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21604755 No.21604755 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books which propound racism against the working class, argue the case that the working class is subhuman in quality, wholly inferior to bourgeoisie, intelligentsia and should be counted as animals rather than full humans? I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation

>> No.21604784

"The Art of Being Ruled" by Wyndham Lewis
"The Unheavenly City" by Edward Banfield

>> No.21604797

>"The Unheavenly City" by Edward Banfield
nice. check out "the dream and the nightmare" by myron magnet.

>> No.21604798
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>> No.21604800

Touch grass anon.

>> No.21604803

>I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation
You're not aristocratic, you shouldn't read literature about an aristocratic world view, you just sound like a fag with a weird complex.

>> No.21604804

thanks, will check it out

>> No.21604811

lmao at guys who fancy themselves trad "aristocrats of the soul" but also aspire to move up from their job at wendy's to be a plumber's assistant one day if they can ever stop posting on 4chan long enough to take some night classes.

>> No.21604814


>> No.21604825

>Here you come to the real secret of class distinctions in the West--the real reason why a European of bourgeois upbringing, even when he calls himself a Communist, cannot without a hard effort think of a working man as his equal. It is summed up in four frightful words which people nowadays are chary of uttering, but which were bandied about quite freely in my childhood. The words were: The lower classes smell.

>> No.21604829

OP, you should ask this anon. He seems very disgusted by working class people and their ambitions. He has that 2016 Hillary 'basket of deplorables' type of disgust.

>> No.21604832
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>> No.21604840

it's hilarious to me that kids on 4chan seem to have confused louis the sixteenth with vladimir lenin. louis xvi and marie-antoinette always respected the heckin workerinos, right guys?

>> No.21604842

The poor are a seething mass of neurotic resentment. They have no interest in bettering themselves, they just want to see all that's exceptional torn down and smeared with a million greasy handprints. They take pride in their own derogation and wish it upon others. Rancid, thoughtless cannibals.

>> No.21604848

What do you fancy yourself as? It better not be a socialist after this post. Both you and op have contempt for the working classes, you just want to patronize them first.
Nothing more pitiable than Verso Loft Leftism.

>> No.21604858

who said anything about leftism tho?

>> No.21604862

They made it clear that they didn't give shit. No need for obfuscation like Lenin. And nobody is talking about aristocracy, OP is clearly in favor of the bourgeoisie, but you wanted to bring up Evola's retarded ramblings.

>> No.21604870

Say something new you bourgeoise kike.

>> No.21604963

IDK anon sounds like cope from a soiboy for never being able to work a real job like a real man. Many men remembered by history as cold, cunning politicians began their lives as blue collar or grew up on a farm, such as Richard Nixon, Rex Tillerson, Xi Jinping, etc.

>> No.21604985

kek, every generation has recognised you as as trash. Know your place Thersites.

>> No.21605017

this post is enough to turn any decent person into a maoist

>> No.21605019

>I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation
You're retarded. By all means hate the idiots, but assuming someone is an idiot just because they work a physical is pedantic as fuck. There are plenty of tradesmen with far more raw cognitive power than you

>> No.21605022

nah i just think he's an annoying faggot

>> No.21605218

It's more complex than that

>> No.21605577

if by exceptional, you mean some tall concrete boxes, metal boxes with wheels, and giant rooms filled with incompetent fatasses in shiny suits I would set everything on fire, then puke and piss on them myself (granted I suffer no consequences)
you meant brutes
but unfortunatelly you're just an edgy 14 yo who's been innoculated by ple**it to think that hating niggers and jews is bad, so he picks on the next easy target
fyi, some of the greatest writers that ever lived grow up being poverty stricken or made a living by working the modern equivalent of dead end jobs

>> No.21605933

This is a much better description of people with email jobs and their beloved pet niggers than of tradesmen and physical laborers

>> No.21605937

Goddamn your jewish lmao

>> No.21606134

>Racism against the working class
You likely wouldn't have the reading comprehension to understand them, from the looks of this phrase.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy and delusion in some retard who thinks he's noble, the working class aren't sacred cattle. I hate you faggots who muse "well, you're not REALLY left wing then, are you?" when someone says something that can just barely be construed as a joke against working people. If you said this in front of a plumber he'd think you're a ponce, because he's a normal human being with a sense of humour and you're a faggot cradling his dogma.

>> No.21606154

He never said he was noble. He sounds like a self-hating wagie. That fag wanted to bring up Evola for no damn reason. And socialists actually having contempt is so common that the Orwell quote has already been posted here.

>> No.21606157

you're not really left wing if you don't suck my blue collar cock and completely submit to me

>> No.21606762 [SPOILER] 
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>Are there any books which propound racism against the working class, argue the case that the working class is subhuman in quality, wholly inferior to bourgeoisie, intelligentsia and should be counted as animals rather than full humans? I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation

>> No.21606938

Nah not really. The source of dysfunction and neuroticism is not the working class. In fact, as far as social currents go, they are a grounding force.

>> No.21607049

The heights to which you aspire will never allow you access. Your scathing contempt is too naked and vulgar for their sycophantic, genteel tastes. You don't have the beauty, the brains, or the talent to even lick their boots. Cope, seethe and dilate in the bucket with us, anon. Even if you slither out the stench of your slavery will never leave you.

>> No.21607367

Of course you are repulsed by them. That's pretty common "middle class" ideology. Even working class people themselves are repulsed by themselves sometimes or even delusionally think they themselves are "middle class".
Which is pretty much exactly what our overlords want.

>> No.21607437

Are there many working class people in the first world? Majority of employes in developed countries are practically middle class. Even some unemployed are. Negro slaves, SEA proles, chinks etc. are the working class today. There are three billions of those supporting 2 billions of the dominant nations.

>> No.21607463

USA focuses on the opposite ends of the supply chain. Lots of farmers, ranchers, etc., and lots of high tech people. We outsourced the middle class I think (factories, textiles, etc.) to places like Mexico and China. Despite that most people here live way better than anywhere else and it will probably stay like that since we make so much food and energy. So we don't really have that classic proletariat that only rich kids glorify but we kind of have people providing amenities and such to the high tech class are pretty downtrodden since they get peasant wages and have to live in shitty apartments away from the city. Those people are probably the most repulsive.

>> No.21607527

>Lots of farmers, ranchers
This is the standard middle class. Peasants were serfs, that's why they were considered lower class even when there were proletarians back then. But today a farmer is a typical bourgeois. Factory workers are labourers. Their reduction of labour cost is the direct goal of the production ecosystem, that's why they will always be picked out of the worst dregs of the world and exploited to death.

>> No.21607556
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>I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation

>> No.21607591

OP might be a woman desu

>> No.21607599

Huh? At least I'm an educated man of intelligence and manners. The prole and the midwit don't have culture. I do. This is the difference, only difference that is required. You're just assigning something to me which doesn't actually represent my views. Cope harder.

>> No.21607612

I mean, it's a well known book, but if you didn't read "Might is Right", there are a few chapters about how subhuman labourers are.

>> No.21607692

>The prole and the midwit don't have culture. I do.
Show us a pic of your villa or bank account

>> No.21607698

The populist delusion does not see them as subhuman, but it does provide arguments against populism and in favor of elite/meritocratic administration.

>> No.21607724

Are you trying to be stupid on purpose?

>> No.21607872

As someone with working class roots who inexplicably managed to get to the other side of it, I have a few insights. No doubt about it there is plenty to dislike about the lower classes but I can at least muster some respect for them. They have to deal with actual struggles and suffering, and in the case of places like America, in countries that actively want them dead. I have no respect for the rich. Nothing but effete, bickering, pampered parasites. My roommate is the failson of one of the richest families in America, who was cast out because he got a fucking meth addiction and did nothing with all the opportunties afforded in him in life. He only does marginally better someone who started worse off because he still has some access to an elite network full of people with too much money they didn't earn. It's not a class issue for some people, but a constitution issue. Meanwhile I fought for everything I have stared long nights at the abyss as a youth in horror and desperation . Wealth and power makes you a weaker, more foolish person, or at least has an equal effect that poverty and desperation does on these attributes.

>> No.21607889

There's nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy and delusion in some retard who thinks he defends the working class by revealing his contempt and ridicule he has for them as well.

>> No.21607998

Very true anon, good lad

>> No.21608522

Anyone who speaks well of the poor, of the working class, of laborers, etc, is either a faggot dragging you down to his level, or a guy ironically larping to rule over working class people.

There is no virtue in being poor. There is no benefit to being an impoverished scumfuck bastard who has to avoid dental appointments and whose joy comes from a bottle. There is no glory in working yourself to the bone so that you don't have time to stop and think. There is nothing good about chugging caffeine every morning to destroy your body.

Fuck the poor and anyone who in any way supports this retarded resentful lifestyle. Fuck "making do", and being content with little.

Enslave every retarded poor person you can to your whims, and live a good life at their expense.

>> No.21608722
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stalin didn't kill enough people

>> No.21608934

Just read Thucydides.

>> No.21609253

Your view is so ignorant i'm tempted to believe you're trolling. In the event you are not:
You act as though being poor is a choice. When you're poor it's very hard to not be poor. You're forced to work yourself to bone retard. You have no time or opportunity to stop and reorganize your circumstances. And they drink and do drugs to numb themselves from their hopeless conditions.
Try being born into poverty and let's see you rise to the top. Like nine out of ten you will stay poor.

>> No.21609442
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>being disgusted by dirty physical labourers while the bourgeoisie is paying hookers to shit in their mouth

>> No.21609475

No, he's partially right. There are things to be repulsed about in lower class culture.

The way I see it, there are two types of poors: the nobles and the wretched. The nobles work hard and live honorable lives despite their small budget. The wretched, however, have given up on life. They abuse alcohol, they rape their kids and they are proud to be ignorant. OP's mistake is being disgusted by the hard working nobles instead of the crackhead wifebeating drug dealer types. The mud on that physical laborer's body is a crown.

>> No.21609681


>> No.21609690

No. If they are poor and make no effort whatsoever so that they forever stay poor, it is 100% their fault. The poor are like incels.

>> No.21609699

>racism against the working class

Probably already said ITT, but geez, have the upperclass erased class consciousness so thoroughly. Mind boggled.

>> No.21609803

I support you OP. We must dare to be cringe so ignore the sneeringn replies. We must fashion for ourselves a new aristocracy. A select few are born unable to be satisfied by lower orders of life.
Books which I think are at minimum tangential to this goal are Baron Julius Evola’s Revolt Against the Modern World, Ralph Adam Cram’s The Nemesis of Mediocrity & Count Arthur de Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

>> No.21609806

You would be, Peter Pan.

>> No.21609818

It's like those memes they throw at us "afraid of spiders huh, that must mean you want to fuck them"

>> No.21609823

Its implied

>> No.21609828

As expected. Nothing screams capitalist parasite like the world largest consumer demographic

>> No.21609864

I already read it, it was terrible.

>> No.21610321

The song "common people" by pulp is my emotional explanation why I matured from thinking the working class is something special. Working for a few years showed me that the common man is quite drab.

>> No.21610342
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>The poor are a seething mass of neurotic resentment.
>They have no interest in bettering themselves
>they just want to see all that's exceptional torn down and smeared with a million greasy handprints
>They take pride in their own derogation and wish it upon others.
Unfathomably based.

This is why most lower class literature is about kicking ass, destroying what you hate and fucking bitches, while most of aristocratic literature is about being cuckolded (typically by lower class dudes).

>> No.21610394

>while most of aristocratic literature is about being cuckolded (typically by lower class dudes)
See: Lady Chatterly's Lover.

>> No.21610410

That has nothing to do with poverty, that's just the average peasant mass man. Peasants are charming in their proper context. Adding wealth to a peasant takes him out of that context and makes him a philistine.

Properly functioning societies are a healthy mixture of independent, middle-class yeoman farmers and cognitive and cultural elites, arising out of the yeomanry, and feeling a strong sense of duty and obligation to all their countrymen, including the poorest. See Victor Davis Hanson's The Other Greeks, and Christopher Lasch's Revolt of the Elites. Adding wealth imbalance into this mix just creates imbalances in the human material of the society, like "coastal elites" who are basically parasitic philistine urbanites. Urbanites in general tend toward being cancerous, merely self-perpetuating hedonists. Cities in general are bad, necessary evils at best. Merchants can be very impressive and vigorous but need to be kept tightly in check by a strong, self-conscious culture and respect for the landed proprietor.

>> No.21610480 [DELETED] 
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>What will your job in the Leftist Commune, Comrade?

>> No.21610491
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>What will your job be on the Leftist Commume, Comrade?

>> No.21610625

theres certainly a difference between a lumberjack and a crack dealer. you might be conflating the working class with the underclass. and the underclass are victims first; they often come from broken families which precipitates their fall into such poverty. for example, prostitutes are mostly victims of human trafficking. they usually came from a home where they were sexually abused and then a predator finds them and grooms them. then they are trapped in that life. in any case /lit/ is full of fags.

>> No.21610719

based kaminachad poster. upper middle class suburb dwellers should be genocided solely for how annoying their moralfaggotry is
every single communist country has treated manual laborers with dignity, in stark contrast to capitalist societies, nigger

>> No.21610957

The crap growing between your toes has more culture than you

>> No.21610989

Communist countries treat everyone except their elites like shit, what are you talking about lmao

>> No.21611017

If you have a problem with the animals, take it up with the society that creates them (and its leaders, who you idolize).

>> No.21611190
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>every single communist country has treated manual laborers with dignity
That does not match reality in which the working class were brutally and mercilessly punished for imagined crimes in every single Marxist-Leninist-Maoist state.

Im a Fascist.

>> No.21611212

>every single communist country has treated manual laborers with dignity
A country implies a State, which contravenes communism. Unless you’re talking about Centralized State capitalist countries like the former USSR, NK, China, Cuba, etc. also, which twatter and plebbit thread did you get this preposterous and outlandish claim from lmao

>> No.21611253

you're an idiot. the most intelligent and well-read man i know is a carpenter and farmer.

>> No.21611393

You are talking about how much you hate the working class. So I'm asking for tangible proof that you are not working class.
Show us a pic of your villa or bank account.
Else this is just a poorfag cope.

>> No.21611406

Let me guess you are an "aristocrat of the soul" lol

>> No.21611413

Are there any books that explain the difference between race and class?

Asking for OP.

>> No.21611418

>I am physically repulsed by the sight and smell of dirty physical laborers and want to ground my hatred in solid rational argumentation
You're upset that any of them could beat the shit out of you into a blood pulp, you wish you could achieve the masculinity that they display, but unfortunately you're too feminine and thus your hatred. Probably repressed homosexual too.

>> No.21611451

>Ctrl+f Le Play
>no results
il/lit/erates itt

>> No.21611481
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>Show us a pic of your villa or bank account.
>Else this is just a poorfag cope.

The absolute state of your mind, you are below a lumpenprole.

>> No.21611604

You are talking about how you hate the working class, so I assume you aren't working class.
Proof or u are coping with being poor

>> No.21611617

You are not an aristocrat either, you reek of wageslave just like them, you wouldn't be here if that was not the case

>> No.21611621
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I am a proud member of the working class you absolute cretin. There need only be working class and upper class. The parasitical middle-class is superfluous and responsible for all the detraction a nation suffers.

>> No.21611623

>racism against the working class
Wow you're so fucking stupid that YOU are the new standard for lower class

>> No.21611628

I was talking to OP.

>> No.21612080

I'm an aristocrat and post here occasionally. But then again, I love peasants.

>> No.21612099

I wouldn't go that far in the praise of the common man, but he can be admirable. Still, much of what you say isn't distinctive of plebs. Being an alcoholic? Being a bad father? But I don't think raping your kids is common enough to be classified as a characteristic of one of the two types of plebs. Maybe in Mexico.

>> No.21612104

>oooh yucky wucky sweat, ooh i couldn't possibly sweat in my life!

>> No.21612110

I knew Hohenzollerns browsed /lit/

>> No.21612134

Lol I wish. Then maybe I wouldn't eke out such a modest existence. But at least I don't have to work for a living. That must be dreadful.

>> No.21612582

I'm actually surprised to see these two books here. How'd you find them?

>> No.21612725

Every communist country treated the lower classes horribly, in USSR you only got a medal for doing 300% of quota and in China you would be starving because some retard bureaucrat didn't want to listen to experts

>> No.21612780
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seethe and cope

>> No.21612789

Probably every book out of the Royal Society, people like the Huxleys believed this. We are basically living in the world they wanted now.

>> No.21612791

I thought that was a still from Yuri's Revenge until I clicked on it.

>> No.21612809

Oh yeah, Vladimir "execute few random workers if the snow is not cleaned fast enough" Lenin was the real champion of the working class. Nothing like those vile monarchs.

>> No.21612814

least exaggerated anglo propaganda

>> No.21612895

Just random frogtwitter, as far as I can remember

>> No.21612961

Very very true

>> No.21612982

unironically read crime and punishment and stop acting like a fag

>> No.21613019

I'm not OP either, lol. Stop projecting and trying to gotcha me based on your own ideas of what I think. Why are you trying to insult my economic position while I'm talking culture?