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/lit/ - Literature

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21603731 No.21603731 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/s opinion on Born a Crime?

>> No.21603752

Le racisme

>> No.21603762

never read it but if it makes white people seethe it's okay in my book

>> No.21603773

The part where he talked about his friend Hitler doing a DJ performance at a Jewish school was funny though, even if it sounded fake.

>> No.21603798

Dishonesty of Yankees fetishizing UK accents is doubled by a hack creole comedian grandstanding on 'apartheid' as if he didn't live a charmed affluent life there, all possible because they spent the entire Cold War fighting a low intensity conflict with Soviet/Cuban/DDR et. al. proxies. The idea that this could be literature is mistaken from the outset.

>> No.21603804

I'd be interested in stories of a South African childhood but not from this guy. I hate TV and pop-politics.

>> No.21603809

This, but replace "white people" with jews.

>> No.21603816

He looks half white

>> No.21603830

Blacks are in charge of South Africa right now and have been for a while. How's that working out?

>> No.21603840

>waahh wahhh im a nignog/halfbreed so my life is hard even though im a millionaire
Utterly detached from reality. Blacks are dumb savage animals who should serve whites and thank them. Look at how much they extract from white taxpayers alone, to use one example. Not to mention violent crime.

>> No.21603988

One of the few books I read in school that was actually based

>> No.21604040

>doesn't know what based means
Lurk more redditard

>> No.21604110
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>uses b*sed
>doesn't use keyed

>> No.21604116

My opinion is that it does not look worth reading. I do not read the biographies of salient Hollywood personalities.

>> No.21604117

It's not a biography; it's a way of life.

>> No.21604280

this is /lit/'s opinion, but I thought it was a quite great read.

>> No.21604297

real fucking sick of every literal who celebrity thinking their life is interesting enough to make a novel out of

>> No.21604538

My way of life includes never reading drivel pushed to make an already rich man a quick buck at my expense.

>> No.21604540


>> No.21604700

I was a nice lighthearted memoir that I listened to as an audiobook. Not sure why anyone would be triggered by it...

>> No.21604809

>paid 19.99 to read

>> No.21604838

Coping with what? Knowledge? Tell me, shill, what will you gain from reading that trash that you can't gain anywhere better?

>> No.21604883
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Didn't read never vaxxing

>> No.21605440

>born a crime
>born black
many such cases