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21584144 No.21584144 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone hyped for Houellebecq's sextape?

>> No.21584189

no. get your book translated you FAGGOT.

>> No.21584213
File: 292 KB, 700x386, 1668233284124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak french fluently
also a sextape isn't a book

>> No.21584266

>I speak french fluently
then translate anteater for us

>> No.21584275

do you mean anéantir?
not sure why I'd read, let alone translate, a book about Houellebecq sucking Bruno le Maire's dick

>> No.21584299

y'all gonna lose it when he whips out da BWC

>> No.21584570

his wife is hotter tho

>> No.21584588
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>the leading right-wing author is a hideous degenerate sex-pest cuckold

>> No.21584664
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"Other parts of the world have monkeys, Europe has the French, which compensates.” - Schopenhauer

>> No.21585069

I'm French and I would never do disgusting shit like that, Houellebecq is just a degenarate, and Schopenhauer a faggot

>> No.21585135

Why are fr*nchoids like this?

>> No.21585193

Islam (or African animist religion, whichever group becomes a majority first) will set them straight, brother. Inshallah!

>> No.21585210

If you know English well enough to shitpost on /lit/ then you're pretty much obligated to know enough French to read a Houellebecq joint. Anything less is embarrassing. Chop chop.

>> No.21586035

What is /lit/'s consensus on Houellebecq? I thought Soumission and Extension du domain de la lutte were good, but Serotonine was average at best. Is there anything else that is worth reading? I can read French fluently so that's not an issue.

>> No.21586056
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Just how many did they line up for him>

>> No.21586062
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>not posting the trailer

>> No.21586096

women are absolutely the most disgusting creatures on this planet.
writers like keats absolutely astound me when they write love letters or poems like 'bright star'
how the fuck could one ever love a creature as filthy and lowly as the human woman?

>> No.21586098

Because in reality you don't love the person but the idea

>> No.21586100

>every woman is the same
that's what women say about men

>> No.21586147

> how the fuck could one ever love a creature as filthy and lowly as the human woman?
a homosexual such as yourself will never understand, anon.

>> No.21586183


A healthy society will do everything it can to hide this and present women as refined, ethereal creatures. "Das Ewig-Weibliche / Zieht uns hinan" & all that. A degenerate society, like ours, will do the opposite.

>"Alcohol is like love," he said. "The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off."

>"Is that bad?" I asked him.

>"It's excitement of a high order, but it's an impure emotion — impure in the aesthetic sense. I'm not sneering at sex. It's necessary and it doesn't have to be ugly. But it always has to be managed. Making it glamorous is a billion-dollar industry and it costs every cent of it."

>He looked around and yawned. "I haven't been sleeping well. It's nice in here. But after a while the lushes will fill the place up and talk loud and laugh and the goddam women will start waving their hands and screwing up their faces and tinkling their goddam bracelets and making with the packaged charm which will later on in the evening have a slight but unmistakable odor of sweat."

>"Take it easy," I said. "So they're human, they sweat, they get dirty, they have to go to the bathroom. What did you expect — golden butterflies hovering in a rosy mist?"

— Raymond Chandler, 'The Long Goodbye'

More explicitly:


>Above — the well-known lips, delicately downed.
>Below — beard between thighs.

>Above — her brow, the notable casket of gems.
>Below — the belly with its blood-knot.

>Above — many a painful frown.
>Below — the ticking bomb of the future.

>Above — her perfect teeth, with the hint of a fang at the corner.
>Below — the millstones of two worlds.

>Above — a word and a sigh.
>Below — gouts of blood and babies.

>Above — the face, shaped like a perfect heart.
>Below — the heart's torn face.

— Ted Hughes (from 'Crow')

Or if you want a pithy humorous take on the whole business:

>"No man should marry until he has studied anatomy and dissected at least one woman."

— Honore de Balzac
>"Excreting is the curse that threatens madness because it shows man his abject finitude, his physicalness, the likely unreality of his hopes and dreams. But even more immediately, it represents man's utter bafflement at the sheer non-sense of creation: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are; to bring this out of nothing, out of the void, and make it shine in noonday; to take such a miracle and put miracles again within it, deep in the mystery of eyes that peer out-the eye that gave even the dry Darwin a chill; to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits! It is too much. Nature mocks us, and poets live in torture."

-Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.21586184

then love is pointless
yeah i know i'm probably wrong to use so broad a brush, but i've yet to meet a nice woman
i wish i was gay or asexual such that i didn't have to deal with women
think about this: have feelings of love brought you more happiness or more sadness?
for me it's more sadness by far

>> No.21586187

>"The ultimate horror for Swift was the fact that the sublime, the beautiful, and the divine are inextricable from basic animal functions. In the head of the adoring male is the illusion that sublime beauty "is all head and wings, with no bottom to betray” it. In one of Swift’s poems a young man explains the grotesque contradiction that is tearing him apart. Nor wonder how I lost my Wits; Oh! Caelia, Caelia, Caelia shits!"

Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.21586197

Reminder that women are whores and they want to be fucked for free by the countless authors who talk about sex in their books

>> No.21586206


women like things that have become Things

women would suck their shit off your dick if they knew you were a Thing, but you are just a thing

bukowski is a Thing

bukowski is Bukowski

women would never fuck bukowski, or "a bukowski," but they'lI fuck Bukowski

women would never fuck a tiny jittery nervous clever jew with amazing wit and intelligence, but no boisterous alpha vehicle to convey it with, but they will fuck the shit out of Woody Allen, because Woody Allen is a THING

women are the worst pieces of shit you could possibly imagine. in the absence of Things to want to fuck, they will either look to men to define those things (via male-constructed hierarchies like academia, or via the male's capacity to actually appreciate art and greatness without having been told something is great beforehand), or even more grotesquely, they will look to other women

when women can't decide whether something is a Thing or not, they will just look to other women nearby, and as all the women look to each other, a harmonic resonance will be achieved, an endless buzzing stochastic fucking white noise of perceptionless nothingness, and then from within that endless jiggling universe of undifferentiated particles eventually you'll get some hydrogen, eventually you'll get clumps, and eventually women will intersubjectiveIy, collectively, and completely unconsciously which clumps of matter have the supermassive quasar cocks worth sucking

if you want to be great, search deep within yourself for greatness

if you want to fuck women, use sleight of hand to convince them that someone else already ratified you as great

a woman wouldn't be able to tell a george carIin from a fart joke, but they will orbit Dane Cook for eternity because the TV said he was a Thing

>> No.21586272

based women dabbing on the plebs like the true goddesses they are
except the fat ones of course

>> No.21586277

WHEN is it releasing?

>> No.21586278

>yeah i know i'm probably wrong to use so broad a brush, but i've yet to meet a nice woman
So is your mom a bitch?

>> No.21586302

>mfw it's real

>> No.21586312

Are they going to set him up like that other guy?

>> No.21586333
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1674398904672975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they exploiting him in an unspeakably grotesque way? Yes.
Will Houellebecq lose a goddamn thing material or immaterial? No.
Who will be the losers in the aftermath? Anyone who watches this "art project" reality tv porn. It'll be the rickrolling vid of /lit/ for generations to come, I guarantee you this much.

>> No.21586334

Is writing books a solution to being a incel?

>> No.21586344

>Are they going to set him up like that other guy?

>It'll be the rickrolling vid of /lit/ for generations to come, I guarantee you this much.

>Are they exploiting him in an unspeakably grotesque way? Yes
You talk as if he isn't a well-lived adult.

>> No.21586510

He was like 23; he hadn't time enough to become Learned in Their ways.

>> No.21587023

I just watched that episode and Sid Lukkassen wasn't "set up". The situation was completely open and she would definitely have fucked him (she is a HUGE slut) if he hadn't been so intensely, intensely autistic. I mean just from the very beginning, he looks into her boudoir, doesn't acknowledge her, then clams up and stalls as much as he can. This shit reminds me of myself when I was 16 and also struck out, that intense autism and fear, but Sid is fucking 35 and knew what he was getting into beforehand.
This is a man who writes page after page about traditional gender roles and the need for strong masculine agency and women being deferential to this agency, and receptive of the sexual agency of men, and then, when a naked woman is lying on top of him and rubbing her tits all over him, he freezes, lies completely still, becomes a total blubbery baby, completely without agency but with loads of needs that have to be taken care of, AND THEN STARTS COMPLAINING that they are not being met. He is literally anti-sex and anti-masculinity, and it is profoundly hilarious. It is this absolute essence of passivity, of anti-sex and anti-masculinity that turns the girl off completely (despite her being a MASSIVE slut, really a testament to how anti-sex Sid's behavior is: autists should watch this shit for a comprehensive guide what NOT to do during a sexual encounter), and after that, sure, they start fucking with him because he has already monumentally failed, but that was not a result given in advance.

While I can see how people could call it a "set-up" because of the consequences, the COMPLETE and PUBLIC disintegration and deconstruction of his entire persona, that was not a result that was given or planned in advance, but one that naturally occured once his delusional ideology and self-image was put to the test.
Honestly an amazing character study and better art than much else published today - and the idea that these are "bad dumb woke leftists" trying to misogyny- or rape-bait him is retarded, the movie shits on them as well, it literally opens with a montage of joyful pornography, how much women just love being treated like animal fucktoy, much in the vein of how Sid's adjacent ideologies write about women's sexuality, the counterrole to which Sid hilariously cannot play.

>> No.21587210

Not unless they play a medley of Je t'aime... Moi Non Plus and Lemon Incest over the act.
I also better get a damn good shot of Wellbeck's O face to use as a reaction image.

>> No.21587838

It should be Venga Boys with Boom Boom Boom to fuck with them.

>> No.21588178

I read it in Bulgarian 4 months ago. When I was in Rome in 2021 italians already had.

Like you literally need to be duolingual and you could read it.

>> No.21588183

He cucks his wife though. I thought when Anna from RedScare invited him for an interview and then Michel's asian wife said yes but only if they arrange a threesome, that it was a joke and they never answered Anna. Not so sure now.

>> No.21588199

>I thought when Anna from RedScare invited him for an interview and then Michel's asian wife said yes but only if they arrange a threesome, that it was a joke and they never answered Anna. Not so sure now.

>> No.21588216

She said so in an episode of the podcast.

>> No.21588261

>[commentary on the destructive aspects of neoliberalism]
Why are you retards like this?

>> No.21588272

read this as mixtape and laughed til i cried hearing it so vividly. lets get that instead. whose producing the beats

>> No.21588296

He hates the left and the libs, that is sure. He just knows he can't commit to being trad. You ever read a book by him ever?

>> No.21588317

Dare I say, based?

>> No.21588323

Someone describe his cock to me, I don't really want to see it but I need to know if I'm packing more than this shrivelled up goblin man

>> No.21588328

Too much jewish admixture

>> No.21588332

He hates the left, that doesn't mean he's right-wing.

>> No.21588340

God you fags are delusional.

>> No.21588341

>use sleight of hand to convince them
"I'm kind of a big deal"

>> No.21588379

I hate sex.
I hate masturbation.
I hate people who think these are le good. In total I've had a few thousand ejaculations. I count these moments and events leading up to them as a total loss, multiplied by the solidification of habit. Not to mention the dysphoria and post coital sadness. People cope and act like it has no other effect. Reduced focus, dampened motivation, anhedonia to other joys after four times in a day. Pathetic animal tier behavior, taints the memory and thought process. What a clown world. Retard moralfag religious people are the only ones opposed to it. It makes no sense. There are many materialist and deterministic reasons why humans are stupid animals and why our constitution, body, and minds are flawed. What a joke, just some pleasure afforded to you by evolutionary design and you reinforce and go back to it like a rat in a skinnerian box aimlessly pressing a lever. If you actually assessed what sexual activity does, you'd realize how draining it is and worse feel how it subverts one's agency. If you have an IQ over 150, you'd know it's a horrible burden to endure. Sex positive people are midwits so they aren't plagued with phenomenological questions, so they fundamentally don't care, so precisely they are like cattle. That's why they aren't bothered with the reality of needing to work 40 hours a week and see nothing wrong with it either.

>> No.21588387

have sex

>> No.21588391

>just from the very beginning, he looks into her boudoir, doesn't acknowledge her
Sounds like a chad move to me. He should have completely ignored her and left through the whole ordeal.

>> No.21588415

I agree. The only people who "need" masturbation are people who got into the habit of childishly using it every day just for something to do, like cigarettes, or playing a terrible multiplayer video game you are simply addicted to and don't even enjoy.

Remove porn from society and this problem mostly solves itself. Normal people just don't masturbate that much when they aren't basement-dwellers. They're too busy and they naturally prefer to channel their interests elsewhere. I think occasional masturbation is normal enough. Once in a while in the shower or in bed. Excessive masturbation is a modern invention and is downstream of porn and constant titillation from young women dressing like whores and acting like children into their 30s, not the other way around.

>> No.21588450
File: 112 KB, 600x597, Erastes_eromenos_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_1468[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree, its not like you have anything better to do with your life anyway. You either shitpost on the internet, or masturbate. Humanoids are just dumb rationalizing animals.
>le "new" bad
>le "old" good
The only thing that has changed is that everything is more apparent thanks to instant access to almost everything. Nothing has really changed outside of that.

>> No.21588459

>that pic
>Creepy nigga with a psycho smile
>boy with an expression of terror
Why yes, this is a depiction of Athenian homosexual "love"

>> No.21588476

Anything that isn't left-wing is considered right-wing.

>> No.21588483

By leftists.

>> No.21588488

>be me
>see Jini ask her friend to put a radish up her perfect butthole
>she pulls it out
>she eats the ass-radish while looking into the camera
>she smiles
>I will never eat radishes out of Jinis asshole while she smiles and giggles
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.21588537

>Anything that isn't left-wing is considered right-wing
Wrong. Anything that isn't left-wing is considered EXTREME right-wing.

>> No.21588575


>> No.21588604
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, Ella Hollywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Athenian homosexual "love"
can't blame them for chasing "men" who can't grow beards desu

>> No.21589117

Chud is a complement now,.

>> No.21590486

Men who can't grow beards have more free Testosterone and less DHT. More body hair = more likely to be a faggot. Same could be applied to facial hair.

>Higher body hair with lower mesmorphism ratings were observed in Caucasian homosexual men compared with the general male population, reflecting elevated 5alpha-reductase (5alphaR) activity, and higher dihydrotestosterone-to-testosterone (DHT-to-T)

You're just coping from being a sodomite subhuman who was prefigured to look like a beast and not a person. Hyclic faggot subhmans seethe and want to destroy something better than them becauss they envy. Kys.

>> No.21590493

desu his wife is kinda cute. she could probably glow up with a nosejob but i kinda want to suck on her massive schnozz

>> No.21590501

Men do the exact same shit it just doesn't bother you

The main difference with women is they're less interested in physical dimensions, and are more likely to get with someone physically ugly if they are compelling in other respects. Very disgusting. Meanwhile men are totally elevated in being more focused on appearances.

Regarding the famous, the difference isn't that significant. Most dudes would bone a famous woman for being famous. You just view men and women differently

>> No.21590507

It sickens me when an attractive woman is with an average of ugly looking man. I judge the woman for it and hold her in contempt.

>> No.21590511

This. I see women everyday who are hotter than celebs that guys drool over.

>> No.21590523

You clearly have never been in a loving relationship. I will marry my gf and we will have many babies.

>> No.21590538

you literally have it backwards lmao women are ruthless regarding appearance which is why we are re-entering the harem era in the west. they only want chad mostly. it just so happens that one's appearance says a lot about how interesting/attractive their mind might be. conversely, men will settle for mental and/or physical table scraps because they often have to.

ugly bastard-pilled chicks are a lot rarer than your animes and yuro art hos would have you believe.

>> No.21590549

No, women aren't a hive mind and their desires differ. Some women want sex with hot men, which is fine. Some women want to settle down with a man in their league, which is fine. There is no one rule to describe the complex nature of human sexuality.

>> No.21590563

no shit, this is all relative of course but ultimately the proof is in the pudding. look at the rise of incels etc., women are obviously more picky for evolutionary reasons. that doesn't mean they aren't complex individuals with differing tastes but you are drunk on absinthe filtered through that kirac chick's panties if you think women on average are as willing to settle or fuck uglies as men are.

>> No.21590568

You must be low T, if I don't ejaculate for a week I have a constant erection and testicle pain.

>> No.21590586

Testosterone above average has no relation with sexual frequency. The primary hormone associated with its frequency is DHT which increases about 20% after masturbation. You've just been indulging in it so much that your prostate and cowpers glands are inflamed which causing feedback that precipitates epidymal hypertension impelling you to do it again.

>> No.21590587

My take is that men have become disinterested in sex, me included. I cannot speak for the whole world, but personally I really don't care if I have a gf and get to fuck. However, the last two relationships I have had were initiated by women, and it is usually my gf who initiates sex.

Women still do their part by doing their best to appear desirable. They dress slutty, they purposefully flash their asses in public, but it is men who have become numb to their seductions. Women continue to the human race, and men in large part are failing them because it's easier to just watch porn and be done with your sexual desires in five minutes for the day. Personally I find my gf attractive, and she does well at seducing me but porn makes sex in may ways obsolete.

>> No.21590601

>fapping once or twice a week gives you inflamation

>> No.21590603

Well I would argue men are being turned into retarded soi golems with shitty bodies and minds because they have always been treated as disposable but things are becoming extreme due to modern giga-c*pitalism.

it is truly a doggy dog world and males are a diamond dozen. say luh vee.

>> No.21590615

>it just so happens that one's appearance says a lot about how interesting/attractive their mind might be.
I want you to show me these chad genius. kek

>> No.21590618

attractive people have more opportunities which means they are on average more educated. cope harder.

>> No.21590624

They choose our champions for us, anon.
How better to discredit your opponent, than actively raise the worst of their ranks to have a voice of power.

Andrew Tate is a perfect example of this practice. Real life straw men.

>> No.21590637

>attractive people have more opportunities which means they are on average more educated. cope harder.
Don't make me post a list of pics of mathematicians, philosophers and stuff.
It's too late, I don't wanna get scared.

>> No.21590642

>How better to discredit your opponent, than actively raise the worst of their ranks to have a voice of power.
This. Seeing that video, I can't believe that KIRAC people are in good faith.

>> No.21590643

Some stats say good looking people are more intelligent on average but I also think that the true geniuses often look weird.

>> No.21590666

just because sedentary jobs were historically filled with slobs doesn't mean that hot people aren't generally more often afforded the opportunity to grow intellectually. that class of people is becoming way more health/appearance conscious these days anyway and shit's truly going to get wild when designer babies take off.

>> No.21590669

Guillaume Faye also starred in porn. His opinion was that it was fun to record it but he doesn't envy people who watch it. French people things.

>> No.21590700

This, Dante could have never written what he did if he has actually gotten Beatrice.

>> No.21591003

No, why would we? It's gross.

>> No.21591017

Instead of THE ARISTOCRATS it should be THE FRENCH.

>> No.21591461

Aren't non-twink faggots hyper masculine?

>> No.21591476

>testicle pain.
I tried the nofap meme once and can confirm. Erections subsided after a while, but the tension in my balls and constant frustration was unbearable.

>> No.21591481

>muh ebil capitalism
Dilate, pinko

>> No.21591559
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>> No.21591572


Please tell me, folks: What is Houellebecq's secret? Just being rich and famous? Women don't even read his books, or do they?
They are written so explicitly form a male perspective it seems that a woman would never be a Houellebecq fangirl. Or do women actually read him and like him? So basically he's getting pussy because he is a rich and famous author? That's it, right?

If you hear him talk in interviews, he doesn't even have interesting things to say. He doesn't seem to be a good conversationalist.

>> No.21591663
File: 67 KB, 396x385, 1673869185038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know why but I'm seething

>> No.21591729


>> No.21591795

He didn't say he masturbated once per week. He said he can't go a week abstaining from it without incurring testicular pain which implies a high frequency suddenly ceased by which the mechanisms described are responsible for causing the sensation. Your brain must be very smooth.

>> No.21591841

I guess you could say that she... is, a Hollebecq girl?
Your joke was funnier, mine was a sample of a sample of Fiddler On The Roof

>> No.21591848

I am that guy. I can't go much longer than a week, so I do it about once a week.

>> No.21591925

How do u get one

>> No.21591959

le pro-capitalist tranny annihilator has arrived

>> No.21591960

the denial of death quotes will never not be funny
>nooooo pooping is disgusting, the poets are sad because their muses shit!

>> No.21591966
File: 170 KB, 777x1200, Houellebecq, Michel - Atomised (Vintage, 2001).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a baby, I am gonna do nofap and go to the gym daily so a bitch falls in love so badly with me she will have my kid, my next nut is a baby, fuck it. If we take in consideration how both the body and the universe works, this bulidup of energy will ONLY manifest pussy towards me, I will have as many kids as I can with as many women, will report back once I got a bitch pregnant, IT WILL HAPPEN this year, zero doubt. The bulidup of energy and testosterone in the body during nofap will manifest me a girl that will be willing to have my baby.

>> No.21591967

it's over

>> No.21591973


>> No.21591981


>> No.21592092
File: 37 KB, 474x534, rock out with your cock out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has less to do with Houellebecq and more to do with the girl. She has an artistic mindset and wants to experience extreme things from the entire spectrum of human existence. Like fucking a gross old guy who writes zesty longform shitposts that have made him famous lol.

Or to put it in pleb terms from my gamer days: she has the mentality of a Noise Marine.

>> No.21592251

Feminst do hate read him. I actually learn when his book is transalted because a sex-positive art hoe I know posts so on FB since she works at the publisher.

But regarding Michel..... he probably is a cool guy to talk to. Way more than other artists that censor themselfs as to not offend anyone.

>> No.21592257

Дa бe. Кoй тyй.

>> No.21592531

>right-wing author

Houllebecq is a centrist

>It's the same at Cap d'Agde—apparently they've closed the dunes to the public. The decision was taken by the Society for the Protection of the Coast, which is completely run by the eco-warriors. People weren't doing any harm, they were just having a nice orgy, but apparently they were disturbing the terns. Terns are a type of sparrow. Well, fuck the terns!" Bruno shouted. "They're trying to stop us fucking, and now they want to stop us eating sheep's cheese, the fucking Nazis.
The Socialists are in on it too. They hate sheep because sheep are conservative, whereas everyone knows wolves are left-wing-which is kind of strange, because wolves look like German shepherds and they're clearly on the extreme right. Who're
you gonna trust?"

>> No.21592688

What the hell does quotes from characters have to say about the author?

Houllebecq hates liberals the most, especially the PMC sanitized ones. He thinks socialists might as well not exists and that right-wingers don't have will and soul to do the right thing. He endorsed Trump and not in the Zizek accelrationist endorsement of Trump.

>> No.21592872
File: 45 KB, 769x575, jinglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

хaхaхa, дoбъp вeчep; нe знaeх, чe бpoдиш из /лит/
Унищoжeниe зacлyжaвa ли cи? Пpoчeтoх „Eлeмeнтapнитe чacтици“ пpeди някoлкo мeceцa и чecтнo нe мe тpoгнa мнoгo.

>> No.21592885

Aми peaлнo Унищoжeниe нa мeн ми e дocтa личнa книгa, зaщoтo имaм poднинa в зaпaднa "peхaбилитaциoннa" бoлницa и в книгaтa тoвa e дocтa гoлямa тeмa, нo тoвa e дaлeчнa тeмa зa пoвeчeтo бългapи(пoнe тyкa cи глeдaмe poднинитe). Инaчe пo-дoбpe Пoдчинeниe пpoчeти, cпopeд мeн.

>> No.21592950

It's called a WMD

Yea, but wasn't Faye a degenerate alcoholc?

>> No.21592962
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Блaгoдapя, изглeждa любoпитнo.
Cъжaлявaм зa cpoдникa ти... тyк в Hидepлaндия cъщo ca лyди пo тeзи бoлници и дopи тe глeдaт cтpaннo, aкo cи пpoтив.

>> No.21592970

нe тe e тpoгнaлa мнoгo зaщoтo e пълнo лaйнo
Уeлбeк тpябвa дa гo oбecят нa някoй пapижки плoщaд зaeднo c цялaтa тpyпa пoтни бoклyци, кoитo минaвaт зa вaжни aвтopи нa зaпaд
for the monolingual natures among us:
Atomised is bad and we should hang Houellebecq

>> No.21593569

Иcтинaтa, e чe aкo чoвeк тpябвa дa глeдa бoлeн poднинa живoтът мy e cвъpшил aкo пpeди тoвa вeчe нe ce e oжeнил пpeди дa ce cлyчи лoшoтo. He виждaм кaк чoвeк щe oткaжe дъpжaвaтa дa глeдa бoлният чoвeк aкo e бeзплaтнo.

Aмa тo caмo Уeлбeк и oщe 2-3мa ca вaжни aвтopи. Кoй пък щe oбecвaш тoлкoвa?