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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2160733 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see many of them anymore, and the few that I do don't seem to post much. I've also noticed the overwhelmingly negative attitude towards them, although I don't know if that drove them out, or if it prevailed after they left. I mean, what's the problem?

On topic, I am now at 102 books, how many are other people at? I was trying to read 100 this year, but now I've beaten that Goal by a bit. I don't know how many I'll resd next year, although it's hard to think as many.

>> No.2160741 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 248x203, bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembering what you've lost doesn't help you see what you've gained.
Identity is a very personal thing. And helps you bring strength into the world.

>> No.2160756

Kill yourself.

28 year old faggot who can't even get a minimum wage job at a bookstore, ffs.

>> No.2160769
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 118847f5f52442cbb01ce39dc33f7c0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<this sunhawk

>> No.2160773

The only tripfag that was actually somewhat cool I still remember was Brownbear or what his name was.

Well Fabulous is still here and posts his faggotry. Never actually saw Quentin posting, but I saw a lot of his retarded pictures so I am damn happy I missed this and hope he never gets back.

I don't really get D&E though... he is an damn arrogant asshole, who looks down on everyone else, but it seems he has read his fare share of books.

But overall, most tripfags just post for the sake of it. Like 'Look at me, I am cool, I have a tripcode'. /lit/ is way better now then back then when a shitload of trips kept posting stuff. Most of them were just annoying attention whores.

>> No.2160777

As long as D&E is still around, I don't really care.

He's totally wasted here, but I appreciate his presence. I've learned so much from him I couldn't even begin to articulate it.

>> No.2160778

Well, that was pointless. I doubt you remember much from even half of those books you mindlessly read through.

>> No.2160782

Still, it's funny that he keeps posting it.

Like, nobody really gives a shit, but he keeps on trucking.

>> No.2160786

One of those periods where majority of the vocal Anonymous posters are new. So they don't remember such posters as being integral to the /lit/ community. I can't seem to remember whether D&E always received mostly negative reactions or this is a new thing. So this might be indicative of difference in users too.

>> No.2160789

I used to get a little irritated by it, but this morning when I saw this thread I just found it funny that he's so dedicated. i kind of like it.

Also thought it was funny that he says "75%" are gone...did you actually calculate that, OP? 'cause i wouldnt be surprised if you keep a tally of all trips on /lit/, haha

>> No.2160795
File: 96 KB, 338x500, ladysovulost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfags gone:
Brownbear left for all the shit he got.
Tom Harper left for the above reason too.
Stagolee got bored
I have no idea what happened to Bahemoth and Virginia Woof
Onionring, fab, ty and Truman Capote still post from time to time.
D&E is still very active

Every other tripfag is irrelevant and a shit poster. Me included.

And to answer your question, ~20

>> No.2160801

>implying FakeBrax is ty

>> No.2160812

> I doubt you remember much from even half of those books you mindlessly read through.

are you implying that it's only good to read books as long as you remember over 50% or them? that is just retarded, nigger

>> No.2160818

I managed to read 47 books, I had my goal at 45. As for next year I'm putting the bar low at first, I read mostly durin the summer.

Also, clash of kings is slowwwww. After the hype died after game of thrones this one is just, not very active. Still good just, hm. (292 pages in)

>> No.2160821

onionring made a couple of good posts i think

>> No.2160826

>sup guys just hear to let you know i'm still here but without obnoxious trip shit

>> No.2160840



>> No.2160879


>> No.2160887

I miss Behemoth. I always liked him and none of the rest. Briefly and a long time ago, there was a namefag called Bearded Pynchon Guy. He was cool too. I like Capsguy. I don't particularly like D&E, but he is an important part of the /lit/ community. He's sort of like Jeremy Clarkson - he's a detestable man, but it wouldn't be Top Gear without him.

Truman and Sunhawk are alright, but I see no reason why they shouldn't be Anons. I despise Brownbear, Ty and Quentin.

So Sunhawk, you read Richard Yates? I didn't realise people actually read Tao Lin. What did you think? High five for Angela Carter. I loved The Bloody Chamber. What's Wise Children like?

>> No.2160888


capsguy's really good when he posts about books and really bad when he posts about capsguy

>> No.2160890
File: 69 KB, 847x477, hugelyintelligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's the first two pages of Richard Yates.

>> No.2160895

I made a sort of reading diary, where I rated all my books by enjoyment. This is between now and summer 2010.

Dostoevsky - Notes From Underground 8/10
Angela Carter - The Magic Toyshop 6/10
Erlend Loe - Naive Super 7/10
Philip Larkin - High Windows 7/10
Dylan Thomas - Selected Poems 8/10
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway 9/10
James Joyce - Dubliners 6/10
Molloy - Samuel Beckett 9/10
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett 7/10
Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse 10/10 (now favourite book)
Albert Camus - The Stranger 8/10
WB Yeats - Collected Poems 10/10 (my desert island book)
Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep 7/10

For school:
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights 7/10
Angela Carter - The Bloody Chamber 8/10
Shakespeare - Macbeth 9/10
Joesph Conrad - The Secret Agent 8/10
Graham Greene - Brighton Rock 8/10
Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung (in German) - 6/10 (in English) 8/10

>> No.2160897

I have 21 books this year so far. Should probably spends some more time reading though my lifestyle hardly allows it.

>> No.2160898

I'm glad. I hope all you fucks get skin cancer.

>> No.2160902

I agree.
The level of tripfaggotry has dropped to acceptable levels.
As of this post, I officially cease all activity as a tripfag. (Not that I've posted using it in a while anyway)

>> No.2160908

You're doing the right and proper thing.

>> No.2160910


Richard Yates = 4.5/10. It was sorta alright, something for Gen X (like Bret Easton Ellis, or even Jonathan Franzen), but the prose was so minimalist it was a joke.

Yeah, Wise Children was decent, although a strong grasp of Shakespear helps with it. I remember reading Nights at the Circus at college, and my class hated it, but I (secretly, I the closet) liked it.

>> No.2160920

It's self-consciously quirky in a kind of amusing way, but I also find it infuriating... It seems a bit empty-headed.

>> No.2160930

I'm only a tripfag on /pol/ and /r9k/ hehehe

>> No.2160934

>Richard Yates = 4.5/10. It was sorta alright, something for Gen X (like Bret Easton Ellis, or even Jonathan Franzen)

this is painfully ignorant

>> No.2160943


Have you noticed how on /lit/ people vaguely criticise something, but never cite specific problems? Then you never here from that Anon again?

>> No.2160945


have you noticed how sunhawk prefers broom of the system to infinite jest even though nothing about it is half as good

>> No.2160950

Onionrings, Deep&Edgy, JamesBond. The only good tripfags. Rest were shitty.

>> No.2160951

Lol. I see what you did there, Sunhawk. Allow me to expand on my point.

1. Gen X was the generation born after the baby boom.
2. Yates' fiction is set around World War 2 and afterwards.
3. Therefore, Gen X cannot apply to Yates. (Also, Yates DIED in 1992, a year and a decade that corresponds to the rise of the Gen X)

How can the prose be so minimalist that it was a joke? Are you saying that Yates was writing parody? Or unaware self-parody? Or that Yates, who is one of the developers, the grandfathers of minimalism, wrote minimalism as a joke?

Never have I heard Ellis mention Yates in an interview or identify Yates as an influence. This doesn't mean that there's no connection between the two, but I fail to see how you are making the comparison. Are you saying that Ellis has been influenced by Yates and that this is detrimental because you read Ellis first or that Yates has too many echoes of Ellis, which would be preposterous.

Secondly, having read all of Yates and all of Franzen, I cannot help but see how totally and tonally different the two are. Franzen is a fan of large canvases, big fat Russian style novels. Yates uses a microscope and focuses on only one or two characters. Not only that, but Yates has immense sympathy for his cast. Franzen uses his cast as pawns in chess to make his political message heard. Even in terms of prose style, they could not be any more different. Franzen loves to use a maximalist style.

So what the fuck is the point of comparing Yates to Ellis and Franzen as a marker of quality or criticism?

>> No.2160952

'sup D&E. Steak and Chips with lads eh?

>> No.2160955

pfffffth, he was talking about the book by Tao Lin. Not the author Richard Yates.

Unless this is some advanced form of trolling that I'm not getting.

>> No.2160956


hahahahaha i'm fucking dying

>> No.2160962


Oh my dear goodness. You can't tell the difference between RIchard Yates the author and Richard Yates the book, can you?

Although I did make a mistake, I meant to write Gen Now, now Gen X. I wasn't paying attention. Your post made me laugh though.

>> No.2160963

JB is pretty new. He's like only an year here or something. Onion and D&E are quite more older trips.

>> No.2160988

How was Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said?
Because the movie "Waking Life" has led me to believe it will be either incredibly badass or incredibly boring.

>> No.2160992

75% of everyone has left in the last year. Go look at the traffic stats for 4chan on compete.com

>> No.2160994

>How was Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said?
God tier sci-fi. It tackles celebrity, insanity, paranoia, corruption etc. The exposition is a little shitty granted, but the rest of the story is so good you allow it this one thing.

In fact that is a bit of a theme with PKD isn't it? The underlying reasoning/explanation of many of his stories is a bit poop, but the narrative is good enough to carry you through anyway.

>> No.2160997

lol @ Jeffrey Archer in the OP pic.
10/10 troll. very subtle and hard to spot.