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File: 341 KB, 828x765, FnlS4dhWQAEHCjC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21587561 No.21587561 [Reply] [Original]

Michel Houellebecq announced his first Porn video

>> No.21587565

Why are French people like this

>> No.21587569

genetic inferiority and mutation

>> No.21587579

Reminder that women are whores and they want to be fucked for free by the countless authors who talk about sex in their books

>> No.21587584

Extension of the Domain of the Snuggle

>> No.21587606

At age 60, this horrid skeletal man is fucking 25 year olds. This should give hope to /lit/, if anything.

>> No.21587609

I'm not familiar with Houellebecq at all. I've never read a single word and know nothing about the content of any of his writing. All I know is what he looks like and that he's a French writer of some sort. However I am very interested in him strictly because of his appearance and will read at least some of his work because of it. The photos I've seen allow me to imagine vividly what I expect him to be like and what his thoughts and views are. I may very well be wrong but I'd wager I'll be mostly correct. It's supposedly very wise not to judge people by their appearance but god damn it, doing so yields accurate results for me almost every time.

>> No.21587614

they're a nation of also-rans. the worthy french bloodlines all died out between the revolution and first world war.

>> No.21587621 [DELETED] 

We're gonna see threads about this everyday until and for months after it releases, won't we?

>> No.21587633

Why shouldn't we? Imagine if any other popular author here did the same thing. Sally Rooney.

>> No.21587634

We're gonna be seeing threads about this everyday until and for months after it releases, won't we?

>> No.21587638

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.21587639

I'm not a freak so it doesn't

>> No.21587647

Look at Charles Bukowski. The man was a drunk, a slob and an absolute ogre and still pulled leg.

>> No.21587661

Despite thinking otherwise, /lit/ exhibits a lot of herd behavior and groupthink

>> No.21587665

Women's thinking;

He's a famous writer. He writes about sex. If I have sex with him then maybe he'll write about me and then I will sort of be famous too.

They literally have the most vain and mentally retarded minds.

>> No.21587671

I look like him, at 23

>> No.21587676

Fuck off, normie

>> No.21587689

Incorrect. It's more of a subconscious recognition that this genetic variant, Michel Houellebbq, is successful and worthy of mating. You misunderstand the deepest currents of life.

>> No.21587690

that was when he started to make himself a name. before writing he got no hoes, he said it himself. its probably the same for houellebecq, which proves again that women all are whores

>> No.21587787


When did he say it? Can you link any interview or sth? (I don’t mean it in Reddit what’s your source bro way)

>> No.21587793


I didn’t read you correctly, I am retarded. Excuse the post.

>> No.21587811

This is unironically most of 4chan.

>> No.21587830

hes a centrist author bemoaning the slow suicide of the Western civilization.

>It's the same at Cap d'Agde—apparently they've closed the dunes to
the public. The decision was taken by the Society for the Protection of the Coast,
which is completely run by the eco-warriors. People weren't doing any harm, they
were just having a nice orgy, but apparently they were disturbing the terns. Terns
are a type of sparrow. Well, fuck the terns!" Bruno shouted. "They're trying to stop
us fucking, and now they want to stop us eating sheep's cheese, the fucking Nazis.
The Socialists are in on it too. They hate sheep because sheep are conservative,
whereas everyone knows wolves are left-wing-which is kind of strange, because
wolves look like German shepherds and they're clearly on the extreme right. Who're
you gonna trust?"

>> No.21587832

>it's another episode of "women are whores because they wont fuck ME"

>> No.21587835

>this horrid skeletal man is fucking 25 year olds.
you can fuck a 25 year old prostitute, just pay up
this man is a clown and this is a publicity stunt, there's nothing else to say
I'm glad I have never read a book of his and never will

>> No.21587844
File: 328 KB, 450x450, lit radish girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iam just here to enjoy the taste of fresh ass radish.

>> No.21587845
File: 863 KB, 1768x1239, Coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm the masturbator, public masturbator
>I'm the porn addicted, the coomer illustrated
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>You're a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm a masturbator, public masturbator
>I'm the hole you wanted, jizz infatuated
>I'm the cum you tasted, fell intoxicated
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>You're a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm the self-inflicted dick detonator, yeah
>I'm the one erected, twisted undulator
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>You're a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>I'm a masturbator, public masturbator
>Hey, hey, hey
>Hey, hey, hey
>Hey, hey, hey
>Hey, hey, hey

>> No.21587851


>> No.21587865

I kinda felt sorry for that guy. He's what I imagine the few intelligent posters on /pol/ are like.
He just wanted to be a romantic trad gentleman.

>> No.21587868


Wtf is this shit?

>> No.21587878

>He just wanted to be a romantic trad gentleman.
Shouldn't have agreed to the whole ordeal in the first place then.

>> No.21587880

>He just wanted to be a romantic trad gentleman.

Too autistic for that, with his cheap chocolates, horniness and soft peepee. He was obviously set up for the failure, but real gentleman would still find the way to dominate the surroundings with his wit and charisma.

>> No.21587911

She has a large mole on her ass btw.

>> No.21587950

Who is Dan and why is he okay with his son being in a french porno?

>> No.21587955

I feel that it is my destiny to kill everyone involved with this.

>> No.21587958

why are europoors like this

>> No.21587978

Amerimutts would rather cut their dick off than use it on a real woman.

>> No.21587987

Why do American men speak like conservative grandmas from the 90s?

>> No.21587997
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>you will soon see Houellebecq's gnarled penis spammed every day on /lit/

>> No.21588000
File: 149 KB, 682x1024, Michel_Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy fucks and you don't

>> No.21588004

He fucks because he isn't trad.

>> No.21588023

It's just people that missed the original thread. Why do fags insist on pushing this armchair sociology is beyond me. You will never be Lasch.

>> No.21588033

>which proves again that women all are whores
People have been writing about this realization for 4000 years and somehow we still live in a fag era where men are convinced of the opposite.

>> No.21588128

>not using "I'm the masturbator, public ejaculator"
other than that, 8/10

>> No.21588155

Michel was married before his big break and was into degen sex lifestyles before that too.

>> No.21588162

people just like those who are succesful

>> No.21588168

trad=incel confirmed

>> No.21588434

It's a movie from 2014 faggots

>> No.21588456

>tfw no trad transgirl

>> No.21588497

Congrats Anon, you have taken the first step to the learnings of Physiognomy.

>> No.21588510

Allez baiser les incels.

>> No.21588512

>makes a bunch of "I hate women" books
>is fucking hot 20 something's as a horrid skeleton person
French people are truly something else, I expect nothing more of the people that produced Marquis De Sade

>> No.21588533

Based, but why stop there?

>> No.21588544

>makes a bunch of "I hate women" books
except he didn't

>> No.21588586

He is an idiot, i made the same mistake as him irl with a girl willing to give me pussy knowing fully well i am a virgin, i saw it as too much of a big deal and didn't play along playfully and comically getting to the sex, having it all light heartedly and funny, i saw it as too serious and she fucked off because of that, same as he did, virgins are virgin for a reason, and that is because they're fucking stupid. Incel bros, if a girl ever is willing to give you pussy, literally treat it as if it's nothing to you, don't show even 1% that it's a big deal for you or that youre happy for that to happen, leave the partying and happiness for AFTER you got the pussy.

>> No.21588590

If he was, he wouldn't have signed up for a porn movie. He's just a whoremonger hindered by his autism, like many so-called trad. Same phenomenon as pimp Andrew Tate.

>> No.21588595

I am dumber than him and just as ugly as him, brutal combination. I am too stupid to get laid, no woman will push through the disgust of fucking me, no matter what. But seriously, why are women so disgusted of someone they don't wanna fuck that they won't give them pussy even for 5 minutes?

>> No.21588601

Houellebecq literally never said he was "trad." Stop lumping him with all those retards.

>> No.21588613
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>> No.21588614

I was talking about that Sid Lukkassen.

>> No.21588618


>> No.21588624

Ah, I see. My bad.

>> No.21588631

If you're as dumb and ugly as you say you are, would you give yourself pussy?

>> No.21588650

Yes, i drink raw onions and eat many other foods i hate, always nauseous from hungovers, so i have an extreme disgust tolerance, if i ever befriended a dude as a girl, i would definetly push through a few minutes of suffering, it's not as if chad doesn't have tens of vids of degrading her to the max which would ruin her life in seconds if he releases them, so i wouldn't really suck his dick but just let him stick it with a condom and be done with him, even better if he falls in love with me and kills himself after but yeah, if i friendzoned myself, i would have the courtesy to push through a few minutes of disgust. Seems to me like there is still a power dynamic going on with women, not giving pussy to certain dudes strictly to not feel like total fucking losers, rather than just not finding them attractive, which makes things even more over for me, no girl will ever degrade herself that bad to even kiss me, hug maybe but fucking? damn

>> No.21588655


>> No.21588670

Post your face, faggot.
Your attitude disgusts me

>> No.21588671

Cuz i'm a fucking loser. I don't know any females so i don't know their view on sex, do they always see it as a loss, even when it's with chad? because they're literally sucking dick and getting fucked? i know a slut and she told me all the sex she ever has feels degrading and is degrading, so she learned to love feeling dominated and loves getting throatfucked and giving rimjobs because of this. So if 99% of women see sex like this, then no fucking way a girl will let a loser fuck her, no way. Bro it's ALWAYS gonna be like this, women will only ever brag about how little dicks and how low their body count is, never how slutty they were, so pickyness will always be my number one enemy because the factor of who you are also comes into being when it comes to sex, why would she wanna fuck a loser? Even bragging about fucking the biggest chad will make her seem like a slut, so how in the fuck is she gonna give me pussy? it would be like someone straight finding out they just fapped over a tranny porn video

>> No.21588675

why would i post my ugly face here you fucking dumbass? i don't wanna end up as a famous "it's so fucking over" example

>> No.21588676
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This is me in 2017

>> No.21588680
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>> No.21588682

Just be rich.

>> No.21588688

Keeping It Real Art Critics (KIRAC) try to overcome polarization in the Netherlands. They do so by having a complete slut called Jini, this girl >>21587844, who is a leftist, put up an ad in right-wing forums that she wants to fuck rightoids. It is to be filmed for an art project on bridging the divides in the Netherlands. The first guy that answers the ad is a roadworker and complete retard. He fucks her for an entire weekend and they have a lot of fun. He is so playful and animalistic about it that he seduces the female camerawoman into a threesome as well. Pure retard-Chad energy.

The next guy that answers the ad is Sid Lukkassen, a major public """intellectual""" of the Dutch /pol/-tier right, who believes all the standard issue /pol/shit about males should have all the agency, women should be passive and deferential to men, bla bla bla. In the days leading up to the filming, Dutch right-wing forums are completely electric at the prospect that one of their idols gets to fuck a leftie girl and put her in her place as a deferential woman. Sid's application to fuck Jini is a video of him talking about how he used to fuck a leftist woman, and the inspiration it gave him made him believe he could create entirely new artforms - it is very, very cringe.

The day arrives, Sid shows up to fuck Jini, and what ensues can most adequately be described as the most thorough character assassination and sexual humiliation of a public figure I have ever seen. It is profoundly enjoyable to see a retarded trad-LARPer like Sid be so utterly fucking destroyed by his own autism once he has to live up to his delusional self-image. It is an absolutely masterful deconstruction of his entire being, and rightoid faggots in the Netherlands petitioned to have the film banned because they feared for Sid's mental health, should it be released. Several other rightoid outlets considered it exploitation of autism, these well-meaning attempts to defend Sid the trad-LARPer just adding insult to his already mortal injuries.

See for yourself, it really is pretty great. Sid is like the archetype of a /pol/posting pseud who thinks Evola is profound: https://stefanruitenbeek.stackstorage.com/s/TPYXpqY7K9M6mBgv/en_US

>> No.21588689

>why would i post my ugly face here you fucking dumbass? i don't wanna end up as a famous "it's so fucking over" example
I wanna judge for myself if you're as dead-end as you make it seem.
I really doubt you are.
In my life I've seem guys uglier than me getting girls that I previously thought were out of reach for me. You're giving women too much credit.

>> No.21588703

I see only 2 options, full celibacy, or making it big with money and living out a short lived chad heaven, but by that time i will have enough money to attract women purely with it, i will be over 30 maybe even over 35. might aswell shoot my shot at ending up in heaven as a celibate ascetic virgin, i already suffer 24/7, if anyone has a first class ticket to heaven it's me, i have no possibility to indulge or be evil, i am the most involutarily repentant person to ever exist, so i figure i might aswell die a celibate ascetic considering i can't ever live out a hedonistic or even remotely happy life

>> No.21588704

would you be ok if i cropped my eyes out? i will leave everything

>> No.21588718

Just pay for and fuck prostitutes until your autism around women subsides anon.

>> No.21588720

>would you be ok if i cropped my eyes out? i will leave everything

>> No.21588722

Fuck, that's for answering. I'll check it out!

>> No.21588725

>i will be over 30 maybe even over 35.
that's exactly the right time, anon. when you're horny at 20 you can jerk off, when you're horny at 35 you start drinking
speaking of which I'm having another beer

>> No.21588730

>die a celibate ascetic
The fact you would even consider anything else makes you a degenerate heretic that is bound to burn in hell for eternity.

>> No.21588733

I mean i agree. thank you for reminding me. i was much happier when i thought about not going to hell rather than how to get laid.

>> No.21588738

>when /pol/ leaves the basement
kek, every time. thanks for the effortpost brother man

>> No.21588750

> the most thorough character assassination and sexual humiliation of a public figure
Could CWC be considered a "public figure"?

>> No.21588751
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>> No.21588768

Article in swamp German in case anyone wants to read instead of watch the video.

>> No.21588772

Why don't you morons realize none of these "good" writers get publicized due to "talent"? It's due to connections with powerful Jews, Masons, or whatever else. All of this is by design, even the growth of popularity of certain fringe figures. If an actual intelligent writer tries to publish a book, he won't be successful unless he has connections.
Moreover, I don't know what the end goal of the elites is. People who act like it's just Kalergi plan and killing off European race are wrong. They also have the opposite reaction in mind, perhaps even encouraging its growth. I am not sure what the end goal of these Jews and elites are.
Why does it even matter if I make this post? It's beyond my control. I'll just become a scapegoat when convenient.
This isn't right. Are you Jewish? Only a Jew can be this vengeful for petty reasons. I don't like the Evolatards either, but you're playing with fire right now.

>> No.21588789

>Why don't you morons realize none of these "good" writers get publicized due to "talent"? It's due to connections with powerful Jews, Masons, or whatever else. All of this is by design, even the growth of popularity of certain fringe figures. If an actual intelligent writer tries to publish a book, he won't be successful unless he has connections.
I fully agree with this. The only people who can be organically successful at this point are prostitutes because a prostitute embodies the highest degree of servitude to money.

>> No.21588800

Inshallah brother, you have the overbite of an insecure virgin, but your hair, forehead and eyebrows look good.

>> No.21588802

>le hecking jews!
found the /pol/tard

>> No.21588807

nah , his line is better sounding and closer to firestarter

>> No.21588819

i noticed fapping or being sick reduces the size of my jaw, now that i posted that pic, i will prove that chin size is directly correlated to cortisol levels and test levels, after 90 months of nofap i will prove i grew a chin
ps: i am an insecure virgin, my hair is not good doe, it's thinning daily from my alcoholism and my eyebrows are negative titlhed, and i have a full head of grey hair that is visible in cloudy days outside.

>> No.21588823

You're fine man.

>> No.21588826

Acting like Jews are innocent and not involved in social engineering when we see them in plenty of powerful positions, unexpected given small proportions, is just as retarded as blaming all problems on them. Even Black Rock has many powerful Jewish executives. Furthermore, the Migrant Crisis was pushed by Jews too.
What the living hell is wrong with you, Jews? Why can't you just assimilate and push for stability? Are you trying to fulfill apocalyptic Messianic prophecies?

>> No.21588827

there is a french 3D movie where at certain point a guy ejaculates into the camera, that is, onto the audience.

>> No.21588842

i don't know i am turning 24 and still a kissless virgin, i think i will remain this way, at least my beard hides my chin, but then again where i am from, everyone thinks even 1inch long beards are disgusting, loss loss situation no matter how i look at it.

>> No.21588849

Just socialize. People are not incels becaise their beards is one inch too long, they're incels because they don't go out.

>> No.21588850
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>> No.21588852

Imagine the smell

>> No.21588853

>fapping or being sick reduces the size of my jaw
I don't think that's how jawbones work.

>> No.21588873

You're honestly alright. I've seen dudes in worse condition with cute girls, sometimes even hot girls. People might say it's always because of money but statistically speaking that is not possible and I know for a fact some of those guys were not rich. It's all a numbers game. You should try and try until something sticks. It's how it is. You should read the book How to Be a 3% Man, I think it's free somewhere online. That is a good starting point and a good guide on women/dating/relationships. Follow the advice that guy gives you.

>> No.21588875

Netherlands, especially Amsterdam, is known to have a lot of Jews too. Amsterdam is like the NYC of the EU.

>> No.21588880

how do they call Jews in Dutch? I mean, slurs and all that

>> No.21588884

I used to look attractive and now I've become all worn out, and not in the hot cool dark mysterious dude kind of way. I'm worn out like someone who works a shit job, except I don't have one.

>> No.21588899

do you sleep until late at night? i'm equally as shit, and it's likely because of that. my family has told me I look old

>> No.21588945
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I ran it through google translate, holy shit man this is premium stuff:

>Lukkassen: ‘Autism, we are not all concerned with that here in this family. We are concerned with people, not diagnoses.'

>Now he lives with his parents again, in his old boy's room with dinosaur posters and all his diplomas on the wall, from 'social skills training certificate' to doctor's degree.

And complete with a photo of him with a shelf full of cool action-figures.
My God.

>> No.21588953

>Now he lives with his parents again
What if you never left?

>> No.21588972
File: 16 KB, 250x360, Parker_Alien_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds. now.

>> No.21588983

Anon, you gotta be kidding. Or you're a faggot who enjoys getting compliments from men. All things said, you're in the lucky side of the spectrum, for sure.
You're NOT a model, but you're a blonde and there are lots of women who will dig that. Come to Asia or South America and see for yourself.

>> No.21588985

How much water do you drink, and how much salt do you eat?
Not drinking 2-3 liters of water a day will make you look like shit. As will eating too much salt. Very easily fixable. Try it maybe.

>> No.21588987

He's just like me.
Anime adaptation when?

>> No.21588996

I hope Iran corrects its mistake one day. Verily, Cyrus the Moron made a mistake freeing you vermin from Babylonian captivity. The Assyrians and Babylonians had the right approach in dealing with you demons.

>> No.21588998

thanks for the advice. I definitely don't drink 2-3 liters every day.

>> No.21589001

no don't get it wrong what men think doesnt matter and when a woman tells me i am pretty it ends badly because i ask her if i am so fucking good looking how come you don't give me pussy aswell? in the end the only peoples opinion that matters about how i look is the women i could fuck, the rest is irrelevant to me. i always get friendzoned and it fills me with rage, but no matter i am very close to completely giving up

>> No.21589002

Neofascists are just Funko Pop guys who don't dare risk being rejected by women.

>> No.21589005
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>> No.21589027

Ah but what does he have? He has some money and he has some renown. These things make the youthful, desirous pussy wet and the womb hungry. He also has age, which a lot of young women fetishize, whether they do so because they think older men can provide for them or not I'm not so sure. Regardless, I'm sure you'll all do fine. Go out, young sirs, and fuck. I'm finna buss rn actually fr fr no cap.

>> No.21589032

You must be very handsome. Or at least very smart.

>> No.21589035

i thought he was like 75 years old. what a gremlin

>> No.21589043

good one anon

>> No.21589044

That could be true. Wonder if this works with twinks too?

>> No.21589058
File: 494 KB, 1280x1280, head of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually true. The American fears sex. At least the white ones. I say this as a white American objectively analyzing his own species.

>> No.21589085

yeah dude cause he's ugly as sin. Women love ugly men. Be a porridge face and have a smidge of confidence and any flirting or conversational ability at all, see what happens.

>> No.21589114

>virgins are virgin for a reason, and that is because they're fucking stupid
nah dude that's too simple. It's not that. Come on my boy, don't be so spiteful. I disagree with this too
>don't show even 1% that it's a big deal for you or that youre happy for that to happen
be happy about it but don't CELEBRATE IT in front of her. Show excitement and tell her how hot she is, how horny you are, let her feel your hard dick, etc. but don't overdo it and say "wheee I cannot believe this is happening AHHHHH".

>> No.21589121

digits, michel, what do they mean?

>> No.21589132

no offense dawg, I don't know you from Adam but goddamn you sound entitled. I understand your frustration but you gotta let the damn attitude go.

>> No.21589133

>"wheee I cannot believe this is happening AHHHHH".
I say this but in my mind. I literally had the "IT'S HAPPENING" Ron Paul reaction meme in mind as my first one night stand started kissing me when we were in bed.

>> No.21589142

not half bad. I like her somewhat masculine features and weird placid gaze. Lips aren't thin like sowing needles either. Slight mongoloid quality to the eyes. Cool.

>> No.21589196

Right on the money.

>> No.21589216

>it ends badly because i ask her if i am so fucking good looking how come you don't give me pussy aswell?
dude stop doing that shit. You gotta stop asking that now. Now it's adding up. That kind of obviously resentful question is going to dry her out right away and probably scare her. Don't say shit like that, especially if it's early on in the relationship or whatever.

>> No.21589246

>I literally had the "IT'S HAPPENING" Ron Paul reaction meme in mind as my first one night stand started kissing me when we were in bed.
Hahaha dude HELL yeah mein guy. I was about the same when I first got laid too I think. It really is exciting! I couldn't cum my first time though and we just ended up kind of rubbing our pubic bones together after a while with my rubbered up halfie just squelching inside her while she rode me. And then we both just agreed to quit because it was going nowhere. Bad times, bad times.

>> No.21589261
File: 94 KB, 800x705, young-girl-kisses-her-boyfriend-cheek-makes-selfie-cell-phone-oute-park-guy-outside-103067204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I gradually got aware of the entitledness, in my head it went well you're talking to me, right? Then you HAVE to give me pussy! Took me a year and a half to realise this shit out, I now realise a girl is not obligated to give me pussy just because she gave me a chance and I blew it. Also don't think I am always feeling entitled, that one girl specifically told me she will fuck me but never got around to it
There are way too many other mistakes I make, realising this one won't do shit, best option is giving up.

>> No.21589507

He fucks a bug. Wow

>> No.21589519

Just read Atomized, bro. He makes it very clear where he thinks his life is going.

>> No.21589558

I drink a lot of water, too and I have a good diet, I'm not some kind of American.
I just spend every minute of my life thinking about suicide. People guess my age wrong by 5 years or they guess it right, while it used to be 10, they thought I was so much younger. I looked so sharp and nice before, I had a beautiful face. Now I'm all worn out and it's not because I just got older. My eyes have that look... You know those people that work shitty jobs, they have that sad deteriorated look about them, they're not like the people you see at the desk or doing anything in contact with the public. I don't even have a job and I look like that. If I'll get a job I'll get one of those jobs, because there's nothing else left for me to do with the kind of life I've lead so far. I'll become a pile of ashes.

>> No.21589595

free spirit

>> No.21589607

They look like that because the body is the mirror of the soul.

>> No.21589736
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>KIRAC is an art collective that makes edgy videos
>they're critical of the same neoliberal hegomonic drive Houellebecq writes about
>ex. https://youtu.be/QS5Ws5ShnNw
>ex. https://youtu.be/xNRuuxUSCcY
>they were conversing with Houellebecq through email (re: kindred spirits)
>Houellebecq planned a honey-trip to Morocco that was cancelled because of threats from Muslims (pic-related, kek)
>KIRAC offered to hook him up with women as long as they could film it
>he agreed and we'll see the video in March
>they've made a similar video with an autist who struck out with a slut
>i.e. https://stefanruitenbeek.stackstorage.com/s/TPYXpqY7K9M6mBgv/en_US

Houellebecq Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1gfB-l1Qt8

>> No.21589748

>You Americains do not veux le perverse grand-pere pornographie? You are le prude!

>> No.21589753

wtf, why does H's wife put up with that shit?

>> No.21589768

It's France. The president's wife has a boyfriend ffs.

>> No.21589771

When Hollande's affair was revealed, his approval ratings went up.

>> No.21589783

wtf? the blonde mummy?

>> No.21589792

Americans also don't like depictions of rape in fiction but are perfectly okay with brutal murder, torture, beheadings, killing of innocents, etc. They're a bizarre puritan bunch.

>> No.21589806

I should have said had. Pretty sure it was Sarkozy.

>> No.21589808

>It's France. The president's wife has a boyfriend ffs.

>> No.21589809


>> No.21589846

you say normie instead of normalfag, which outs you both as a normalfag and a newfag

>> No.21589871

>they're critical of the same neoliberal hegomonic drive Houellebecq writes about
Certainly doesn’t seem like it unless you think cuckoldry and pornography is against globohomo liberalism

>> No.21589887

is it something like 'cancerjews'?

>> No.21589907

Exactly that. But just Jood (Jew) is used as an insult in itself when someone acts Jewishly.

>> No.21589927

you need to provide source for this one anon, You pushed it too far

>> No.21589934

>The president's "wife" is the boyfriend ffs.
ftfy, nice try Jean-Michel

>> No.21590073

>I hate women books
He loves women and is obsessed with them and so are his characters. They're miserable because the women don't want them.

>> No.21590077

t. Psychotic person

>> No.21590081

lmao looks like a granny witch

>> No.21590191
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I thought this said pom video and I was hyped because I love pomeranians.

>> No.21590210

you might not like it, but this is what peak literary lifestyle looks like

>> No.21590218
File: 102 KB, 806x266, nnnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>21589806. The marital infidelities of politicians was an open secret in France (kind of like politicians getting what amount to kick backs in the form of "speaking fees").

>> No.21590236
File: 296 KB, 1200x1800, Carla_Bruni-Sarkozy_(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gadafy fucked this
lucky bastard

>> No.21590244
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>Certainly doesn’t seem like it
Stop thinking in buzzwords.

>> No.21590247
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>Are you Jewish? Only a Jew can be this vengeful for petty reasons

>> No.21590289

Sid is a /pol/tard loser but I'm starting to think that this Jini has some issues of her own.

>> No.21590321

>I'm starting to think that this Jini has some issues of her own.
No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.21590325

What this guy said:

>> No.21590337

As a Brit I thought we were fucked, but wow Europe is over. This is unbelievable. What the fuck is wrong with the continentals?

>> No.21590349

Looks like a grandma.

>> No.21590354

Kek at a literal retard getting pussy from an alright looking girl…and yet incels still abound here. That blows my mind. Getting laid is probably one of the easiest things. Girls are always looking for a boyfriend or some adventure on the side

>> No.21590361

Can we stop pretending that 4chan is filled with virgins? It's fun to LARP but let's start being honest about the fact that most people here have gf's/wives.

>> No.21590362

I skipped through the video and it looks like he totally failed. Did he even penetrate her?

>> No.21590371

The first guy? He is the construction worker right? The retard

>> No.21590372

Shhh! The incel 4chan myth is the only thing keeping this place from total cultural domination.

>> No.21590383

I sincerely believe that 4chan fucks more than reddit

>> No.21590386

I watched the entire thing and unless I somehow missed something, no.
The closest they get is nearly naked cuddling (only underwear/panties). You don't even see his dick. You do see a lot of the roadworker's dick in the first segment though.
And as much as the anon who posted the link mocked Sid, I wouldn't consider it impossible for someone to consider him a sympathetic figure there. Jini is not presented as well put together.

>> No.21590421

All of this is so incredibly cringe. I hate the Dutch.

>> No.21590439

All of this is so incredibly based. I love the Dutch.

>> No.21590466

>I wouldn't consider it impossible for someone to consider him a sympathetic figure there
I sympathise with him to some extent; he's clearly too autistic to consider that he's being made a fool of by everyone involved. Also, normal fucking is completely different to fucking on camera and having the footage distributed by some kind of art project. Of course he's tense and sweating.

On the other hand if you constantly talk shit about the death of traditional masculinity, what role of women should play in relation to men etc. then you have to be expected to walk the walk. An autismo should never have been allowed to become such a prominent voice, for his own good. Hopefully it can serve as a message to the tradlarpers to nut up or shut up.

>> No.21590472

We don’t get arrested for shitposting so we have fun with it.

>> No.21590537

Synthesis: It's cringe kino.
Fuck the Dutch though (literally, it seems).

>> No.21590608

>Can we stop pretending that 4chan is filled with virgins?
You think like this because you probably only visit normalfag boards like /lit/, /sci/, /o/, /fa/ etc. Try going to "weird" side of 4chan or just lurk red boards.

You're delusional if you think that whole of 4chan is like that.

>> No.21590648

Wizard here. The wenches will never ever make me fall. At least not the 3D ones.

>> No.21590661

>age 60
kek is that all he is? I thought he was north of 70 at least

>> No.21590673

Have you been to /gif/?

>> No.21590745

/gif/ acts as a relatively standard porn rec website once you filter the blackedfags. Probably more sex havers than 4chan average. Should have made it /d/ for a relatively active porn board, but several blue boards are even more virgin than the coomer ones.

>> No.21590906

This is the first time I have ever felt pity for the man.

>> No.21590907

So rare to see a post get it so right.

>> No.21591000

>I wouldn't consider it impossible for someone to consider him a sympathetic figure there
I would kind of agree with this if it weren't for the fact that his entire persona as a far-right philosopher precludes him from being the person he actually is. There is such a massive dissonance between what he takes himself to be, this aristocratic nobleman, inventor of new artforms, conqueror of leftist hoes and defender of the Reich, and what he actually is, an autistic, pathetic, vulnerable, insecure blubbering mess, that completely freezes up when a woman lies on top of him and takes every one of her smiles and caresses to be mocking him. He is like a big baby. And then he starts complaining that his needs aren't being met. He is completely anti-erotic.

I can feel sympathy for insecure, vulnerable and socially retarded people, sure, but not if they've constructed their entire public lives and work endeavours to shit on these "söyboys" or whatever, that they themselves are.

I honestly think - hope I guess - that this project is turning point in Sid's life. He mentions himself that his career as a far-right pundit is over, because none of them want to work with him anymore - thank the heavens. That will hurt, sure, but it is necessary - not for irrelevant reasons of political disagreement, but because Sid cannot be the man his ideology professes that he should be. He would spend an entire life living in a completely delusional world if he wasn't violently snapped out of it.

And sure, Jini is also completely fucked, I think that goes without saying. She's wonderful though in that her behavior completely shits on wokies, by illustrating in this film just how much lust a woman can have for a dumb brute of a man who doesn't "autistically ask for consent before smacking her ass".

>> No.21591061

>Try going to "weird" side of 4chan or just lurk red boards
>You're delusional

Lmao we get it you went on /b/ for the first time last week.
Maybe go back and consider never coming back seeing as how you treat this place as a super secret esoteric club and not a shitty imageboard with bad porn.

>> No.21591065
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, trier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>l'enfant terrible
>dare i say /ourguy/
>becomes pornographic

>> No.21591070

The UK is part of Europe. You're not special, Nigel.

>> No.21591112

Why are you outraged by it? It's great art, some of the most engaging of the past 10 years, where, admittedly, competition hasn't been fierce because of the stifling atmosphere. But why is your reaction like this? What do you think is wrong with it?

>> No.21591120

What does anything of this mean and what does it prove? You can excuse cuckoldry as long as you say “it was just ironic bro?”

>> No.21591219

>the man who holds the mirror up to culture is guilty of what it shows
Fascinating opinion, discarded nonetheless.

>> No.21591405

He's outraged because he has assumed the sexual mores of a Victorian grandma.

>> No.21591449

I'm surprised with how many people itt know about KIRAC. I've always seen it as an incredibly niche, mostly Dutch thing.

Then again, some of their vids have 100k+views

>> No.21591458

I discovered them on this very board, when someone made a similar thread, in which the humiliation of that Sid guy was posted. Utter kino.

>> No.21591459

>let's start being honest about the fact that most people here have gf's/wives
That's not true and you know it.

>> No.21591463

Haha yeah haha what a silly myth haha

>> No.21591490

It's just 100 people who discovered them a few days ago from the Kirac 27 trailer. Including me.

>> No.21591879

Good image

>> No.21591916

How is inviting unknown people over to have sex and film it "great art"? Really curious about your thought process here.
I can't deny it is an engaging social experiment, just like a reality show (that is not horrendous because it's short and straight to the point).

>> No.21592065

Maybe trim up a bit m8

>> No.21592075

Every “even the shy quiet girl in the back of the back of the class gets fucked by Chad” post should be accompanied by a cut of her getting railed by the first guy and then her calling the buttoned up dork an oaf.

>> No.21592174

Met him a few weeks ago (keep in mind that the KIRAC episode was filmed a year ago) and he seemed as self assured as you can get. Asked him what organization he's working with now and he casually answered 'I let my lights shine here and there.' Between Thierry 'Resistence Hero' Baudet and fucking Louis van Gaal
the guy is probably one of the most arrogant guys running around in the Netherlands right now.

>> No.21592232

>How is inviting unknown people over to have sex and film it "great art"?
That's a pretty dishonest and reductive characterization, like saying of any painting "how is some paint and canvas great art?".
It is wonderful because of the stakes and the implications and the thought it inspires, which is a damn sight more varied in this case than reality TV. It is a poignant exploration of character, self-image, lust and desire, etc.

>> No.21592280

I wish my incomprehensible ramblings were mildly popular so I could get arthoe pussy on demand.

>> No.21592320

You'd still have to be French. Anglosphere arthoes are insufferable.

>> No.21592684

They just are, Anon.

>> No.21592815
File: 386 KB, 740x400, bdk-slider-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good write up
>t. pol regular

she is perfect, just like a mix from my ex-gf and the next somewhat-gf from the German /pol/-right (= Neue Rechte) who ruined my life (and I hers in turn). Speaking of the Neue Rechte:

precisely, think off Thor Kunkel and such to be around the "Freimaurerorden" (= volkish lodges) and it's all huge LARP, ofc. his friends are sitting at important newspapers and other media, think FAZ, Welt, and such. They also loved Kalergi's work (who was part of the Freimaurerorden as well). It was funny to see that some people giving presentations or seminars on "the invitation" of the Herren from the lodges seemed to act as if it is some kind of duty (Pflicht). Saying that, I am pretty sure that the people are self-aware enough of "dumbing down" themselves esp. when facing the public: sapienti sat.

From what I could gather is that the goal is taking control of all intellectual branches relevant to politics in Germany, and I would tend to believe the "third temple" theory, i.e. building a control system with a few people outside of it, geographically that could be identified with Israel/Switzerland.

>> No.21592847

You can literally pay to fuck this one.

>> No.21593135

>be libtard
>tell people they're voting against their own interests whenever they don't support your agenda
>call populists arrogant
The cognitive dissonance is truly astounding to watch.

>> No.21593170

It proves their criticism is in a similar vein as that of Houellebecq (i.e. cultural hegemony of neoliberalism) and you were a retard for reducing everything to where a given person stands on pornography.

>> No.21593171

So women care about ability only when it's recognized by others / socially?

>> No.21593206

>how you treat this place as a super secret esoteric club
I don't. And I don't consider it as le epic winners of life normalfags larping as virgins either.

>> No.21593270

Usually, yes. If an ability isn't valued by society, then it can't be used to elevate oneself socially. A man's primary value is his ability to provide for his family -- this is not an arbitrary, malleable social construct, but something deeply ingrained in human evolution which always becomes the norm in the absence of artificial pressures -- so women generally judge your ability by the value assigned to it by society.

>> No.21593316

But that means they can be duped by whatever that society deems valuable...

>> No.21593351

Ding ding ding!

>> No.21593361

women never judged anything you retard, marriages were always arranged by the fathers. the majority of women fuck low value men all the time and even manage to get pregnant by them. women are not at all good at chosing mates, thats why theres rich incel autists and chad retards fucking a lot. to be truth poor (males) people fuck much more than rich people.