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File: 107 KB, 1627x686, literallyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21584956 No.21584956 [Reply] [Original]

Drop them

>> No.21584964
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>> No.21584968

Kys self-insertfag

>> No.21584971

>datamining thread
The Diary of a Rapist

>> No.21584972

(You): goyslop books meant to waste your time so that you stay a poor neofeudal peasant, while the children of the modern aristocracy hatefuck your sister and your future wife on a yacht

>> No.21584985
File: 157 KB, 1500x1500, AUTÓMATA ZUMBANTE II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Drop them

>[«LOLITA»] (NoT Me).

>> No.21585003

It's a great book but I could not relate at all to Humbert.
Reading is not time waste

>> No.21585261

we don't respond to tripfags here.

>> No.21585272

He can, and he thinks of you as an "NPC" for it.
He's a disgusting catholic pedo

>> No.21585438
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>> No.21585443

>OP admits to being a submissive cuck
Imagine my shock

>> No.21585855
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>> No.21585975

not me
>all the gay shit

>Sun and Steel
>pdf guide to stretching
>the hobbit

>> No.21585987
File: 259 KB, 896x1120, 1674972372070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not me
>>all the gay shit
>>Sun and Steel (by mishima (who was gay as fuck))

>> No.21585992

I didn't mean gay shit in the literal meaning ie. homosexuality, I meant it along the lines of "modern word and values and behavior"
I really don't care if someone enjoys some greek love, not my problem. But just don't be cringe and faggot in public.

>> No.21586865
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