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/lit/ - Literature

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21613455 No.21613455 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21613456

The hook, the inciting incident, the call to adventure — let's not split hairs, we're talking the moment when things start to happen. One hundred to identify. Most clues address the main character. Not all works are novels. A higher proportion of lightweight/children's/genre fiction, for obvious reasons.

The authors:

Douglas Adams, Richard Adams, Edward Albee, Dante Alighieri, Isaac Asimov, H. E. Bates, Ray Bradbury, Caryl Brahms, John Braine, Robert O'Brien, Charlotte Bronte, John Buchan, Edgar Rice Burroughs, James Cain, John le Carré, Lewis Carroll, Raymond Chandler, John Cheever, G. K. Chesterton, Lee Childs, Erskine Childers, Arthur C. Clarke, James Clavell, Joseph Conrad, Michael Crichton, Roald Dahl, Lionel Davidson, Philip K. Dick, Charles Dickens, James Dickey, Stephen Donaldson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexandre Dumas, David Eddings, James Ellroy, William Faulkner, Ian Fleming, John Ford, C. S. Forester, Neil Gaiman, William Gass, Jean Craighead George, William Gibson, Johann Goethe, William Golding, Arthur Gordon, Kenneth Grahame, H. Rider Haggard, Dashiell Hammett, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Harris, Robert A. Heinlein, Ernest Hemingway, Patricia Highsmith, James Hilton, Anthony Hope, Robert E. Howard, Hammond Innes, Kazuo Ishiguro, Jerome K. Jerome, Robert Jordan, Nikos Kazantzakis, Daniel Keyes, Stephen King, Rudyard Kipling, Stanislaw Lem, Elmore Leonard, C. S. Lewis, Jack London, H. P. Lovecraft, A. E. W. Mason, Daphne du Maurier, Larry McMurtry, Herman Melville, Cormac McCarthy, Walter Miller, Eugene O'Neill, Chuck Palahniuk, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Portis, Terry Pratchett, Thomas Pynchon, Damon Runyon, Rafael Sabatini, J. D. Salinger, William Shakespeare, S. J. Simon, Mickey Spillane, Neal Stephenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, J. R. R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, John Updike, Jules Verne, Evelyn Waugh, Jean Webster, H. G. Wells, John William, Tennessee Williams, P. G. Wodehouse, Gene Wolfe

Hints on request.

>> No.21613460

When your proposal of marriage is turned down on the basis that you haven't accomplished anything heroic, you ask your boss to find you an interesting assignment.

Expelled from yet another expensive prep school, you decide to postpone facing your parents.

While driving through France, mentally composing a letter of resignation from your job, you are overtaken by a girl in a little white sports car.

An ex-military man offers you employment and vital neurosurgery.

You visit an eminent mathematician who claims that your civilization, which has lasted for millenia, is going to collapse in a few hundred years.

You are appointed co-executor of a large estate.

When your ferry collides with a steamship in fog and sinks, you swim to another vessel and get picked up.

An old friend leaves a mysterious mark on your door which leads to a number of strangers calling.

Visiting a brothel with your workmates, you are transfixed by a beautiful young prostitute and resolve to return alone and seek her out.

When you overhear your stepfather haggling with a passing nobleman who wants to buy you, you resolve to steal the visitor's horse and flee.

>> No.21613467

You become friends with a neighbour who is investigating a vast geopolitical conspiracy. When he is stabbed to death you become the number one suspect.

You suddenly decide you've had enough of spring-cleaning, and go for a walk.

You put an advertisement in the newspaper seeking employment, and receive an offer of £30 per anum to teach a little girl.

One morning a nosebleed prompts you to leave your house and start a new life.

Locked up in the woods by your alcoholic father, you fake your own death and run away.

When a drunk's rich girlfriend drives off and abandons him you take him back to your house and sober him up and give him a lift home.

On a New England sightseeing tour you decide to take a bus whose itinerary includes a somewhat peculiar coastal village.

You make a wager you can travel around the world in eighty days.

On holiday in a small Europe country you meet a man you resemble closely, and agree to impersonate him at an important official function.

A rabbit in a waistcoat runs past and you decide to follow it.

>> No.21613472

You receive a mysterious communication offering you a gigantic sum for your services as a repairer of ceramics.

You agree to join a venturesome friend on a canoe-trip down a river valley which is soon to be flooded as part of a dam project.

Eating in a diner in a small town you are arrested for murder.

Your aunt blackmails you into visiting an antique shop and disparaging an item of crockery her husband wants to buy, so that the proprietor will reduce the price.

A retired seafaring man takes up residence in your family's inn.

Fleeing Apaches, you take refuge in a small cave.

When a supposed asteroid entering the solar system turns out to be a perfect cylinder you are sent to investigate.

Tracking a wounded lion in dense vegetation, you panic and run away.

While being evacuated from a country caught up in revolution, you notice your plane has gone off course. When you try to remonstrate with the pilot he points a revolver at you.

Making a routine journey with your extended family, you discover that a fallen tree you've always used to cross a river is gone.

>> No.21613475

You doctor the wounds of some unfortunates caught up in the Monmouth Rebellion.

When mysterious strangers start asking about you and a farmworker is found with unexplained gold on his person, your aunt and her friend decide it's time for a trip.

Your apartment explodes and you telephone a casual acquaintance on the off-chance he can put you up.

You set off to a nearby town to find the father of your unborn child.

You're flown out into the Pacific after a ship laying a data cable discovers an unidentified sharp object on the ocean bed.

When your ward reaches the age of twenty-five, the two of you open a chest his father left him.

You take bread, leeks and lentils to an aristocratic prisoner.

You send a Christmas card to a woman you served while working in a large department store.

Your father's hired hand finds a neighbour's child frozen outside and brings him indoors to try and resucitate him.

You're called to Hampstead Heath to examine the body of an old foreign-born gentleman, shot messily in the face.

>> No.21613482

Finding yourself in a dour and quarrelsome state you decide to get away from dry land.

When your contemplative nature proves unsuited to farming your father takes you to an apprentice fair, but no-one wants to employ you. Then on the last stroke of midnight a mysterious stranger turns up.

Your brother convinces you that you need to leave your home and seek a new life with as many from your community as you can take with you.

Your employer, an inveterate snob, insists on introducing herself to a reserved Englishman in an hotel restaurant.

Your house is threatened with destruction, but your son is ill and can't be moved. You visit a local dignatary to ask for advice.

The ship you are piloting is wrecked off the coast of Japan.

You receive an unexpected visit from an ex-colleague. He explains he is fleeing the law after accidentally shooting someone, and speaks of a great business opportunity far to the north.

After a discussion on order and chaos in poetry, you are invited to an anarchist meeting.

You leave prison, attend your wife's funeral and receive a job offer.

A housewife asks you if it's possible to insure someone's life without his knowing it.

>> No.21613488

You see a great river winding like a snake in a map in a shop window and resolve to captain a steamship down that same river.

Shortly after arriving in the big city you offend three men and arrange to fight duels with all three on the same afternoon.

Embarking on boat trip, you muse about a friend you recently parted from. A stranger appears and asks if he can accompany you.

Your adult-education teacher asks if you would like to take part in an experiment which might make you more intelligent.

You are chosen as spokesman to complain about your living conditions, the catering in particular.

An unfortunate confusion over a tie leads to your being assaulted by a drunken mob of university students.

You decide to run away from New York and live in your family's old abandoned home in the Catskill Mountains.

You fall hopelessly in love with your sister and visit a priest for help and advice.

After your house is sold you go to stay with your sister and her Polish husband.

Running short of drinking-money, you auction off your wife.

>> No.21613494

You receive a letter from a distant friend asking if you'd care to join him yachting in the Baltic.

You go fishing for mussels at night and see two nice specimens about eight feet apart.

While delivering a pizza you try to shake off someone hitching a ride without permission, and crash your car.

Queen Elizabeth I dismisses you as lady-in-waiting when she catches you wearing one of her dresses and doing an impression of her.

You're hired by a lady who turns out to be the movie star you idolized as a child.

You decide to swim through all your neighbours' pools to get back home.

While building a shelter in the desert you encounter a mysterious stranger who scratches some Hebrew characters on a rock.

You receive a letter containing a message written on cigarette papers, coded using references to Bible text.

Your wife tells you she's invited a younger couple, whom you met earlier in the evening, over for drinks.

Your friend invites you to the pub and explains that the world is going to end in about ten minutes' time.

>> No.21613502

When you resign your commission in the army just before the outbreak of war, your friends condemn you for cowardice.

You join a small-town amateur dramatic society and encountera beautiful rich girl in her early twenties, and an intriguing older woman.

When your ship founders you wash up in a foreign country, separated from your twin brother.

You're sent to a research station studying an intriguing planet, to replace a scientist there who died.

You and two friends decide that you are jaded and stressed and the answer is a fortnight's holiday on the Thames.

A young lady explains that her sister has run away with a dangerous gambler and hires you to follow him and try to get her away from him.

A young nobleman visits you in prison and hires you to kill a high priest.

You sneak off on a motoring holiday without your family, get overtaken dangerously by a large expensive car, and then find that the road and countryside have changed.

After giving your wedding ring to a beggar you get struck by a police car and wake up in another world.

You decide to accompany a holy man on a pilgrimmage, and a horse-trader gives you a message to carry on your journey.

>> No.21613508

You pick up a hitch-hiker in your expensive new car, and he persuades you to demonstrate how fast it will go.

Sitting in a shop window you see a young girl outside in the street who approaches and takes an interest in you.

An old acquaintance, usually the life and soul of the party, arrives at your saloon-cum-boarding house and is as convivial as ever, but changed.

Seeking adventure, you leave Harvard and travel out West. A man in a bar explains how much it would cost for a small independent group to hunt buffalo.

When your village is attacked by strange monsters you flee with two friends, a mysterious girl and her tall companion, picking up two more people on the way.

Finding it harder than expected to persuade a happy-go-lucky rural fellow to fill in a tax return form, you decide to stay the night at his house.

You see a pleasant hill but when you try to climb it three wild animals appear and drive you away.

When you overhear a group of strangers discussing a man they know who can eat a huge amount, you see the chance to make some money.

You take a book home clandestinely with the intention of reading it.

You hear the three-minute warning and take refuge in your fall-out shelter. When you emerge, the world has changed, but not in the way you expect.

>> No.21613519

You stow away on a ship with a friend, who hides you in the hold. After a few days he comes down to explain there's been a mutiny.

Driving at night you almost hit a young lady standing in the middle of the road. You pick her up. Shortly thereafter you're stopped by the police, who ask if you've seen someone hitch-hiking and explain that an inmate has escaped from a nearby lunatic asylum.

When your father is gunned down in broad daylight you decide to invest $100 in bringing the culprit to justice.

You are assigned to visit a mental hospital to try to persuade an inmate to answer a survey.

Sailing in thick fog in the English Channel, you almost collide with an old ship, apparently abandoned. When you board her, hoping to claim salvage rights, you encounter the first officer, who is strangely reticent about what took place.

A mysterious benefactor agrees to pay your way through college if you write him a letter every month.

The body of a young woman, mutilated and cut in half, is found in a Los Angeles park.

You announce you would pay any price for knowledge, whereupon a mysterious stranger arrives with a proposition.

When a missionary's brother dies, you agree to give her a ride on your boat.

You're working at a till in a grocery store when three girls wearing bathing suits walk in.

>> No.21613647

I always appreciate these posts even though I'm no good at them
But 24 is Wodehouse
41 moby dick
70 sounds like hitchhiker's guide
98 sounds like faust

>> No.21613760
File: 91 KB, 220x230, Kyoko Confirms!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 is Wodehouse
Correct. The Code of the Woosters, as it happens, but all PGW books are identical anyway.

>41 moby dick
>70 sounds like hitchhiker's guide

>98 sounds like faust
Right. Would fit any version but Goethe is the only appropriate guy in the author list so we'll go with him.

>> No.21613787

8) Passover
9) Pretty Woman

91) Roman Polanski's Pirates
93) Batman Begins
95) Curse of the Black Pearl

>> No.21613814

>Your apartment explodes and you telephone a casual acquaintance on the off-chance he can put you up.

>> No.21613842
File: 102 KB, 480x270, Tohru Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21613850

It would actually have been a lot easier to make this quiz for /tv/. More films follow this structure than books.

>> No.21613893

100 is A&P
54 is Flowers for Algernon

>> No.21613907

>You are appointed co-executor of a large estate.
Oedipa Maas. Pynchon's Crying of Lot 49

>> No.21613935
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Miyako Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 is A&P
Correct. (John Updike short story.)

>54 is Flowers for Algernon

>> No.21613941
File: 111 KB, 498x278, Megumin Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Or, you might say, executrix.

>> No.21613960

5) Asimov's Foundation series
79) Every isekai anime ever

Great thread OP! Good way find new books I want to read.

>> No.21614003

89 1984

>> No.21614011

19 - Prisoner of Zenda

>> No.21614019

20) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
71) Stoner
Just finished reading this today. It's a difficult one, would have been very hard to get otherwise (if it's correct of course).

>> No.21614051
File: 36 KB, 290x300, Hiyori Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5) Asimov's Foundation series

>79) Every isekai anime ever
Not far wrong, but we're looking for a book.

>> No.21614061
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, Confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>89 1984
True, this does occur in 1984, but it's quite far into it, so not really the "inciting incident". (Also Orwell isn't in the list of authors.)

>> No.21614068
File: 85 KB, 400x510, Kay says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 - Prisoner of Zenda
Correct. Anthony Hope. The "Important official function" being, of course, the King's coronation.

>> No.21614074

oh and is 89) Fahrenheit 451?

>> No.21614092
File: 119 KB, 902x631, Chibiusa Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Of course.

>71) Stoner
Ah yeah, something like this does happen in Stoner, *and* JW is in the author list. That's a bit unfortunate. It wasn't what I had in mind. (Also I'm not sure it quite fits. Apart from anything else, Stoner never has a commission in the army, does he? He basically never joins up.) Anyway, Chibiusa approves of Lewis Carroll, which is what matters.

>> No.21614100
File: 51 KB, 300x300, Konata Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is 89) Fahrenheit 451?
Correct. (This might satisfy the anon six posts up, if he sees it.)

>> No.21614253

2: Catcher in the Rye
8: maybe Holmes' Dancing Men
18: Around the World...
20: Alice's Adventures...
22: Desert Solitaire
25: Jamaica Inn?
30: Bridge to Terribithia?
33: Fight Club
45: Mrs. Frisby
49: this happened in the movie He Got Game but I doubt that's the answer
54: Flowers for Algernon
55: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
65: sounds like Sunset Boulevard but dunno if it was a book
66: Magician's Nephew?
67: the Borges thing about Methuselah?
69: Tender is the Night?
70: Hitch hikers Guide
93: True Grit?
97: a book about the Black Daliah?
99: the African Queen

>> No.21614281

The hook is not the inciting incident. Maybe they were at some point but certainly not now. The inciting incident comes in around the 10% mark. Try writing a book that doesn't hook until 1/10th of the way in and see who reads it.

>> No.21614300

What's the hook then?

>> No.21614307

the hook is what sells the novel. it often comes in the first chapter.

>> No.21614324

27 - Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.21614333

8 - The Hobbit

>> No.21614339

4: Neuromancer?
12: Marie Kondo's new book ;)

>> No.21614342

73 - Twelfth Night

>> No.21614364

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.21614390

31 - Captain Blood

>> No.21614413

25 - Treasure Island

>> No.21614475

52 - The three musketeers

>> No.21614517

4 is Neuromamcer
5 is Foundation by Asimov

>> No.21614545

Is 40 Sherlock Holmes and Valley of Fear?

>> No.21614584
File: 62 KB, 320x240, Haruhi says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good haul here:

>2: Catcher in the Rye
>18: Around the World...
>45: Mrs. Frisby
>93: True Grit?
>99: the African Queen
(45 = ...and the Rats of NIMH, if anyone is wondering.)

>20: Alice's Adventures...
>33: Fight Club
>54: Flowers for Algernon
>70: Hitch hikers Guide
Correct, although others already got them.

>8: maybe Holmes' Dancing Men
Haha, no. More famous. ACD is elsewhere.

>22: Desert Solitaire
Nope. No Abbey in the authors list.

>25: Jamaica Inn?

>30: Bridge to Terribithia?
Who he? Never heard of this. Maybe it happens to fit, in which case, that's unfortunate.

>49: this happened in the movie He Got Game but I doubt that's the answer
I believe you, but no, it isn't. This hasn't been filmed, as far as I know. Maybe they did a TV thing of it.

>55: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
Kinda plausible, but no. They don't really mind the food, do they? It's just the castrating authoritarianism that gets them down. (Also no KK in the authors.)

>65: sounds like Sunset Boulevard but dunno if it was a book
It does a bit, but it isn't. This is a tough one I think.

>66: Magician's Nephew?
Haha, no.

>67: the Borges thing about Methuselah?
Nope, no Borges in there. Maybe I should have put him in.

>69: Tender is the Night?
Hmm, that almost fits. I knew there were gonna be some almost-overlaps. No FSF in author list, though.

>97: a book about the Black Daliah?
Sounds like that, doesn't it?

>> No.21614589

49. American Gods
96. Daddy Long Legs

>> No.21614609
File: 53 KB, 380x288, Akko Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 - Rendezvous with Rama
Correct. Arthur C. Clarke.

>8 - The Hobbit
Correct and checked.

No idea if you are two anons or one anon. I'll have to start putting answers together though or the supply of cute girls will run out, and no-one wants that. (Maybe better look for some more.)

>> No.21614627
File: 42 KB, 320x180, Zero Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4: Neuromancer?

>12: Marie Kondo's new book ;)
Hahaha. Marie Kondo rules.

>> No.21614642

12 - The wind in the willows

>> No.21614647
File: 59 KB, 400x360, Kurisu Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>73 - Twelfth Night

>A Canticle for Leibowitz

>31 - Captain Blood

>25 - Treasure Island

>52 - The three musketeers

All correct. Even if these are all different anons, no-one is going to mind even a part-share in best Girl Kurisu.

>> No.21614657
File: 71 KB, 290x416, Nagatoro Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 is Neuromamcer
>5 is Foundation by Asimov

Correct, although others got them already.

>> No.21614665

87 - Dante's Inferno

>> No.21614679
File: 107 KB, 368x600, Tsukasa Is Thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, sorry. The VoF does start with Holmes called to investigate a murder, but IIRC it turns out the guy is alive and hiding and faked his own death or something.

The Arthur Conan Doyle answer is not Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.21614689
File: 47 KB, 342x192, Isla Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>49. American Gods
>96. Daddy Long Legs

>> No.21614697
File: 73 KB, 480x270, Rin Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>87 - Dante's Inferno

>> No.21614703
File: 122 KB, 640x360, Satania Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 - The wind in the willows
Correct. Mole, not Marie Kondo. They're both splendid individuals of course.

>> No.21614729

Damn it fits it very well.
He is called for the murder of a man shot in the face, later it turns out the victim faked his death by putting his clothes on another guy who had his face shot off

>> No.21614738

the sea wolf.
one of the jeeves books
rats of nim
flowers for algernon
canticle for lebowitz
hitch hikers guide
three men in a boat

>> No.21614797

Right. But not on Hampstead Heath? That's about the only thing I can think of that stops the question being unfair :(

>> No.21614827
File: 51 KB, 220x122, That is correct.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the sea wolf.


three men in a boat


>one of the jeeves books

>rats of nim

>flowers for algernon

>canticle for lebowitz

>hitch hikers guide


Correct, although others got them already.

>> No.21615032

74) Lem's Solaris?

>> No.21615050
File: 60 KB, 300x300, Aqua Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>74) Lem's Solaris?

>> No.21615119

51 - Life on the Mississippi

>> No.21615145

84 - Butcher's crossing (if that's correct, the author is John Williams)

>> No.21615156

55 - Oliver Twist

>> No.21615163

59 - A streetcar named desire

>> No.21615208
File: 98 KB, 480x270, Yoshiko Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>51 - Life on the Mississippi
Hmm, I guess it has something in common but it wasn't what I meant. I don't think it fits perfectly.

>84 - Butcher's crossing
Correct. (JW in there led someone to suggest Stoner for 71.)

>55 - Oliver Twist
Right. Famous work but slightly dodgy description.

>59 - A streetcar named desire

>> No.21615830

>22: Desert Solitaire
>Nope. No Abbey in the authors list
ah, I didn't look at the authors. nevertheless, Abbey and another guy from the Parks service went down the Colorado in anticipation of the Hoover Dam being built. But now that I think about it, that's also the impetus for Deliverance, so I change my answer to Deliverance.

but yeah, all my other guesses were a little wild; although I thought that did describe the Magicians Nephew, but my memory from the fifth grade is admittedly not the best

>> No.21615982

13) Jane Eyre
29) Lost Horizon

>> No.21616010

45 - Secret of Nimh

>> No.21616025

82) Klara and the Sun

>> No.21616042

28 is Hemingway short story The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber

>> No.21616047

34 is Faulkner Light in August

>> No.21616055

41 is Moby Dick
46. Lord Jim? I forget where the wreck took place

>> No.21616064

60 is Hardy. The Mayor of Casterbridge I think

>> No.21616075

69 is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

>> No.21616421

you know what, anon? do you have anywhere i can contact you? because you seem well-read amd funny and i'd like to have a conversation with you about literature

>> No.21616720

15) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

>> No.21617225
File: 59 KB, 400x225, Kyou Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22: Deliverance
Correct. Maybe unfairly misleading to ignore the other two and suggest it was just MC + friend.

>> No.21617229
File: 92 KB, 322x322, Anzu Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13) Jane Eyre
>29) Lost Horizon

>> No.21617233
File: 32 KB, 273x270, Kyoko Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 - Secret of Nimh
Correct, although others already got it by its other title (Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH).

>> No.21617260
File: 65 KB, 380x268, Gabriel Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>82) Klara and the Sun
Right. Kazuo Ishiguo. One of the hardest, I think. Although the guy did win a Nobel so it shouldn't be considered *that* obscure.

>> No.21617292
File: 576 KB, 498x304, We Concur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 is Hemingway short story The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber

>34 is Faulkner Light in August
Right. I was worried this would legitimately apply to more than one book, since it's a pretty broad description of events.

>41 is Moby Dick
Correct, although someone else already got it.

>46. Lord Jim? I forget where the wreck took place
Not Lord Jim. Firstly, that's in the Red Sea IIRC. Anyway, not off the coast of Japan. Secondly that ship isn't actually wrecked; they just think it's going to sink so they sneak off in the lifeboats but it doesn't sink. (Also I don't think he's piloting it.)

>60 is Hardy. The Mayor of Casterbridge I think

>69 is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Right. Another pretty vague description which might apply to other things. (I guess the author list saves me from too many of these legitimate alternative answers.)

>15) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

>> No.21617299
File: 13 KB, 220x178, Just A Peek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any existence outside 4chan. (Although admittedly, that will probably change when my Dante gets published and I start shilling it like a crazed beaver.)

>> No.21617467

>my Dante
sounds interesting. what is that?

>> No.21617481

My translation of Dante. I've done the easy part (writing it), Now the hard part (persuading someone to publish it).

>> No.21617601

23 Killing Floor - Lee Childs
42 Mort - Terry Pratchett
63 Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
85 The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan

>> No.21617637
File: 106 KB, 500x375, Misato Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>23 Killing Floor - Lee Childs
Right. I wouldn't be surprised if some other book started like this. But good ideas always seem obvious after the fact.

>42 Mort - Terry Pratchett

>63 Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson

>85 The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan
Correct. The SF&F stuff isn't getting identified as quickly as I expected. Even people who gave up on the WoT around Book 6 are still going to know this bit.

>> No.21618815
File: 116 KB, 294x271, Miyako Hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're about half-way now. A few random hints:

9 & 17 are /lit/ meme authors.

32 & 37 are fantasy novels.

16 & 76 are detective thrillers.

10 & 43 are children's classics.

58 & 83 are stage plays.

39 & 66 are short stories.

21 & 90 are science fiction novels.

>> No.21618856

66 is Cheever
21 is Galactic Pot-Healer
90 could be The Penultimate Truth

>> No.21618990
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>66 is Cheever
It could be. But you'll have to share the prize with someone who names the work.

>21 is Galactic Pot-Healer

>90 could be The Penultimate Truth
I admit, I didn't actually say no author is repeated, but no author is, so this can't be PKD as well.

>> No.21619682

Is 17 Shadow Over Innsmouth? By HP Lovecraft?

>> No.21619745
File: 49 KB, 333x253, Yes Indeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 17 Shadow Over Innsmouth? By HP Lovecraft?
Yes it is.

>> No.21619850

OP please tell me whats 79 I wanna read it ;_;

>> No.21620153

Can't give any answers, but with a few hints maybe someone will get it. It's a fantasy novel from the 1970s (the first in a series). American author.

>> No.21620258

huck finn
around the world in eighty days
fight club
the woman in white

>> No.21620305


Haven't read it but I'm guessing Chronicles of Thomas Covenant as it's one of the more well known transported to another world fantasys.

>> No.21620335

Also damn fantasy/sci fi must mostly stay to the containment thread as I these all seem pretty easy to me.

>> No.21620578

66 - The Swimmer (J. Cheever)

>> No.21620720

26 - Blood meridian?

>> No.21620768

58 - John Ford - ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore

>> No.21620820

83 -The Iceman Cometh

>> No.21621166

is 48 The Man Who Was Thursday?

>> No.21621174

74 -- Solaris
98 -- Faust
100 -- A&P, short story

these are fun anon thank you

>> No.21621316
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1) I don't know but this sounds based
4) Neuromancer
5) Foundation
8) The Hobbit
18) Around the World in Eighty Days
25) Treasure Island
27) Rendevouz with Rama
28) The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber
33) Fight Club
41) Moby Dick
51) Heart of Darkness
54) Flowers for Algernon
70) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
98) Faust

You always make me wish I was better read. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.21622235
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>huck finn

>around the world in eighty days

>fight club

Correct (although other people already got them).

>the woman in white
Not quite. The general setup is the same, but TWIW is pre-car. (Also Wilkie Collins isn't in the list of authors.)

>> No.21622244
File: 30 KB, 210x214, You Have It Sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (79)

>> No.21622251
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>66 - The Swimmer (J. Cheever)

>26 - Blood meridian?
Nope. Something vaguely like that happens in BM, I guess. But not exactly, and it isn't really the inciting incident.

>58 - John Ford - ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore
Correct. Cormac stole the hero's last words for The Passenger. (Or if he didn't, it's a massive coincidence.)

>83 -The Iceman Cometh
Correct. "Drunk losers are based and you shouldn't try to change them."

>is 48 The Man Who Was Thursday?
It is. G. K. Chesterton.

>> No.21622266
File: 78 KB, 420x270, Shion Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>74 -- Solaris
>98 -- Faust
>100 -- A&P, short story
All correct (although other people already got them).

>> No.21622284
File: 836 KB, 280x280, Ohto Approves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>4) Neuromancer
>5) Foundation
>8) The Hobbit
>18) Around the World in Eighty Days
>25) Treasure Island
>27) Rendevouz with Rama
>28) The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber
>33) Fight Club
>41) Moby Dick
>54) Flowers for Algernon
>70) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>98) Faust
All correct, although you're not the first to get them.

>51) Heart of Darkness
Correct. Maybe slightly dodgy since he sees the map quite a while before the events really start. Never mind.

>> No.21623564

More than half-way there now. A few more hints to keep things going:

44 & 50 were famously filmed in B&W
53 & 94 were famously filmed in colour
46 & 47 were famously made into TV series in the USA

>> No.21623613

96. Black Dahlia - Ellroy

>> No.21623644

Fuck you, OP, for lengthening my 'to read' list.

>> No.21623647

50. Double indemnity - Cain

>> No.21623666

94 shutter island?

>> No.21623671
File: 28 KB, 430x512, Quite Correct Sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>96. Black Dahlia - Ellroy
I assume you meant 97, in which case, correct. If you actually meant 96, you're wrong, but you got incredibly lucky.

>> No.21623702
File: 67 KB, 372x281, Quite RIght!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50. Double indemnity - Cain

>94 shutter island?
Checked. Nope, sorry. Sounds sort of plausible, but he isn't called to Shutter Island to give a patient a questionnaire, is he? He's called (supposedly) to investigate a disappearance / escape.

>> No.21623784

Is 46 Shogun? I am unaware of any tv show though.

>> No.21623969

Is 80 "Journey to the West"? I dont think so because there are no chinese names in the authors but I dont lose anything for trying

>> No.21623975
File: 28 KB, 243x243, Good Job!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 46 Shogun?
It is.

>I am unaware of any tv show though.
It was at the time (and I think remains) the only USA TV show filmed on location in Japan. Sadly it's not very good (Richard Chamberlain isn't Blackthorne, for a start).

>> No.21624010

>Is 80 "Journey to the West"? I dont think so because there are no chinese names in the authors but I dont lose anything for trying
No it isn't, yes that's right, and no you don't. It is an adventure story set in a foreign country, so it's a bit like JTTW. The hero isn't a magic monkey, though.