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21605931 No.21605931 [Reply] [Original]

Is Oswald Spengler accessible for an average illeterate pseud chud or do I have to read the Greeks, Kant and Hegel first?

>> No.21605939

unchud yourself. read women.

>> No.21605947

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21605954

If you want to be anything intellectual you should just do it. More books is good and you have time to read them

>> No.21605957

That will just make it worse since women are garbage writers.

>> No.21605959

Why is Spengler even associated with chuds nowadays anyway?

>> No.21605968
File: 26 KB, 340x340, spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Spengler even associated with chuds

>> No.21605976
File: 59 KB, 854x818, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you'll ever need is this.

>> No.21605991
File: 52 KB, 340x340, my artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt resist

>> No.21606043

Damn I didn’t know the Arians originated from central asia

>> No.21606227

Just read it. You won't understand everything, but it'll be that way for every book worth reading.

>> No.21606345

build your own spengler associative digression generator

culture: sumerian, greek, persian, roman, italian, indian, chinese...
stage: classic, renaissance, baroque, elizabethan, rococo, romantic, impressionistic...
tech: sculpture, drama, polyphony, perspective, tragedy, pottery, navigation, architecture...

>i'm afraid i can only give a cursory outline of the formation and development of the collective socioeconomic mindset that is surely behind both sumerian cyclopean throat chants and natufian pointillistic masonry

>> No.21606391

Kill yourself kike

>> No.21606907

wasn't spengler part jewish?

>> No.21607412


>> No.21607435

Start with the sex gifs

>> No.21607744

>There is not one sculpture, one painting, one mathematics, one physics, but many, each in its deepest essence different from the others, each limited in duration and self-contained, just as each species of plant has its peculiar blossom or fruit

What did he mean by this? He lost me at physics and mathematics.

>> No.21608291


>> No.21608406

cause he’s German but not the bolshevik forerunner or apologetic type.

The Anglo world still suffers from germanophobic sentiments which causes them to ignore good thinkers like Carl Schmitt just cause he was a le nazi

>> No.21608571

Asia means literally "land of the Aryans"

>> No.21608712

weak weak bait

>> No.21608786

Stupid person alert!
There is no better way to word what he has said, so if you cannot understand that, there no point in thinking about the matter anymore.

>> No.21608927

He is a historian, not a philosopher. Also he doesn't mention Hegel even once.

>> No.21609193

yes he does lol
proves you didn’t read it. Typical /lit/ feeling the need to give its opinion on a work it hasn’t even read.

He just mentions Hegel deridingly.

>> No.21609247 [DELETED] 

Hegel and Kant also have theories of history nigger

>> No.21609270

Sex gifs

>> No.21609327

Mathematics and Physics aren’t created, they’re discovered. The same across any culture.

>> No.21609344

Mathematics is a language, so it's created completely by humans, and with it we discover physics, something not created.

>> No.21609352

Correct, but what each Culture-Civilization CARES about, what they WANT to discover, that varies. Apollonian Man thought that geometry was super cool, Faustian Man is all about calculus. A Greek could totally understand calculus, they just wouldn't find it interesting.

>> No.21609741

Ah that makes more sense

>> No.21610234

Can confirm I just read the first 40 pages and he mentions Hegel at least twice.

>> No.21610715


>> No.21611427

Dumb cunt here,

Is Spengler a good read? Will it inspire me to greater virtue and deed?