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21614213 No.21614213 [Reply] [Original]

>read notes from underground
>It's me

What did the funny christian man mean by this?

>> No.21614807


>> No.21614819

How could you relate to a bald petty person? Much less, one that is rude. Notes of the underground is basically soijak. Are you saying that's you?

>> No.21614847

He's warning you about yourself.
He's allowing you to do the introspection you need to not be the man from the underground. Seeing yourself from an outside perspective is the only thing that could make you realize the extent of the error of your ways, and hopefully reconsider a lot.
For me it was when he realized that the whole thing of helping the prostitute was a facade and that he just wanted to hurt her all along, that I realized just how mean spirited and awful my resentment can make me.
And the part with Zverkov is meant to made you realize how ridiculous it is to spite your normalfag classmates that went on with their lives and living your entire life based of that spite. They are not really your rivals, they don't think about you often and when they do they don't do it with hate.
So stop hating them and focus on how you can be better for yourself, not how you can be better "to show them what's what".
There is a lot, really a lot more to unpack, but for the purpose of this thread, about the first part, the one when it's not telling the story but just writing down thoughts. In that part I think dosto quite literally meant what he said, about being irrational and all, about his feelings about the world and society.
Which leads me to think he was the underground man at one point of his life, and that's why so many of his characters are "literally us".
After managing to get out of it, he put down his experience on paper so we could also get out of it and clear our path forward.

>> No.21615031

Now read Demons.

>> No.21615406

Very insightful. Had friends tell me the same thing about bettering myself for my own sake. Thank you anon

>> No.21615414 [DELETED] 

i cant identify with ungerground man. my hatred is directed entirely towards myself not necessarily others. i dont care about the opinion sof others at all or their actions. i just hate myself and i know im right

>> No.21615439

Throughout his rants I couldn't help but agree with all of his cynicism, on top of having a diary where I write stuff like that myself. The way he sees his own suffering as pleasant couldn't be closer to home honestly

>> No.21615728

no, its me

>> No.21615785

I started reading it but just found the guy an unlikable whiner does that mean I've made it

>> No.21615806

as literature, notes is obsolete. you can get the same moaning in any thread on here

>> No.21615813

He doesn't have the background to be cynical., he's rather in a comfortable position in life. Most cynics lived in abject poverty and were on the receiving end of society. The underground man was only on the receiving end of biology and the minute social consequences that arise afterwards.

>> No.21616276

i found the second part of the book to be utterly hilarious because with all the "literally me" posts I had seen prior to reading, I couldn't help but imagine him as some anon dropping spaghetti and sperging out. even I could relate to him on some level though, just not quite as bitter and a little bit less aggressively autistic

>> No.21616320

Did you even read between the lines?

>> No.21616940

This one hit home. I’ve relied on friends my entire life and it has cooked my perceptive on boundaries. I’m sure I’m a huge influence on their lives but I’m ignoring my own. Ty for this post and Ty op.

>> No.21616955

>LMAO @ a turn of the century socially isolated Russian, I have it harder because of my student debt
I didn't even like the book as much as most anons, but it was completely wasted on you.