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21618623 No.21618623 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21618662

The author of "the existentialist Cafe" said the absurdity was the court's disregard for human life. I thought the absurdity was that they disregarded human life while wearing underwear

>> No.21618684

One of my favorite books ever, but I read it high on hashish and got it as surrealism.

>> No.21618710

Meursault made me really uncomfortable. He didn't feel human, he felt like an alien, an outsider, a stranger. I fully agreed with the priest's speech at the end

>> No.21618802

He's just like me

>> No.21618852

The Stranger is the ideal we all aspire to but never quite attain. I wish I could epicly own a priest like that with my based atheism.

>> No.21618912

I admit I got filtered

>> No.21618919

Camus had by far the weakest cope of all time in regards to human existence.

>> No.21618954

Boring. Best redeeming quality: short.

>> No.21619452

I liked it

>> No.21619475

not only boring but also bad analysis of existentialism. People really pretend they like this book it's wild

>> No.21619530

This is a top 10 book for when you wake up in rehab or a psych ward.

>> No.21619591

This was my experience as well

>> No.21619594

Stupid fucking sun.

>> No.21619601

Have a cure


>> No.21619860

The sun was making him stupid.

>> No.21619917
File: 1.48 MB, 328x328, NCFOM_eh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he had sought to extricate himself by an act of will.

>> No.21620194

Why did he shoot four more times?

>> No.21620200

The burning sun brought him back to the heat during his mother's funeral.
The prosecutor was wrong in saying that he did not love his mother.

>> No.21620201

Arabs smell.

>> No.21620202

His own Big Moor Cock fantasies flashed before his eyes after the first shot and he started firing again in hopes of putting those ideas to rest. Instead, Marie just ends up fucking someone else, potentially a Moor. Poetry.

>> No.21620206

This book is just The Trial but worse (still good though)

>> No.21620222

I genuinely could not understand why Meursault didn't argue for a case of self-defense. The whole debacle could have potentially been avoided but he just let things get worse

>> No.21620252

I found it somehow relatable.

>> No.21620282

>And just then when a random beam of sunlight pierced his eyes, Mersault realized he was truly The Stranger all along.

Immediately chucked that trash into the garbage and challenged the French Canadian faggot who lives down the hall from me to a duel.

>> No.21620293

>using self-defense arguments in a eurofag court

>> No.21620636

About what?

>> No.21620773

Literally me.

>> No.21620827

I liked it, but I preferred The Plague as far as Camus goes

>> No.21620889

This. In yurop if a muzzie attacks you all you can do is lube your asshole up

>> No.21620913

why did he kill the beur

>> No.21620997

You have to read the book to understand