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21605828 No.21605828 [Reply] [Original]

Are humans more smart today than ages before when they had just some books in comparison to having tons of knowledge just at the tips of our smartphone?

>> No.21605836
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We're becoming smarter on the internet's terms. Breadth at the expense of depth, fast visual processing at the expense of deep focus and creativity.

>> No.21606158

Define smart

>> No.21606206

Knowledgeable and wise

>> No.21606220

Yes, as a whole, we are.
See how many people are leaving behind the believe in a ''god'', we are moving on past our sun worshipping ways and into a more clear, bright age.

>> No.21606236


>> No.21606237

I would say people are much more knowledgeable than in the far past due to the near-unlimited and easy access to knowledge today. People seem to be in want of wisdom though. The fpbp also points out how breadth of knowledge has increased at the expense of depth which I tend to agree with. There are a lot of people today with no particular skills or proficiencies.

>> No.21606294

>clear bright age

>> No.21606462

You are more obsessed with God than an evangelical. I will point and laugh at you on judgement day, see you then xoxo

>> No.21606472

you've probably never done this - look on top of your computer and press the button that looks like a circle with a line through it

>> No.21606474

I’d say yes. For better or worse we are much more aware.

>> No.21606483

An entire society shifting away from striving towards the common good... The days ahead are not bright.

>> No.21606664

>See how many people are leaving behind the believe in a ''god''
Almost no one is. People still believe in a god and in religious dogma relentlessly. They just traded Yahweh for Secular Humanism. Arguing with your average "bright age" twitterfag today is literally no different than arguing with a religious nut.

>> No.21606685


>> No.21606705

Yes on average, but some areas of knowledge have definitely been neglected. The monolingual early education for people in Anglo nations is a problem imo given how bilinguals have many advantages in learning and information processing. The command of language that the greats had as a result of older methods was far higher.

>> No.21606717

It's definitely easier to learn things

>> No.21606743

OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxQq1wB7A28

>> No.21607171
File: 27 KB, 350x437, images - 2023-01-30T170959.232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking no. What a joke.

>> No.21607173
File: 436 KB, 860x834, 1649240450809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you met people? The average person is dumb as fuck.

>> No.21607181

Spatial intelligence is a reliable G-factor indicator for good reason. Cranial volume has decreased since the introduction of large scale agriculture over the centuries -- writing wasn't a mistake, but mass so-called literacy probably is.

>> No.21607379

But why? Is it because of mass propaganda through media or mobile phones? I usually talk with old ppl bc they have a clear picture of what is good and bad

>> No.21607776

Because most people don't read or give a shit? Most people consume, work and fuck all day. I don't think any normal person gives a fuck about the Greeks or any literature for that matter.

>> No.21607787

You need to be 18 to post here.

It doesn't matter that people left their old churches, if they just joined new churches (communism, secular humanism, etc). "Belief in God" isn't the only irrational thing one can believe in. I'd bet you are a member of one of these new churches without realizing it.

>> No.21607793

No. The genetic component of intelligence is going down, while the "nurture" component was going up throughout the 20th century. Intelligence reached its phenotypic maximum in the 90s, then stopped increasing, and now is going down (because the genotypic component is decreasing).

>> No.21607798

>Most people consume, work and fuck all day
O brave new world

>> No.21608020

>look on top of your computer and press the button that looks like a circle with a line through it

What kind of dogshit case do you have?

>> No.21608025

bunch of people took this

>> No.21608029

Smarter at performing menial tasks and making other people money. In terms of sanity, we are going nuts clearly. If you could teleport into a body from 100, 200+ years ago you would feel way better as long as you weren’t immediately experiencing pain

>> No.21608033

Yes, but having 'tons of knowledge' has nothing to do with it, and actually makes people more retarded. People in the West are generally smarter than their ancestors, because they're exposed to differing viewpoints more often. Even if that just re-entrenches their native biases (which is the case for the VAST majority of people), it promotes critical thinking skills, because people at least have to come up with better justifications for their beliefs than it being 'just how things are;'

Critical thinking, and the ability to judge one's own thoughts, is the actual measure of intelligence. At least, the only one worth entertaining. Stop being so impressed by facts and figures. That the average joe now knows who founded his country doesn't mean jack shit.

>> No.21608049

>because people at least have to come up with better justifications for their beliefs than it being 'just how things are;'

The vast majority of people today can't even come remotely close to justifying their beliefs nor do they have any sort of reasonable moral foundation. I wouldn't be surprised if people today were actually worse in both regards.

This reminds me of when Hasan Piker debated Christian Walker on trans issues and he just kept repeating "trans women are women" over and over because he had never even thought about the issue beyond accepting it blindly.