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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 361 KB, 1196x1136, booktok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21609355 No.21609355 [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ agree?

>> No.21609362

/lit/ is just the chud version of booktok

>> No.21609363

Who cares about this degenerated garbage generation

>> No.21609364

Being a woman in 21st century seems to be 99% appearance, 1% substance

>> No.21609368
File: 726 KB, 478x850, 1637973459410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care didn't read

>> No.21609369

There’s no point to reading after the invention of multimedia. All your gay incel “intellectuals” from the 1800s would have just made a podcast if they lived in 2023.

>> No.21609370

Not like booktok read anything worth reading. Most modern writers suck.

>> No.21609381

BookTok is about consuming the image of reading, not reading itself.

>> No.21609387

The hundreds of Booktokkers seething over the article would disagree with both of you

>> No.21609390

Who's her favorit author /lit/?

>> No.21609394

Learn to use commas.

>> No.21609399

How is /lit/ any different? Half of the threads on here are ‘stack’ or ‘shelf’ threads, or monthly threads where anons just post how much they consoooooomed or intend to consoooom with zero discussion of the books they have allegedly read

>> No.21609400

I am

>> No.21609402

you can tell by how she says bitch, that she never cusses. I hate that so much.

>> No.21609407

it is slightly different because it is anonymised, and nobody here can actually monetise or truly receive any clout or satisfaction from other people's comments on their bookshelves or whatever. because samefag... almost like there are no women on 4chan there are no true readers either. so i think it's different. not necessarily of greater quality of discussion, but there's a difference in motivation and placement of ego.

>> No.21609432

That's very cute thoughever

>> No.21609435

Where do these nenazas come from. Constantly seething about muh /lit/. Social media bad. Stack threads bad. Get a grip, bitches.

>> No.21609440

Anyone who makes money through social media are a waste of space, moreso than any homeless addict.

>> No.21609447

>truly receive any clout or satisfaction from other people's comments on their bookshelves or whatever
Then why would people even bother doing it? Really lit is even more pathetic, at least on generic Social media there is the prospect of some income, here people will spend 40 minutes meticulously arranging their bookshelf (most of whoch they likely lie about reading) just for the hope of a couple (You)s from total strangers who will completely and totally have forgotten the image likely before the thread is even 404d

>> No.21609456

>t. consumer-capitalist cuck

That likely comes from loneliness rather than vanity or greed, which is, as far as I know, not a deadly sin.

>> No.21609457

I would say that the user turnover for this board is one of the highest on this site. It's constantly stuck in the 'enthusiastic beginner who doesn't really know what he's talking about' phase and I imagine that most people will just get bored of the board once they get past the surface level.
There's still good discussion to be had but you've got to go searching for it.
Plus there's the posters who read just because they want to be seen as readers, for whom vaguely namedropping a book and then leaving the conversation is the only thing they were aiming for in the first place.
"Damn, this guy reads" they say to themselves, looking in the mirror.

>> No.21609467

Imagine busting in her and then listening to her interpretations of Zadie Smith’s latest novel

>> No.21609469

Why do you want to turn this into a metathread to complain about the unfalsifiable nature of an anonymous website?

>> No.21609476

>implying she actually reads Zadie Smith

>> No.21609481

Good point. Sally Rooney then?

>> No.21609482

>1% substance
i think you forgot a decimal

>> No.21609505

you can literally see the hunger games and cj sansom on her bookshelf. its obvious what she reads

>> No.21609519

fuck those fucking mammaries

>> No.21609540

You are doing too much. We also have a ton of threads on piracy.

>> No.21609542

>how much money you use on books
Are all booktubers illiterate?

>> No.21609559

Wait until Ambrose gets his talons on it.

>> No.21609561

It's just weird. People are spending crazy money to have books on their shelves doing nothing.

>> No.21609562

yes because it is only about $$$$ which is why they have to "read" & then shill shit books currently in circulation to make sure people buy copies. you will hardly see any booktok books in charity shops or secondhand stores because then no one would be able to make any money off of the retarded women and other retards with protected characteristics who build their entire personalities off of them, & keep them on their bookshelves for aesthetic reasons, so they are never reciruclated at enough rate that their retail value would go down

>> No.21609568

not helped by the fact all of booktube basically jerks off to the exact same books because they're newly published, written by approved female authors, etc.

>> No.21609581

Do you know what a library is? Crazy the government is spending money on those things innit

>> No.21609583

thats the point though, the publishers send the books to the booktokkers, its a self perpetuating system that is perfectly orchestrated to fool stupid women (mostly) into thinking that they are engaging with something of cultural and creative value because they "read" when realistically they are just gullible little fetishist consumers

>> No.21609587

A library is a public service you dolt

>> No.21609594

And there is also private health insurance. Such wowzers!

>> No.21609598

Cute lil slut. Salut.

>> No.21609602

People who use the word ‘chud’ unironically deserve to be lined up against a brick wall and be peppered into Swiss cheese.

>> No.21609614
File: 74 KB, 500x500, petrik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fantasy part of BookTok? It seems like they're their own little niche.

>> No.21609616

not comparable, unless you're in the US, where basic healthcare is a commodity.

>> No.21609617

You’re being disingenuous. The shelf threads are rare and the progress/status threads are very clearly attempts to stay active/accountable. 4chan threads are also created and finished much faster than tiktok content, so we’re able to see a much larger breadth of threads within one category (literature) without delving too far off topic. The reality is that this board is mostly comprised of discussion threads (ideal), recommendation threads (ideal), and various kinds of additional fluff. 4chan also being completely anonymous makes it so that we don’t have the same impetus to push a certain “brand” for ourselves the way people do on tiktok. Our discourse is more pure/free.

>> No.21609624

there is also no algorithm

>> No.21609626

I don't use chud, I just didn't know what other derogatory collective to use. men doesn't work, because most go to reddit. incel doesn't work, because this (ostensibly) isn't an incel board. shitposting can be hard work.

>> No.21609633

Unless you post a link, you’re a fag

>> No.21609634

100%. This is in line with the general tendency of social media to emphasize image over substance. The function of social media is to increase status. Reading should be an intrinsic motivation, and end in itself. Instead booktok is about the prestige placed on being a reader, that is, someone with the sophistication and presence of mind to engage in recreational literacy. It's not entirely unlike hotties showing off their bodies on the app. Except you can't fake having a nice body. You can pretend to be a sophisticated literati however with some practice and skimming.

Plus the idea that you can have a meaningful conversation about a book in a minutes long video is sad if not pathetic.

As for supporting evidence. Here she is presenting three different status signifiers: her good looks, her disposable income, and a mere reference to reading via the purchasing of books. The actual substance and content of said books is less than an afterthought. It's not even under consideration.

>> No.21609635

> Half of the threads on here are ‘stack’ or ‘shelf’ threads
Categorically false, you disingenuous retard

>> No.21609644

google is free https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/booktok-tiktok-books-community

>> No.21609646

The tweets barely start the subject.
It mentions an aesthetic, but what are what are they reading? Are we putting their tastes on trial here? Some people read crap, some read subjects I don't care for, some are wrapped up in series. What what? Is it the volume per year question? That's pretty shallow, I've seen most the "booktubers" I know denounce this sort of thing (I don't follow many at all)

muzzle yourself, you id

>> No.21609654

You’re the retard claiming your fellow retards are seething on tiktok, you mongoloid. I said post the link, and your comprehension could not rise above the second-grade level so you sent me the article

>> No.21609658

They're merely defending themselves from a perceived threat to their image though. Anyone who is functionally literate can read that article. It doesn't make them dedicated conquerers of the classics.

>> No.21609662

People will only defend a perceived threat to their image if it is at least basically true.

>> No.21609663
File: 2.75 MB, 1000x700, catboy ranch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who use the word ‘chud’ unironically deserve to be lined up against a brick wall and be peppered into Swiss cheese.

>> No.21609665

meanie :(

>> No.21609669

oh god that gif i'm dying lol

>> No.21609686

de Sade

>> No.21609702

I never watch yootoob but I agree

>> No.21609711

Yes, it's true. I've met countless people like this.

>> No.21609739
File: 314 KB, 423x384, F0DD13CD-C894-4E2D-B976-E69916F8E516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No a lot of them actually do read but they read romance and fantasy for entertainment.
The ones that do not read but indulge in the aesthetic are those that pretend to enjoy Dostoyevsky and want to be seen as cultured.
Basically genrechads read more and genuinely love books while literaturecucks are miserable.

>> No.21609743

Or if their status depends on that image. Which is the case here.

>> No.21609757

Not that i disagree but who would you rather be? I don't mind being miserable as long as i'm not a "genrechad".

>> No.21609764

21st century?

>> No.21609769

>people want to interact with other people
This website is for communication.

>> No.21609772

if i'm reading, i'm not posting threads on here, am I braniac?

>> No.21609783

Mormon women are the only type of women left that are worth marrying.

>> No.21609792


>> No.21609798

Obviously since you crave validation from others on this board and do not have the will to read books that you would actually enjoy.

>> No.21609811

you should read literature to become enlightened and enjoy the challenge of that process. Dostoevsky writes perfectly enjoyable literature, with a recognisable formula. He essentially writes within a genre, just because it's in translation and over a century old you somehow think it couldn't be "enjoyable". The word you are actually looking for is "easy". Genre fiction has always been and always will be pure commercial pulp.

>> No.21609816

holy mother of cope

>> No.21609846

>must enjoy
>dont think only enjoy

>> No.21609848
File: 160 KB, 543x834, goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching tiktok makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack but I fit that first group.

>> No.21609885

why do you browse lit if you mainly read fanfiction

>> No.21609902

Dostoevsky is perfectly enjoyable. What is not enjoyable is reading some boring fantasy books like you are 5 yo

>> No.21609931

not really exclusive to literature, vapidity is everywhere. best to just keep things to oneself and immediate relationships.

>> No.21609938

>almost like there are no women
We observe from the shadow and comment normally without bringing attention to our gender
I don't think I'm the only one but I have no way of proving this.

>> No.21609953
File: 93 KB, 1254x261, 6cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a reference to this post

>> No.21609961

I knew a girl that would post on 4chan. Whenever she wanted to lust after cartoon men she'd just pretend she was a gay guy. There is a worrying intersection of gay men and straight women that want to fuck child superman.

>> No.21609995

I read blood meridian on loop

>> No.21610005
File: 948 KB, 112x112, 1674804420696103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without bringing attention to our gender
as further encouragement and evidence that any female /lit/ users should continue doing this, let me just inform you that i literally feel feminine sexual energy radiating from this woman's post just she stated she is a woman. my peneal gland can feel it like a sixth sense. you will never reform men's coomer instincts. no amount of socialization can save us from ourselves or you from us. you must remain invisible and transcend us. i sense that some of you are still not convinced, so go look inside the nearest pair of shoes you own. look at the imprints left by your feet. i am sexually aroused by the imprints left by your feet in your shoes. i would like to see them and do other things to them, i would consider paying money for this, and only my pride would prevent me from doing so, a degree of pride most men do not have. you can't win against this, you can't win against the monster that thinks your shoe imprints are sexy. you must hide from me, you must help me help myself help you.

>> No.21610055

tourist subhuman

>> No.21610064

here you're encouraged to be part of the conversation

>> No.21610073

I'm dumb then, ignore me lol

>> No.21610080

Because they want the same attention as all the retards on social media, but they prefer to be anonymous because they fear rejection and ridicule. At least when you are anonymous, you can just quietly disappear or chimp out, and there are no views/likes/followers to present a system that signifies who is "right".

>> No.21610084

I don't feel uncomfortable about this, I've been using this site for some years and I've met guys much weirder and more depraved men.
I normally don't bring up my gender because it has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

>> No.21610095

>I've met guys much weirder and more depraved men
fucking whore

>> No.21610099

The question is are you a woman or a """""woman"""""

>> No.21610102

It's not about your personal comfort, it's about not giving the time of day to people who aren't interacting with you as a human being but as a sex object.

>> No.21610109

I would say no. Booktube and accompanying scenes are more about reading contemporary releases just because they're new. If anything fantasy scene is more into checking out established works as well as modern fantasy.

>> No.21610149
File: 31 KB, 443x455, B994F6FE-000E-4D93-B225-637616AA97C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m proud to say that aside from looking up the big bewbie jewess dancing and avoiding her sister thrusting a hairbrush at her in imitation of some Chinese music video, I have never been on tiktok

>> No.21610154

Genrefags remind me of me when I was 8 and didn't want to watch "old" movies (i.e. over 5 years) and thought only those shown in theatres with significant advertising were good. Some people never grow out of that mindset. Also, I chose movies for the analogy because faggots like you should just admit what you are and restrict yourselves to /tv/.

>> No.21610216

Genre is intrinsically linked (partially due to the fact that *certain* movies & games are heavily reliant on genre) to the concept of franchising, of merchandise, of metaverses & fanfiction. It’s more about fulfilling people’s fantasies and their compulsions towards prolonged adolescence than challenging and developing their thinking or cultural encounters like literature is supposed to. It’s completely fetishistic wish-fulfilment that can also scratch the itch of layman “writers” who like parasites used tried & tested “universes” and characters to exercise their impotent creative muscle and their weird obsession with sodomy.

>> No.21610219

There is no difference between reading genre fiction and owning POP dolls.

>> No.21610248

You can clearly tell that she is Scandinavian by the book she is showing off to the right

>> No.21610287

I don't own a single book.

>> No.21610295


>> No.21610305

If she read decent English literature instead of trite fantasy she’d know the correct grammar.

>> No.21610339

Reading Growth of the Soil. Why are women so evil, bros? Just finished a chapter with Barbro and her child, I almost started crying.

>> No.21610400

Yeah, they've profoundly misunderstood it. It is not about "being a reader" - but it is also not about "actually reading".

It is, and has always been about the literary lifestyle - doing exotic drugs like mescaline and opium, living in poorly isolated garrets, traveling Europe, having demimondes, having lovers of considerably older age than yourself, having piquant and unconventional sexual tastes, being friends with whores and bohemians, having existential crises the depth and profundity of which fits a man twice your age, and so on - these are all aspects of the literary lifestyle, which is what it is really about.

>> No.21610401

Great read. Thanks.

>> No.21610440

All of those things, for better or for worse in an historical or sociological sense, makes for far more visionary literature than talking to yourself in a bedroom churning out video after video for engagement like a lab rat who gets cheese when he pushes a button. You’re also referring to the writers, not the readers or critics, so the point is a little bit moot.

>> No.21610466

Yes, the point of reading is to be able to present yourself as more cultured and worldly than others in your social circle and thus one-up them in social status.

>> No.21610509

I identify with this but i'm a man. I doubt women would be like this though.
Women think of libraries as if they were gardens. Take care of them, order them and make them look nice. Women's nature is to take care of. Not no extract value like a man farming or recollecting. Women nurture. Men take.
If you make a women pick a library or a garden she will pick the garden. But not because she sees herself as a gardener or wants to be perceived as such.

>> No.21610526

Aw fuck I'm so demoralized rn bros maybe commie China's right.....

>> No.21610550

she owns a lot of children's books
does she run a day care?

>> No.21610610
File: 231 KB, 545x530, 1670666147360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a bit weird to me that you think you are above genrefags.
You both share the same reason for reading books.
You enjoy them. Whether it is for entertainment or to challenge yourself.
But people who read genre fiction usually do not try to hide the true reason they read.
Probably because they lack the insecurities about their maturity level that you seem to have.

>> No.21610663

You're not necessarily above anyone based on the entertainment they consume. I enjoy watching sports and whenever an egghead has tried to talk down about it I just point out they probably don't appreciate it because they're unathletic (that always shuts them up).

However, there is something to be said about being consumed in the fandom of a given thing and the fetishization of all forms of reading as an intellectual pursuit. I don't look down on anyone just for reading genre fiction but when you wear it as a badge of honour and cry out "LOOK AT HOW MUCH I LOVE TO READ!" don't be surprised when people judge what that says about your personality in ways you didn't want. With people begging for attention on social media alongside the overt commercialization of the publishing industry--the derision is warranted.

>> No.21610748

The thing is you seem to think that only genre fiction has to deal with fandom and the fetishization of reading.
These are just as present in the groups that prefer literary works.
And in truth, I could not care less about what another person decides to call themself or present themself as. They are irrelevant to me.
You say you do not look down on others but we both know this is not true. Your arrogance is a bit too obvious.

>> No.21610750

>having existential crises the depth and profundity of which fits a man twice your age
I'm glad someone else here remembers this pasta

>> No.21610759

Ah yes, now I remember why I took up books to begin with!

>> No.21610885

Rick Riordan

>> No.21610886

Don't project your insecurities and the world will look less arrogant to you

>> No.21610935

You're wrong here. There's something seriously wrong with modern day ''professional'' sports.

>> No.21610987

The whole "collecting books and never reading them just so you can look well read" is entirely a leftist thing.
I've read almost every book on my bookshelves, because any books I haven't read I keep on my table until I finish them.

>> No.21610988

Not a single book on the shelf behind her has a broken spine.
How did she read the 3000 page twilight omnibus without opening it?

>> No.21610992

I’ve been posting in every stack thread for the last 2 years that every person there should kill themself for being such attention whores

>> No.21611015

>The thing is you seem to think that only genre fiction has to deal with fandom and the fetishization of reading.
Starting off a reply with a strawman doesn't lead me to believe you're a worthwhile conversation partner. This >>21610886
Unimportant to the analogy and off-topic.

>> No.21611078

Social media has decimated attention spans. It's genuinely difficult for these kids to sit down and spend multiple hours on a low level stimulus activity like reading.

>> No.21611087

>muh off-topic
So fragile

>> No.21611104

>at least on generic Social media there is the prospect of some income
Believe it or not Anon, there are people on this board who aren't driven by profit motives and consoomerism. Some of us just wanna talk about books.

>> No.21611112

There was never any worth in this conversation to begin with.
I will not change my mind and you will not either.
It was just entertainment like everything else on this site.

>> No.21611113


>> No.21611120

There’s no identity to uphold here, no upvotes to collect, no karma to farm, no online reputation to uphold, no image to maintain. I’m continually shocked people can post on 4chan and seemingly mot understand the impact of the LACK of social media norms.
Is it that you’re just tourists here? Is it that you can’t reflect over this basic difference? Are you just really stupid?

This happens on every board too, some halfwitted retard exclaiming it’s “just like” <insert shitmedia here>. It’s not. The perverse incentives are nothing alike. That’s also the draw of the aged platform.

>> No.21611132

That webm of the kid playing minecraft on a tablet while up and downvoting tiktok videos every 2 seconds on a phone fills me with revulsion.

>> No.21611133

Pure projection. Why buy lots of books, especially paperbacks, if you don’t read? There are far better ways to posture

>> No.21611138

The best part about reading is telling all my friends online that I did

>> No.21611145

I wager atleast 90% of people on here are male, atleast away from the more niche girly boards like /fa/ /cgl/ and /i/ or whatever
As a general rule I'd say all posters are male until proves otherwise

>> No.21611154

Because it feels nice to have them and other people won't have them.

>> No.21611160

My favourite part of reading is realizing when i'm just talking to someone who just heard the audiobook version (because they don't remember 90% of the book lol)

>> No.21611234
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Why slide about the problems with professional sports when the topic at hand is genre fiction and BookTok? It was just an analogy, faggot. I could have said I don't judge my gf by what music she listens to and respect how well she plays the piano. Being accessible doesn't make something bad, being complicated doesn't make something good, and you can relax and enjoy the skill put forth in anything. However, if we're talking about reading I'm not impressed by someone bragging on social media that they accomplished their GoodReads gamification goal by reading 50 variations of Twilight.
My quote:
>However, there is something to be said about being consumed in the fandom of a given thing
>given thing
>and the fetishization of all forms of reading as an intellectual pursuit.
Your quote:
>The thing is you seem to think that only genre fiction has to deal with fandom and the fetishization of reading.

Yeah, you're incapable of changing your mind about anything because you're a retard. I'm not here to talk about a vapid generalization some midwit confuses with an insight. The conversation at hand is derision directed toward genre fiction and I gave reasons for why it exists (after pointing out you don't judge someone merely by their taste). The conversation isn't necessarily worthless, unlike what you're capable of chimming in which, but you can cope however you want (perhaps with pic-related).

>> No.21611240
File: 144 KB, 826x556, 1652437588102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe this one is better for you. Dex or Tex?

>> No.21611359

Chuds use it more than leftoids these days. It's such a non-insult that it's easy to reclaim.

>> No.21611365

Imagine spending your waking hours seething over female hobbies

>> No.21611374

I kind of don't want people to know I read "pretentious" stuff like Hegel and Goethe because I would feel weird so I guess I am the opposite of booktok. I think most people irl see me as a ditz

>> No.21611675

>Who cares about this degenerated garbage generation
I care about the general good of my people and think that they should be lead to a life of virtue, so me.

>> No.21611682

>having lovers of considerably older age than yourself
Currently courting a woman older than my mom. Wish me luck!

>> No.21611722

I don't have any broken spines apart from a few I did on purpose because /lit/ told me to do it 8 years ago

>> No.21611767
File: 360 KB, 1368x1160, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, imagine. Good thing I'm having fun making fun of a retard. Sorry neither of those books peaked your interest. Try this one, aside from everything that makes him desirable to women he's just like you!

>> No.21611777

Is this a meme? It’s easy and very possible to read a book and not damage the spine. I’ve done it hundreds of times

>> No.21611920

Genuinely obsessed. Sad!

>> No.21611938


>> No.21611962

>Genuinely obsessed. Sad!
>t. faggot trying to start a flame war so he feels like less of a retard
Thanks for proving my point that you never had one.

>> No.21611972

When I was living in a building with a lot of students my age I was surprised to find out how many of them are just buying books they don't read to display as furniture. It's not that they don't plan to, but just never actually get to read. I don't even display books on my shelf before reading them.

>> No.21612083

Get help
Not feeling like arguing with a retard here

>> No.21612222

>still replying
>still nothing to add
You now have my permission to take the last word.

>> No.21612255

>still checking

>> No.21612369


How stupid are these people?

>> No.21612394


>> No.21612419
File: 5 KB, 16x125, howtogetgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sharing my collection and observing other anons' collections. I don't do that on social media because I don't trust the people there to be genuine; and because lurkers are always anonymous so there's a disequilibrium of intentionality present that doesn't exist in meatspace or on imageboards. I also don't do it on social media because I don't showcase anything on social media because crafting an "online identity" is for subhumans. Everyone here, no matter how much of a faggot, has no incentive to be virtue signal.

>> No.21612432

Imagine spending your waking hours seething over anons seething over female hobbies

>> No.21612445

based beyond belief

>> No.21612494

Modern writers don't suck. They've gotten a lot better in the past couple years.
You just presume that to be the case.

>> No.21612578


>> No.21613765

the true spirit of /lit/.