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21592496 No.21592496 [Reply] [Original]

LOTR enters the public domain in 2043. What kind of fan fiction can we expect in two decades?

>> No.21592518

total dogshit by braindead hack zoomers and alphoomers without a literary bone in their testosterone deficient, growth stunted bodies

>> No.21592566

have sex frfr

>> No.21592569

AI generated sloppa.

>> No.21592583

The lady doth protest too much

>> No.21592599

protest what? I'm healthy and I wasn't brought up on goyslop. youre the one that is triggered

>> No.21592649



>> No.21592671

Pretty much this.

The interpretation of Tolkien's works will be directed by people raised fully in the cup of luxurious metropolitan irony, alienated from blood ties and all true forms of sacrifice, nobility and beauty.

They will be unable to raise anything in the story above their vision of the bratty social justice wanderings of superheroes. It will become supercontent for useless people who like the idea of watching the elf, dwarf and hobbit genre.

>> No.21592699


>> No.21592707

It's going to be about how the glorious leader kim il sun destroyed the ring in Mordor. And also about how the flagerstrinzit gotped the luftangat

>> No.21592749

The idea that all masculinity is toxic and that positive masculinity doesn’t exist so expect to see a lot of “ Frodo and Sam are actually gay and so are Pippin and Merry and so are Legolas and Gimli” etc etc

>> No.21592886

Reminds me how by now every Simpsons episode has been implied to be gay: Lenny, Bart having feelings for Milhouse, Homer flirting with a waiter, Barney, grandpa, not you speak of family guy

>> No.21592934

How about the events of LOTR told from the perspective of childless Gondorian decadents? That could be kino. How would catladies react to having their city besieged by orcs?

>> No.21593055
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a bunch of repulsive jewish propaganda with a lot of homos and niggers

>> No.21593069
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>> No.21593080

>What kind of fan fiction can we expect in two decades?
What fanfic we've been getting ever since it came out

>> No.21593082

anyone who read any '''Tolkirn''' that was published after silmarilion is misguided

>> No.21593469
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You won't have anything that will be better than the Jackson Trilogy of movies, which for all the faults I am glad to have grown up with. They were peak cinema for me. There is no a single black or minority depicted in the entire movie. We did not know at the time how good we had it.

>> No.21593483

>LOTR enters the public domain in 2043.
if corporations get their way no significant IP will ever enter the public domain again

>> No.21593492

>There is no a single black or minority depicted in the entire movie. We did not know at the time how good we had it.
Nigga did you just miss the entire Harad army

>> No.21593493

>total dogshit by braindead hack zoomers and alphoomers without a literary bone in their testosterone deficient, growth stunted bodies
Let me guess: you're a millennial trying to act like your generation didn't fuck everything up beyond repair. All THOSE gens are doing would be pissing on the grave YOUR generation dug, at best. Typical entitled millennials. Boomers were right about you, and it still bothers you guys to the point you have to project onto zoomers to cope.

>> No.21593510

>if corporations get their way no significant IP will ever enter the public domain again
Good. We don't need millennials fagging 'em up with "look at how based/woke I am" idpol bullshit.

>> No.21593521

>Nigga did you just miss the entire Harad army
Not a single character, nobody cares about the Haradrim, who also looked pretty fucking pale under his headgear. They were not even named, just army of evil. Which is appropriate for today and then.

>> No.21593545
