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21600239 No.21600239 [Reply] [Original]

What are the current solutions to the mind-body/consciousness-brain problem? It's surreal how difficult this question is to answer, it's been haunting me. I currently believe passive perception precedes the brain, and the brain precedes personality, still the brain is required for embodied perception. At what point of the nerves the feeling enters consciousness for instance? Books recommendations?

>> No.21600332 [DELETED] 

Asana gets rid of Anatomy-consciousness and involuntary physical disturbances of the body.
Pranayama gets rid of Physiology-consciousness. "Breaks" in thought, breaks in concentration.

Yama and Niyama get rid of Ethical consciousness.
Pratyhara gets rid of the Objective.
Dharana gets rid of the Subjective.
Dhyana gets rid of the Ego.
Samadhi gets rid of the Soul Impersonal.

Asana destroys the static body (Nama).
Pranayama destroys the dynamic body (Rupa).
Yama destroys the emotions. (Vedana).
Niyama destroys the passions.
Dharana destroys the perceptions (Sanna).
Dhyana destroys the tendencies (Sankharas).
Samadhi destroys the consciousness (Vinnanam).

>> No.21600378
File: 203 KB, 900x900, QRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books recommendations?
Principia Qualia


>> No.21600384
File: 2.78 MB, 1536x2138, craiyon_021629_Benj_Hellie_s_vertiginous_question_is_as_follows__of_all_the_subjects_of_experience_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Benj Hellie's paper on the vertiginous question:

>> No.21600793

the brain is like ork guns in Warhammer 40,000. the real self is extradimensional and that's what Jesus was trying to say before he was merced by the government

>> No.21600801

"By all known laws of reason their weapons shouldn't work. Ork firearms can be nailed together lumps of Pig Iron with cartridges full of scrap bolts and nails, but if the Ork using it believes it's a heavy machine gun, it works like a heavy machine gun"

>> No.21600885

please don't let this consciousness shit infest /lit/ as well, /sci/ has already been ruined by it

>> No.21601051

>you can't discuss shit I don't like because... YOU JUST CAN'T OK?
Maybe you should kill yourself? You don't own /sci/ or /lit/, become a faggot janny if you want to bitch and moan about threads.

>> No.21601175

Just wait for neuroscientists to prove the computational theory of consciousness. It'll take a long time but probably within the next couple decades. Then all this nonsensical garbage about consciousness speculation can be dispensed with.
The reason it ruined /sci/ isn't because of the topic, it's because the discussion always becomes infested with absurd speculative ideas by schizophrenics who post 900 times in the same thread with they copy-pasted walls of text they wrote up. Then these retards proceed to stay on the board and continually post other retarded unscientific threads that always devolve into religious nightmares.

>> No.21601488
File: 107 KB, 611x674, literally my copy of the talmud - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to me you stupid nigger the bible is literally true and consciousness is not in this dimension, did I fucking stutter?

>> No.21601500

There's no solution.
It's only a "problem" in a dualistic paradigm, and there's no solution because it's insoluble. The same goes for a materialist paradgim. In an idealist paradigm it's not a problem and has no solution either (because there is no solution for a non problem).

>> No.21601501

>2 more weeks

>> No.21601577

It was solved implicitly by every philosopher and religious teacher who ever lived. There only a “problem” if you deny that philosophy exists and claim everything is material science.

>> No.21601584

So basically you saying that you cannot drown in the middle of the ocean if you think hard enough?

>> No.21601596
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>> No.21602354
File: 64 KB, 750x750, georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel-fbd235d7-9320-4516-af36-f9a5b941afd-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In an idealist paradigm it's not a problem
And yet so many find this pill to hard to swallow.

>Plain minds have not unreasonably taken exception to this subjective idealism, with its reduction of the facts of consciousness to a purely personal world, created by ourselves alone. For the true statement of the case is rather as follows. The things of which we have direct consciousness are mere phenomena, not for us only, but in their own nature; and the true and proper case of these things, finite as they are, is to have their existence founded not in themselves but in the universal divine Idea. This view of things, it is true, is as idealist as Kant’s; but in contradistinction to the subjective idealism of the Critical philosophy should be termed absolute idealism. Absolute idealism, however, though it is far in advance of vulgar realism, is by no means merely restricted to philosophy. It lies at the root of all religion; for religion too believes the actual world we see, the sum total of existence, to be created and governed by God.

>...the imagination of ordinary men feels a vehement reluctance to surrender its dearest conviction, that this aggregate of finitude, which it calls a world, has actual reality; and to hold that there is no world is a way of thinking they are fain to believe impossible, or at least much less possible than to entertain the idea that there is no God. Human nature, not much to its credit, is more ready to believe that a system denies God, than that it denies the world. A denial of God seems so much more intelligible than a denial of the world.

200 years after Hegel and these "plain mind" still can't accept the truth.

>> No.21602545

"the universe created itself"-guy

>> No.21602601


>> No.21602914
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>> No.21602921
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Not a book but Justin Riddle's quantum consciousness series is informative


>> No.21603027

>What are the current solutions to the mind-body/consciousness-brain problem?
You have three options

>Some form of materialism
"Consciousness" just the atoms of the brain bumping around over time.

>Some form of neutral monism
"Consciousness" is the result of some kind of interaction between matter and some form of non-material intermediate.

>Sticking your fingers in your ears and going la la la la
This is the solution if you're a p-zombie and don't have a soul.

>Just being religious

>> No.21603272

The thing in itself is the Spirit, which not only stands behind objects, but which also moves history and our own wills. How does this escape from some other kind of Spinozism?

>> No.21604023

Hegel was such a bumbling retard, Jesus Christ.