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/lit/ - Literature

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21618566 No.21618566 [Reply] [Original]

don't know if we'll ever see quite the level of experimentalism in literature as the cold war produced, because all of the political leakage of this time period created much warranted social upheaval and rebellion, especially in literary forms. What people get wrong about guys like Burroughs, Thompson, Mailer, etc, is that drugs were only part of the equation of their work. These were guys who so feared bureaucratic institutions of power that they sought to break free from control with new literary forms i.e. the cut up, or new journalism. Even something like Dispatches could not have existed in its form without its Vietnam context and its simulation of that through its style.

>> No.21618597

Gonzo journalism is not literature

>> No.21618652

Burroughs was a pedophile

>> No.21618665

Why not? What is literature then?
(all empty posture collapses immediately when challenged)

Aesthetically irrelevant.

>> No.21618671

You don't know what aesthetics is

>> No.21618691

Free play of the understanding and imagination. I like the Kantian conception, and I like it even more in it's phenomenological-hermenutical explication by Gadamer.
It'll never be relevant what sort of moral habitus the artist had, and it is absolutely peak midwit to think so.

>> No.21618708

A homosexual and a druggy that wrote a lot of surrealist psycho stuff, but this accusation is new to me and seems too trendy for me to take you seriously.

>> No.21618729

Dude, he was a founding member of NAMBLA (north american man boy love association), he and ginsberg (another NAMBLA pedo) constantly exchanged letters about wanting to rape prepubescent boys, this is all on record

>> No.21618745

The problem is that people don't read as much anymore - and that includes the autists here. Television and vydia gets more experimental because that's what people are consuming. There are experimental lit even today. Have you read numbers by Victor Pelevin? I don't think so becuase you prefer to dwell into fake nostalgia of yesterday than to find schizos worth reading today. It's ironic how some of you hate mainstream media but don't give a chance to anything that doesn't have its appraise.

>> No.21618766

Excerpt from letter to Ginsberg:
>The Italian school is just opposite, and I stand for hours watching the boys with my 8-power field glasses. Curious feeling of projecting myself, like I was standing over there with the boys, invisible earthbound ghost, torn with disembodied lust. They wear shorts, and I can see the goose pimples on their legs in the chill of the morning, count the hairs. Did I ever tell you about the time Marv and I paid two Arab kids 60 cents to watch them screw each other—we demanded semen too, no half-assed screwing. So I asked Marv: ‘Do you think they will do it?’ and he says: ‘I think so. They are hungry.’ They did it. Made me feel sorta like a dirty old man.
Mind you this was a grade school

>> No.21618813

>They are hungry
Jfc this pedo did this to starving children?

>> No.21618836


>> No.21618884

You are braindead

>> No.21620316
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>> No.21620344

You don't decide.

>> No.21620392

I'm sorry you turned out to be homosexual.

>> No.21621189

>this was a grade school
That was really the cherry on top

>> No.21621231
File: 2.69 MB, 3776x2832, Parthenon - Centauromachy: South Metope No. XXVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cannot not be relevant, practically. Ideally the aesthetic and the ethical interpenetrate and fuse, but few artists actually render the distinction imperceptible, and do not allow us to infer to some degree from their ethos. It's an ideal, not an accomplished fact for every case. They can certainly take us into seediness and ugliness and evil, but not well if they mistake them for good.

>> No.21621558

lmao imagine burroughs standing next to a gradeschool with fucking binoculars

>> No.21622523

The Beats should’ve been beaten to death

>> No.21622801


>> No.21623620


>> No.21623628

Don't know if he engaged in the act, but he obviously had an interest in it. Naked Lunch couldn't have been written otherwise.

>> No.21623640

Very poor retort, transparent empty posturing.

Much better, though I don't agree. To take an example you're likely familiar with: I think Milton is at his very best in those parts where Satan is most convincing, where Satan himself is being mistaken for the good.

>> No.21623705

What the fuck was wrong with The Beats?

>> No.21625120
File: 39 KB, 600x337, burroughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
