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21589727 No.21589727 [Reply] [Original]

what should I expect?

>> No.21589729

Something about the Roman Empire declining and falling

>> No.21589735

Good prose.
Bad history.

>> No.21589863

A story.

>> No.21589953

That's simply not true. Be more specific about why it's bad history. How have scholars significantly overcome Gibbon? He set the standard and historiography can't ignore his contribution. You sound like a facile, small, uneducated grad student. You think history can't be good without some bulky critical apparatus? Don't make me laugh

>> No.21590008

>Bad history
How so?
Could you give examples of where it's done poorly?

>> No.21590014

he was hecking meano to the barbarinos

>> No.21590029
File: 92 KB, 450x538, Edward_Emily_Gibbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude christianity caused the death of Rome!!! OMG those pesky christian chads fucked my girlfriend too btw

>> No.21590115

Overplayed your hand, there. May I ask: when you applied for your current job, did you include the Classics Phd on your CV?

>> No.21590119

My favorite type of book

>> No.21590123

probably a lot of reading

>> No.21590136

I always put my Classics PhD front and center on my cover letter when I apply to Bed Bath & Beyond or Kmart or Texaco or even Target!

>> No.21590428


>> No.21591233


>> No.21591243

It's because it's not Peer-Reviewed Science™, and worst than that, it doesn't have a copyright therefore the magnanimous philanthropist Mr Sheckelberg won't get a bigger profit from it.

>> No.21591246

ignominious post

>> No.21591484

do those still exist ?
I'll check the interweb, nevermind

>> No.21591928

18th century historiography written by an enlightenment liberal

>> No.21591935

>He also met the one romance in his life: the daughter of the pastor of Crassy, a young woman named Suzanne Curchod, who was later to become the wife of Louis XVI's finance minister Jacques Necker, and the mother of Madame de Staël. The two developed a warm affinity; Gibbon proceeded to propose marriage,[11] but ultimately this was out of the question, blocked both by his father's staunch disapproval and Curchod's equally staunch reluctance to leave Switzerland. Gibbon returned to England in August 1758 to face his father. No refusal of the elder's wishes could be allowed. Gibbon put it this way: "I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son."[12] He proceeded to cut off all contact with Curchod, even as she vowed to wait for him. Their final emotional break apparently came at Ferney, France, in early 1764, though they did see each other at least one more time a year later.[13]
Dude got cock-blocked by his own father.