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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2160529 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some creative gift ideas.

thing is- i'm invited to a rich boy's 22nd birthday party. although rich he isn't a complete materialist and possibly would appreciate a more thouthful gift than just an expensive watch or some shit. this fella kinda sees me as an intelectual (i know) due the fact that i study philosophy, because of that i thought- maybe a book? but what kinda book? or would that be too clichē?

also- I have limited funds.
(and pardon my english. not a native speaker)

tl;dr what gift can i get (make) for a rich guy?

>> No.2160531

Does he like to read? If he does, find out what types of books he likes and then ask us for suggestions.

>> No.2160532

A nice art book is always an interesting gift. Though if you have limited funds, that may be hard to pull off.

What are his interests?

>> No.2160533


>> No.2160537
File: 63 KB, 650x650, Bildes-kas-jaredz-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's the thing he's not like a regular reader, but sometimes he enjoys a book. he always listens in ave when i talk about philosophy. that's why i was thinking maybe something phil. related. but haven't read any entrie level stuff for a long time so don't know really. any suggestions?

>> No.2160538

Give him a blow job you poor faggot

>> No.2160539

Plato's The Republic?

>> No.2160598
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maybe something in the vein of The Stranger? somthing novel-esqe? fun read combined with some phil. ides? anyone got recommendations?

>> No.2160602

Ishmael is great and easy to read of you want him to give up on materialism. I swear he'll have finished it in three days, tops, and be all the better for it.

>> No.2160687

Bonfire of the Vanities.

Or find out his favourite author/ book and get him a really nice edition of that.

>> No.2160710

i love that book

>> No.2160712
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>> No.2160745


>New Tribalism


>> No.2160757

Just because you retarded hipsters would eat shit if it was vaguely counterculture doesn't mean everyone would.

Give him some actual philosophy. If he likes the Matrix you could give him some Baudrillard.

>> No.2160761

assumes philosophy is not for hipsters

>> No.2160763

get him a sled

>> No.2160765


All this talk about what is hipster and what not is just annoying...

OP, what kind of philosophy stuff does he seem to be interested? Is there any school of philosophy he really seems to be interested or a certain philosopher he is interested?