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File: 145 KB, 1164x1557, 1546D33B-9805-48C7-8DBE-F094D8505D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21617220 No.21617220 [Reply] [Original]

Was Hannah Arendt a little too influenced by Heidegger in The Banality of Evil?

>the trial of Eichmann was just a show trial no different than Stalin’s show trials
>Israel didn’t even a right to convict Nazis because they had not committed any crime in Israel
>the Nazis were just regular human people like you and me, not evil. Most of us would have behaved the same in their shoes

>> No.21617230

Somewhat interesting premise ruined by choice of picture

>> No.21617238

She sounds like a chud, ew!

>> No.21617247
File: 9 KB, 284x180, CHEER UP BOSNIAN KID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the Nazis were just regular human people like you and me, not evil. Most of us would have behaved the same in their shoes
Go read Browning (1993) Ordinary Men right now. Then Grossman On Killing.

Pappy loved to fail to accept surrender, shoot all the men in town, and conduct disciplinary rape.

The men in Indonesia who chemically sterilised women for long periods of time with depovera as part of their disciplinary rape of them were as ordinary as you or I. In fact these monstrosities are not usually required by the state, but are ornamental flourishes developed locally for pleasure (US disciplinary rape of Japan into the 1960s) or pure art (US occupation of the Republic of Vietnam).

You need to admire how the artist uses the agent blue in an attempt to deprive civilians they have a responsibility to protect from eating rice.

Ukraine is dull post-modernism. Cheer up Bosnian kid.

>> No.21617303

I thought the picture paired well since it embodies the banality of evil but in a very different sense making it a humorous contrast

>> No.21617388
File: 100 KB, 828x852, 0129323824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok anon, use this one next time

>> No.21617394

Unsurprisingly, he shaves his head because he has a receding hairline, and grows a beard because he has no chin.

>> No.21618058
File: 61 KB, 960x639, 451000CB-F1C5-4FFC-BCD2-881AB3D9196D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21618796

I couldn't care less. I really don't think it matters in the slightest nowadays whether she was or wasn't.

>Somewhat interesting premise
It's a common debate in Marxist circles that, as you can imagine, is constant with no conclusion in sight.

>> No.21618901
