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/lit/ - Literature

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21594761 No.21594761 [Reply] [Original]

name the book

>> No.21594766


>> No.21594767


>> No.21594769

Harry Potter

>> No.21594770 [DELETED] 

blood meridian

>> No.21594775

Most religious and occultist texts

>> No.21594780

The Greeks

>> No.21594794

Mark Twain books

>> No.21594796 [DELETED] 
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name the book

>> No.21594798

only good answer so far

>> No.21594799

Fpbp as always

>> No.21594802

the bible

>> No.21594803

All other religious texts other than the bible written by Jesus are the works of the evil one.

>> No.21594804

I was thinking Poe as well but I think he is generally liked across the spectrum. Maybe Hemingway to some extent maybe something like Arabian Nights as well

>> No.21594807


>> No.21594808

Anything by Dostojewski

>> No.21594810

The Bible unironically.

>> No.21594812

Any political treatises or manifestos.

>> No.21594815

The catcher in the rye

>> No.21594823

I feel like that varies from age to age. It’s common for young to mid teenagers to like it. Then late teenagers to early 20’s hate it. Then mid 20’s on like it.

>> No.21594827
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which book?

>> No.21594828

Salinger wrote it for adults, not teenagers. Which is why teaching it in High School is a bad idea

>> No.21594836

my diary desu

>> No.21594840

The quran

>> No.21594841


>> No.21594842

Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang

>> No.21594851 [DELETED] 
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you know the drill

>> No.21594854

warhammer 40k

>> No.21594856

ze good book

>> No.21594866


>> No.21594886

Yeah. It’s easier to see your teenage self in Holden from a distance buts it’s uncomfortable for many if they just left Holden’s age. I still feel like a lot of young teenagers relate to Holden but don’t find him cringey yet. It’s only when they get some self awareness

>> No.21594891

Shadow of the torturer

>> No.21594894

The Bible

>> No.21594898

self help books

>> No.21594905

50 Shades

>> No.21594906

deep and based

>> No.21594910

I never understood the cringe aspect of Holden. Pathetic, yeah, but you're not supposed to think, "Damn he's so cool bar hopping and hiring prostitutes". It's obvious the whole time he's a lost soul

>> No.21594925

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.21594927

flip that

>> No.21594928

Hegel, easily.

>> No.21594929

Yeah. I think a lot of people can relate to Holden from a certain age on as far as disillusionment with the world goes. The way he handled things I think hits too close to home for some people. I’m also surprised he isn’t mentioned more frequently when unreliable narrators are brought up. I always saw the Holden/teacher interaction as an overreaction on his part. Like the teacher was trying to comfort him, maybe a little too touchy, but with no ulterior motives, and it played into Holden’s disillusionment and how he colored the whole thing. But again maybe the teacher was a pervert and it’s the theme of loss of innocence. I should reread it soon. It’s been a while and Salinger is a writer where you can always pull more from each time

>> No.21594945

The point of the teacher was really obvious to me. A well-meaning adult who wants you to improve, but who has zero idea what you're going through so you merely smile and nod, say "Yes sir" and then leave.

Real life situations of inner turmoil and alienation are usually like that. You want someone to save you, but as soon as the conversation actually happens, you realize you and them are a million miles apart mentally and it's hopeless

>> No.21594955

Nothing fits this other than complex graduate level textbooks in the hard sciences. Anything else, this is just a midwit thinking hes smart.

>> No.21594960

The Bible

>> No.21594966

The Bible

>> No.21595016

The Iliad
The Odyssey

>> No.21595053

This. Anything before Augustus.

>> No.21595076 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21595100

The Bible wasn't written by Jesus, you absolute fucktard

>> No.21595110

Not the Bible you know...

>> No.21595125


>> No.21595165

The quran

>> No.21595188
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This is quite probably the most obvious one

>> No.21595211
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name the book

>> No.21595212

Brain Death For Dummies

>> No.21595213

Anything that's been published post 2000.

>> No.21595224

My diary, desu

>> No.21595227

Based. Fuck The Bible.

>> No.21595276

Portrait of the artist as a young man, anyone not actually answering the question just stfu literally no one cares youre too retarded to be funny

>> No.21595370

The bible

>> No.21595396

Most accurate

>> No.21595411

>complex graduate level textbooks in the hard sciences

>> No.21595412

The bible

>> No.21595492
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name the book

>> No.21595506

your favorite book
the comic Bone
anything by michael moorcock
male human on female furry erotica

>> No.21595561


>> No.21595640

120 days of sodom

>> No.21595647

Of course it was, you didn’t know? Carpentry was just a side hustle for him, writing was his main enterprise.

>> No.21595656

This is sharp man, very well said.

>> No.21595669

Le Symbolisme de la Croix de René Guénon

>> No.21595692


>> No.21595715


>> No.21595740

This but unironically.

>> No.21595745

The wind in the willows
The bible
Probably some other religious texts from cultures I’m unfamiliar with
There really aren’t many books on this kind of distribution because shitwits mostly do not read anything. Therefore the only things likely to be here are actually well written children’s books like TWITW and religious texts which appeal to retards out of promises or fear, and appeal to the intelligent as works deeply connected with the divine
Only other things would be Shakespeare and Cervantes but they appealed to the retards and intelligences of their time, today the majority of their celebrants are midwits
Almost all “good” genre fiction like lotr or most “classic” sci-fi books
The entire field of modern mainstream psychology
The Descent of Man
The Culture of Critique
Most other evopsych books
Self help books, all YA novels, Rupi Kaur’s poetry
>provokes all reactions from all levels of intelligence
The bible might actually be the best fit here

>> No.21595753


>> No.21595756


>> No.21595894

Anything from Dostoevskij

>> No.21595900

Stormlight archive

>> No.21595914

Based /sci/ anon.

>> No.21595932

Chivalrous novels from the 1400s/1500s/1600s

>> No.21595957


>> No.21595977

Speak for yourself, midwit. You always viewed learning serious material as hard and a struggle because you aren't cut out for it. I own a 13.3" eReader and I've read many advanced textbooks, more than I did in college. Im happier and pleased for longer being left alone to do this for hours than I would be cooming because that would end or repeat itself and afterwards leaves me discontent whereas this, be inspired with thoughts flowing for days or weeks.

>> No.21595982

Anon you don't comprehend a textbook without doing the work in it.

>> No.21596090

phony detected

>> No.21596182

Jesus Christ. Everyone here is an insufferable brain proud pseud. Just obsessing over your own and each others intelligence.

Bunch of losers. Grow up faggots.

>> No.21596190

Mein Kampf

>> No.21596494

Post wrist.

>> No.21596514

>Im happier and pleased for longer being left alone to do this for hours than I would be cooming because that would end or repeat itself and afterwards leaves me discontent whereas this, be inspired with thoughts flowing for days or weeks.
Based ecstasy of pure mind understander

>> No.21596518


>> No.21596519
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>> No.21596525

Reading it now and wasn't too sure until chapter V but now I'm absolutely blown away.

>> No.21596538
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Easily GEB.

>> No.21596544

The Bible

>> No.21596555

This. Enjoyment of the bible is spiritual not intellectual. Midwits, dimwits, and highwits will never understand because *wits are too attached to the material.

>> No.21596560


>> No.21596621

>t. femoid

>> No.21596834

nothing wrong with having an average iq

>> No.21596838

call of the crocodile

>> No.21596864

>nothing wrong with having an average iq
positive self talk is healthy anon very good

>> No.21596892

Where the Crawdads Sing

>> No.21596975

Anything by Coleen Hoover.

>> No.21597044

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.21597104
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nice dude are you an epic centrist??
get out of here you disgusting smelly stemlord
12 rules for life

>> No.21597132


>> No.21597136

All postmodern garbage save Gaddis.

>> No.21597141
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Literally these.

>> No.21597160

You will never be a woman

>> No.21597168

The Waste Land, Prufrock, Poems (Eliot. 1920) The Hollow Men, Four Quartets, Ariel Poems, Ash Wednesday, Coriolan, Murder In The Cathedral, The Cocktail Party, The Family Reunion, Sweeney Agonistes.

>> No.21597173

true answer to this is Finnegans Wake, ultimate midwit filter

>> No.21597198

The Holy Bible

>> No.21597211

the Understander

>> No.21597793
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>You will never be a woman
You will never go to heaven

>> No.21597833

12 rules for life

>> No.21597895

The Bell Curve

>> No.21597909

Any Harry Turtledove novel

>> No.21597938

Dilate, tranny

>> No.21598826

Because high IQ autists don't have human social capabilities?

>> No.21598836


>> No.21598931
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>Dilate, tranny
Keep worshiping your polytheistic Gods, cuck

>> No.21599843

The Bible.

>> No.21600627

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21600630


>> No.21600651

>the christ-repressor is projecting again

>> No.21600652


>> No.21600699


>> No.21600720

Anything by Nabokov

>> No.21600742
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>> No.21600943


>> No.21600984

Crime and Punishment.
"Then the great hour struck and every man showed himself in his true colours."

>> No.21600998

Holy midwittery

>> No.21601354

brave new world

>> No.21601401


>> No.21601452


>> No.21601477

Any recent (pop) science or contemporary (self-help) philosophy books.
Basically any best-seller from the last 10-20 years.

>> No.21601482

Complex is not necessarily hard, but usually boring.

>> No.21601587


>> No.21601600

Ayn Rand's body of work

>> No.21601697
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Does anybody even come close to topping him?

>> No.21601702

I thought I was posting a thread, sorry guys.

>> No.21601707
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>> No.21601725
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>> No.21601994

Best post in the thread

>> No.21602000


>> No.21602021
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name the book

>> No.21602038

No book.

>> No.21602046

Get the fuck out LMAOOO worst take I’ve seen on here

>> No.21602054

Don Quixote

>> No.21602064

This 1964 sci-fi story, in which a genetically-altered man is forced to live among a group of mute cyborgs, was based on William Gibson's book, Neuromancer, and featured music by Pink Floyd.

>> No.21602068


>> No.21602120

Finnegans Wake

>> No.21602304
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>> No.21602326

Godel Escher Bach

>> No.21602329

finnegan's wake

>> No.21602454
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name the book

>> No.21602568

The Bible

>> No.21602576

The Bible

>> No.21602626

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place."Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.21602650

No. That pop sci book is line that goes down.

>> No.21602665


>> No.21602730


>> No.21602750

>negative IQ
>two-dimensional enjoyment

>> No.21603356

Literally the quintessential pseud-core book.

>> No.21603732

"the evil one" is exclusively from new perverted bible versions and sounds really dumb

>> No.21603747

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

It doesn't actually say anywhere in the bible that Jesus was a carpenter, people say that presumably because Jesus said he does the work of his father (talking about God the father) and interpret that as Joseph.

>> No.21603764

I own this and I am a strange loop but only because I did a bunch of drugs and not because I'm pretending to be smarter than I actually am

>> No.21604304

Somebody recommend me a couple of Mark Twain's works.

>> No.21604314

Bayonetta's destruction
Basically all futa on male femdom

>> No.21605541
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