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File: 30 KB, 229x350, CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21600728 No.21600728 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21600739
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>> No.21600751

Haven't read Blood Meridian. What exactly makes it unfilmable?

>> No.21600761

The objective perspective of blood meridian lends itself greatly to film though

>> No.21600782

The problem is that vast (and I mean vast) stretches of Blood meridian are sustained entirely on McCarthy's language. It is McCarthy's language that renders the landscape in a way that constantly keeps the reader engaged even when there is zero narrative drive and all the characters have been deliberately shafted to the side (it's not a character based work anyway). I don't see how it will work as purely a visual. Film doesn't have the privilege of the simile after all.

There is some marginal concerns about the ultraviolence too.

>> No.21600795

My guess is he means the descriptive, portentous prose is unfilmable, and that would just leave the contents of the plot, which you could maybe argue is not the same as making a film out of the book.

>> No.21600806

>The problem is that vast (and I mean vast) stretches of Blood meridian are sustained entirely on McCarthy's language. It is McCarthy's language that renders the landscape in a way that constantly keeps the reader engaged even when there is zero narrative drive and all the characters have been deliberately shafted to the side (it's not a character based work anyway). I don't see how it will work as purely a visual. Film doesn't have the privilege of the simile after all.
Exactly. Yeah.
>There is some marginal concerns about the ultraviolence too.
There's probably some European filmmakers who would be willing to film that amount of gratuitous violence. Maybe even an American, but they would probably make it too "gory" and "hardcore" for it to have much of an effect.

>> No.21600813

In this case the plot is also quite quite barebones, and the middle of the novel is entirely plotless.

>> No.21600822

I think it'd still make a nice western if it just follows the glanton gang, but the prose is definitely carrying every other element. It's sort of like the Lolita adaption. You can recreate the story but you miss out on HH's humor

>> No.21600826

yeah that too

>> No.21600828

1. The extreme violence. If it were faithfully adapted, it would get an NC-17 rating from the MPAA (or worse). This alone is a financial kiss of death.
2. The book's depiction of Native Americans probably wouldn't go over too well with the PC police.
3. The religious themes.
4. Much of the novel consists entirely of passages describing the landscape in a manner that is difficult to translate into film.

>> No.21600836

I think you would have to engage in typical movie exaggerations of events and plot points to make it interesting for the viewer. Nobody would then regard it as a true adaptation. Basically What happened with Lolita but worse because the subject matter is even more grotesque and plot is even more inconsequential.

>> No.21601056
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>> No.21601067

It would make a sick animation.

>> No.21601093
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>> No.21601107
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Most pynchon adaptations are doomed to fail (except IV, which was written specifically to be adapted). I recently watched a bad German pseudo-adaptation of GR

>> No.21601110

There's this movie called El Topo by Alejandro Jodorowsky. Not a substitute. However, watch it, if you haven't. Make sure not to be too sober.

>> No.21601130

An (accurate) depiction of Native Americans that would not fly with the Disney tier revisionist version we have now.

ISIS tier level of brutality and violence. Back then they were literally thought to be demons sent by the devil by many early settlers

>> No.21601131

How could those characteristics be deemed unfilmable when Cannibal Holocaust and The Tree of Life exist already.

>> No.21601138

Has anyone here heard of Apocalypto?

>> No.21601173

1. Apocalypto got shit for its depiction of Central Americans.
2. We’re not talking about Central Americans in blood meridian (aztecs and mayans have always been synonymous with human sacrifice), we’re talking about native Americans muh trail of tears muh eat all of the buffalo spirit animal dream catcher

>> No.21601185

Muh evil dead baby imagery and muh heckin pupperino river scene. The book is plenty filmable. Just can't be tackled by pussies.

>> No.21601208

You know violence is still violence, right?

>> No.21601215

Because Mccarthy fanboys are dumb zoomers with no idea about anything. they only read blood meridian becaause it's "le based /lit/ book"

>> No.21601258

Attempting to film it sticking to the book as closely as possible would mean vast, long scenes of nothing happening except thirsty greasy men riding horses around. I don't even think the violence would be the problem, it would be the pacing.
Of course a talented screenwriter could get past this by having The Kid (Gaten Matarazzo) narrate to the viewer loudly and clearly what is happening while Judge Holden (Samuel L Jackson) plays a guitar in the background.

>> No.21601326

There is a lot of slow, atmospheric western films.

>> No.21601385
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>> No.21601388

Epics as a genre are unfilmable, I think.
>vast, long scenes of nothing happening except thirsty greasy men riding horses around.
It wouldn't be commerically viable, but it could be done. Kind of like the 5 hour long adaptation of The Deluge.

>> No.21601409


>> No.21601518

Laurence of Arabia?
Surely it can't be that simple but the idea of posting books that are unfimable when the only thing you need to film something is a camera, it's pretty dumb.

>> No.21601539

Lawrence of Arabia was based on a biography, not an epic.

>> No.21601542

How about the Napoleon movie?

>> No.21603016

Weird rant.

>> No.21603030

The middle of Blood meridian would be basically 2 hours of killing and riding around with panormic shots of the desert if it has to be true to source material. No cinematographer can make it interesting for that long. If narration is included then it is a concession.

>> No.21603129

Most literary books would lose something if brought to the big screen. Those books use words as an art form which is untranslatable to the big screen

>> No.21603232
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>> No.21603296
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>> No.21603309
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>> No.21603322
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>War never changes

>> No.21603405
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>> No.21603471

Killing underaged folks
Raping underaged folks
Killing indians/mexicans
Extorting people while killing them.
Naked men
Shooting puppies while they're drowning

>> No.21603517

get this naked mole rat off my screen this instant

>> No.21603526

Film adaptation bears out that the medium is closer to poetry than prose, or the novel. The problem Blood Meridian presents is that the expectation is Apocalypse Now on the prairie. The director will have to bring a considerable something extra on the level of Kubrick and The Shining to pull it off. It's a career killer if you failed. It could be great, get critical acclaim, and still fall flat on box office.

>t is McCarthy's language that renders the landscape in a way that constantly keeps the reader engaged even when there is zero narrative drive and all the characters have been deliberately shafted to the side
Wildlife. Scenes and scenery that ought've involved it were chintsy in No Country For Old Men, especially the CGI antelope & buzzard. The landscape shots would be chasing sunsets, have to be National Geographic levels of enrapturing. Ultraviolence is best delivered through suggestion-- a Hitchcock theater release cut and Terrifier 2 home release to turn it into a slasher hybrid could work.

>depiction of Native Americans probably wouldn't go over too well with the PC police.
retweet /=/ endorsement Baiting 'de-colonialists' communists is trivial. Whitey's playing the heel, maybe the entire West is the Judge ect. You lie to the investors for the ESG bucks then submit something else having final cut. Let the yellow press sort it out after the fact.

>> No.21603574

Cannibal Holocaust came out a really long time ago and the question of whether or not it was a decent movie or was a commercial success is something I don't know the answers to but doubt. If Blood Meridian were to be like Cannibal Holocaust it would not be a commercial success, and so no one would want to make it in the world we live in today.

>> No.21603583

>Of course a talented screenwriter could get past this by having The Kid (Gaten Matarazzo) narrate to the viewer loudly and clearly what is happening while Judge Holden (Samuel L Jackson) plays a guitar in the background.
That sounds absolutely awful man I'm not gonna lie to you. For multiple reasons. Narrating shit from the book that you can't express on camera alone is often a really bad idea me feels

>> No.21603589

>Killing underaged folks
>Raping underaged folks
Please, please go back to Hell. You are not wanted here, fiend.

>> No.21603595


>> No.21603621

No one is talking about commercial or critical success here. That's not what filmable means

>> No.21603650

I mean everything is filmable then.

>> No.21603653

>That's not what filmable means
It certainly has to be a part of the conversation then, at least. You could film Gravity's Rainbow too if you had a hundred years and an unlimited budget.

>> No.21603700

EXACTLY, thank you!

>> No.21603715


>> No.21604645

How are you two arguing and not a single one of you nitwits pointed out that he equivocated the word "epic"?


My God, the absolute state of /lit/. Lol.

>> No.21604675

>WSJ: People have said "Blood Meridian" is unfilmable because of the sheer darkness and violence of the story.

>CM: That's all crap. The fact that's it's a bleak and bloody story has nothing to do with whether or not you can put it on the screen. That's not the issue. The issue is it would be very difficult to do and would require someone with a bountiful imagination and a lot of balls. But the payoff could be extraordinary.


>> No.21604715

This anon is correct. Do the people on this board only watch mainstream American films? Blood Meridian already has on paper ideas that would make it more conventionally "engaging" than any film from something like the slow cinema movement. It just requires someone with talent for visuals and a way to sculpt an inherently cinematic structure from the novel. I also think voice-overs would work well; if anyone has seen Malick's The Thin Red Line, for example, it would use them in a way roughly similar to it. I actually see Malick being the contemporary director best suited for tackling BM - his use of jump cuts, his handheld camera, and ability to capture natural beauty in spite of human violence would all work well - but I imagine it goes somewhat against his sensibilities (see: The New World).

>> No.21604719

GR should be adapted as an anime. By the director of Evangelion.

>> No.21604742

Malick is a friend of Cormac's.

>> No.21604744
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Only Studio SHAFT would be willing to do justice to Nabokov's masterpiece

>> No.21604752

is there something unfilmable that happens in the second half of bm? cuz i'm halfway through and so far hasn't been anything that isn't a well worn cowboy movie trope.

>> No.21604760



>> No.21604763

Where about did you read that? I've never come across anything connecting the two

>> No.21604766

there are plenty of films, including westerns, where dudes wander around the countryside with nothing happening. go watch any of those artsy westerns on criterion channel.

>> No.21604778
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This one springs to mind

>> No.21604821

Rec? How many of them were commercial successes?

>> No.21604834

Dude wandering is not the point though. The invoked imagery is. Can't do that in film. Or at least not conventionally. Most of those artsy films still centralize the character or are Character dramas at heart. A bit like The Road. BM is not like The Road.

>> No.21604849

the proposition was that the book was in fact quite filmable not that it would be a hollywood hit.

>> No.21604854

can't invoke imagery on film? damn, if only there were way to show images in films.

>> No.21604869



>> No.21604875

Inherent vice is one of my favourite films, I think a very few directors can capture the aesthetics but it's possible

>> No.21604891

It could work, I can imagine The Thin Red Line, The Assassination of Jesse James and 3 Women (Altman) aesthetics being fit quite nicely

>> No.21604892

can't say gravity's rainbow is unfilmable when the most memorable scene in trainspotting is a direct ripoff. that said i hope they never make a gr movie. i refuse to watch the white noise movie.

>> No.21604897
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Although I read somewhere that Eisenstein wanted to do it, but I can't find anything about it now.

>> No.21604898

days of heaven director could probably do ok with it who i think someone already mentioned

>> No.21604922

kubrick most definitely could have done it

>> No.21604960

Malick lack the necessary brutality, From current living directors I think Coen brothers could do a very good job, maybe even Jonathan Glazer and Zahler

>> No.21605006

>small coals scampered down the plain and sand crept past in the dark all night like armies of lice on the move
Translate this to screen.

>> No.21605127

>falling for bait instead of beating him in own logic

>> No.21605129


>> No.21605245

This was the first thing to come to mind when I saw the OP.
How It Is would also be pretty much impossible.

>> No.21605358

Some anons are suggesting that the books must be filmable regardless of commercial business. I think you can do them then. It would bore non-reading public to tears but whatever. Literalize the Unnamable's imaginings to break monotony of continuous monologue.

>> No.21605564

>John Belushi and John Candy were both considered for the role but died before the film could happen
cursed adaptation

>> No.21606135


>> No.21606266

The only reason why anyone cares about it is because of how it's written. The chances of a filmaker adapting it with a style that reflects the way it's written is zero. All other answers are wrong and belong to tourists

>> No.21606827


>> No.21606836

the encyclopedia of rock formations is the least important part of the book and could be dropped with nothing of value lost.

>> No.21606894

>Do the people on this board only watch mainstream American films?
This place is /lit/ not /tv/

>> No.21606899

Nu-/lit/ is just /tv/, honestly.

>> No.21607018

god I can only imagine, what a fucking adaptation that would be

>> No.21607697

there is a scene in blood meridian, where a man carries two babies by their legs in each hand, and smashes their heads on a rock, the gore erupting out the front of their skulls. Thats not getting filmed.

The child chained to a pole...not getting filmed, the children in bed with the judge not getting filmed, the child with the broken neck last seen with the judge, not getting filmed...the word nigger to describe Indians, not getting filmed. and on it goes.

>> No.21607704


It would be fucking awful like all his other movies

>> No.21607859
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The ideas would be to broad to convey to a normal audience. It would be hard as well to make Severan into a likable protagonist due to the nature of his profession and the various faux pas he makes during the story.

>> No.21607895

Absolutely nothing. It's just burgerpolcucks who think only disney movies exist

>> No.21607900

Yeah I loved it. It makes you feel stoned just watching it.