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File: 846 KB, 1704x2560, 912siL3k6vL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21585755 No.21585755 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book good or bad? I can't seem to ger a straight answer out of you faggots.

>> No.21585797

A devout orthodox Christian wrote it. If you can stand that cringe, be my guest. I have enough strength to deal with nihilism on my own

>> No.21585803

Any faggot who uses "cringe" as a noun has no right to judge taste.

>> No.21585931

You faggots use this lingo all the time. I never use in irl.
I’m code-switching for your sakes.
And this has not been a discussion of taste, anon.

>> No.21585938

>all 4chaners are the same
stopped reading there fuck off

>> No.21585997

So butt sore that there exists a person who isn’t cucked to the Orthodox Church, he’s gotta slide in there and accuse me of being a homosexual.
Fucking weak, unpleasant child.

>> No.21586043
File: 75 KB, 736x552, Blessed Seraphim Rose QUote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is worth the read. checked

>> No.21586046
File: 468 KB, 1440x1433, st.seraphimrose-20220925-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21586218



>> No.21586383

its good if you are anti-globohomo, its bad if you are pro-globohomo.

>> No.21586394

Its short and good read.
>You faggots use this lingo all the time
Only people who don't belong here, like you. I don't know why you try to fit in here, though. Its an anonymous imageboard, not a hivemind.

>> No.21586455
File: 17 KB, 350x306, Rose boyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A devout orthodox Christian
He ran a manrape farm with his San Francisco boyfriend Father Herman:

>> No.21586467

Rose was literally a gay man.

>> No.21586487
File: 350 KB, 1631x2504, same argument, different god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's similar to reading a Soviet-era Marxist polemic in that both have a privileged source of truth (Neo-Byzantine Empire/Soviet Union), and anything that goes against that privileged truth is automatically wrong by nature of its opposition.

Rose holds that the only ground for meaning is reconstructing the Byzantine Empire with an absolute emperor ruler governing an Orthodox monopoly church, which is God's will. Anything other than this is nihilism because it is not grounded on God's will.

Likewise to the old Soviet author anything opposing the Soviet Union was in opposition to history, was irrational, and mere ideology, etc. because it was inherently devoid of the sacred ground of truth that is Marxist-Leninism.

Similar arguments are made by Muslim authors who reject all man-made laws and norms as illegitmate because they are not based on sharia. Rose claims a privileged grounding of truth in Byzantine-era Orthodoxy, and then observes everything else lacks that privileged ground, and so is invalid nihilism.

What you make of those arguments is up to you. At best they are question begging because they presuppose the privileged nature of their truth source, and proceed to the consequences as if that were so.

>> No.21586496

Amazing to think how many San Francisco men this man touched.

>> No.21586782

I would agree that Rose does that, but not in Nihilism imo. He does of course evangelize in the book, but his case doesn't lean on church dogma.

>> No.21586857

It's like 75 pages long and like $10 just buy and read it in one sitting and find out lmao

>> No.21586872

Read last chapters first and the argument structure of the book is that.

>> No.21586888


>> No.21587695

Checked it. Yeah, the last chapters are orthobro heavy. But rest of the book is about truth if I remember right. About how modern ideologies are actually nihilist. Its very similar to Guenon and Evola, its about religion and god, but to be honest you can replace the god in the book with any god, not just Christian one.

>> No.21587713

>Only people who don't belong here
You’re a frog poster, aren’t you
>I don’t know why you try to fit in
It is a hivemind

Oh. Othos no different than caths, I see. So why is anonymous defending him? Hmm?

>> No.21587814

Worth it.

>> No.21587913

Nah, frogs are cancer.
There really is no in-group in imageboards, or not in ones filled with tourists at least. The one thing that always sticks out is attempt to enforce some social norm or ingroup. That's what you get with website full of outcasts, autists and weebs.

>> No.21587918

>There’s no peer pressure here!!
>He pressured

>> No.21588417

>There’s no peer pressure here!!
There really isn't, except someone will call you fag for something. But you will get called a faggot no matter what, so it doesn't matter except those that have thin skin.

>> No.21588478
File: 79 KB, 800x508, B_AiI9_XIAA67_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly put, this is my primary problem above all with Seraphim Rose's writing and why I can't meaningfully engage with him as a thinker

In his eyes, there is one correct viewpoint - HIS viewpoint - and if you don't strictly adhere to his worldview and his set of propositions, you aren't just wrong, you are actively part of the problem and perhaps even a tool of Satan himself; there is no willingness to look at any situation from any other perspective, nor any sufficient arguments presented as to why an ultra-sectarian fundamentalist Eastern Orthodox Christian viewpoint is indisputably superior to all other religious or ideological points of view

There is no genuine dialogue that can be had with someone who approaches all interactions with the unshakable presumption that they are 100% correct and you are objectively wrong - the only thing that CAN be done when both opponents think this way is, like the Christians and Muslims or the Catholics and Protestants did, to use violent force and impose your will until one side is subdued or dead

>> No.21588550

(Addendum from the same poster: This doesn't factor into any character judgment about Seraphim Rose himself, who I believe to have been a genuinely pious and earnest person and who outside of his writings was by all accounts a kindhearted and sincere individual - my critique is concerned solely with his published writings and the arguments contained therein)

>> No.21588581

To be honest, I think that is a trait with lot of American converts to orthodoxy. I think its the thing Tocqueville mentioned about American churches.

>> No.21588651

Guenon, Evola, Rose, and others like them all based their writing on direct knowledge from spiritual experience. Through heightened modes of being via intellection they gained insight into an objective metaphysical order to reality and realized that all other than the transcendent is ephemeral and nihilistic. Their experiences of non-dual awareness and grace granted them the acquirement of phronema. It is not the same as perspectival difference in human opinion as these regards are above humanity and possess a non-human character. In the case of Rose, he chose Orthodox Christianity as his tradition and so of course he defends the truth as it exists in his own faith; it is the vehicle with which he knows it.

>> No.21588916 [DELETED] 

>board is jam packed with conformity
>naw, we’re good here.
>it’s literally only you who uses these words I have an autistic hate-boner for


>I was that anon
Scarcely matters, d’n’t?

>> No.21588946

>board is jam packed with conformity
>naw, we’re good here.
>it’s literally only you who uses these words I have an autistic hate-boner for


>I wasn’t that anon
Scarcely matters, d’n’t?

>> No.21588965

Is a gay man not allowed to repent and leave his past sinful life?

>> No.21589897

And they're nihilist because they are not grounded on the privileged truth source (Orthodox Byzantine Empire), which pre-supposes the privileged nature of the preferred truth source, be that a Neo-Byzantine Empire, the Soviet-Union, Sharia law, etc.

>> No.21589921
File: 66 KB, 525x700, Seriphim Rose's boyfriend and man rapist Father Herman Gleb Podmoshensky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm sure a gay San Francisco hippy who starts a spiritual retreat in the woods outside the city with his with his boyfriend Gleb Podmoshensky (Father Herman) could in theory live a positive and wholesome life, but probably not when that spiritual retreat is used to rape dozens if not hundreds of men lured there by the promise of spiritual enlightenment from the gay hippy gurus>>21586455

>> No.21589977
File: 221 KB, 1014x1488, Seraphin Rose's boyfriend, Father Herman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seraphim Rose and Gleb Herman Podmoshensky were a pair of gay San Franciso hippies who after sexual and new age experimentation of the era settled on creating an Orthodox-themed spiritual retreat where dozens if not hundreds of men were raped because of the usual permissiveness granted to cult leaders by their acolytes.

That the cult lives on past its purpose of attracting men into the woods to be raped is testament to its power to lure would-be prey.

>> No.21590001
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, direct knowledge from spiritual experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based their writing on direct knowledge from spiritual experience
Well I guess we all need to base our lives on the teachings of the machine elves and make DMT users our mystic-philosopher-kings. Same argument from spiritual experience, different gods.

>> No.21590416

Conformity to what? Rules? Maybe, if you don't you get banned. Not that it stops anyone, bans are easy to dodge. So even those don't create conformity.
Hate boner for word I don't get, never had a problem with you using a word. I'm pointing out there is no speech code or in-group here. There's no link between me and the other anon. We're not even talking about same thing. Its you trying to connect the dots that aren't there.

>> No.21590724

Proof, or just slander?

>> No.21591035

>A devout orthodox Christian wrote it
That really doesn't say much about the book.