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/lit/ - Literature

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21611945 No.21611945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21611974

Okay but Lord of the Flies is actually shit

>> No.21611979

she's mid

>> No.21611984

can a woman ever actually understand moby dick

>> No.21611990

>video posted 5 hours ago
why are you subscribed to her anon?

>> No.21611993
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>> No.21612012

>t. no idea what the wall is

>> No.21612018
File: 137 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looked like this only a couple years ago

>> No.21612072


>> No.21612097

There's something about a women's skin that darkens after fucking.

>> No.21612133

women age really fast, men peak at 30 or 40
and women at 20.

>> No.21612137


>> No.21612162
File: 185 KB, 600x365, lighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she was walled then her skin would look aged, wrinkly or saggy, but the only difference between OP's pic and yours is the lighting (and her forehead is too accentuated by her separated bangs). It's really not rocket science and yet men always fail to see these things

>> No.21612355

..since many of these "traditional" books and authors are totally shit..

oohh i'm holding a harpoon and there's a whale coming to get me, ohhhhh how thrilling

>> No.21612362

What happened to the Asian cutie who reviewed BAP and Evola? She was much better.

>> No.21612363

Everyone who has used a flashlight in the dark knows this.

>> No.21612366

>why doesn't contemporary literary culture center the tastes and preoccupations of bitter young men

>> No.21612373

because it's too busy trying to find drug addicts who'll rewrite bitter old mens stories and put black people, transvestites and the disabled into the role of protagonist.

>> No.21612569

men dont peak at 14 anon...

>> No.21612707

how do you look like?

>> No.21612781



>> No.21612811

yeah moby dick is a book for bitter incels!!11

>> No.21612909

stop trying so hard

>> No.21612922

so the same except one day she slept well and one day she didn't?
Are you people retarded?

>> No.21613078


>> No.21613120

Women without makeup look like geentic monstrocities

>> No.21613139
File: 147 KB, 1014x467, 1652409035187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21613160

is this goatse?

>> No.21613464

roll for an A
bad lighting and bad hair day. she must be 26 tops.

>> No.21613474

It's called makeup, incel

>> No.21613500

Whats Moby Dick really about? Why do men appreciate it so much more than women?

>> No.21613513

>i'm holding a harpoon and there's a whale coming to get me, ohhhhh how thrilling
Yeah it kinda is. What do you find thrilling?

>> No.21613591

Isnt it about autism? Specifically the autism of one man trying to fuck with a whale that fucked with him?

>> No.21613699

this isn't mid. this is low.

>> No.21613753

What happens next anon, I’m invested

>> No.21613857

fuck dis bih

>> No.21613887

Is this what women look like without 7 layers of make up and adjusting light, angle for 3h to take a video/photo? Ooof...

>> No.21613906

this but unironically

>> No.21613921

>haircut looks like a mullet and bangs have been specifically removed from the middle to emphasize her gargantuan forehead
That really is a magnificently shitty haircut, and I say that as a non-gay man, which truly emphasizes how shitty it is.

>> No.21614056

So she went from a 4 to a 3, cool

>> No.21615056

sned fed sed

>> No.21615143

fuck jan

>> No.21615184

>Whats Moby Dick really about?


Autism is not the same as obsession.

>> No.21615235
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Goddam that bitch should've settled down in her late teens. She was probably somewhat cute and had all her eggs. She is in her late 20's or early 30's and looks haggered as fuck. Dressing up like a 60's housewife won't help you at all, bitch. Another brick in the wall i guess.

>> No.21615242

ngl im dead af tho LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21615255
File: 239 KB, 1200x1200, JJJJJjjjjjjjjJJJJjjJJJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women in their early 20s be like

>> No.21615513


>> No.21615546

>Isnt it about autism? Specifically the autism of Melville

>> No.21616249

Made for BBC?

>> No.21616252

I dropped this slut the moment she got a boyfriend. I won't simp for an impure girl.

>> No.21616259

Are there pics of her bf? Do you think it's a chad or a soiboy?

>> No.21616260

>oohh i'm holding a harpoon and there's a whale coming to get me, ohhhhh how thrilling
except its the opposite. in reality it is

>oohh I'm holding an oar and we're going to get a whale ooohh how thrilling

greatest english novel of all time

>> No.21616283

Emmie has decent taste compared to most booktubers, even if she's still a midwit, but she's so fucking boring, man. I'd rather watch Leoni, who is borderline retarded, but it's pretty fun to watch.

>> No.21616285

He’s a black chad

>> No.21616293

Are you fucking high? It's not the lighting.

>> No.21616371
File: 158 KB, 750x750, 998FAACE-B642-4FB7-9E8C-367A230C5242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats Moby Dick really about?
It’s about how we experience reality and how that experience is subjective to ourselves. How we can never truly know God in totality or grasp a fully objective perspective on the universe because the scope of those things is so much bigger than us and much of it requires the context of an experience totally different to our human experience. The Whale is a great symbol of this for Melville because of its life in the deep sea, mostly unknown. He relates his own experiences to wider interpretations of humanity in history belief and society; and it seems that interpretation can be made but we can never truly know beyond all doubt as we are not God and in the end how being adamant for that divine certainty leads to madness or destruction.
>Why do men appreciate it so much more than women?
Women tend to think less abstractly than men, they care more about interpersonal relationships (which there’s plenty of in moby-dick but there’s a lot of abstract pondering as well) than abstract concepts
I’m sure there are women who enjoy Moby-Dick, I’ve only spoken to I think two that have read it and one literally couldn’t understand the language and the other barely remembered it from having read it more than a decade prior. Gender isn’t an absolute determining factor, there are lots of men who dislike it, but in my experience they didn’t even pay attention to the book. Case in point the people who only talk obliquely about the narrative rather than the actual themes
It’s an expression of autism certainly, Melville’s attitude to whales is comparable to a certain kind of sperg with trains
You need to elaborate on “vengeance” because it’s definitely about more than that and even Ahab’s motivations specifically are about a lot more than revenge on the whale for maiming him. You’d need to be a literal retard to not pick up on more because Ahab practically spells out that he sees the whale as a metaphysical symbol after Starbucks first suggests it’s insane to take revenge on an animal.
Ahab was who he is before he encountered Moby-Dick

>> No.21616384

>the tastes and preoccupations of bitter young men
We’re talking about Moby-Dick and Melville, not Houellebecq. Melville appeals to pessimistic romantics, there’s too much joy and appreciation of the world’s beauty in his work for the appeal to focus on incels

>> No.21616391

The whale is the firmament, the materialistic and the poorly-read are those who fail to understand Moby-Dick

>> No.21616625
File: 404 KB, 778x473, sadfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is. The light comes from her left side, and all of her skin ""imperfections"" are visible because of the shade on her right.
Here's the same pic if it were lighted better, and with her bangs

>> No.21616708

That's a lot of effort to prove an anon wrong, but you're right.
t. different guy

>> No.21616719

lol, I've been using photoshop since I was 12. This pic took about 3 minutes

>> No.21616732

She hasn't really walled because she was never particularly pretty to begin with. I liked her because she seemed modest, but sadly, as all women, she revealed herself as a whore.

>> No.21616743

I can't believe you would ever think a youtube girl is anything but an attention whore...

>> No.21616746

Is that a tranny

>> No.21616754

>It’s an expression of autism certainly, Melville’s attitude to whales is comparable to a certain kind of sperg with trains
Sometimes I'm genuinely jealous of train autists, their obsession seems so pure.

>> No.21617440

pretending people who have read and moved on from a stupid book "don't get it" is common old pseudo-elitism.

If you haven't found anything better written in English than a story about whaling adventure then I feel profoundly glad that the birth-rates are down.

Ironically a real story about whaling would be more interesting, like that crew who got lost and turned to cannibalism. You need to get it through your head that most, if not all, 'published approved' literature and films are sanitized trash.

>> No.21617451

>You need to get it through your head that most, if not all, 'published approved' literature and films are sanitized trash.
I mean, consider that Rochester published profoundly good things; real insight, which was and is hilarious, but that for 300 yrs afterwards Rochester was censored and not held up as a fun example of literature to introduce people to writing, and that instead we were given "I wandered lonely as a cloud" and drivel like that, which turned many of us away from books altogether.

Moby Dick, my arse,
what come to pass,
when chil'ern read upon the grass
all that is crass,
aw, alas,
you simple ass
who creep to the cross in catholic mass,
your morality, nay, soul imperiled,
for concluding all reason is of the devil.

>> No.21617454

She cute. Look at her cute shoulders and her effort.

>> No.21617463

holy shit

these responses are also for you, >>21617440 >>21617451

>Ahab practically spells out that he sees the whale as a metaphysical symbol after Starbucks first suggests it’s insane to take revenge on an animal.
Ahab was who he is before he encountered Moby-Dick
Is it not possible, to your narcissistic disposition, that many people notice this and conclude the story to be stupid? It lacks even the comedy of Groundhog Day, if you're trying to aggrandize the whaling adventure to us on that level.

>Gender isn’t an absolute determining factor,
ahahdh wtf 'gender' .. you are creature of your time, clearly. you faaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaag

>> No.21617475

>stop trying so hard
if one simple line is 'trying hard' then,

>Is it over for literature bros?
for those people.

But then you could argue that literature has always been written and read only a small handful of Men and Women, and that the 'reader' (i memorize 40 book a year, i want books to be tailored to my slovenly disposition) is merely a couch potato.

>> No.21617480

>Groundhog Day
wait.. wait wait wait I mean that other Bill Murray movie ... don't i? with the golf caddy and the gopher

Caddyshack. that's what i meant,

ok trying again,
Is it not possible, to your narcissistic disposition, that many people notice this and conclude the story to be stupid? It lacks even the comedy of Caddyshack, if you're trying to aggrandize the whaling adventure to us on that level.

>> No.21617482

i want to lick her ass and pussy on a hot August day

>verification not required

>> No.21617489

For me, it's handholding emmie during a long walk on the shore as we contemplate life, but the guy talking about licking and hot august days makes a decent argument.

>> No.21617517

>For me, it's handholding emmie during a long walk on the shore as we contemplate life
He dragged the girl as she screamed, along the garbage strewn shore, she cut her body upon the shards of shells and cried out for anyone to help,

"we're going to be wed," he slavered in his broken English as she kicked at the sand and squealed.

>> No.21617526

A daring deconstruction

>> No.21617570

Bent over on a couch a white sundress soaked in sweat sticking to her pale unblemished skin

Barefoot, hiding her faces between the cushions

The heat is unbearable.

>> No.21617584

Is she retarded enough to be vegan? She looks like a longterm vegan these days (aenemic, skin and hormone issues..)

>> No.21617591

You forgot the Indian accent m8

>> No.21617603
File: 276 KB, 908x1280, IMG_20230131_002331_485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I do this with every egirl, the moment they reveal they are in a relationship I drop the Dennis line in the comments and unsub.


this should become a world wide meem tbqhwymf. Let's

>> No.21617677

katbros are you gonna just stand for this?
where is my spring sweaty reads

>> No.21617743


>> No.21617768

no need to insult the anon, anon, his remarks are base, it is true but one need merely avert the eyes.

>> No.21617781

>ITT: anons prove they have no concept of what an actual woman looks like
hollywood and porn has spoiled men

>> No.21617821

That forehead is a wall in itself

>> No.21617834

claims to be smart and claims to be a reader,
insults a woman with a large brain.

>> No.21617836

t. I spent years worshipping a 5/10 because she talks about shitty books sometimes

>> No.21617855

Aggrandising a search for meaning and the desire to understand the world isn’t stupid you soulless piece of shit. Melville wrote through the lense of whaling and whales for the same reason that Joyce wrote about living in Dublin, or that Cervantes wrote about the a member of the lower Spanish nobility including sections about the battle of lepanto, because he had experienced it and knew a lot about it. People aggrandise this book because it’s meaningful to them, and your attitude to that makes me suspect that you can only accept the grandest stories when they have superficially dramatic settings/framing devices, which makes me think that you’re either underage or a certain kind of man/womanchild, as exemplified here>>21617440 because you’re obviously not interested in the profound or beautiful, just the titillating
Dismissing a book as stupid with no actual argument as to why it is stupid (I would suspect all you would be capable of giving us is nihilistic modernist dreck), outs YOU as the pseud, with no reasonable explanation for why you think it’s stupid or what you’ve moved on to you come across like a 16 year old midwit who thinks that, because he read spark notes, he “gets” the summary and can dismiss it out of hand.
“It’s stupid” is not a valid criticism from an adult.
In order to dismiss this book so smugly you would need to claim greater literary skill and perception than people like Nabokov and Borges.
Why don’t you tell us who we should be reading instead?

>> No.21617901
File: 235 KB, 2000x1408, 2AA2B177-FC5B-45C0-AC22-1DDF59EFA44F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21617903

>which makes me think that you’re either underage or a certain kind of man/womanchild
The anger at “bitter young men” expressed earlier in this thread guarantees this as fact. Nobody well adjusted takes out their frustration with incels on a book written 200 years ago by a full-living bisexual politically progressive man’s man

>> No.21617909

>I mean,
Kys, McCuckers-Trooney spammer

>> No.21617920

I don't think any have ever read it.

>> No.21617945

>the desire to understand the world
This, for your type, ends when you decide to pursue fantasy over reality. That is actual nihilism, as you reject reality in favor of nonsense. In the head of a soldier being sent to is death by an inept commander, no doubt he believes something grandosie is occurring and that he is on a symbolic mission (enemy trooper believes identical thing), but who gives a fuck what he thinks? He is an ant who is capable of rising above his situation and chooses not to, so he crafts a narrative to rationalize his cowardice and idiocy. That's my take, simplified. I could say this and say that "I" really truly "get" the book for that reason lol I may be right but I don't care to "claim" it, that'd be pseudish.

>d with no actual argument as to why it is stupid (I would suspect all you would be capable of giving us is nihilistic modernist dreck),
I wrote quite a bit actually.

You're asking me who / what is a superior text in the English Language than the fictional story called Moby Dick? C'mon, anon. You sound like exactly what I described, you have one book on your shelf and are unaware others exist.

o well at least it's not the bible

>> No.21617949

you're right, anon, because i'm not interested in reading about a manly man on a boat chasing whale, I'm the troon.

>> No.21617975

she looks like she stinks of sour milk

>> No.21618046

Again you refuse to look at the story of the book beyond the narrative of Arab, into all the chapters centring on other characters and their beliefs, on Ishmael/Melville’s examination of the world through the lense he knows, you could say that you simply don’t care, yet here you are.
The “symbolic mission” with Ahab IS folly, maybe it’s something that materialists can’t understand because they don’t understand what “God” is.
>I wrote quite a bit actually.
You wrote posts whining about how it’s stupid and overrated, essential all of them are about historical context and perceived elitism at most, when you addressed the content of the book it was just a ridiculous infantile straw man summary of the setting of the narrative, which you might find uninteresting to your tastes, you might “not care”, but again, here you are seething over the fact that people enjoy this book. You wrote 0 substantive criticism of the book
>inb4 nuh uh you’re seething that people don’t enjoy it
This discussion was prefaced by a retard (presumably you) getting upset at this book on the premise it’s popular with young men and “elitists”
>You're asking me who / what is a superior text in the English Language than the fictional story called Moby Dick? C'mon, anon. You sound like exactly what I described, you have one book on your shelf and are unaware others exist.
You can’t respond, can you? You know that you’re going to say something which reveals your tastes and makes you look either pretentious or retarded, don’t dodge direct questions.
I’ve read plenty of other books, some that I enjoy as much as Moby-Dick, a few plays and poems that I enjoy more.
>using “ fictional” as an insult
Oh no, it’s a non-fiction autist, I’m sorry that you were born with aspergers
>bible bad
Even worse, an atheist or modernist non-fiction autist, I’m glad you didn’t give us recommendations, they’d probably just be for pedophilic french psychologists
>fantasy over reality
I’m going to presume you’re talking about fiction, and that you fail to see how truth can be gleaned from art if it’s not a literal recount of events, which makes me wonder why the fuck you’re on a literature imageboard. Art is an expression of human imaginative creativity, particularly in connecting different aspects of our experiences together into a cohesive whole not achievable by mere recounting of facts. It can be abstract or tie these ideas together more cohesively, again, why would someone incapable of appreciating narrative art come to a literature board. Deepest truth is difficult to grasp, it requires introspection.
It is not down on any map, true places never are.
>because i'm not interested in reading about a manly man I’m a Troon
That is indeed very plausible, yes. Little makes troons more uncomfortable than men who are comfortable in their skin

>> No.21618048

a gremlin runt with an awful unhealthy-looking body

>> No.21618060

I don't understand. That book is an easy read. It couldn't possibly filter people that hard. I mean a woman, sure, that book would filter a woman. But for a man to be filtered? I have a hard time believing that. It's written in plain English with the usual literary techniques...

>> No.21618096

it's more than 300 pages; that's insta filter.
and by insta filter I don't mean the dogears and freckles thing that turns disfigured fugloids like the chick in the OP into semi-ways palatable human females

>> No.21618113

She hasn’t read Moby-Dick, it was just the choice of a few people she polled, reading the comments briefly her fans apparently think that she’s like the book

>> No.21618115

>she’s like the book

>> No.21618132

That's sad as shit. 300 pages is perfectly manageable. Is it a generational thing?
>and by insta filter I don't mean the dogears and freckles thing

>> No.21618143

>That book is an easy read.
don't be disingenuous. Moby dick is reasonably difficult, and considerably more so to people unused to reading classics and their outdated language.

>> No.21618146


>> No.21618172

huh? Contemporary literary culture, at least on youtube absolutely centers around the old classics. Either to hate on them or to jerk them off. But nobody talks about current day literature and gets more than 300 views unless it's genre fiction.

>> No.21618186

It's incredibly boring and chapters about whale biology are absolutely useless now. It's one of the worst books I've ever tried to read.
*an average Anna Karenina fan*

>> No.21619142

>you could say that you simply don’t care, yet here you are.
Oh don't get me wrong here squire, I care that you're riding Mobys Dick instead reading a technical manual and learning how to build a rifle or grow a cabbage, it's that level I'm coming from. In a general societal way.

>(presumably you)
No, it's just a common response to finding people saying (what you said). I'm arguing for the large array of Men and Women who would call you a dopey cunt and be done with it, I'm a Man of The People, see.

>You can’t respond, can you?
hahaha i knew you'd say that, yeah, you're right, I can't name a single book. Don't be dumb. That's sophistry.

>>using “ fictional” as an insult
I wasn't at all, only that fiction vs. non fiction in the criteria for BEST BOOK WRITTEN EVER IN ENGLISH is the easiest way to debunk the claim and the book and the claimant.

>>fantasy over reality

>men who are comfortable in their skin
so you do identify with Ahab. When you read, like when you see a movie, your brain projects yourself into the shoes of the protagonist and you imagine yourself Manly. This is called vicariousness and is a form of projection.

Introspect on the causes of why you need to borrow someone elses life in the first place.

>Even worse, an atheist
oh my god, a christcuck! I figured this, our mentality is different; you admire the manly man and dream of being him, then when he opens his mouth you deny his sound logic and call him an autist.


> You know that you’re going to say something which
Yeah, I recognized that you're trying to do sophistry to change the subject to waste my time in a character attack for a couple of posts, my point was that: it' sad that you haven't found any better book than a shitty sanitzed storybook that I read at age 5 and found thousands better. It's such a fucking cliche escapist book at that, like so so so predictable for a little office worker cuck who dreams of killing marine wild life and believes holing grudges against livestock is a virtue. It's like that, you know? It ticks those boxes.

>It is not down on any map, true places never are.
oh my god

> you refuse to look at the story of the book beyond the narrative of Arab
Arabian Nights is a cool song

>The “symbolic mission” with Ahab IS folly, maybe it’s something that materialists can’t understand because they don’t understand what “God” is.
oh my god

>You wrote posts whining about how it’s stupid and overrated
accurate. You're unhappy that I'm able to dismiss something so easily that you're invested in so heavily.It's exactly like a dumb dumb religion for dumb dumbs; it's GREAT................ but it's only so IN 'YOUR' MIND, that's all.

>> No.21619571

I identify with Ahab probably least of all the characters in the book, if I’d identify with anyone it’s either Ishmael and the identification there is because A) I sail, and B) I think whales are cool. Not some kind of ersatz manliness, people don’t just read literature to identify with the characters and those that do don’t enjoy Moby-Dick
>man of the people because you seethe about moby-dick
The average person doesn’t seethe at the mention of moby-dick that’s what the average autistic midwit does, the normalfags I know either don’t give a shit about or happily discuss literature like melville, the ones who seethe are that special kind of loser who derides everybody except the girls he gets friendzoned by, i.e. incels in denial.
>shitty sanitzed storybook that I read at age 5 and found thousands better
I really hope you are trying too hard, because either you’re baiting or you are legitimately retarded
>unironic fedora-level argumentation about God and religion
Again, you’re either baiting or you’re underage, the fetishised atheism you report guarantees that you’re not some macho man, you’re an autist and probably from either Reddit or Twitter. I’m not a Christian but I’d rather be one than a smug atheist
>You're unhappy that I'm able to dismiss something so easily that you're invested in so heavily.
I’m unhappy that you think dismissal out of hand with zero substance (which you just admitted to) is a form of legitimate literary criticism, I want to be able to discuss literature on this literature board, not witness vapid retards complain that people on the literature board want to discuss literature. If you actually knew of better books you’d name even one, which given:
>It's exactly like a dumb dumb religion for dumb dumbs; it's GREAT................ but it's only so IN 'YOUR' MIND, that's all.
is probably going to be the god delusion lmao

>> No.21619596

>The average person doesn’t seethe at the mention of moby-dick that’s what the average autistic midwit does, the normalfags I know either don’t give a shit about or happily discuss literature like melville, the ones who seethe are that special kind of loser who derides everybody except the girls he gets friendzoned by, i.e. incels in denial.
that's one long build up to a cliched projection; if i don't like your teletubbies pop-up book i'm a incel. you prove my point about the tier of intelligence which reads such things.

oh jeez this is goig to be boring, now you're doing schizophrenia on me,
>you are legitimately retarded
for having read Moby Dick at an early age and moving on to another book? sure.

lol im just going to gloss over your jewish cult thing here, it's off topic


and that's all you said. huh. do you want to try again on topic?

>> No.21619612 [DELETED] 

>I’m unhappy that you think dismissal out of hand with zero substance (which you just admitted to) is a form of legitimate literary criticism, I want to be able to discuss literature on this literature board
Find better literature.

>> No.21619621

how dare you. I've never watched a booktuber in my life.

>> No.21619626

>countless mentions of circe
sorry i almost forgot,
"jesus isn't real, jesus isn't fucking real, you fucking nonce"
civites britannorum

>> No.21619638

> I've never watched a booktub
but bro, this is a literature board, if you read books we demand of you that you pray to a copy of mooby duck and fap over booktubers


>> No.21619666

I'm a rebel.

>> No.21619671

i am literally seething.

>> No.21619676

>>you are legitimately retarded
>for having read Moby Dick at an early age and moving on to another book?
For taking your larping bait to a completely unbelievable level that is absent of subtlety. 5 year olds don’t even form memories in the same way as adults yet, if you wanted to pretend to have read the book when young and moved on you should’ve said something in your early teens. The midwit dismissal of art only works if you can actually seem like you’re truly familiar with the art you wish to dismiss, which you clearly aren’t, it’s something that teenagers do anyway, and that is fitting when you have a teenagers attitude towards religion as well.

>> No.21619710

>For taking your larping bait to a completely unbelievable level that is absent of subtlety.
holy shit, you don't think a little kid is capable of reading a book? where do you come from

and yeah more off-topic insults, and telling me i'm a teenager, lol so you're really saying you're like a really old guy and you never got over (or found anything better than) the storybook moby dick.

Maybe, try and extrapolate a bit, that moby dick is to me what (childrens book) is to you. then you'll see instantly where (the human race) has been coming from on this.

>> No.21619737

and i mean, it' ot even a good storybook for kids.

The Just William series has more depth, for instance, more character perspective and setting, etc. and that nominally was a series of childrens books, it reads as high literature nowadays, by contrast to later storybooks.

it's kind of telling that you use the word/s autist and midwit.

>sailor sam goes fishing is ART you atheistic teenager you
>The midwit dismissal of art only works if you can actually seem like you’re truly familiar with the art you wish to dismiss, which you clearly aren’t, it’s something that teenagers do anyway, and that is fitting when you have a teenagers attitude towards religion as well.

>> No.21619754

5 year olds do not read seven hundred page novels unless their parents are ambitious liars.
You either are a teenager in which case you should fuck off, or you act like one as an adult, in which case you’re existence is worthless
>moby dick is to me what (childrens book) is to you.
We are honoured to have a true genius gentleman here with us today, an ubermensch so far beyond us ordinary mortals in developed intelligence that great works of art are mere child’s playthings to him. It’s a wonder that he can spare time for a the literature subsection of an anime image board out of his busy schedule of running the world and forwarding the achievements of mankind
>then you'll see instantly where (the human race) has been coming from on this
“The human race” at large is not where this attitude arises and is doesn’t reflect the experience of discussing literature in the real world. This attitude arises from self important neckbeards who still get triggered at the thought of having to go to literature classes instead of their good rationalist subjects which deboooonk le heckin religion

>> No.21619758

>The Just William series
Well at least you’re now discussing a book it’s believable that you’re capable of reading

>> No.21619762

She can Moby my Dick, if you guys know what i mean.

>> No.21619822

>or you act like one as an adult, in which case you’re existence is worthless
ehh maybe that's closer to the truth. Like I said, these "popular" books were sanitized garbage, compared to books you don't know about, and I don't see any reason to pretend otherwise. It was genuinely funny to me to find someone was seriously elevating Moby Dick to the position of "greatest book ever written in english" in the first place. We're from different worlds, obviously.

>the literature subsection of an anime image board
ah don't do yourself down like that, Ahab wouldn't do down his ship.

> the experience of discussing literature in the real world.
as i said, different worlds. My favorite authors would probably have had you killed or physically assaulted you or simply shot you by now.

>self important neckbeards who still get triggered at the thought of having to go to literature classes instead of their good rationalist subjects which deboooonk le heckin
yep that's you.

In a proper university you would have been beaten with a rod for refusing to read the real authors.

>reading skills
Well, I grew up in a house with a ton of books and I'd read lots and lots of things before I was 10. I have a very vivid memory of sitting in one of the hallways engrossed in Caesars Gallic Wars, and I was about 7 then. Pretty sure I was already aware of, unimpressed, and over your whaling story by then, though I may be exaggerating my exact age there. I don't really know or care what the current 'level' is for young children. Probably it's very bad.

But, don't feel as if I'm singling you or this book out though, when I first watched Star Wars I was unimpressed and astounded at how the adults were in love with it when they were my age. It's the difference, I suppose, between a child exposed to literature and one not.

ironic, though, this:
>an ubermensch so far beyond us ordinary mortals in developed intelligence that great works of art are mere child’s playthings
The Shape of Things to Come is one of my top 5. I think the end goal is perfectly possible one day. But in this context, perhaps, your society is just dumb and it's not hard to rise above the low bar. If you're seriously astounded that a child could read, that is.

What were you doing at 5, anon? Tell us so we can have a laugh.

>> No.21619924
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>>or you act like one as an adult, in which case you’re existence is worthless
>ehh maybe that's closer to the truth. Like I said, these "popular" books were sanitized garbage, compared to books you don't know about, and I don't see any reason to pretend otherwise. It was genuinely funny to me to find someone was seriously elevating Moby Dick to the position of "greatest book ever written in english" in the first place. We're from different worlds, obviously.
>>the literature subsection of an anime image board
>ah don't do yourself down like that, Ahab wouldn't do down his ship.
>> the experience of discussing literature in the real world.
>as i said, different worlds. My favorite authors would probably have had you killed or physically assaulted you or simply shot you by now.
>>self important neckbeards who still get triggered at the thought of having to go to literature classes instead of their good rationalist subjects which deboooonk le heckin
>yep that's you.
>In a proper university you would have been beaten with a rod for refusing to read the real authors.
>>reading skills
>Well, I grew up in a house with a ton of books and I'd read lots and lots of things before I was 10. I have a very vivid memory of sitting in one of the hallways engrossed in Caesars Gallic Wars, and I was about 7 then. Pretty sure I was already aware of, unimpressed, and over your whaling story by then, though I may be exaggerating my exact age there. I don't really know or care what the current 'level' is for young children. Probably it's very bad.
>But, don't feel as if I'm singling you or this book out though, when I first watched Star Wars I was unimpressed and astounded at how the adults were in love with it when they were my age. It's the difference, I suppose, between a child exposed to literature and one not.
>ironic, though, this:
>>an ubermensch so far beyond us ordinary mortals in developed intelligence that great works of art are mere child’s playthings
>The Shape of Things to Come is one of my top 5. I think the end goal is perfectly possible one day. But in this context, perhaps, your society is just dumb and it's not hard to rise above the low bar. If you're seriously astounded that a child could read, that is.
>What were you doing at 5, anon? Tell us so we can have a laugh

>> No.21619930

>What were you doing at 5, anon? Tell us so we can have a laugh.
Playing in the woods with my friends

>> No.21619979

Anon, I am not sure I fully grasp the meaning behind your words, could you please be more clear about what you want?

>> No.21620195

you sure showed me, christcuck. posting a picture of a member of your own race like that.

oh now you're claiming to have friends, this is too much. is a highwit non-normalfag such as yourself really stooping to pretending to have friends..? doesn't the entire calibre of you argument rest upon you being special and me being the midwit normalfag?

fucking hell, anon. go jack off and do something.

>> No.21620235

I'm smart enough to have figured out by the age of 10 that I don't need friends. We all die alone anyway, whatever. I'd much rather spend time with my books, of which now I own 500 or more. In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any pretend friendships or disloyal girlfriend. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.21620401

>, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
......which tells you that Moby Dick is the greatest book ever..

>> No.21620476

i think the worst part of it is that when the history of industrial scale whaling is understood, then the story really describes the vengeance of a parent of a baby whale or perhaps the vengeance of a baby whale for its parents; having seen its family be killed by the strange floating hulls, its revenge is respun into a story of an evil monster to be slain by the poverty stricken lunatic crew who have earned a living in tin coinage by murdering the last dinosaurs in their ignorance to use them for fuel and fashion attire.

Indeed, the one time a whale fights back against the massacres it becomes "the devil", merely a 'ghostly thing' in the story about the ships captain.

Such mentalities are backwards.

>> No.21620571

>oh now you're claiming to have friends, this is too much. is a highwit non-normalfag such as yourself really stooping to pretending to have friends..?
Yeah I have friends, I would predict that any non-psychotic person who goes outside regularly will have friends. It’s not difficult to have friends, truly close friends are rare as well, but having friends is nice
>doesn't the entire calibre of you argument rest upon you being special and me being the midwit normalfag?
No it rests on me being a relatively healthy person of moderate intelligence and you being an extremely conceited autist who started this argument entirely because you were upset that I explained my interpretation of a book to someone who asked. In fact, you’re argument was the one that centred on boasting about your ability to surpass the reading tastes of “elitists” before you hit puberty
He’s not me and that’s pasta, you moron
>cannot comprehend a story beyond psychology and interpersonal relationships
I take it back you’re not an autist, you might be a woman.

>> No.21620573


>> No.21620659
File: 442 KB, 419x610, 25B8730B-E8C1-41CB-91AE-C1AFCC4944D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gallic wars
>nonfiction and genre fiction are the literary choices of the autist who hates “elitist” art

>> No.21620962

ehh me started? I chimed in to laugh at you for saying a childrens book was the pinnacle of English literature, and every subsequent post of yours has been projections of various delusions against me, which is a symptom of schizophrenia.

I said "pseudo elitist", i.e. people with nothing going on in their lives who pretend that being able to read (trash) is a sign of their specialness: you feel the need to say that you're highly intelligent and i'm mentally disabled / teenager / normal intelligence (w/e midwit means) / a woman / psychopath because i joined in with others who were saying your statement was stupid.

A great deal of your diatribes seem to have been projective in nature,
>you being an extremely conceited autist who started this argument entirely because you were upset that I explained my interpretation of a book to someone who asked.
which is always hilarious to me

and your sudden insistence on being 'healthy and normal' seems to indicate that you're quite aware that your remarks here are unbalanced, to say the least,
>me being a relatively healthy person of moderate intelligence

i doubt this though. You sound like a fat and embittered retard, to be quite honest. Probably your whole moby dick thing is psychosexual and you imagine yourself as the whale itself being penetrated by a man. Obesity tends to be a comorbidity with the various cognitive disorders and cultural narratives you've admitted in our conversation.

The funniest part of this is that it was prompted by calling MobyDick 'not' "the greatest book ever written in english,"

..truly astounding.

Anyway, thank you for your participation and tank you for being my case study in online psychopathy for the evening.

>> No.21620996

>hehe if I call it a children’s book that’ll really show him
It comes across like you’re trying to make a perspective on the book that only you have seen like the norm, because you’re incapable of actually critiquing the book beyond the fact that it’s fiction. Nabokov (who was an actual academic in both literature and science) loved this book as did many other writers, this “children’s book” shtick is embarrassing sophistry. You can not like a book without trying to redefine what literature is to make a critique of it
Are you the lacan fanboy who got asshurt in a moby dick thread like 2 years ago?

>> No.21621011

Again, all your critique boils down to “it’s stupid” and then a bunch of weird self interpretation that makes 0 reference to content of the book that isn’t known in the wider cultural sphere, it seems like you’ve literally never read the book.

>> No.21621053

This is exemplified by your fixation on Ahab and the white whale (which is what everyone that has never read the book knows) and seeming ignorance of ishmael and the whale in abstract (which is most of the book and most of what people remember from the book after they’ve actually read it)

>> No.21621062

it's not for your benefit, it's for the edification of the others. I already know that your type, being full blown schizophrenics, aren't phased at having your vices and cognitive flaws explained to you, it being a jewish conspiracy.

and no, alas, grand narratives don't exist and you aren't the protagonist of the moby dick thread and these people aren't your friends.

> because you’re incapable of actually critiquing the book
that's funny, i did this several times when you were doing off-topic verbal abuse and religious proclamations.

>nabokov said it's genius, so it is
yawn yawn, typical theocrat with an argument from fake authority.

You don't need to keep adding these little things, anon, you told us several posts ago that you like the story and that we can't understand it because we're mentally disabled atheists. how can you convince us that it's good if that's the case? it's the same problem we have with your religious books, we're just mentally disabled and/or have not ever read the holy books.

>> No.21621082

It is indeed the lacan fanboy, sign any good age of consent petitions lately, pedo?

>> No.21621118

you could and would make this argument for anything; the subtle nuance of mr potato head in toy story, etc. that people who say "it's stupid" haven't read it 'properly'.

In the terms you've given (when you have bothered to make a case about the book itself lol) what would actually elevate this book above 50,000 others which follow the same formula, if we apply your argument in its defense.

I mean, seriously, wouldn't you say Mark Twain or something like that was superior? Your argument was all about the thing as a fiction; the symbolism (oh, muh holy symbolism), this 'is' a little kids opinion you're holding here; the literary equivalent of a movie goer being amazed by the 3D animation effects.

examine the bones of the story itself, you find it's cliched, generic, ...Jurassic Park would be a little superior to it, if we have to rank it in the way 'you' want to rank it.

>> No.21621134

holy shit, doubling down on your schizophrenic delusions and adding the guilty projection of the common crimes of your religious instructors into there as well lol

that's some ... fucked up way you're bashing your head against the wall of the padded cell there, my little patient.

>> No.21621146

i just gotta update what i said a moment ago,

"you feel the need to say that you're highly intelligent and i'm mentally disabled / teenager / normal intelligence (w/e midwit means) / a woman / psychopath / pedophile because i joined in with others who were saying your statement was stupid."

>> No.21621151

only on /lit/ can you find two retards arguing over whether or not liking moby dick is a sign of being retarded

>> No.21621170

shut up, you, the christcuck is clearly in the wrong and it's funny.

>> No.21621227

i'm a little lost, which one is the christcuck? the psychopathic midwit pedophile or the guy who has a thing for mr potato head?

>> No.21621312

Caddyshack is a pretty great film, actually.

>> No.21621332

please keep going anons this is hilarious

>> No.21621345

usually it's this way;
the christcuck avoids the subject and does verbal abuse, they'll be talking in cliched internet lingo from 10 yrs ago from neo-nazi podcasts, and they'll run through a series of prepackaged meme words to label the person who refuted them as being some pejorative thing.

you'd be amazed at how often the person who does this will admit sooner or later to believe in the abramic religion. it's 100% of the time. other people tend not to slide into abuse or relish staying there.

it's a truly awesome case study, and personally i hope it results in action one day to put them into vocational training and off from the computer.

>> No.21621360

yeah it's superior to moby duck. proving my point.

i think the christcuck hit peak schizo around about here when he declared i was a man who apparently shamed him over moby dick 2 or 3 years ago, which he remembered all this fucking time, >>21621082
>Are you the lacan fanboy who got asshurt in a moby dick thread like 2 years ago?
just consider the mentality of this

i'm going to bed now.

>> No.21621402
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the shape looks like the uss enterprise from the side

>> No.21621657

You’ve avoided addressing substantive literary criticism from the start (you claim to have given some so please point it out) and when asked to, you descend into psychological analysis, because you’re incapable of engaging with Literature as art.
I’m not a Christian either, it’s no wonder that someone like you can’t remember that there’s more than one monotheistic belief system in the world, but seething about Christianity is all atheists do anyway.