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21605974 No.21605974 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I learn the actual meaning of the Bible? The esoteric metaphorical meaning.

>> No.21605980

Make something up. That's what esoteric means, you make something up and then force a reading of it in whatever book you want. I can find an esoteric doctrine in Animorph books

>> No.21605981

Fuck off

>> No.21605996

>Fuck off
You can find infinite meaning in those two words if you just meditate on them long enough. Fucking, the fundamental cause of human existence. Off, representing the outside and unknown. A deep story about human life is simply a jump into the void. The lack of a subject shows that there is no God to witness our lives

>> No.21606009

>The restored New Testament
>the Hellenic fragments, freed from the pseudo-Jewish interpolations, harmonized, and done into English verse and prose with introductory analyses, and commentaries, giving interpretation according to ancient philosophy and psychology and new literal translation of the Synoptic Gospels, with introduction and commentaries
by Pryse, James M. (James Morgan), b. 1859


>> No.21606019

>the actual meaning which is sekrit gnostic bullshit for special smart people like myself ;)
>*faps to tranny porn*

>> No.21606023

The Bible is 100% straightforward. Metaphoric interpretation is coping.

>> No.21606029

Why else is the Church called the bride of Christ? First thing that happens when you get to heaven is J-Dawg rails your asshole. That's why sodomy is forbidden down here, he wants you nice and tight

>> No.21606735

Check out some commentaries. Origen is particularly well regarded on this front, especially in his commentaries on the Pentateuch and Song of Songs. At the end of Augustine's Confessions he talks at great length about how the beginning of Genesis should be interpreted as well.
Particularly for the OT, many Christians have tried to tie it in to the NT with different parts foreshadowing the gospels. Some of the psalms have been interpreted as being from Jesus' perspective too.
Keep in mind that there's a lot of different takes on what might be metaphorical in the bible, and most of them are shit.
Also, the bible isn't really an esoteric book and there isn't a hidden secret in it, just things that will deepen your understanding of it.

>> No.21606891

>Particularly for the OT, many Christians have tried to tie it in to the NT with different parts foreshadowing the gospels
Yeah and those are retards, saying the OT stories are metaphors of Jesus, not realizing the stories of Jesus are as much metaphor themselves.

>> No.21606897

>a lot of different takes on
I'm interested in the truth, not takes, speculations or theories
>the bible isn't really an esoteric book and there isn't a hidden secret in it

>> No.21606947

Is this the bible thread? I want to ask about the immaculate conception. As I understand it, the idea is that Jesus could only have been born free from sin if he didn't inherit it from his parents, which requires that Mary be free from sin herself. Therefore, she must have been immaculately conceived.

But doesn't this create an infinite regress? Wouldn't Mary's mother also have to have been immaculately conceived? And her mother in turn? What am I misunderstanding?

>> No.21606948

This is what you are looking for:

The esoteric meaning of the Bible are comporable to the concept of 'understanding' in the East: it is both available here and now, in front of your face, and at the same time deeply veiled by habituation.

Understand what is meant, when Moses asks God for his name, and God says I was, I will be, and I am what I choose to be. And then Jesus usurps this title, saying in John, I AM.

God is none other than being. Your life is God. That's it. That's the metaphysical meaning.

Christ's two commandments supply the ethical imperative of the above realization: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

God is being, the essence that brings life to inanimate matter, that 'raises the dead', that 'makes these bones walk'.

When you understand that all creatures share the same source of being, that there is ONLY ONE being, then the commandment (found in all religons) to treat others as you would have them treat you, becomes no longer a commandment, no longer becomes a law. The one who understands the source of being, the truth, the way, the light, the good — becomes free. He is no longer bound by the law. He becomes a law unto himself.

1 Corinthians 3:16: Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?

Praise God!

>> No.21606962

Understand what is meant by this mythological equation: Jesus is the son of God, conceived by Mary without sex.

Jesus breaks free of the chain of conditioned reflexes going back to the beginning of biology, and becomes a free agent.

All of us are bond not just by our relationships, not just by our childhood, not just by our collective cultural inheritances ... — but by the entire chain of being stretching into the unknown past, eons and eons of conditioning. Biological conditioning, cultural conditioning, and so on.

Jesus broke free and became what he was. And so can you.

>> No.21606964

>comporable to the concept of 'understanding'
yeah I know
>it is both available here and now
wrong, you're one of these retards who think that any retard can read the bible and know what it means, with zero study, I guess I don't even have to know the language of the bible I'm reading, just open the bible to a toddler and he will get it all amirite fuck protestants are dumb

>> No.21606966

>When you understand that all creatures share the same source of being, that there is ONLY ONE being
Based. Since there is only one being I own everything. I can't steal from myself. Raping someone is just a form of masturbation

>> No.21606978

That has literally nothing to do with what I asked.

>> No.21606989

>Is this the bible thread?
Learn to read, no it's not, go make your own fucking thread instead of shitting up mine with off-topic.

>> No.21606991

Love God, Love your Neighbor as yourself.

It doesn't get any clearer than that. The rest is commentary. All it takes is one chink in the dam, the rest will come flooding through.

>> No.21606997

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

>> No.21606999

how about you fuck off and be a retard somewhere else

>> No.21607005

take your fucking off-topic discussion in a thread of its own

>> No.21607007

It's the closest in the catalogue and your question is easily answered with the ESVSB.

>> No.21607009

learn how to make a thread dumbass

>> No.21607015

Why are you so mad? Calm down lol

>> No.21607016

you're a fucking retard shitting up my thread which is now 90% off-topic, fuck off

>> No.21607023
File: 34 KB, 598x529, REEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo don't post in my thread

>> No.21607055

That's my first post. 90% of the posts are you getting angry at anons responding to you. Grow up

>> No.21607085

Easy is my yoke and light is my burden.

You want to know the metaphoric teaching of the Bible?

Jesus had taught 5000 people and now they were hungry. Someone up front had a couple fish and a few loaves of bread. The disciples said to Jesus, let us have our fill, there is no sense in trying to feed so many people with so little, it wouldn't make sense. We will all walk away hungry, said the disciples.

But Jesus said, pass it around and see what happens.

And not only did every one of the 5000 eat there fill, but when the food came back there was MORE TO BE SPARED. In fact, baskets and baskets of food came back, even more than they had initially passed out the crowd.

Do you understand yet?

Do not be miserly with love and goodwill. Do not hoard it for your own fill. You will never have enough for yourself!

But pass it around, and you will receive forty fold what you paid out.

>> No.21607090

since you're bringing up the gospel of john,
>Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.

>> No.21607117

fuck off from this thread

>> No.21607118

I’m buying this

>> No.21607124

>protestant who thinks you can just open a bible for a toddler and they will understand it all

>> No.21607129

When I was asking where I can learn I meant books etc not (you), spare me your wisdom.

>> No.21607175

Read every book, turn every rock, split every tree, and you will never find it.

I am sorry to break the news.

Understanding is not a thing, it is not an object of knowledge. It is a thing of the spirit. It is a way of RELATING. 'The Kingdom of God is within you.'

To understand any text you must be posessed by the spirit of the author. If you want to understand Faulkner, you've got to have the mind of Faulkner within you. If you want to understand a divinely inspired text, whether it's the Tao te Ching, the Bhagvad Gita, the Bible, then you need to be posessed by the HOLY spirit, the MIND of God.

>> No.21607210

Brother, I fear that learning The Truth may not be of much help to you at this point.

>> No.21607258


>> No.21607262

Completely true

>> No.21607327

good, then I will apply this to your posts and not read them

>> No.21607332

>You can find infinite meaning in those two words if you just meditate on them long enough. Fucking, the fundamental cause of human existence. Off, representing the outside and unknown. A deep story about human life is simply a jump into the void. The lack of a subject shows that there is no God to witness our lives
shit post and shit take

>> No.21607343

protestants are dumb as fuck

>> No.21607348

as a vast majority of posts itt

>> No.21607350

How do you know?

>> No.21607357
File: 50 KB, 612x187, kabbalah for beginners michael laitman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several sources, here's one, also it's obvious when reading posts by literalist retards that their interpretation is not what the bible is actually about

>> No.21607373

That quote seems very similar to Origen's take on the Pentateuch, which I recommended earlier in the thread. He's worth the read for his thoughts on allegorical interpretation, even if you disagree with the interpretations he comes up with.

>> No.21607387

I saw a website by some Freemasons who talked about esoteric meaning in the Bible but I forgot to bookmark it and then I haven't found it again. It talked about how when Jesus, Mary and Joseph wander in the desert that's metaphor.

>> No.21607398

Unfortunately I'm only familiar with mainstream Christian takes on this topic. Best of luck in finding what you need.

>> No.21607411
File: 42 KB, 325x507, restorednewtesta00pry_0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As applied to Masonry, the three sunbursts represent the gates of the temple at which CHiram was struck, there being no gate in the north because the sun never shines from the northern angle of the heavens. The north is the symbol of the physical because of its relation to ice (crystallized water) and to the body (crystallized spirit). In man the light shines toward the north but never from it, because the body has no light of its own but shines with the reflected glory of the divine life-particles concealed within physical substance. For this reason the moon is accepted as the symbol of man's physical nature. CHiram is the mysterious fiery, airy water which must be raised through the three grand centers symbolized by the ladder with three rungs and the sunburst flowers mentioned in the description of the Hindu painting. It must also pass upward by means of the ladder of seven rungs-the seven plexuses proximate to the spine. The nine segments of the sacrum and coccyx are pierced by ten foramina, through which pass the roots of the Tree of Life. Nine is the sacred number of man, and in the symbolism of the sacrum and coccyx a great mystery is concealed. That part of the body from the kidneys downward was termed by the early Qabbalists the Land of Egypt into which the children of Israel were taken during the captivity. Out of Egypt, Moses (the illuminated mind, as his name implies) led the tribes of Israel (the twelve faculties) by raising the brazen serpent in the wilderness upon the symbol of the Tau cross. Not only CHiram but the god-men of nearly every pagan Mystery ritual are personifications of the Spirit Fire in the human spinal cord.

>> No.21607424

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

You have to believe on Jesus and then you will have the indwelling of the holy spirit to guide and teach you.


>> No.21607450

fuck off protestant smoothbrain, this thread is not for you

>> No.21607476

Here's the esoteric meaning of the Behemoth and Leviathan
Info on Moses

>> No.21607521

Esoteric meaning just means you're coming up with your own thing. It's not true, so it's nothing but a waste of time. In 2 Peter it says, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." (2 Peter 1:20)

>> No.21607609

So talking snakes, dragons, a woman being turned to salt, a man who gains physical strength from his long hair ... all literal?

>> No.21607619

>the actual meaning of
lmao this nigga doesn't understand that the books of the bible were selected by a committee
>The esoteric metaphorical meaning.
LOL just be a good person bro, don't take it seriously, it's not that complicated

>> No.21607627

The one about the woman being turned to salt happened. The other ones you seem to be misinterpreting a bit because that's not quite technically what it said. Samson didn't literally gain strength simply from keeping his nazarite vows, after all there were other people who were also nazarites; rather it was God that did it. It was all done for a specific reason to show us some things, and there are many teachings that find their application here. The term dragon is used in the Bible interchangeably with serpent, so that's nothing out of the ordinary. And unicorns are the same as rhinocerous, according to the 1611 footnotes they even specifically told us that. Lastly, the "serpent" entity didn't become a full-on snake until after it was cursed. It may have looked like something else before the fall. But we also have a talking donkey in another place, so yes there are very unusual things that have happened, but they all did for a reason. Hope that helps anon. Something can literally happen and at the same time have important lessons for us in them. For instance, Sodom and Gomorrha were destroyed with physical fire and brimstone, but it served a purpose to teach us that God considers it an abomination. Hence in 2 Peter 2:6 it says, "And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;"

>> No.21607649
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>The one about the woman being turned to salt happened.
You have brain damage.

>> No.21607654

Glad I could help anon

>> No.21607719

>Suppose you tell a dozen people the facts of reincarnation as YOU understand them. Let us also suppose that you have thoroughly investigated the subject from every possible angle over the course of many years. Will each of your auditors share your understanding to the same extent? Will they even agree on the essential facts after you have patiently explained them? If you have any experience at all of human nature the answer to both questions must be in the negative. Moreover, by the time those 12 people have related what they have understood to another dozen of their friends, and these have passed this knowledge on in turn, how much of what you painstakingly conveyed in plain, simple words will be left? If you are honest, you will admit very little. Now imagine that some busybody, or even a whole meddling tribe of them, comes along every hundred years or so, and 'improves' your record to make it 'easier' to understand.

>Had the wisdom hidden in the Bible been expressed in such a way it is doubtful whether any of it would have survived intact, especially during the early centuries of the Christian era, when every legitimate and illegitimate means were employed to expunge any taint of esotericism from the dogmas of the Church. By concealing such knowledge under the cloak of simple, allegorical tales all could read and understand, the compilers and authors of the Bible ensured the preservation of the hidden wisdom for posterity.

>> No.21607731


>> No.21607779

You? where can *you* learn it? Nowhere. *You* cannot learn it.

>> No.21607783

Well, it's esoteric, so you can't just read about it...

>> No.21607807
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But there are a bunch of weird things that seem like something more. Like the number 40 keeps popping up.

Moses stays on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights. Before his temptation, Jesus fasted "forty days and forty nights" in the Judean desert. Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus. According to Stephen, Moses' life is divided into three 40-year segments, separated by his growing to adulthood, fleeing from Egypt, and his return to lead his people. In modern Christian practice, Lent consists of the 40 days preceding Easter. In much of Western Christianity, Sundays are excluded from the count, there are 46 days in total of Lent; in Eastern Christianity, Sundays are included. The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. Kirk Kilisse, "Forty Churches" in Eastern Thrace. Rain fell for "forty days and forty nights" during the deluge.

And then there are all those bizarre parallels between classical Paganism and Christianity.

The virgin Persephone's son, who was conceived by her father Zeus, was Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of bread and wine, Jesus is the transformer of water into wine and the multiplier of loaves of bread, and his primary rite involves the consecration of bread and wine which are said to transmute into the literal presence of the Lord, like in the Eleusian mysteries where the stalk of grain was to represent the literal presence of Persephone. Jesus was the son of the Virgin Mary, just as Dionysus was the son of the virgin Persephone, and in both cases the father God of heaven conceived in the virgin to give birth to a god of bread and wine. In the Greek instance, it's the maiden mother who descended into the underworld; in the Christian, it's her son the culture hero. In the Greek, the mother is resurrected as the staple wheat crop; in the Christian, the son is resurrected as the physical bread of life. Even the primordial even that initiated the whole cycle in both stories was the lord of the underworld using a plant to tempt the maiden into his clutches.

So what do you make of all that, retard?

>> No.21607825

Neville Goddard (Law of Assumption [LOA]) did Biblical interpretation.

>> No.21607855

Based post-modernist

>> No.21607864

You might like this anon

>> No.21607890

>Initiation in St. John’s Gospel
>The first eleven verses in the second chapter contain the allegorical representation of the last and final Initiation; herein we find mention of all the divine and human “principles” veiled in allegorical language, and personified, and of the purification wrought in them by Initiation; the incident ends abruptly and mysteriously, so much so, that we have reason to suspect that more was originally added. A very superficial knowledge of the laws of esoteric allegory shows it to be so.

>The main point of the allegory is the turning of “Water” (the Astral) into “Wine,” or Matter into Spirit.

>> No.21608365

Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager have accesible, contemporaneous views

>> No.21608715

Moses wasn't an initiate, he's a fictional character and a metaphor.

>> No.21608718

>Esoteric meaning just means you're coming up with your own thing.
no it doesn't retard

>> No.21608721

didn't read, fuck off

>> No.21608731

What's your point?
>simple, allegorical tales all could read and understand
That's clearly not true since most Christians are retards who interpret those allegories as literal history.

>> No.21608745 [DELETED] 
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not necessarily a correct interpretation of the word "esoteric"

>> No.21608750
File: 274 KB, 1325x716, can you tell a diamond from a piece of glass 1 of 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not necessarily a correct interpretation of the word "esoteric"

>> No.21608755
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>> No.21608840

you big fag lmao

>> No.21608870

1- The writers liked the number 40
2- The writers got inspiration from other religions

Its not that hard

>> No.21608994

>these stories are the same because they both have characters
come on man they are clearly two different stories

>> No.21609187

The point was to show why they used and needed strange symbols and stories like in this post >>21607609
>CIRCUMLOCUTIONS.--"Every time you find in our books a tale, the reality of which seems impossible, a story which repugnant both to reason and common sense, then be sure that tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter the deeper the wisdom of the spirit." RABBI MOSES MAIMONIDES.

>> No.21609450
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This is what finding "esoteric meaning" is. Time to admit it, anon.

>> No.21609472
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Oy veh, a literalist made a post in my esoteric thread--

>> No.21610650

Read the church fathers

>> No.21610659
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You know where.

>> No.21610757

Well that's what you want to believe the Bible is about. But we know it's not about anything other than what it appears to be about because the apostles had disciples and they also wrote down what they believed. And those disciples had their own disciples, and they also were very wordy in writing down what the Bible meant. None of it is esoteric New Age type stuff that you want it to be.

>> No.21610792

>actual meaning
Pick one

>> No.21611046

>The Chaldean Account of the Deluge
by George Smith
Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 2 [1873] 213-34.

>> No.21611107

>*faps to tranny porn*

>> No.21611157
File: 86 KB, 720x864, 10EBD126-A40B-46C4-AA7E-1BAA2A9D07D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The core of Christianity and the New Testmanet is, “Jesus is the Son of God.” It revolves around His Sonship to God. A frequent claim in “mystical” or “esoteric” writings and teachings is, “So are You and I.”

However, ironically, even this message of the absolute equality, Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humanity and equal Sonship or Daughtership before God, is exploited by New Age or megalomaniacal cults which aim to make it seem as if they’ve become superior to the rest of humanity or are guarding some special esoteric inner knowledge, and are now the uniquely new qualified “Church” to speak on such mysteries.

Read the Gospels, read more of the New Testament, think of it for yourself, see what it makes you feel, what insights it gives you; then, say, read the verses of Walt Whitman or William Blake. This itself is already “mysticism,” or an especially devoted, close and intensely faithful initiative towards the understanding of a religion and relationship with that same religion.

Also, the Gnostic Nag Hammadi tractates and other apocryphal texts excluded from the Scriptures are also rather interesting to read if you’re actually sincerely interested in this question and not just trolling or baiting “to get wacky deluded narcissistic esotericists to embarrass themselves.” I mean hey …. It’s not like much of Western society, civilization, culture, and our conception of religion could have been DELIBERATELY warped, prodded in that direction, obscured, edited, distorted, altered, the original message twisted for means of social control and out of the megalomaniacal pretensions of the learned divines and clergy wanting to monopolize the role of intermediary to the Divine instead of letting the commonafolk conceive they can have access to God without a hierarchical totalitarian structure as an intermediary??? … heh heh, right, guys? Guys? Goys?”

>> No.21611170

Commentaries of st. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.21611304

>esoteric: intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest
That's exactly what the Bible has, an esoteric meaning for the initiated and an exoteric meaning for the profane.

>> No.21611341
File: 365 KB, 943x1200, Youngsung Kim, The Hand of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KJV Matt 4:11, 12
>11And he(Jesus) said unto them(his disciples), Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables
>12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

>> No.21611375

Yeah what's your point?

>> No.21611474

The point is Jesus himself is saying there is a such thing as hidden or esoteric wisdom meant only for a chosen few that are worthy.

>> No.21611479

Meant for>>21611375

>> No.21611491

Yeah most likely Freemasons, you have to be deemed worthy of initiation by the more highly initiated to be initiated further.

>> No.21611511

Fuck off

>> No.21611520

>"He who would enter into the realm of Wisdom must first divest himself of all intellectual pride. Prejudices, pre-conceived opinions and beliefs always stand in the way of true wisdom. Conceited opinions are always suicidal in their influences. They bar the door to the entrance of Truth."
Ralph Waldo Trine

>> No.21611531

why would I care about what he says?
never understood why peoplelle treat people like this as primary sources

>> No.21611542

Doesn't matter. The quote is true. I even quoted Jesus words from the Bible to support my point and get told to fuck off lol

>> No.21611614
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you can't properly understand the Bible if you are not a saved Christian. The Holy Spirit indwells the believers and if you're not a believer, you do not have the the Holy Spirit indwelling you to teach you the meaning behind the scriptures.

watch this gospel video if you want to repent of your unbelief and be sure of going to heaven. after you get saved by believing on Jesus, you should read the King James Bible (the preserved Word of God in the English language).


>> No.21611619

I also wanted to add, when you get your KJV Bible, don't get a study bible, or a bible with commentaries and footnotes. Get the KJV Bible without footnotes or commentaries. if you're a saved Christian, the Holy Ghost will teach you the meaning behind the scriptures when you read your Bible.

John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

>> No.21611638

>you can't properly understand the Bible if you are not a Christian
Stopped reading there

>> No.21611650

Not gonna join your pedo cult

>> No.21611904

"What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops."
- Matthew 10:27

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
- Mark 16:15

I don't see anything in here about hidden, occult, esoteric, gnostic, etc.

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,"
- Revelation 14:6

It sounds like you're trying to shoehorn in some kind of false doctrine. The only reason people don't understand the Gospel is because they choose not to and resist the Spirit of God. It really isn't that hard to grasp in actuality, there is no secret code language that requires you to pull out a decoder pin or anything like that. You're being scammed if someone is selling you one, anon.

>> No.21611908

Yeah make sure to pray in the Lord's name also.

>> No.21611934

Than why does Jesus not give freely to the everyone "the mystery of the kingdom of God"? He clearly makes a distinction between the types of teachings he gives to the two groups of people.
In Matt 4:12 he describes the masses as not being suitable candidates for it.
>12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

>> No.21612033
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I think this might be a good place to start if nothing else. I've been slowly working my way through this list

>> No.21612302

There are a handful of responses in any online discussion about Christianity about how protestants are dumb and that is about the extent of contribution to the subject I have seen from fake online Catholics. Why???

>> No.21612307

Here's a challenge, explain to me how to get into heaven with scripture

>> No.21612347

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.21612897

it's bait but that doesn't make sense because by harming others, you harm yourself. raping someone is unpleasent for them, so it's like the pleasure emo people gain by cutting themselves—which is very gay, i'm sure you agree. you accidentally outed yourself with this one

>> No.21613000



Philip Sherrard
Jean Hani
Wolfgang Smith
Jean Borella
François Chenique
Abbé Henri Stéphane (Introduction à l'ésotérisme chrétien)
Juan González Arintero, O.P.

>> No.21613038

The Bible teaches itself. You have to study it over your whole life and walk with the Lord. Esotericists fall prey to their own laziness and pride. They end up being deceived by demons and the slaves of demons in their search for a shortcut and secret knowledge. Christ is the Hidden Manna. Christ is the door. He is the shortcut to unity with God. The Holy Spirit is the one who will show you what is hidden in the Word. He does that when you repent of your sins, confess Christ, ask to receive the Holy Spirit, and live your life according to the Word of the Living God.

If you'd rather fall prey to demons, there are plenty of sects of predators who have esoteric interpretations of Scripture. A waste of time that costs an eternity of suffering to pay off.

>> No.21613046

Pothead philosophy at its finest - useless thoughts, from arrogant men.

>> No.21613065

no thanks

>> No.21613070

Spoken like a true protestant-retard. Just open the Bible to a toddler, wtf he doesn't get it? He must be a sinner.

>> No.21613264 [DELETED] 

good posts

>> No.21613321
File: 47 KB, 1104x927, christian retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Holy Ghost will teach you the meaning behind the scriptures when you read your Bible.
This is clearly bullshit and usual protestant retardation, as evidenced by the many "saved Christian" retards on 4chan who believe the Bible is literal. Holy fuck I have no patience with protestant retards, they're being psyoped and don't even know it.
>just open the bible to a toddler, wtf he doesn't get it? that means he's not saved

>> No.21613382

>The Bible is 100% straightforward.
How does it contradict the fact that there's a metaphorical interpretation along with its straightforwardness? Judaism and Christianity both see deep metaphors everywhere in the Bible. The fact that Jesus spoke in parables demonstrates that that's the right way to do it. How can you even have a religion without metaphors?

>> No.21613388

You can start with Maximus the Confessor.

>> No.21613391


>> No.21613411

The fact that the truth is in plain sight doesn't mean it's easy to comprehend it. That Jesus said nothing in secret doesn't contradict the esoteric nature of Christianity, unless by esoteric you mean some purposefully hidden knowledge accessible only to the elites. It's like mathematics is all there in the plain sight, theoretically you could learn all of it yourself in a prison cell without the access to the outside world.

>> No.21613507


>> No.21613736

Nice strawman. Die in your ignorance and sin. You are responsible for your own life. Besides, children have the easiest time of all people believing in and building a relationship with God. My sister and I used to read KJV for fun by ourselves at 6 and 8 years old. We had no trouble understanding it. The Word is open even to children. If you weren't so ignorant, you'd know that.

>> No.21613749
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>what secrets does the Bible contain?
>tell us...

>> No.21613774

This. The author is dead.

>> No.21614387

believing in God =/= understanding the Bible, retard

>> No.21614721

Without God, you have no hope of understanding the Bible.

>> No.21614984

>Than why does Jesus not give freely to the everyone "the mystery of the kingdom of God"?
He does give them the Gospel, they just reject it. So that leads to them being unable to understand anything else. Basically if you don't get the basics, or refuse to accept them I should say, then you won't be able to understand anything beyond it. But the responsibility for that lies with the person doing the refusing.

"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life." (John 5:40)

>> No.21615000

Wo shadi slamo

>> No.21615009

Have you ever considered learning Greek and Hebrew? Ρακα

>> No.21615155

Without knowing English/Latin/Greek/Hebrew/grammar/logic/rhetoric/basic philosophy you have no hope of understanding the Bible, in other words you will never understand it

>> No.21615167
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>He does give them the Gospel, they just reject it
That's not what it says. Even here:
KJV Matt 13:10, 11.
>10And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
>11He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

>> No.21615204
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You skipped verse 13 anon, and the full explanation.

"Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand."
(Matthew 13:13)

Certain people already refuse the truth, so they are unable to understand the meaning of the parables. They will understand neither the parable itself nor the explanation thereof.

"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
(Revelation 22:17)

"Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
(Matthew 13:9)

>> No.21615352

If there was no difference in Jesus' teachings he would not say "but to them it is not given".

>> No.21615376

>"but to them it is not given".
Again, you have taken this out of its context. The reason why this is so is because they will not hear. To those who have, more will be given unto abundance. Matthew 13:12.

So, the distinguishing reason here is just because some refuse the truth. And to those people, even what they seem to have, will be taken away. But to those who do have the truth, because of accepting it, even more will be given.

>> No.21616355

we know it's you Matthieu, and we know you made the chart, pay for an ad

>> No.21616362

Sadly, Porn

>> No.21616374

>wa wa I'm a Christian, that means I automatically get the full depth of the meaning of the Bible, because I'm saved!
the absolute state of protestanttards

>> No.21616420

I read in Latin every day, have like 7 books in Hebrew in my room including the Tanakh, and have far better knowledge of the latter categories than you have any hope of, you well-stuffed pompous half-wit. You have the privilege of speaking to someone in the top 1% of English speakers, who's studied the Word top to bottom, bested only by scholars. It is a privilege wasted on you. You're just another arrogant scoffer. You'll die in the same ignorance you were swaddled in.

>> No.21616425

what's your point retard?

>> No.21616433

Just this. Enjoy Hell. Like everyone else there, you'll have earned it.

>> No.21616441

Luke 6:37
Matthew 7:1-3

>> No.21616475

make an actual argument or fuck off

>> No.21616477

Satan quotes scriptures too. Your knowledge won't save you.

>> No.21616484

I already smashed your argument, brainlet, but I said what had to say.

>> No.21616494

>I already smashed your argument
nah you didn't, and you're clearly a brainlet if you think having a discourse is about smashing the other, emotional thinker

>> No.21616540

By asking a priest, you know, the one person that spends their days reading the Bible and learning all its secrets.

>> No.21616545

I'm not even the guy you're debating with but ok. It's just not wise to tell someone they are going to hell.

>> No.21616562
File: 37 KB, 280x522, teresaofavila[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St Teresa of Avila has some pretty good mystical stuff. "The Interior Castle" is her most popular book.

>> No.21616574
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I laughed.

>> No.21616586

not reading it

>> No.21616614

That assumes OP really wants to know in the end.

>> No.21616629

priests in my country are lesbians, priests in america don't exist, they have pastors who don't know shit, which explains the state of american christians

>> No.21616689

A female that is married to Jesus and will be judging your soul during the apocalypse. Put some respect on her name

>> No.21616694

still not reading

>> No.21616731

i have a somewhat related question.
>read NIV bible audiobook almost completely (im at the final letters then i have revelations)
>see common scripture name like, oh i dont fucking know, psalm whatever chapter: whatever verse)
>have literally no idea what those specific verse are referencing
did i goof reading in audiobook format? i mean that pretty much how medieval peasants took it. also i might read another translation to see if i get more out of it. recommendations?

>> No.21616958
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>> No.21616985

no one memorizes verses on one read-through.
just look it up and if you think it's important, commit it to memory.

>> No.21617576

First time seeing someone hold a grudge against a semi hermit who wrote one book. I don't know why but the 3 Pageau brothers have done work to turn people to God at least, what have you bothered to do at all?

>> No.21617582

>genuinely feel a close connection to Jesus
>believe there is definitely an esoteric meaning to much of the bible
>can't put faith in Catholicism because we 'know them by their fruits'
>can't join Orthodoxy because I'm in the west. In the east, every attempt left me with a sour taste which felt like a warning
>like Protestantism, but it's shallow as a puddle and completely relativistic
>know too much about pagan religions that apologetics against its overlap in the bible is just pure cope; once again owing to why I think there is an esoteric meaning
What do? I can't be as so arrogant to draw my own conclusions. I really do believe in Jesus in some way, but just not in the traditional Christian way I guess. The closest thing that comes to mind are the church fathers, especially Gregory of Palmas, and some of the Western mystics like John of the Cross, Avilla, Eckhart. These people clearly understood a deeper meaning to the bible, but we don't see that in Liturgy/mass/sermons.
Yeah his book is shit, it's completely made up exegesis with literally 0 references. Isn't he Orthodox? If so then that's just heretical.

>> No.21617593

>can't join Orthodoxy because I'm in the west
this makes no sense

>> No.21617705

There's no churches within 4 hours of me, and they are diaspora churches in Greek/Russian/Romanian, no English

>> No.21617810

If you can't be bothered to invest in a local community at all and you're also unwilling to move, then you wouldn't be a contributive person of value to any of them anyway

>> No.21618222

It wouldn't matter anyway, they're just diaspora social clubs.
Besides like I said, my heavy inquiry into Orthodoxy during my 6 months in Greece and Romania has left a sour taste in my mouth short of everything that is monasticism. Too many red flags that you don't see with orthoLARPers online. Just pride, ethnocentrism and hubris amongst them. It's not any different from Catholicism in practice it seems (but with added ethnocentrism).

>> No.21618587

I disagree. Many never even think about it, yet that is where most will find themselves in the end. They should think about it deeply.

>> No.21618656

Aquinas writes about this in the Summa Theologica, part 1, question 1, articles nine and ten
Might be a useful resource, kind of how the metaphorical meanings are the literal meanings, it's confusing to understand but makes sense when you think about it.

>> No.21618659

He does give it freely, but people choose to not accept it for many different reasons.

>> No.21618701

Maybe Jan Hus would interest you.
And denomination isn't important. Catholics, protestants, orthodox, they all go to heaven in the end.

The Bible doesn't say you have to worship Christ in a certain way to be saved, just that you must accept Christ into your heart. Is it possible that one way is sinful and another is not? Yes, but Jesus' sacrifice cleanses us of our sins as long as we accept Him truly into our heart and accept that we are all sinners.

Denomination doesn't matter as long as you accept Christ, His word, and repent for your sins.

>> No.21619613

any catholic study bible
or just ask your local priest

>> No.21620654

I know what you're talking about as I myself am ethnic Orthodox but in the West. Everything you've said is true, but I must say that the ethnocentrism has historical reasons. The people would not have survived in their own countries if they were not Orthodox and they had to group together at churches to survive when they immigrated here. The attitudes of the common people should not interfere with the Church but they have until recently. I also understand what you mean that anything less than monasticism doesn't cut it. Perhaps you can visit an English language monastery in your country.
If you ever make it to an English language Orthodox church you may have a better experience. I've been going to some and ethnicity is of no concern. They are also more palatable culturally. At one of the ones I go to the choir sings in a Western classical music style but the liturgy is Byzantine Rite.
In any case your heart is in the right place. Seraphim Rose said that it is becoming harder to find a spiritual father and in the case that it is not possible then just read the Bible and Church Fathers and live a life of fasting and prayer. Sounds like you've done that already. Godspeed.

>> No.21621556
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>Where can I learn the actual meaning of the Bible? The esoteric metaphorical meaning.
Galya Raza, Talmud, Zohar, Midrashim

>> No.21621696

by reading Orthodox Church Fathers commentary. you absolutely cannot use your own intellect since you are not illumined by Christ.

>> No.21621862

The Book o' Mormon will help you understand it better...

>> No.21622118

At some point you have to ask if you're just being a brat expecting perfection to arrive at your front door and finding excuses to not find a local community to invest in. And if you've ever asked yourself how one can be of some value to x local community and help it out or strengthen it instead of asking and asking for those community rewards to be delivered with a quick snap