.

>> No.21622254
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You notice how everyone today is an artist nowadays? Maybe it was the right move for someone like Caravaggio because otherwise he might have ended up a Knights of Malta glowie but for the vast majority of people it's something much more banal. And with that comes a lot of responsibility still, perhaps you're right and muhyikk could help in finding our path. We really don't need more rappers

>> No.21622276

those who are worthy will excel, those who are not worthy will not.
I am not concerned with those that produce mediocrity, as those who are driven by providence will attain for themselves a higher place of their superior nature.

>> No.21622285

Everyone wants to excel, and not everybody has the talent to really make it happen. I don't think it's about excelling at all, humans want different things out of life anyway; if there is to be a wuj33c that is accessible to all it would have to have an Aristotelian base imo, which Western society either rejects or ignores nowadays. Universities don't even teach medieval philosophy. How do you want people to delve into the stuff properly if there is no cultural base for everyone? It's just sending lambs to the slaughterhouse

>> No.21622287

Have often thought most occultism was merely secret gay clubs before being openly homosexual was socially permissible.

>> No.21622293

Esotericism, in my opinion, is presupposed by an internal and personal relationship of the individual with a spiritual reality that is not immediately graspable by the senses of consensus on reality. Therein the common association between esotericism and the occult: that much of it is hidden. Whether hidden elements of being a human are sought out sexually or not may be part of that person's inner self that they chose to explore. That being said, the whole thing still exists even in the free, liberal West so I wouldn't be too sure why some would choose to go back into the closet if it is so important to come out in the first place.

>> No.21622300
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Vajrayana Buddhism

>> No.21622320

apex retard

>> No.21622430

Yes, Advaita Vedanta

>> No.21622481

These and Neidan.

>> No.21622582

Because it's a hangover that's become detached from its historical purpose of providing a hidden venue for gay hookups. Grindr and the bathhouse replaced the secret club, and grand moral justifications of the alternate worldview providing by occultism are no longer needed now that homosexuality is exoteric.

>> No.21623050

>anon actually had sex
You missed out on fireballs for slightly improved masturbation packaged with hundreds of issues.

>> No.21623209


Anon, just because your father put you back in the closet does not give you the power to do that for others.

>> No.21623223
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This, in a counter initiatic sense

>> No.21623451

magic is the power of the will, people may face terrible consequences and face ruination but a majority of these people would simply dissipate into a cycle of samsara post death anyway.
there is no difference, if they are chosen by their divine spirit(if they possess one and aren't merely mindless goy like the jews believe) then they will overcome anyway.

>> No.21623499

True say. It's better for some to have something than for all to have nothing. I'm not a spirit denying communist, anon. I just like to think that the resources are at hand for everyone, equality of opportunity as opposed to the nonsensical egalitarian equality of outcome bullshit. By all means let's see the wonder of the world but let's not be so gullible it leads to our ruin.

>> No.21623627

imo all things are illusionary and passing. whether it is the wind or the water of the stream.
what one possesses is no greater than a dream, as it possess no different quality of a dream.
let us not sit constrained by the desire to maintain a passing world but exist as action and power forward toward a goal of permanence

>> No.21623655
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>become a 34th degree freemason
>it is revealed that reptilians are LITERALLY, LITERALLY REAL and you are granted a wizard staff that actually shoots lightning

how long will you remain filtered?

>> No.21623658

Druids pretend to be druids. Try that

>> No.21623929

People change themselves, things don't. It's a very prideful mentality to say you can just force things to change. In Christianity one of the problems is that everything has been created, there's no going back from that. Was a primordial chaotic reality preferable? Maybe, who's to say? But that's already behind us, an immortal soul is proof that there's no getting rid of you, and that should get you thinking who would want to see you as you are forever in a way that is not hurtful. How bad do you think it must feel to create someone only for them to be miserable? How is it not a sin to CHOOSE remain miserable?

>> No.21623935 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 2346x886, Guenon semen eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all gay as fuck.

>> No.21623961


>> No.21623968

>guenonfags are part of a BBC cult

it all makes sense now.

>> No.21624017
File: 59 KB, 220x268, magic-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean Piper Perry is an elder wizard? Retroactively confirmed!

>> No.21624324

Anyone read the sinister way of O9A?

>> No.21624344

Evolutionary biology. I can talk to animals and shit.

>> No.21624357

The curve is pretty steep too. Most people are filtered by basic algebra, and by the time you get to basic real analysis or abstract algebra you're looking at about 2.5% of the population even being able to approach these subjects. Of this 2.5%, less than half will be able to attain a solid understanding of the subject. I base these assertions off the fact that the measured average IQ of mathematics majors in US universities is about 130, but not all of these students will graduate or pass their courses and of those that do, only a handful will achieve stellar grades indicating a strong understanding of the material.

>> No.21624376
File: 52 KB, 770x484, dullards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all reductionism.

>> No.21624384

I also hate inflationism.

>> No.21624400


>> No.21624409
File: 626 KB, 1536x2048, 1673413965722199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can hear the birds talking they are saying Sksiip skip be doo be doo

>> No.21624639

Your dog listens more to me than you. The gorilla at the zoo hides all day and then comes running when I show up with a subtle signal/posture. I get where they're coming from and what signals do what because they're not random, they're formed by a process we understand through evolutionary biology.
The birds mostly sing about how healthy they are.
>look at me I am a bird with a mind that can handle complex patterns and I am unafraid of attracting predators
>you should have sex with me

>> No.21625010

I can't help but think that a solid understanding of analysis (algebra of limits, epsilon-delta proofs, etc) is congruous with an ability for discernment in metaphysics. It's very similar to symbolic reasoning and how it maps onto the world, which in occultism is intelligible knowledge descending from higher forms of manifestation.

>> No.21625035
File: 29 KB, 623x395, moments before disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your dog listens more to me than you. The gorilla at the zoo hides all day and then comes running when I show up with a subtle signal/posture. I get where they're coming from and what signals do what because they're not random, they're formed by a process we understand through evolutionary biology.

>> No.21625054

What is the point? You think he doesn't know he's on the edge there?

>> No.21625060

your ideas are too christian centric, try another paradigm

>> No.21625083

the point is you are not tarzan and would probably get fucked up if you tried to pull some horse whisperer magic on a gorilla lol. or maybe not idk. do you hang out at the zoo often?

>> No.21625124

You're a remarkably retarded specimen. Just think for a second about how braindead these posts are.

>> No.21625408

Which one? The ancient Greek where literally the exact same is the case regarding Chaos? The Inca where monotheism was already the norm? The Egyptian where the adversarial spirits were already defeated by the gods? Believe all you want, I'm keeping it real. Once warned, never fooled. I already told u.

>> No.21625837

Yes, there are many esoteric traditions where a bunch of faggots and weirdoes are actually wizards.

>> No.21626047

i give up what's the answer

>> No.21626516

t. can't do long division

>> No.21626549

Merely sets off my gaydar is all. Why else do you need a secret mens club and loyalty to a master? The Islamic esoteric groups were very gay/pederestic in their literature, I think it's fair to think the occidental ones were as well.

>> No.21626648

I don't think that makes these societies a "gay thing" desu. For me it's more that it's a bunch of nerds working together on stuff without many people really understanding what they're about. It's not so much that a love of men brings them together but that they had needs and were busy at the same time. A hole's a hole. You don't need any kind of obscure secret knowledge to know that.

>> No.21626725

>You don't need any kind of obscure secret knowledge to know that.

you do need to be a faggot to fuck men tho.

>> No.21626728


>> No.21627729

>you do need to be a faggot to fuck men tho.
you became one when you do it

>> No.21627858

Do the catholic church next

>> No.21629010

Any sauce on this? I cannot find any by looking up the quotes.