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21611223 No.21611223 [Reply] [Original]

>people accept that there is an inevitable physical and often cognitive decline with aging that is humiliating, inescapable, and undignified that is a necessary feature of the human lifespan

Why are natalists so fucked up

>> No.21611228

Dying is cool. Fuck off

>> No.21611236

Yeah but you get to fuck some women and spend some of your disposable income on products and travelling so it's all worth it in the end :)

>> No.21611242


>> No.21611252

Pain and suffering are the costs we pay for happiness and fortune. It sucks balls, but it's worth it. It only shows how much the good is worth it to merit the bad.

>> No.21611257

DAE eternal life with my nigga Jah

>> No.21611273
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you are supposed to die violently in combat at the summit of your life

>> No.21611407

There is nothing wrong with birthing a new consciousness. It's built into our DNA to want and reproduce. It's at the heart of the nature of our existence. Any feelings or thoughts you project onto your potential offspring are a (You) problem.

>> No.21611457

Idiocracy the thread

>> No.21611521

>humiliating, inescapable, and undignified
Literally what are all these spooks?

>> No.21611606

Maybe it doesn't matter what happens or the efforts we make. The anti-natalists will win in the end because our entire species will probably die along with the world. It's a relief to think that maybe the suffering will be gone forever.

>> No.21611612

>people accept
exactly, aging doesn't have to be this traumatic thing but many people make it out (like boomers panicking that they're no longer 20 year old hippies and their super STDs are finally catching up to them) to be because modernity privileges youth and people don't give a shit about their elders or hard won wisdom. You have bought into the psy-op that aging is a terror and that youth should be extended as long as possible. Don't try to drag the rest of us down and sell off the future of the human race because you are frightened of life and can't live with the idea that you'll be uncomfortable. Grow some fucking balls.

>> No.21611632
File: 216 KB, 600x600, mild to hot (2017_01_18 00_20_11 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bogeyman of living life is the eternal nemesis of the bugman. "Anti-natalism" is the reaction that occurs when the bugmanite wakes up and realizes that maybe one day he won't have his gaming pc or his nintendo switch and he'll have to actually make himself uncomfortable and take risks and sit quietly and think about stuff. The bugman looks around his nest and reflects on the impermanent and liquid nature of life, and being right-wing & a tremulous reactionary through-and-through, he panics and seizes in deep terror...he may one day, even one day not too long from now, have to actually work and struggle and experience things. "A-ha!" he says, "I've got it...life is suffering! It won't always be fun! I will not commit the ultimate crime of bringing another conscious life into this world of changes. Yes, I am doing the right thing."

>> No.21611643

>happiness and fortune
>you need to suffer in order to enjoy shallow emotions

>> No.21611655

i thought this would be cool but it was cringe

>> No.21611668

>you think happiness and fortune are just "shallow emotions"
>your suffering is deeper than your joy
>you will no doubt cope with your crippling despondency and lack of appreciation of the beauty of life by calling this "cope"
cringe. Pseudo-humanoid babbling.

>> No.21611673

But what if you only win combats and don't die

>> No.21611691

>Why are natalists so fucked up

It just seems that way because you don't realize that the suffering of living beings is a philosophical pseudoproblem

>> No.21611698

Thank you for confirming anti-natalists are pussy leftists. I feel bad for Marx having such losers as legacy.

>> No.21611706

>people accept that life is full of great experiences that can’t even be described

>> No.21611718

then you sit with your many victories by sword and of all the men you have exterminated, remember their bravery and their skill, their worth as fellow human beings, and you reflect, and you allow yourself to grow and change with the wisdom you bought. You write poetry, you make art, you build a home or multiple, you learn and read and write, you spread the lessons you have learned to those younger than you. You retire, you raise a family, you extinguish your own life in a beautiful way when you know your sun is, and you leave a good legacy and inheritance for the people you loved deeply and richly. Or something.

>> No.21611732
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His legacy? They piss on his grave and smear their shit over it, and as they do it they smile at each other and say "this is true communism, this is what he wanted"

>> No.21611739

*when your sun is set

>> No.21611748

You ever been in a hospice unit. By the end you are shitting yourself, barely look human, making a death rattle and the process takes forever.
If you think that's dignified you have a strange sense of dignity.

>> No.21611754

You're not supposed to live so long that happens also modernity poisons our bodies literally

>> No.21611762

Not that anon but I have. When I was about 14 I watched my 92 year old grandpa die in one. Watched my other grandpa fade away in an independent living home. I have worked in hospitals too and have seen the indignity and tortures of the sick and the treatments they are given. It is grotesque, yes, I won't disagree there. I still believe in the beauty of life and carrying on the human race though. Also like >>21611754 said and like I said up here>>21611612 what you're describing is not "the way life is", that's the way life has become in certain places in a certain period of time. Many people die younger or they die quicker or they choose some other method or they don't live in cultures that have the same view on medicine and aging.

>> No.21611913

Your kid is the continuation of your consciousness, dumbfuck. You're supposed to impart the things you've learned, so that your efforts continue on after your physical form declines. You are nothing but a temporary expression of something greater, like a wave in the river. But even after your wave subsides, is the next wave still not the same river? Having children is exactly how you escape death. Memes, the building blocks of ideas, have to be carried on exactly like physical genes. Your kids are you, literally and metaphorically. Give up this current expression with some dignity and keep the waves rolling.

>> No.21611916

I want to strangle this person

>> No.21611937

Are you the anti-natalist? Aren't you guys supposed to want to strangle yourselves?