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21602983 No.21602983 [Reply] [Original]

How did they do it? How did they manage to land an interview with Houellebecq?

>> No.21602987

hasn't she ever heard of an iron

>> No.21602992

he's a coomer
the end

>> No.21602995


>> No.21603000

anna is one of the most famous houellebecq simps out there right now, you do the math.

>> No.21603005
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>> No.21603007

those shirts were unceremoniously picked off a pile on the floor in order to show off their merch

>> No.21603043

Are these the girls from Cumtown?

>> No.21603051

more like is cumtown the pack of faggots from red scare at this point.

>> No.21603069

Boring interview tho

>> No.21603092 [DELETED] 

i ban evaded just for (you) anon

>> No.21603152

they got that peter thiel money

>> No.21603153
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u vill zimp for ze thottie and u vill be hvppy

>> No.21603245


>> No.21603246

Women are somehow even more arrogant and prideful than men these days.. they don’t have to pay for it though. They get to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.21603253

In one of their early episodes Anna discussed their attempts at getting him on the show in 2020, but his Chinese wife tried to get them involved in a threesome for Houellebecq. I’m not joking; this is also interesting because in that new French weirdo video of him with the prostitutes, his Chinese wife set it up for him.

>> No.21603256
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>> No.21603264
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i will spoonfeed you again despite your faggotry because that's what jesus would want me to do

>> No.21603275

john lennon used to fuck other women too with yokos approval. asian women are pure kino

>> No.21603277

No shit, retard, she has always been known to do that.

>> No.21603280

and they didn't do it?

>> No.21603283
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>asian women are pure kino

>> No.21603287
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>nooo you can't just like women

>> No.21603289


>> No.21603402

Can someone explain to me why this girls have such a large following within the "intellectual dark web"? I've listened to them, not to a great extent mind you, and found them lackluster

>> No.21603415
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>> No.21603422

Powerful frame on this man. Posseses the physiognomy of a neo platonic magician. He would've been himmlers too guy

>> No.21603424

They have a few I'm decent interviews and one or two episodes discussing Lasch. Other than that it's empty noise

>> No.21603454

They are more noble and have more dignity yet aren’t as full of themselves and have more respect in general. I like them too.

>> No.21603468

>full of themselves and have more respect in general
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck confirmed for never speaking to a bug. You’re a delusional faggot

>> No.21603474

they are retarded but at the same time honest about it and are a lot more cunning than they seem. they have forced multiple chuds to fall on their own swords and ended MFers' e-careers lmao, plus they have a bunch of connections to NYC dickheads and get interesting meme guests on like Tulsi Gabbard, Zizek, and now Houellebecq.

>> No.21603477
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>they have forced multiple chuds to fall on their own swords and ended MFers' e-careers lmao
keep them away from me

>> No.21603484

shush larper, those dubs should be mine.

>> No.21603485

I literally have and am right now. Get off the internet and talk to real people for once. Most women here in the states are so fucking full of themselves and are extremely entitled. Talking to an Asian is a much more pleasant experience in my experience.

>> No.21603486
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>aren’t as full of themselves and have more respect in general

>> No.21603521

They're the precursor to black women. Many people sadly live their whole lives in the dark about black women, thinking they are just loud, obnoxious, racist, ugly, and fat, but this is a stereotype based off the worst Queeshas. I tell you this: the black woman is one of the best. I love white women but I don't think many of them would be able to compete with the warmth, loyalty, humor, and respect, and willingness to communicate that black women have shown.

>> No.21603524

nuclear bait

>> No.21603540
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LOL no sir, you wish. I'm being serious. You just gotta approach them kindly and not take yourself as seriously. White guys often dangerously underrate black women, especially in these here United States. I'm telling you, no matter how hard it is to believe, white chicks could learn a lot about love and healthy humility from black chicks.

>> No.21603541

Decided to listen to an episode and they keep shallowly namedropping philosophers while they discuss their vain trite. Pretty cringe. A gossip show with some fake veneer of intellectualism.

>> No.21603544

I think Dasha is cuter but Anna has nicer-looking feet

>> No.21603547

the problem with viewing women/races as monoliths is you end up accusing all slant women of being extremely superficial OR shrine maidens/all blacks of being raging subway ruiners or sexy sovl sistas with hearts of gold. sneed thread.

>> No.21603548

why is dasha hated by everyone lol? I dont keep up with the lore about this chick, afaik she got fired from Succession, right? why?

>> No.21603549

Shut up, retard. Keep deluding yourself, you recessed chin mentally ill yellowfever fag

>> No.21603552

>you end up accusing all slant women of being extremely superficial OR shrine maidens/all blacks of being raging subway ruiners or sexy sovl sistas with hearts of gold. sneed thread.
And that's a good thing, my guy

>> No.21603563

She did? probably for being cool and having a soul (aka being able think for herself)

>> No.21603576

is that code for "she did some /pol/tard tier retarded thing"?

>> No.21603585

I 100% have a manlier chin than you bitch. But keep coping.

>> No.21603591
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forgot pic

>> No.21603601

Anyone with yellowfever certainly does not have a “manly” chin. Your chin is as manly and defined as a sinkhole. You also have a limp wrist too, bud.

>> No.21603605

No but honestly they do that kind of shit a lot on the show. They've gotten more conservative as the show's gone on, for better or for worse. Whether or not that's what they really believe or they're doing it for listens or shock, I can't say. I'm inclined to think they really buy into a lot of the beliefs they express on the show.

>> No.21603689

Didn't one (or both of them) become Catholic? I think it's funny how faggy "breadtubers" were posting "Sailor Socialism PWNS InfoWars reporter" a couple years ago are now ignoring their existence.

>> No.21603694

>Rural Abe Lincoln get to his feet for four hour speech about radishes

>> No.21603703

They just read comments from stupidpol. They have no original contrarian opinions. They just regurgitate what limp-wristed dweebs in reddit have already wrote

>> No.21603711
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>> No.21603737
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>> No.21604098

Yeah but I don't want a black son, so...

>> No.21604182

>Curtis Yarvin
>Alex Jones
If any of you are paypigs you have a duty to dump the paywalled content

>> No.21604296

I transferred from the B to the F at west 4th st where this pic was taken every day in high school and look way better than this guy because i'm not a jew

>> No.21604367

I look like that and I say that. Who cares, at least I get my dick wet.

>> No.21604371

Did they ask him when the fuck his book comes out

>> No.21604374

How much of an attention seeking edgelord ethot you gotta be to don an isis shirt, they would literally rape and behead both of these women

>> No.21604383

>Noooooo we must bow down to a bunch of dudes in a desert, how dare they make fun of them
They would also behead you btw you delusional faggot

>> No.21604387

uhh that's why I don't like them? are you retarded?

>> No.21604390

they didn't even ask him about the new KIRAC movie

>> No.21604399

You'd think Houellebecq would marry some old asian women, who pretty much looks exctley like him, that wasn't a total whore?

>> No.21604511


>> No.21604525

You actually know your shit, but do you know what's the best of the best-tier?
South American girls. Brazil or Colombians preferably.
>the warmth, loyalty, humor, and respect, and willingness to communicate
They are ab ove even black women in this, truly the best of both worlds.
I'm with a half colombian/half european girl right now and I'm never going back, ever

>> No.21604611

Is the text on the shirt arabic or does it not mean anything? Cause the middle looks like two babes facing eachother.

>> No.21604614
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Is this coomer shit or is my brain rotten?

>> No.21604627

Literally who. Why do you expect me to recognize this most generic looking Ethot.

>> No.21604633

Isis have higher standards

>> No.21604684

People on shitter should be deleted irl

>> No.21604729

Thats a man

>> No.21604818
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Cooming clears the mind of distractions.

>> No.21604863
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Life is easier that way.

>> No.21604968

the text in the circle is literally "red scare" mirrored

>> No.21604989
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>> No.21605116
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Got more anon?

>> No.21605123

Is this the bugs former girlfriend? I am gay btw

>> No.21605259

New book has mention(rich guy gathering ideologues on an island) of Thiel/Musk type of character. Maybe he knows Thiel IRL and that got him on the pod.

>> No.21605270

Is there a video of the interview or just audio?

>> No.21605275

Because all the online right-wingers are gay for Bronze Age Pervert and they read and talked about the book on their podcast.

>> No.21605305

Its a podcast, ofc its audio-only

>> No.21605308

I was going by their Zizek episode, which had a video as well.

>> No.21605311

Realistically, what would it take for me to have these two women take turns sitting on my face, calling me a good boy, and making me drink their juices?

>> No.21605313

Not much apparently since each one has a body count in the few hundreds.

>> No.21605315
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They look so ragged and disease-ridden.

>> No.21605316

wtf aren't they based and tradpilled?

>> No.21605365

She said people should have healthcare.

>> No.21605388

Nothing wrong with women having body counts in the hundreds, what's wrong is the men who marry them anyway. If men had a shred of self-respect and dignity, promiscuity would cease to exist as a phenomenon.

>> No.21605404

it's pleeted, you forever virgin

>> No.21605506

can you give me a link to the zizek ep? I have no idea who these people are

>> No.21605561

Their shirts are pleated? Damn that's crazy.

>> No.21605576

I've never seen this word (ESL)

>> No.21605684
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>> No.21605705

They're fun and talk about books. I wish I was a cute girl with a book podcast it's not fair

>> No.21605712

why don't they get a fat girl to be their stav and giggle at everything anna says?

>> No.21605720

>janny is deleting the links to free red scare content

do you NYC admins know A&D? why are you simping?

>> No.21605883

Typical Russian phenotype.

>> No.21605963

I'm pleeting to them right now

>> No.21605972

those are men

>> No.21605999

Their voices are unlistenable, like a door creaking constantly, with some "likes" and "you know" thrown in for good measure.

What is this trend of men speaking like faggots and women adopting this creaky Pseudo-intellectual tone?

>> No.21606005

>South American girls.
They do half shitty self-esteem and simp for gringos, so I suppose you have that going for you.
>t. Uma delícia

>> No.21606058

Do they have sex with animals THO!?

>> No.21606083

Girls really just parrot what men have already said online all day

>> No.21606140

theres rumors about them interviewing Jared Taylor

>> No.21606155


What the fuck does PKF mean?! Why do Americans name their fraternities that way?

>> No.21606196
File: 98 KB, 600x800, e83d58_d058042cef14442ba09978c0c7437fe1~mv2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larping as romens.

>> No.21606216

These initials have always been meaningless and they can't even pronounce them.

>> No.21606620

Dasha got into e-Catholicism then immediately resumed posting lingerie mirror pics except now with rosaries handing from the mirror. Really left a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't think Anna is religious but she's definitely drifted further right and constantly has breadtuber faggots chimping out at her on Twatter.

>> No.21606634

rate my dash AI

>> No.21606648
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>Dasha got into e-Catholicism then immediately resumed posting lingerie mirror pics except now with rosaries handing from the mirror.

sorry you wouldn't get it it's called being tradcath in a neo-cringe sincere-pilled former coke whore Mary Magdalene way

>> No.21606657

>his Chinese wife set it up for him.

i thought the makers of the doc set it up lol


>> No.21606660

I hate women

>> No.21606666
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>> No.21606720

Do they talk about Evola or Guénon?

>> No.21606726
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>Do they talk about Evola or Guénon?

>> No.21606738
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>> No.21606759

Its funny because some of the most respected esotericists alive running Masonic lodges, initiatic organizations, working with aristocrats and Royalty and spying for intel agencies are Traditionalists. They love discussing Guénon and Evola at the higher levels of Freemasonry. You're just a pleb.

>> No.21606774

Dont know but have been listening these past few months and they are obsessed with BAP and constantly talk about Mishima and Storm of Steel, how more /lit/ pilled can you get?

>> No.21606784
File: 20 KB, 700x700, akshually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its funny because some of the most respected esotericists alive running Masonic lodges, initiatic organizations, working with aristocrats and Royalty and spying for intel agencies are Traditionalists. They love discussing Guénon and Evola at the higher levels of Freemasonry. You're just a pleb.

>> No.21606789

Have they released the video yet?

>> No.21606797

Lmfao, that was also my first impression of them but got used to it after a while, its unironically my favorite podcast now. Also checking those trips

>> No.21606812

That's because its all LARP.

>> No.21606818

Your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.21606821
File: 37 KB, 860x767, 2acb2099d38cd892a1ba33481952b1df[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you

>> No.21606823

Great, another excuse for redscare faggots to raid the board
See you fuckers in a couple of weeks.