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21583746 No.21583746 [Reply] [Original]

Why do male authors slut-shame and "punish" their female characters for extramarital affairs (Emma Bovary, Anna Karenina etc) when science has conclusively proven that some dicking on the side is good for them?

>> No.21583751

If they're not having sex with me they're bad people. Simple as.

>> No.21583755

Is this a real article? Link?

>> No.21583756

your guys's wives are fucking other people lol

>> No.21583759
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>> No.21583775
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>> No.21583780

It's real but
>Daily Mail
Thier source is "Tillburg Uni". Idk if thats a reputable uni or not.

>> No.21583791

Really the shaming occurs due to indiscretion, women aren't supposed to be as overt about their infidelity as men are due to its purported vulgarity.

>> No.21583806

It's biologically rooted.

>> No.21583811

Nobody cares as long as it done discreetly.

>> No.21583819

People with more than 15 sex partners have a 90% chance of divorce in any given marriage. The equivalent of playing Russian roulette with 10 chambers and 9 bullets

>> No.21583828

It's enforced social construct, people aren't monogamous naturally but women had to endure severe consequences for their natural behavior.

>> No.21583843

everyone thinks that no longer enforcing these norms will lead to a collapse in society, but things are still trending up. so maybe we don't need them after all. we are even dealing with the surplus/useless males impotent rage surprisingly well.

>> No.21583846

>things are still trending up
No they aren't, and the number of children raised by single parents growing to 50% in just a couple generations has been particularly disastrous.

>> No.21583853

>people aren't monogamous naturally
A women can only procreate with one man. They are monogamous. It's men who are not since they can impregnate multiple women at once.

>> No.21583867

Yeah but that hasn't led to decling standards of living or higher crime or anything measurable like that. Just people saying well this is a sign of bad times to come. Well what if the bad times never come

>> No.21583868

If she doesn't have kids and you put one in her I guess that makes you the alpha male from a natural selection perspective so I'm probably fine with women fucking around, as long as you don't get cucked.

>> No.21583947

Monogamy isn’t infrequent in more intelligent animals. Many birds and primates are monogamous their entire lives.

>> No.21583957

I hate people like you who say “natural.” This or that is or isn’t natural in humans. It betrays your infernal subversive view of humans, that always trends downward. But you’re lying. If humans are animals, every single trait exhibited in them is natural. The widowed twenty year old mother who wears black every day til her death and never takes another lover is as equally natural as the bar-whore who likes to walk the edge of rape and consensuality in her drinking mannerisms. You can’t have it one or the other

>> No.21583958
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>Why do male authors slut-shame and "punish" their female characters for extramarital affairs
Because they come from the same school of thought YA authors who make the pretty popular girls the villains so their self-inserts can fuck the love interest who's a stand-in for the Chad they pined for in high school.
>If I can't be happy, no one can.
All this bullshit about men this and women that is so lame when you can just reduce it to what Mencken said years ago:
>Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

>> No.21583966

I that a real name?

>> No.21583967

Yes it has. You are very stupid anon.

>> No.21583973

so once you pop one out youre locked down forever?

>> No.21583976

Do you know the statistics behind single-parent children?

>> No.21583977

This. For women cheating is okay and healthy. Cucks need to stfu.

>> No.21583980

This is just patently false. Also the problem of single parent households, in America especially, is chiefly the lack of income and the inability of the parents to participate in the workforce.

>> No.21583981

Women are monogamous if possible for resource allocation but will cheat for superior genetics. Men are naturally polygamous and only restricted by available resources.

>> No.21583993

>this is just patently false
I'm not much of a soooourcer but it's well-documented that growing up in a single parent household is hugely negative. They try to hush it up a bit because they want the family unit to be destroyed and for single mothers to be seen as incredibly heroic. I'm sorry but you are probably one of the dumbest anons on 4chan.

>> No.21583994

Essentially. Since you have to rely on the father to protect and feed the child so it's impractical to move on to a different man at that point.

>> No.21583996

Anon are you mentally retarded?

>> No.21584004

>I'm not much of a soooourcer but it's well-documented that growing up in a single parent household is hugely negative.
This is true in that children of single parent households generally have worse outcomes than those growing up in a nuclear family, but the original assertion here was that it has led to increased crime rates and declining living standards, which is untrue.

>> No.21584009

>Why do male authors slut-shame and "punish" their female characters for extramarital affairs

Because women expect men as a group to pay for their indiscretions and their bastard children through taxation. I wouldn't care about female promiscuity if it did nothing to my wallet.

>> No.21584012

How does worse outcomes for more people not constitute a decline in living standards in your mind? And yes, it very clearly correlates to more crime.

>> No.21584014

Yes. Or you can be a prostitute or begger.

>> No.21584028

Based. My gf can cheat all she wants just don't make me pay for it.

>> No.21584029

Because neither the statistical standard of living nor crime rate has increased in any appreciable amount following an increase in single parent households, in fact the statistical trend has been the opposite. It's just less optimal in comparison to two-parent households, primarily as a function of economic security.

>> No.21584040

Seems weird that its the natural default.

Considering the male response, and that you would imagine in a natural world of competition it would be disadvantageous to willingly lose your shot at spreading your gene line forward, it seems just as hardwired for men to hate this.

How could not wanting to be genetically usurped be a learned social construct? To successfully spread genes is the driver of this whole madness, but this male primate is somehow immune to having preference towards his goal?

>> No.21584043

Simply compare the rates of criminality between those who grew up with 2 parents vs 1.

>> No.21584047

Based materialist

>> No.21584058

ITT one guy spamming his weird ntr fetish

that isn't what he was saying.
If your girlfriend cheats and gets pregnant, the state will force you to pay for the bastard child, thereby locking you into a relationship with the whore.
If the state didn't do that, you could just leave the bitch.

>> No.21584063

I won't dispute that, but the fact remains that even though single-parent households have increased steadily over the past five decades, the crime rate has steadily declined within the same time period.

>> No.21584078

And that's the result of other factors. All things being equal, more single parent households = more crime, provably.

>> No.21584083

It's in the Netherlands, so yes.

>> No.21584088

But then logically the same factors that reduce crime elsewhere would also apply to single parent households. I would also posit that the difference between a single and two-parent household would diminish when controlling for income and/or wealth, since of course single parent households are likely to also be at the very bottom of income and wealth distribution.

>> No.21584105

I dont think you should use the word logically when you have no idea what it means.
>crime is overall decreasing (caused by many factors)
>those raised by single parents are more likely to commit crime than those raised by two parents, statistically and provably
>thus the prevelance of children being raised in single parent households means there is more crime than if they were being raised in 2 parent households

As for your second point about how it would diminish when you account for income/wealth, that's a symptom of being raised in a single parent household and a contributing factor. It's not some different thing that you can wave away.

I talk to stupid people a lot on 4chan but you're really dumb.

>> No.21584107

>sedating the worker units with consumables and meaningless sex will counter the effects of destroying everything good and fulfilling
Why are your plans always like this?

>> No.21584113
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>but violent crime is decreeeeeasing
>so nothing can be wrooooooong

>> No.21584122

everyone thinks that no longer enforcing these norms will lead to a collapse in society, but things are still trending up. so maybe we don't need them after all. we are even dealing with the surplus/useless males impotent rage surprisingly well.

>> No.21584124

Then why has the crime rate declined simultaneously? The effect is there but it must not be very large if it is entirely erased by other factors. I also bring up the income/wealth aspect because it appears to have more explanatory power than simply the presence of an additional parent.
This is meaningless. The distribution of income is important due to access to services, opportunity for education and of course the ability to actually spend time raising and caring for your child.

>> No.21584126

The state is the root of all problems in life.

>> No.21584129

That doesnt sound like a self serving bias at all

>> No.21584131

Because men think sex for women is easy, because they're idiots.

>> No.21584136

>then why has the crime rate declined simultaneously?
Because of numerous different factors. The causal link between single parent households and more crime is well-documented. This is what I mean about not being able to use logic.
>the income appears to have more explanatory power
It appears this way to you because you are an idiot. But even if it were the case, I already explained to you that less money is a direct result of single parentage most of the time. In almost all cases in fact.

I really hope you don't consider yourself intelligent. You can't think.

>> No.21584142

Because it's disgusting. Cope as much as you want, if you cheat, you're trash.

>> No.21584143

What about when she catches a std from whoring herself out then comes to sit on your willy?

>> No.21584147

what does that even mean?

>> No.21584150

It is easier. Perhaps not so easy for a trans woman like you

>> No.21584151

all you do is insult people! You're the one who can't think!
Have you considered that the excess production, or other beneficial factors from society being structured in this new way more than makes up for whatever isolated factor you are autisticly focused on??

>> No.21584154

The discord trannies are out in full force tonight. This thread is an offspring of that other Flaubert thread where that cuckold projects it's cuckoldry onto other man justifying whore's actions. Sage.

>> No.21584172

I'm insulting you because you're a moron.
>Have you considered that the excess production, or other beneficial factors from society being structured in this new way more than makes up for whatever isolated factor you are autisticly focused on??
More goytoys, goyslop, and goymeds are not beneficial to anyone, and technological progress could be used to enhance people's lives in a drastic manner far beyond the antihuman destructive course we're seeing. Have you considered that?

>> No.21584176

The problem is that you are acting as if the causal link is mechanistic rather than probabilistic, and as can be seen from the trend of a declining crime rate the association is not convincingly strong.
>I already explained to you that less money is a direct result of single parentage most of the time
Resulting from the position of women in the workplace, which could be mitigated by parental leave and subsidized or free childcare.

>> No.21584181

yes i have but conveniently for me, all the numbers showing how people are doing are going up still. you on the other hand point to shit that leads to other shit that maybe causes this or that but never really gets reflected in the actual bottom line. isn't that crazy?

>> No.21584185

>as can be seen from the trend of declining crime rates
But single parent households still produce more crime, so it could be reduced further if more parents stuck together.
>low income could be alleviated by parental leave and childcare
Or by individuals making better informed choices on who they marry and then sticking it out for the benefit of their children. Encouraging this would be of great benefit to everyone.

>> No.21584191

Nigga a rising tide raises all boats. Despite beneficial factors improving everyone's lives the single parent households are still worse off and the children they raise are usually riddled with mental illnesses probably like you.

>> No.21584193

>At the community level, the concentration of single-mother families is one of the most powerful predictors of youth crime. An understanding of this relationship is important in devising crime control policies as well as community support for single-mother families.

>> No.21584197

I can't believe this is not second nature to this fucking retard. Let's hope his wife cucks him and he doesn't pass on the tard genes.

>> No.21584201

you don't get it. maybe the rising tide that is lifting all boats would not happen without these societal changes

>> No.21584206

Hes either incapable of reasoning at a basic level or he's here in bad-faith and probably wearing a yamaka while he posts. I made this anon's point at least 3 times already
And he still won't understand.

>> No.21584209

>it would be impossible for crime to go down if not for 50% of kids being raised in single parent households
>even though that in itself is one of the greatest risk factors (well-documented) for criminality
You are a complete retard and I actually feel bad for you.

>> No.21584210

Are you implying that we should welfare queen single mothers because they got their roast beef pussy impregnated by some retard?

>> No.21584221

no, but that stuff like women in the workplace, and greater women autonomy and power could lead to much more vibrant economies and also lead to more single parent households. it is not saying that the later is good, just that on net, this new societal structure is better. you dummies!

>> No.21584229

Why would those things lead to more single parent households? What leads to single parent households is divorce.
>this new societal structure is better
It isn't, and if economic prosperity had been keeping up with production we'd all be earning well over double what we do on average. Things are improving much less than they should be, and there's no substitute for being raised by two parents who love and respect each other when it comes to development of oneself and one's psyche.

You are a complete fool.

>> No.21584235

you're childish in that you think things in the world only produce good things. and why don't people just do the good things, the only things they cause are good. Everything must seem simple to you, why aren't you in charge?

The reality is that everything has trade offs, nothing is purely good or bad. You have to factor both, consider 2nd and third order effects if you can. your stupid childlike mind would never understand. thinks are either good or evil like in harry potter or whatever you read

>> No.21584237

Anon you are a mentally ill troll and are all over the place. I pray in God faith you die in traffic tommorow but you probably don't leave the house.

Yeah we don't need any more HR roasties in the workforce, thanks. Also you're still wrong about the whole single mother parenting thing as the children they raise are more likely to be mentally ill, thank God you're a genetic deadend tho and don't leave the house so you won't be sperging your shitty opinion anywhere but here.

>> No.21584243

Two parent households are strictly superior to single parent households for the well-being and development of the children except under certain circumstances where one parent may be very abusive.

>> No.21584249

OK I will say I agree. I will also assert a society with empowered women is much more healthy and productive than one where they are oppressed. Now how do we reconcile these things? Do you think it is possible to weigh them? or do we just autisticly screech about single parent households like nothing else matters?

>> No.21584252

Calm down sweaty. Perhaps maybe eating more doritos and playing more videogames is worse than having better relationships and community. The standard of living only shows air conditioning and calories. It is a shitty metric in terms of actual quality of life.

>> No.21584255

>this governmental mafia is bad
>lol if it's so easy to know it's bad why aren't you in charge
Because it's a mafia. They do evil things and kill people who try to change that.

>> No.21584259

>I will also assert that a society with empowered women is much more healthy and productive
What does this have to do with anything? Divorce after children isn't empowerment.

>> No.21584267

>or do we just autisticly screech about single parent households like nothing else matters?
Its one of the most meaningful problems in the world. There are plenty of other things to screech about which matter as well but wouldn't be so pertinent to this thread. What else do you have in mind?

>> No.21584272
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Where do you get that assertion from? Since women entered the workforce it has driven down wages and caused more children to suffer in state indoctrination facilities to become more slave-consumers. Women working means less healthy home cooked meals and more goyslop. It means less clothing repair and more clothing waste which also means more plastic clothing due to the lower price which means more microplastic contamination.

>> No.21584274

A bigger problem would be what if we removed 50% of the population out of the workforce. Are we so sure things would run just as smooth?

>> No.21584280

Why would we remove 50% of people from the workforce? What are you even trying to say?

>> No.21584283

I'm trying to say our evolving social structure has caused the lifestyles of people to vastly improve. Despite the single parent households, which are certainly unfortunate, to address you concern specifically. And that all the benefits of our new values seem to outweigh the drawbacks. including the management of the impotent anger of surplus males

>> No.21584284

Women don't work real jobs. Do you think the truckers wouldn't keep driving, the engineers wouldn't keep engineering, the contractors wouldn't keep building, the firefighters wouldn't keep firefighting, the miners wouldn't keep mining, the fishermen wouldn't keep fishing, the ranchers wouldn't keep ranching, the farmers wouldn't keep farming? What would we lose? Daycare employees and kindergarten teachers? Holy shit so you mean like women could just raise their own children again? Hr department ladies? Administrative assistants?

>> No.21584292

What does anything you just said have to do with this comment:
>A bigger problem would be what if we removed 50% of the population out of the workforce. Are we so sure things would run just as smooth?

>> No.21584301

>I'm trying to say our evolving social structure has caused the lifestyles of people to vastly improve.
What social structures are you referring to? Are you sure you don't mean evolving technology?

>> No.21584302

because posters are pointing to increased woman participation in the workforce as being an inflection point (which I agree with, just that perhaps it is a beneficial inflection point)

>> No.21584311

more permissive attitudes towards women socially, sexually, and otherwise, basically, globohomo values

>> No.21584314

>Resulting from the position of women in the workplace
Single parents include men
>muh wage gap

>> No.21584315

Increased women in the workplace has nothing to do with whether or not they are or aren't single parents though. What I'm saying is destructive are single parent households becoming the norm and you said
>but wouldn't it be worse if 50% of the labour force dropped out???
Which has nothing at all to do with anything.

>> No.21584318

ok single parent households are bad, will you stop posting now please

>> No.21584319

You're mistakenly attributing improvement participation in the workforce to the increase in living standards which is fundamentally incorrect. It is correlated with various improvements in the fields of medicine, technology and just industrialization in general. Women don't have much to do with it other than being just cheap labour while they should've simply stayed housewives.

>> No.21584322

Do you mean things like diversity quotas?

>> No.21584323

Right god forbid we deny capital its worker drones so that we can have families again.
>geeze guys it would be really bad if there was demand for labor and wages went up wouldn't it...? things might not be as smooth!
You're either a shill, idiot, or both.

>> No.21584324

yes all of it. society is getting better despite all the concern trolling

>> No.21584327

>this new societal structure is better
Prove it

>> No.21584326

I can almost guarantee that nothing said to you in this thread has stuck, and if the exact same conversation were to happen again you'd make the exact same arguments you've made ITT all over.

>> No.21584331

It isn't beneficial. It is a scam. You are acting like women working is a choice. It rarely is. The consumer-slave must have both parents work to pay for the $1M house made of particle board on a .1 acre lot thanks to the federal reserve lowering interest rates to .2% which drove the cost of the particle board house up from $100k to $1M. Now instead of making real food you buy bags and boxes of industrial slop because thanks to work you don't have time. This food is grossly overpriced per pound compared to the real food and is vastly more unhealthy. Instead of repairing jeans with a hole you buy another pair because you don't have the 15 minutes it takes to sew up a hole. Instead of raising your own kids you outsource it to the state because you don't have time to do it yourself and you can't afford to send them to private school thanks to the state robbing you of income tax- wow funny how well that works out with two incomes, and your artifically expensive $1M particle board ***house***. The whole thing is a fucking scam to make us consumer-slaves.

>> No.21584333

For male dolphins rape is natural and healthy. Hell, most dolphins reproduce by rape .
I think the same thing should be true for humans.
I'm going to rape your pussy, nona.

>> No.21584334

yeah true

>> No.21584336
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I think you are completely wrong. Technology progressing has improved comforts and many things, but it hasn't been utilized effectively to improve the lives of individuals, not even economically, if that's all you care about, as anons graph demonstrates very well

>> No.21584340

I agree everyone should ask for more money

>> No.21584341

A massive number of women would also love to be homemakers and simply raise their kids full-time who no longer have that option. For my generation it's more or less impossible and they don't even know what they're missing. It's a beautiful life though, and would be desirable for a huge %

>> No.21584343

Protip: since going off the gold standard fiat money is backed by tax-slavery, not oil as they like to say. The capital is based on the debt. You are the capital, ownership of you. And the federal reserve hands it out to any bankers with access to the fed window.

>> No.21584350
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I know anon. You're a very stupid person.

>> No.21584355

The graph shows when we went off the gold standard + when women entered the workforce. It doesn't fucking matter if you ask for more money. They will just debase it faster than you get more purchasing power.

>> No.21584357

no you're stupid

>> No.21584361

>kindergarten teachers
Most teachers up to grade 12 are female, because I'm sure you can teach your child calculus while working to provide for your family. Also don't forget nursing and other medical professions. Soft and life sciences are saturated with women. A female was awarded the Nobel prize for co-discovering the CRISPR/Cas9 system, arguably one of the most important discoveries of our time. You're just a bitter dunce.

>> No.21584370


>> No.21584374

>most teachers are female
And how's that working out? Do you think it benefits boys who don't have fathers to also never interact with a male educator until they're out of elementary school? And there are no qualifications for public school teachers. They're among the stupidest people on the planet.

>> No.21584381

Women teachers are dogshit and public education should be abolished. I do in fact know calculus. The soft sciences are completely worthless with the majority of studies being complete bunk and not being replecatable. My kids will get geds by age 14 and not waste their time in state indoctrination school. You can take the gene therapy because I won't be doing it.

>> No.21584385

Sounds like your problems are with the public education system and not what's in the pants of the teachers who abide by a curriculum handed down to them from the administration/state.

>> No.21584386

Stop being so bombastic, when you say huge blanket statements like "MONEY IS BACKED BY SLAVERY" people just shut off. Money is backed by the sovereign. Nobody says money is 'backed' by oil, simply that oil is traded for in US dollars. Reel it in because you just come off as a kook.
Yeah I do buddy and it's through an elaborate system of incentives and debt structures, just cool off on the rhetoric.
They always lie and say "it's a choice" when in reality, that's not economies or humans work. I was talking to my gf once and remarked that cell phones should just be banned, we'd be better off. She got offended and said she agreed they're bad, but "it should be a choice!". Of course I pointed out to her that it's already technically a choice and if that she agreed then she should throw her phone away kek, obviously she just got mad at me. Point is, the idea of some 'neutral' position where you can just go either way on something with huge implications like that is totally false.

>> No.21584391

I never said I had any problem with women, though when it comes to childcare, early childhood education, and public school teachers, I do think more should be male, just like I think more parenting should be done by men and fewer children grow up with divorced parents. I think that's that's important.

>> No.21584394

No, the actual qualities of the people teaching are just as important as the curriculum itself. I know you want the world to be this impersonal place where everything can be boiled down to a perfectable quantifiable system where nobody in particular is to blame, but that's not reality.

>> No.21584395

>Stop being so bombastic, when you say huge blanket statements like "MONEY IS BACKED BY SLAVERY" people just shut off. Money is backed by the sovereign
This is the power of public education.

>> No.21584397

>public education should be abolished
Terrific idea.
>I do in fact know calculus.
Good for you. Did you learn it in school?
>The soft sciences are completely worthless with the majority of studies being complete bunk and not being replecatable.
Wow, on the literature board of all places.
>My kids will get geds by age 14 and not waste their time in state indoctrination school.
Private schools exist, anon. I hope for your children's sake they are at least socialized enough to not end up like their father.
>You can take the gene therapy because I won't be doing it.

>> No.21584398

It's not a choice because there's no real path to a single-income middle class life where one parent can stay home full-time for the majority of people. My ex is a doctor and she's taking multiple maternity leaves while complaining that she can't just be a housewife. Working a job isn't just objectively more fulfilling or empowering than raising children because it earns money. There are more important things but obviously we live in kiked to death shitland so they've done a number on the masses understanding if what is and isn't valuable or worthwhile or useful.

>> No.21584399

The type of person who wants to be a teacher working for the government is the type of person who shouldn't be a teacher.

>> No.21584410

They really are just complete shit

>> No.21584421

>>public education should be abolished
>Terrific idea.
>>I do in fact know calculus.
>Good for you. Did you learn it in school?
I learned it mostly from somebody named patrickjmt
>>The soft sciences are completely worthless with the majority of studies being complete bunk and not being replecatable.
>Wow, on the literature board of all places.
Not an argument. It is established fact that the soft sciences and university system are completely rotten to the core. Actually my wife is in a soft science phd program and has agreed with this.
>>My kids will get geds by age 14 and not waste their time in state indoctrination school.
>Private schools exist, anon. I hope for your children's sake they are at least socialized enough to not end up like their father.
Actually the plan is ged by 14, bs by 18 then runspringa at a worthless public university. Socialization through sports, church, neighbors.
>>You can take the gene therapy because I won't be doing it.
Do you not actually know what crispr is? I'm not editing my genes.

>> No.21584429

>and fewer children grow up with divorced parents
I agree
>the actual qualities of the people teaching are just as important as the curriculum itself
Wrong. The teachers don't decide state-mandated standards and grading schemes like common core, for example. If the state says the teachers have to teach AP Nigger Studies, they teach APNS. Teacher quality only affects student retention of the material, which is then tested by exams delivered by the state. Poor student performance? Teacher gets canned or new grading schemes are drawn up.
>blah blah blah
Nice projection/strawman. I do think there are people to blame, but I also think the faculty of the teachers is grossly over estimated.

>> No.21584431

>the personal qualities of the individual teachers is important
Holy shit lol

>> No.21584433

>the actual qualities of the people teaching are just as important as the curriculum itself
>Wrong. The teachers don't decide state-mandated standards and grading schemes like common core, for example. If the state says the teachers have to teach AP Nigger Studies, they teach APNS. Teacher quality only affects student retention of the material, which is then tested by exams delivered by the state. Poor student performance? Teacher gets canned or new grading schemes are drawn up.
>>blah blah blah
>Nice projection/strawman. I do think there are people to blame, but I also think the faculty of the teachers is grossly over estimated.
Solved by abolishing public education and then having full school choice.

>> No.21584436
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>when science has conclusively proven
Science hasn't proven anything.

For every study "proving" something there's a hundred proving the opposite. Anyone can post a study that manipulates data for their political or ideological goals, and they can do it about anything. Science has never been more worthless than it is today.

>> No.21584439

Discord trannies will win in the end because they are relentless and having absolutely nothing else in their life. You sleep, discord trannies don't. To quote Hezbollah " we love death more than you love life". It's over and and it will always be over.

>> No.21584446

Public education isn't the problem necessarily imo. The problem is the people who set the curriculum are insane and the teachers are insane because society is insane. If it were made sane and things that were true or important were mandated to be taught, the system could work fine.

But we can't agree to ban infant circumcision as a society so my hopes are not high in this regard.

>> No.21584451

And honestly the main issue is atheism. Atheists can't think clearly on any subject so they also can't teach. Nearly everyone now is an atheist and that's the biggest problem because all atheists are stupid by definition.

>> No.21584452

This is correct. Graduate students are incentived to publish positive results at all costs which means they tease- essentially pivot table the shit out of data until something- anything can be shown positive to their hypothesis. Other than in hard sciences like materials engineering/chemistry that show mechanism and real spectroscopy proving it or other similar work it is probably useless bunk.

>> No.21584455

>I learned it mostly from somebody named patrickjmt
No offense anon, but I wouldn't trust a bridge designed by somebody who learned calculus from YT videos.
>It is established fact that the soft sciences and university system are completely rotten to the core. My wife agrees!
How so? Care to enlighten us?
>Actually the plan is ged by 14, bs by 18 then runspringa at a worthless public university. Socialization through sports, church, neighbors.
You have 0 experience raising children to adulthood.
>Do you not actually know what crispr is? I'm not editing my genes.
No one is going to edit your genes. The technology is immensely significant for reasons beyond human genome editing. Why are you getting so worked up?

>> No.21584457

Anon in school choice the state gives you the money they stole and were going to use to brainwash your kid to then either home or private school your kid as you choose to. Best case scenario is they don't steal your income and then use it to brainwash your child but at least being able to use what they stole as you would like is a step in the right direction.

>> No.21584461

You left out the rest of the sentence he quoted you fucking journalist

>> No.21584462

>It is established fact that the soft sciences and university system are completely rotten to the core. My wife agrees!
>How so? Care to enlighten us?

>> No.21584467

>male authors
Women slut-shame far more than men.

>> No.21584472

No I didn't. They wrote
>Wrong (period)
In response to the statement that individual qualities of the teacher matter quite a bit, and of course they do, even if they don't set the curriculum.

>> No.21584476

Yeah, I've never understood this. Men will slut-shame their female relatives, sure, but outside that why would a man give a shit?
Logically, women are the ones that have something to gane by ostracizing a whore.

>> No.21584479

Oh sorry I see what you mean. It makes no difference. The initial anon was right. The qualities of the teacher matter as much as the curriculum.

>> No.21584481

Stupid idiot, I said HE* quoted. The original claim was
>the actual qualities of the people teaching are just as important as the curriculum itself
Not that the qualities aren't important full stop

>> No.21584486

That's true my bad. But I still agree that the teachers personal qualities are as important as the curriculum.

Teachers generally have lousy personal qualities and very little intelligence, which is why they even tolerate teaching such bogus and evil curriculum. And again, nearly all of them nowadays are atheists, so, stupid.

>> No.21584487

>tfw recognize that girl
>tfw hate that I recognize that girl
>tfw still coom to her facialabuse video sometimes even though it's disgusting

>> No.21584489

That's not true. Monogamy provides for the most security of resources. Polygamy is what causes this natural behavior to pervert itself.

There's a reason why entire wars were fought for another man who's wife was stolen from him. For men it's to secure a bloodline knowing who and where his offspring comes from. For a woman it's knowing where her food source comes from.

>> No.21584491

Publish-or-perish culture is pervasive in the sciences and not unique to the soft sciences. Also, it's less "rotting" than just an unhealthy set of expectations inherited from academicians of old. Im also interested why your belly aching singles out grad students? Hardly a reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater

>> No.21584497

You're defending the social science programs that have been teaching everyone for a few decades now that gender doesn't exist. It's totally talmudic, corrupt, and insane.

>> No.21584522

Not that anon but. Anyone with a brain can figure out that single mother households have a negative inpact on childrens social development, and it simply has to do with the lack of a stable father figure in the home. Why has no one mentioned this? Boys get the male version of daddy issues which is substituting the role of the father with some other bullshit, like gangs or silly ideas on the internet. It's so painfully obvious that an essential piece is missing that is necessary for leading them onto the correct path in life. Being poorer just means that they probably are closer to criminality because they are more likely to live in low income neighbourhoods but I would bet my life that if the household has a stable fatherfigure the chance of the kid getting into criminality is thus way lower.

>> No.21584525

It's also inherent to single parent households that there will be more poverty.

>> No.21584539


>> No.21584551

Spoken like someone who has no idea what their talking about.

>> No.21584556

Ofcourse. 1 income is probably less than 2 income

>> No.21584567

Social science programs aren't all represented by the algorithmically suggested rage porn you consume alongside patrickjmt on YT, anon. It sounds like you spend too much time online and have very little experience with the institutions you're criticizing.

>> No.21584573

this thread is bait, and the article is bait as well. it literally exists solely to create controversy and drive site traffic. stop falling for this shit you absolute wankers.

>> No.21584576

Nearly everyone I grew up with is humanities university grad and all of them have the exact same opinion on gender (that it's entirely elective). I'm not patrickjmt anon. More than one person disagrees with you.

>> No.21584584

Sounds like you should get new friends. Also not to pick nits but gender =/= sex.

>> No.21584591

>all of them have the exact same opinion on gender (that it's entirely elective)
This isn't even what trans people believe lmao

>> No.21584592
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Thank you, WHO approved curriculum, very cool
>sounds like you should get new friends
Most people have been educated to think this way. That was my point.

>> No.21584595

So trans people don't believe that trans women are actually women? Because that's what they say all the time. It's something of a motto. It also isn't true, obviously.

>> No.21584598

My wife gets dick on the side and to even it up she brings me girls. It’s all compensation in the end

>> No.21584606

>Thank you, WHO approved curriculum, very cool
they're right about this. You look dumb if you think that just automatically thinking the opposite of someone no matter what they say is right. Hitler drank water, better not do that!

>> No.21584609

this is retarded. if a woman pops out a kid she can still have another kid with someone else.

>> No.21584613

>theyre right about this
No they're not.
>Hitler drank water
Good. I love drinking water. Hitler also burned manuals for transgender research on SRS.

>> No.21584616

Trans women do in fact not believe that they are the same as cis women, no, even though there are more similarities between the two than there are between them and cis men. However, the actual issue here was the notion that it's a choice.

>> No.21584620
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>theyre right about this
Theyre (((correcting the record))) on it, and have been for a few decades.

>> No.21584630

They are more similar to men because they are men. Trans men are still women.
>its not a choice
It's something they can be groomed into from an impressionable age. It's something that will ruin their lives if they commit to chasing a goal that is unreachable and can only cause them misery in the attempt.

>> No.21584636

Yep, it's pretty obvious by the way the formulate their phrases.

>> No.21584637

its in the netherlands, so no

>> No.21584641
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>Trans women do in fact not believe that they are the same as cis women
I've seen thousands of pieces of evidence to the contrary. But, whatever they believe, it's certainly what they say, and repeatedly.

>> No.21584646

what is this weak gaslighting attempt

>> No.21584653

What? Are you telling me that the mantra "trans women are women" is something you've never seen?

>> No.21584676

It doesn't mean that trannies think they're biologically indistinguishable from women, just that they want you to go along with the meme treat them like they are women. Only a tiny minority of twitter activists tries to push 'sex is a social construct' in all seriousness, and even those people are mostly grifters. Just like basically noone really believed in the planned economy in the USSR.

>> No.21584687

>just like noone really believed in the planned economy in the ussr
And yet it really happened and people really suffered and critics were really killed or exiled.
>noooooo only a tiny minority of partisan party insiders really believed in it so it doesn't matter

>> No.21584690

At first I thought it was about WMAF kek.

>> No.21584699


>> No.21584712
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>Trans women do in fact not believe that they are the same as cis women

>> No.21584718

These trooners are millenials right? I can tell from their talking points and demeanor

>> No.21584720

How come you stopped responding?

>> No.21584723

>Trans women do in fact not believe that they are the same as cis women
Holy cope

>> No.21584740

>what are step-parents
shit even if we go way-way back to fuckin caveman times the tribe would still work together to help raise the children. this shit is nonsense.

>> No.21584755

Does the tribe step in to help raise the children of single parents today?
>Uh ya the state subsidizes
No I mean like taking an active role in the child's development where they're lacking in male influence? Oh no?

>> No.21584762

families do, men who become step-fathers do. this isn't like some hidden fact anon this shit is pretty common

>> No.21584783

But if there is no step-father then what?
>families do
Families rarely live in close enough proximity and for the most part they do not.

>> No.21584785

Proving my point.

>> No.21584786

It is precisely because the masses (of which you are a part) do not understand even the very smallest thing about science that worthless pseudoscience like that study can be passed off as having any value.

>> No.21584818

seething troon
the replication crisis is real
your frankenstein vagina is not

>> No.21584867

No you retard. The point is that the women would be bonded to the man as he is primary the care giver of her child. Even if the tribe does help, in every society the children are the responsibility of their own father. Thus it is simply far more practical the woman to just stay with the man.

>> No.21584869

Your point is not the gotcha you think it is.

>> No.21585092

>daily mail

>> No.21585120

Actually you're wrong, women shouldn't even have basic autonomy. That means no eating or sleeping unless I tell her she can

>> No.21585124

>useless males
Funny how it's 100% alright to use nazi eugenicist lingo if you're one who follows the narrative

>> No.21585126

Cheating isnt natural at all

>> No.21585133

Usually that's not the case and even then it's harder to get laid if you're a man. That's why rape should be legal if women are gonna be promiscuous. Some women even get orgasms from being raped. Its like they're a meme or something I dunno.

>> No.21585138

And all written by the same Xantha Leatham thot

>> No.21585142

Women and their male feminist lackeys are unaware of personal introspection and are high on anima

>> No.21585186

What a bunch of faggots in this thread holy fuck.

>> No.21585192
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>> No.21585287

Monogamy is literally rape

>> No.21585674


>> No.21585692

Destiny's stream

>> No.21585696

I don’t know who this is, do I win?

>> No.21586387

manbros... it’s over

>> No.21586415
File: 1 KB, 28x46, 1665623049656753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are getting too smart now...
We can't bs them with "love" anymore...
They only take high-achieving and/or hard-fucking dick...
It's over.

>> No.21586440

nice try, moloch

>> No.21586448

why is this blatant bait still up? modniggers, do your god-damned non-paying job.

>> No.21586450

it's a book thread tho?

>> No.21586464

raping you would be just about as book-related as this, and you don't read.

>> No.21586479

Stfu incel, even if you were athletic enough to overpower an average woman (you aren't), you'd still have to leave your cum-stained incel hovel (you won't).

>> No.21586512

“A study says” isn’t reliable. A newsrag/blog reporting on studies is even less reliable. Scientists complain about journalists getting their material ass backwards and then consider most of these “studies” are p hacked bullshit deliberately spun for positive results with countless methodological problems that nobody actually peer reviews because of the perverse incentives of academia (leading to the reproducibility crisis).

The more clickbait friendly the conclusion the more likely it is you can just dismiss it as horseshit. This is even more true the further from hard sciences you go.

>> No.21586537

The Daily Mail exists solely to extort seethe out of you, and it has become exceedingly efficient at it. Every single time you let it shit in your head it makes money from it. Today, it has chosen a study which it misrepresents, that makes you hate women. You take the bait, you are now angry with women. You remain lonely, the Daily Mail makes their money.
Finding the original study, they use the term well-being as a metric. Their result is that women cheat when their well-being in a relationship has been gradually declining for a long time, and that cheating pumps it up to near-baseline, momentarily.
The natural way to read this data is that women who cheat are miserable and getting dicked by strangers makes them forget it momentarily, not that women's eudaimoniac essence is getting fucked by strangers while betraying the man they profess to love.
But the Daily Mail does not make money by reporting that, because it does not feed the seething of their readers. They live off of your seethe and will stop at nothing to make you seethe.

For people who rant and rave about psyops all the time, Chuds really are remarkably easy victims for the dumbest and most transparent of them.

>> No.21586539

General rule is trust nothing in the psychological sciences unless it has been replicated >10 times.

>> No.21586561

Women are sex addicts who live on the privilege of having the upper hand on the sex market, but also they hate to see that their lavish life full of gifts and attention from their orbiters cannot be separated from the occasional harassment stemming from the despair of the rejected men who are indoctrinated into thinking that competing for women, with sex seen as the highest reward in a man's life, is the pinnacle of the male life.

It gets worse because a woman will always feel outraged when she thinks that a man who does not merit her is actually trying to court her, to talk to her, to amuse her. This kind of man is the usual poor, ugly, outcast man who have nothing of value to offer to the woman and the woman does not understand why such a man would even orbit her in the first place.
A woman always thinks she deserves better orbiters than whatever men are currently around her.

Then there is the huge female delusion that women are actually not sex addicts and have a harsh life, that they live from predicaments to predicaments and are all subjugated by men. Women need this delusion in order to created a narrative where they are good people and all their problems stems from evil people, in this case men.

Then you combine this delusion with the infatuation of the dogmas of the Human rights replacing the judeo christian god which creates a society of commentaries, of entertainment, of a merger of politics, entertainment and education and you get a humongous resonance box where the narcissists will never ever shut up about the tiniest annoyance in their hedonistic life.

this stems from the bourgeois valuation of women: women were always seen as giving meaning to men's life, by men competing for them and since women spread their legs, they get pregnant. But women never were considered for politics. Women were living with their parents, then with the beta cuck who craved providing for them and then the sluts cheating on the provider with other beta orbiters craving to give sex to women. Then both the sluts and the providers died and the next generation took over, doing exactly the same thing.

Now that women are deemed relevant thanks the bourgeois Human rights, as a competition sorting out men for sex AND relevant for politics, the whores are no longer kept under the father household, women spread their legs around age 15 and they keep doing so until well after the menopause. women cannot stop fucking thanks to all the orbiters dying to serve them. The novelty is that they are whores on their own.

>> No.21586565


Also now the humanist parents want to keep being hedonist. All the american sitcoms are about whores and providers saying having kids is the worst and has a deep negative impact on their pleasures. So they boot the kids out of the house sooner, telling them to have casual sex because that's all the parents now.

Do this for a 40 years and you have the millenials who whines that they cannot get all the same pleasures and comfort as the baby boomers, because housing prices are too high.

Fortunately the men have created dating apps, so the whores and the coomers can still have casual sex and the whores still have a comfy life thanks to all the men competing for them.

Conclusion: So basically sex addicts crave to de-sacralize sex in order to make it more popular, but they have to sacralise it again in order to not feel degenerate between 2 sex parties.

>> No.21586568
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spittin fax

>> No.21586571

>t. has written an entire (purely theoretical) metaphysics of women, based on years of study of PuA forums, redpill threads, manosphere blogs, ragebait and mass-shooter manifestos
Mate, did you know that if you open your eyes offline, you can see that there are like hundreds of millions of women living happy monogamous lives with completely ordinary men who they start regular families with?

Just a quick question, and be honest: discounting family members or service industry workers, has it been more or less than 6 months since you last spoke a 3+ sentence conversation with a woman?

>> No.21586595

>study finds
>science has conclusively proven
Why do you support inept, overhyping journalism? Both you and the author of these piecies know absolutely nothing about how research works. Most statistical studies "conclusively prove" very little, but scientists and universities need journalists to overhype any (likely non reproduceable) "finding" of useless research, and journalists use these papers they read and often poorly understand to generate an endless shit-stream of useless information. Are you happy to gobble down shit and regurgitate it on others? Does it feel good to fill your mind with absolute worthless trash researched by worthless people and processed into even filthier trash by people who are even more worthless for you to gobble down? Why do you allow them to turn your thinking process into a reverse digestive sistem? To transform your eyes and ears into reverse anuses that swallow the intellectual equivalent of excrements on a daily basis? Why do you allow them to turn you into a shit processing machine, a shit-grinder, in which shit is poured through the most sacred of holes just to be minced and splurted out on the faces of unknown people on the internet and, I guess, your friends and loved ones in real life? Why do you do this when all it would take to avoid this would be to pick up a good book and read that instead?

>> No.21586599


>> No.21586988

are you even a real person?

>> No.21587200

I actually camped in the forest next to that university while hiking through the Netherlands lol. The uni didn't seem very impressive, it was rather ugly and small.

>> No.21587245

Link to the discord please.

>> No.21587270

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.21588662

>Study financed by the Yad Vashem Institute for Jewish History and Cuckolding

>> No.21588690

I hate women but I also hate Flaubert and the French and French literature