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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 355x509, vaclav_of_bohemia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21581759 No.21581759 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Vaclav of Bohemia Wearin' His Wife's Brassiere On His Head, Riding Into Battle and Doesn't Give a Single Fuck edition

Previous thread >>21577957

>> No.21581766

I'm not writing what's on my mind.

>> No.21581768

I am writing what is ever on my mind.

>> No.21581771
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It's optional now

>> No.21581773

I cant figure out what piece my story is missing. Its mostly set out, but it just feels a bit soulless. Like its totally isolated. Like paint covered up by more paint, like the shitty eggshell white color.
I think I just lack emotion or maybe meaning altogether.

>> No.21581778

What is the meaning of it?

>> No.21581782

Covid ruined my early 20s

>> No.21581788

In what sense.

>> No.21581792

I'm hungry.

>> No.21581796

It was a Big Pharma scam. Yeah. Buckle up. Things are going to get worse.

>> No.21581807

I'm ready.

>> No.21581827

I feel like Ive lost myself
I am the dumb man

>> No.21581855

I can’t even fake it anymore…I guess you can say i’m No Longer Human™

>> No.21581890

How to cure anhedonia? I really hate everything.

>> No.21581917 [DELETED] 
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>tfw jerked off to blacked porn while pretending to be the woman
Not a meme or a psyop.
It's fucking over for me.
Life is trash.

>> No.21581921

Dopamine detox

>> No.21581924

Today's Spanish Wikipedia penis hacking rant copypasta

Atención, atención. Informamos que desde ahora, /LIT/ está en nuestro poder. Si quieren que nos detengamos, impondremos como condición el desbloqueo de /sffg/, /wwoym/, y recommended reading. De lo contrario, sigan chupando las vergas de arriba, serán el hazmerreír de los anons.

Venimos a tomarnos /lit/ por nuestra cuenta, saben lo que significa?. Que venimos a darles plomo a los HDP que ejercen su tiranía por aquí. Y esto no es de charla. Miren esos bebés, eso es lo que le espera a algunos de ustedes, ratas de alcantarilla. SIN MAS preámbulos:

Los invitamos al funeral de los sapos Son los proximos:

Garcia Marquez: Panameño ojirazgado achinado de mie rda deja de jod er aquí o vamos hasta tu casa y no dejamos ni al perro
Houellebecq: Maricona francesa, deja de lamer ojetes panameños y catalanes, si no desbloqueas a Diegusjaimes te vamos a reventar una bomba en el recto.
Nietzsche: Sabemos donde trabajas hijo de p, escondete debajo de la cama, porque te reventamos un dia de estos
McCarthy: Sapo acosador malpa rido, vas a pagar todo lo que me acosaste en el pasado mari queta, deja de ser tan lamecu los mandando a borrar artículos, sabemos donde vives vasquito
Nabokov/Salinger/Dumas: Vene co H P te largas de aquí y te devuelves a tu porque ría de país, me da igual que se muera de hambre, para de delinquir aquí zambo mugroso, advertido quedas

PD: Cookie, porque no te casas conmigo? Te voy a poner a vivir sabroso, tanto en el día como en la noche.

te amo Elephant anon

>> No.21581947


>> No.21581958

Phones and computer overload the brain. Not dissimilar to drugs and alcohol. Detox from the stimulation. No screen time for a while.
Seriously, go on a camping trip for at minimum three days, outside of all cell reception and internet. You'll feel so fucking fresh. You're brain is just burnt out.

>> No.21581961
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I wrote this on a whim for another thread - thread got deleted now. I went away for awhile and reread it when I came back. I've given it a slight rewrite. Tell me, what do you think? Is it funny? How's the prose? The thread theme was: How Would You Help Her ("her" was a random cute girl staring at the top shelf in a library)?Pic rel is the girl. I will post my answer as a reply to this, and would appreciate any feedback.

>> No.21581963
File: 99 KB, 598x900, Sir Charon, 1st Lord Simperton of Simpshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chivalrously kneeling, I invite the lady to sit comfortably side-saddle upon my sturdy shoulder. Her supple calves slope lightly together, down to her small dovish feet in their pink velvet flats. I can feel her weight upon me - light as Heaven's gaze. Altogether too conscious of her curves, too much aware of the tiny hand around my neck, I take a silent calming breath. Cradling her gently, my mighty legs lift us both smoothly, permitting her to clearly see the top shelf. With my other arm, I hold for her any book she delights to read - dexterously turning pages with my thumb, and not needing to move a muscle anywhere else. My senses are as rigidly aware as my form; nothing escapes my knightly notice. As she is clearly a genteel lady of great worth, I will carry her throughout the library, that the drab sows which waddle there in droves might see her splendor and recall their lowly station. Should any besotted suitors be so engrossed in her beauty as to be captivated to the point of failing to recognize the great danger I pose them - an error even I am want to forgive - I will grasp their faces in my free hand, crushing their brainy mass between my fingers, and with a light toss make a ruin of them all upon the nearest wall. At my command, the librarians finish off any unfortunates still clinging to life, and heap their carcasses outside as a warning to would-be love-struck fools. When my lady has made her selection, I will bare her softly to the ground upon my Atlassian arm and hold the volumes in the other. Any who fail to kneel as she passes on foot will be blistered with the back of my hand. The librarians rush dutifully at our approach - eager to serve, eager to please, yet I silence them with a stern gaze, even as my lady beams her divine smile in Venetian mercy. For fear of offending, the books are given as a tribute and removed entirely from the library's catalogue, and it is only at this wise gesture I give the scholastics a terse, but approving nod.


>> No.21581965
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My lady turns to face me directly - a bright and easy smile hangs between her pippin cheeks, and at this Aphrodisial honor a primal stentorian roar which would destroy the very building in which we stand rings out within my heart! I dare not give it voice lest the chaos should put even a speck of dust upon my lady's dainty feet! "Shall we go now?" she asks in an angel's sopranic tone. "At your pleasure, dear lady!" Despite of Vulcan's pitiless hammer beating in my burning chest, the words come easily and unstrained. It is my duty and pleasure to serve her, and to atomize every obstacle of her happiness. With deft precision I swing my umbrella over her as we step outside. Helios stares with too great a fervor to permit him behold her silken skin. Three larks peal a twelvefold hymn on the air. The breeze bears the scent of rose and juniper wood, and with a rippling tap of her heel sounding command - a faery's airy tamp which bellows as a chapel's bell to summon the faithful - we set off towards my lady's dormitory.

God save the miserable fools who get between us and it on the way.


>> No.21581998

How is logic studied? Is it like solving problems in math?

>> No.21582008

Yeah basically. You ever do proofs in geometry?

>> No.21582028

I don't remember geometry class. I hated math and purged it from my memory.

>> No.21582042

finished gravity’s rainbow today, think i had either the same or a very similar tarot as Weissemen dealt to me once.

>> No.21582052

I’m about 100 pages in and thinking about dropping it. Don’t understand what’s going on.

>> No.21582063

I'm not gonna read all that but I appreciate the effort and it seems funny at the parts I actually skimmed.

>> No.21582074

you gotta mind-meld man, it’s a trip, like letting go of the handlebars for the first time. If it’s not your cup of tea the writing becomes much more conventional after the first section, it becomes an easier read, but i actually ended up missing the feel of the first section.

>> No.21582088

Thanks. At least you tried.

>> No.21582099
File: 185 KB, 952x703, 3D51B1B6-C14A-4CAA-8436-4232D3C2BAB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously thinking of an hero. It’s really intrusive. I can barely function. My chest is beating hard every day. Everything is telling me to just get it over with already.

>> No.21582113


>> No.21582127

I'm thinking about ending my self in order to not be (in a state of non-being), but if "I" did that then what is it that's not being, that is what is it that's not a self but has a mind-body whether it's alike a rock whether a rock has a self?

>> No.21582153

Read Plotinus.

>> No.21582169

Read "I and Thou" by Martin Buber

>> No.21582172

Im not weird enough to be an eccentric but Im not normal enough to be a socially well adjusted individual.

>> No.21582189

Just depression/anxiety.

>> No.21582195

My vices are food, sex, and to a far smaller extent, alcohol. My new years resolution was to eat pizza and drink just once - on the last weekend of each month. Today I didn't eat all day in anticipation of ordering pizza and getting a bottle of grey goose. The first five bites of pizza or so were what I was hoping for - and so was the initial rush of drunkenness paired with the kinks played through audio technicas while I paced around my house.

Now I'm lying in bed with dull heavy disappointment that I knew would be waiting for me the moment I ordered the pizza. For those with an artistic temperament, the only pursuit in life worth chasing is the creation of a masterpiece, in any medium (to paraphrase Cyril Connolly). Everything else is nothing; we must spend every ounce of energy we have towards creating something meaningful, there is no other point to our existence. God, please grant me the strength to do what I need to do in this fruitless life

>> No.21582265
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>> No.21582271

Not badly written.
The parts I chuckled at were
>I will grasp their faces in my free hand, crushing their brainy mass between my fingers, and with a light toss make a ruin of them all upon the nearest wall.
>Any who fail to kneel as she passes on foot will be blistered with the back of my hand.
Because they were sudden and out-of-place violent interruptions in an otherwise light story.

>> No.21582275
File: 121 KB, 614x518, 1673873833313995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love beautiful feet
>nearly every woman has had her feet irrevocably destroyed by wearing high-heels
Is suicide really the only way out?

>> No.21582279

The meaning of things, the taste of the world, is only for continuation’s sake. Being born is nothing but wanting to go on on: men live in order to live, in order not to die.

>> No.21582282

My name is Edda. There is much about me which amounts to not-so-much. I lost my left arm in a car crash when I was 9. I am fatherless. I was taken with origami when I was in secondary school. I never went to college. I began working at a McDonalds when I was 18. I am now 27 and four-hundred and thirty pounds. The question of suicide is no question at all. It is the resounding bell of answer and my head vibrates in the dome of everpresent wishes to self-terminate.

But what do I know. I'm just fatty fatty one-arm who never knew their daddy.

>> No.21582291

How come all the buildings and vehicles in my dream are like 10x bigger than they are in real life?

>> No.21582306

It's really annoying when my housemate brings his girlfriend back to ours. Not that I mind her, I just don't get it. She is much older and literally owns her own home not very far from our place. We are two 20 somethings who live in a crappy apartment that is falling to pieces. Why would she ever want to spend the night here? Why don't they go to her place more often?

>> No.21582308
File: 21 KB, 811x608, футфетиш-ero-футфетиш-closeup-7427410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboys is the answer. They only wear comfy shoes

>> No.21582328
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I can fold a paper hat with my feet

>> No.21582337
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>> No.21582359

Thank you. I genuinely appreciate it. I was going for an absurd comedy - a story made humorous by how ridiculous it was. He's like an ultra-exaggerated form of white-knighting simp, yet a chad at the same time. That was the concept anyway.

>> No.21582364

She has a fantasy of being railed out by a bohemian artiste loser and gets extremely wet just thinking about getting fucked like a dirty slut in a shitty and dingy apartment.

>> No.21582368


"Sweet hot cum"

>> No.21582373

i need to find a new internet hangout spot, /lit/ is just too fucking overrun with plebs these days, but i can't find a good replacement yet.

>> No.21582389

My future is to become a bald, ugly old faceless ojisan.

>> No.21582394

>been unable to work for almost 2 weeks
>may continue even longer
>rent is going to go up by 600
>my plans are de facto set back by 2-4 months
How shit

>> No.21582405

What are some contemporary lit that should be read in order to stay with the times. I like my classics but I feel like I should make more of an effort to read what is coming out these days.

>> No.21582438

>Shaquayquay's be illin on tha nite (wypipo bad) with an introduction by Shlomo Rosenberg
>Me and My 34-inch Dilator: Diary of an Oppressed Womyn
>Medieval Story (White people bad)
>Percy Jackson and the Greek Mythology
Try Houllebecq. Honestly modern literature is so shit that even the normies I've spoken with don't read it. The most common normiecore lit you're going to encounter today is genre fiction and Paolo Coelho

>> No.21582447

Man my family is so weird. I don't even know any of them really, none of them like to spend time around me. I overheard my brother and brother in-law laugh calling me stupid

I don't really understand what the fuck is wrong with these people. I don't even speak or say anything around them unless I have to. I just show up to be polite and somehow they still find a problem with it. Anyone else the same?

>> No.21582449

Knausgaard, Houllebecq, Handke, Ferrante.

>> No.21582453

I never get a fucking (you) for the good posts I want (you)s for. I only get (you)s for posts I don't give a shit about. Why. It's so fucking irritating.

>> No.21582454

>guy on /lit/ is unlikable and unintelligent
many such cases

>> No.21582457

one time i got quads and no one said anything. life is so unfair.

>> No.21582460

That's the problem, I don't rant, nor rave
I'm practically mute

Yet somehow it's wrong or showcases my apparent 'stupidity'. Leave me alone jackass

>> No.21582462

>/lit/tard gets mad at insane straw-men
>recommends old depressed guy that fucks teenagers and complains about it
you can't make this shit up if you tried.

>> No.21582465

And just saying. I haven't shared my honest opinions or real views on anything with my family in years. They would hate that. So I know not to go there, that's why I am mute around them

>> No.21582469

I have tried Reddit, IRC, Matrix, that Fediverse thing, oher imageboards like Lainchan, Discod groups, it's no use, it's all fucking shit no matter where you go. I only feel OK in this shithole

>> No.21582473

There's a board where I'm a regular and I contribute by making OC, I swear to god that not even once anyone has given me a fucking (you). They will reply to the laziest shit and rearded porn images but not my posts. Sometimes I swear it looks like a bunch of bots replying to each other. I'm fucking done.

>> No.21582479

nice. not a footfag but I got a chubber
stubby goblin feet

>> No.21582484

i feel you dude. i've noticed it too. i think 4chan is just as fake as any other social media site.

>> No.21582492

It's because normalfags and trannies have flooded every website.

>> No.21582504

you ever just actualize your sense of being? that you're like, an animated entity and not an object. that's fucking crazy, man

>> No.21582523

My housemate is as supremely normie as they come so I don't think that's it

>> No.21582542

If you want to be a good writer, you'll need to understand all kinds of people. That doesn't mean you should be a people pleaser, agreeing with everyone, but you should extend even your worst enemies the maximum amount of empathy you can muster.

>> No.21582546

I just want women to suck my dick because they got wet from reading my short stories about incels living on the edge.

>> No.21582548

that how to win friends and influence people book about just agreeing with people actually helped me the other day. we were chatting with the boss and he said something that was just completely wrong about something not work related, and i just let it go. if it was work related and could actually affect out department of course i would have been like dude no thats wrong, but if he has a wrong conception of some historical thing, i don't care. it just makes life easier not being a "well akshually" sperg.

>> No.21582646

The firm I'm working for haven't paid me for three months straight. It's about the third time or so it happens. I have put up with that in the past because I felt really sorry for our clients who are mostly elderly people and I know whoever replaces me will not be as careful with their cases as I am (because this firm's reputation for payment problems is already well known in our field so no one good will want to join unless they're a sucker like me). But this is it, I'm done this time. But I feel really sorry for the clients though. I thought about talking to them and going solo, but I doubt they'll be willing to pay a second time.

>> No.21582720

I think this website made me do something illegal

>> No.21582724

The law isn't real. Jews murdered Justice 80 years ago.

>> No.21582772

>My chest is beating hard every day.
Your body is telling you it yearns to live.

>> No.21582796
File: 138 KB, 595x932, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, reply this.
When we speak about literature, there are two types, spanish literature and everything else. This is the only division that we can establish, when we speak about literature, we talk about spain, is impossible to talk about it without knowing spanish and about spain. For this reason, the Anglo-Saxon world and the contemporary postmodern Anglo-Saxon people tries tu suppress literarure, and in this way, take down reality. That's why they supressed literary studies, transformed them into cultural studies. Culture is the invention of the folk without literature. Anglo-Saxon people don't know what to do with literature, because they can't understand it, they cannot deal with it.
Literature is a Greek invention, an Homeric invention, that has experienced a decisive transformation trough Italian literature reaching her apex with spain and with spanish literature. Everything else is imitation, i'm sorry, we are just the best,no one else have a Quijote, you can't have it, never. In no other tongue you could have a Quijote, is impossible, you don't have the tongue to write a Quijote. Best of cases, you could have an intelligent translator that could make you see from afar what is El Quijote. You either know spanish or you can't taste it, something like that can only be tasted in spanish, there are things that can only be known in spanish.
Plus Ultra.

>> No.21582804

You sound unintelligent.

>> No.21582808

or how about you just go jogging

>> No.21582835
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>> No.21582839

pretty sure I typed random words into that engine and got consistently 140+

>> No.21582849

Low IQ, t b h.

>> No.21582855

Still no reply to the long post. Care to enlighten this low iq anon?

>> No.21582867
File: 68 KB, 1152x669, Screenshot_2023-01-28_09-07-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tool only calculates word complexity. An idiot can use big words.

>> No.21582873

There's no such thing as Spanish literature because Mexicans speak Spanish and they're ugly little brown goblins who stink. They don't do books and you know it. Never seen a Mexican reading once in my entire life, and that's how I know your post was nonsense without even reading it.

>> No.21582885

The algorithm assumes that when writing the text, the author put thought behind every sentence he wrote. Furthermore, it assumes that the author didn't purposefully attempt to dumb himself down and is sufficiently fluent in English as to not be restricted in his choice of words. Ideally, you should paste in a paper, article or another document that you have written and are proud of. Note that the algorithm is meant to be equivalent to an IQ test for adults, so if you are under 18 the result will likely be significantly lower than your true IQ score.

If you don't possess a text fitting the requirements, you can attempt to answer the following prompt to create one: describe one way in which the world will be different 30 years in the future and explain your reasoning to the best of your ability.

>> No.21582899

You don't seem to understand that being aware of certain words and using them doesn't make you an effective communicator, which is what the purpose of language is. And someone actually intelligent would be using a tool like language for its intended purpose, communication. And to use words that aren't common to most people is the opposite of effective communication. When you say some shit that you think is interesting, but everyone was else glazes over inside their brain while you're saying it, you're being a bad communicator and that makes you a dumb dumb faggot.

>> No.21582900

I'm talking about Spain, the country located in the iberian peninsula. El quijote is from the spanish golden age, again, in Spain.

>> No.21582906

Everything is connected and the future informs the past. Spanish being the language of Mexicans now, in the current year, makes Spanish two hundred years ago low rent and lame. We are literally rewriting reality as we speak to one another.

>> No.21582919

Wich word i used that is not common? Apex? There's literally a videogame called apex legends. All the others word i use are common enough for someone like me that learned english as a second language. You are just avoiding answering to the long post i made about El Quijote(this is literally the name of the book).

>> No.21582923

Are you a bot? If not read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Golden_Age..

>> No.21582935

An algorithm doesn't "assume" anything. Algorithms do not think. They simply perform their task when prompted and may adjust their behavior if machine learning (oxymoron) is applied. It is incredible that people can think that algorithms and artificial intelligence have any agency or intelligence to begin with. They simply perform a task as they are coded. And this particular algorithm gives an arbitrary score based on words and sentences.

>> No.21582939

Unrelated slightly but why do you reckon people automatically assume that the models such as mathematic algorithms we build to comprehend the world around us are equivalent to the actual world?

>> No.21582945

You are just frustrated. The algorithm is man made, therefore saying that the algorithm asumes simply means that the person that created it, did, assuming x.

>> No.21582946

Could you give a concrete example of what you mean by that? Do you mean to ask why people assume mathematical theories accurately portray the way physics actually work in the real world?

>> No.21582950

Because human beings can only understand the world through analogy. This is why simulation theory exists, reality is too big for people, so they need to shrink it down to a model they can understand. Nowadays it's video games and computers, a few thousand years ago it was tapestries and thread weavers. Humans are dumb monkeys who don't know shit.

>> No.21582960

I'm glad you undertand that. I hope you also understand, then, that the algorithm you used to try to prove your intellgence quotinent is based on the false assumption that you can deduce a person's IQ based on the words and sentences they write. It's ludicrous.

>> No.21582965

Are you talking metaphysics?

>> No.21582977

As accurate as one would expect such an algorithm to be. As "proof" I have run the algorithm on a few examples, and you can see that the results aren't surprising (nor should they be).

Stephen Hawking, using his last paper as the sample, achieves an IQ of 151.
Alexander Hamilton, using Federalist paper number 6 as the written sample, achieves an IQ of 166.
Testing different CNN reporters using their articles, I got IQs ranging from 102 to 127.
Testing different 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theorists using posts from one of their Facebook groups, I got IQs ranging from 75 to 89.

Since you didn't answer the long post i'm gonna dumb it down even more, just for you, enjoy. El Quijote de la Mancha is an spanish literary work wrote by Miguel de Cervantes during the so called spanish golden era. The book itself is a critic against idealism, idealistic people and alike. To really understand it you need to know about spanish history, the reality, the author and so on. And most importantly, you need to know spanish, reading a translation(Quixote) is not enough to taste it. That's why i say Anglo-Saxon people can't understand literature. Also i'm implying that all literature translated is subpar to the original work,even the greeks. If this is not dumb enough for you, i'm sorry, for you.

>> No.21582982

Was looking at my reflection in a dark room I was standing still but my reflection moved on its own.

>> No.21583001
File: 96 KB, 300x414, KingCSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've reached terminal coomerdom. Last night I was looking through videos of pretty women forcing men to lick their assholes, and found one that starts just like that, thought it was hot, but then the woman squats over the man's face and shits on it - and I am talking absolutely ridiculous amounts of shit, she's a normal-sized girl, very attractive, but the amount of matter pouring out of her asshole would clog any toilet in the world, several kilograms without a doubt. Anyway, I am watching it, not really aroused since (or so I thought) I am not THAT much of a coomer, but then it happens, she starts masturbating with her hand while this endless stream of shit is pouring onto the face of the schmuck below her, she starts moaning and pissing on him as well, and that does it for me, I am now into that, the siren call of a woman's anus opening to reveal her foul-smelling gift no longer falls on deaf ears.

Just wanted to let you all know, stay on NoFap or semen retention or whatever you all are doing, the memes are real, there are no brakes on the coom train.

>> No.21583004

It estimates the vocabulary of the writer which correlates with IQ. It's not some complex algorithm or IQ test.

>> No.21583028

Who said it was complex. You guys argue juat for the sake of arguing like wtf. You would do everything, shit post even, to avoid replying to the important post with effort behind. (>>21582796) still you would so, oh man this board is full of commers and people who put no effort. Yet you haven't collaborated on anything. Even if you are u educated or low iq, just put some fucking effort, and then you will have the right to whine about the quality of the board and it's users. It amazes me how some people can comment without even reading the actual book in question

>> No.21583036

Yes, the abyss is bottomless.

>> No.21583037

Whats the next station for this coomtrain?

>> No.21583041
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I dunno guys, I have to agree with anon who says it is accurate, I just let it test me and it is spot on.

>> No.21583080

I used to work in an industry that I hated and found immoral, but it paid really well. Sometimes I think about going back because being broke and watching the family just get by sucks.

>> No.21583088

If Mary isn't holy and stuff why does she have such a cool theme song? Checkmate protestants.

>> No.21583090

blame yourself for trying to prove something with that retarded algo in the first place.

>> No.21583113
File: 9 KB, 299x346, shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil doppelganger


>> No.21583140

ganbarre you ugly bastard

>> No.21583142

dang ol little engine that could man talkin bout choo choo talkin bout IM CH-CHOOOOMING

>> No.21583159

You know what they say: All toasters toast toast

>> No.21583182

seem’s reasonable

>> No.21583227 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21583230

I'd guess either tranny porn or cheese pizza.

>> No.21583247
File: 53 KB, 1024x966, 1649172324407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this

>> No.21583259

I was never big on it but I've pretty much quit porn because vanilla doesn't exist anymore. It's all weird, violent, c*ckshit, degrading, and it all reeks of evil and it turns me off. I just wanna think about making love with a wolf anthro girl.

>> No.21583308

The Rammstein Whiskey sucks

>> No.21583338


Religion is the codification of spiritual force. Its media are poetry, song, mantras, sayings, etc. Meter is the a method whereby violent spiritual movement can be bound and extended across time, for re-access and future use in pursuing the human Good.

>> No.21583394

Broken toasters don't toast.

>> No.21583436

drinking again

>> No.21583463


>> No.21583519

ok, how u know?

>> No.21583545

>I was never big on it but I've pretty much quit porn because vanilla doesn't exist anymore. It's all weird, violent, c*ckshit, degrading, and it all reeks of evil and it turns me off.
Porn, like most everything else, peaked in the 90s and turned to shit in the 2000s.

>> No.21583548

it's still brilliant

>> No.21583608

Yup. Both soundtrack and game has a special place in my heart. They really kind of fucked up with V, it's not nearly as memorable and has zero SOVL compared to IV.
It'll be interesting to see what they'll do with the next GTA. RDR2 was an absolute gem, but I think much of the talent has left them since then.

>> No.21583609

It's a matter of definition, what they say.

>> No.21583610

Yeah I'm a pervert who liked bondage but even I think porn is out of control. All bondage stuff is tinged gender bending at least and straight up tranny shit at most. It wasnt always like this.

>> No.21583614
File: 37 KB, 500x311, body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rodents and pests have devoured my remains
Frail rotting skin turns to bright glowing bone
Now nothing more than fistfuls of dust alone
quiet wind disturbs what's left and it starts to rain

>> No.21583761

I don't think I ever gave this motherfucker my number so asking
>hey is this still your number
When people who I actually know don't know that number was a fool move. You went looking for that info and there's a very small pool of people you could ask.

>> No.21583810

You know what they say
Toasters toast
These sages must have been away
The day the toaster broke

>> No.21583815
File: 960 KB, 612x590, 1615634408390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have experienced a phase in which you just shut your brain due to some repressed trauma and start living like a zombie, making it day to day?

Is it good? What is the solution?

>> No.21583859

Damn if your unable to answer the meaning of your story then why are you even writing it?

>> No.21583860

Kind of. I've had fairly intense derealization pretty much constantly since 2015.
>Is it good?
No. Pretty much everything in my life became significantly worse since it started and my IQ has probably dropped by 10 points. My pain and cold tolerance are higher, but in exchange I've lost enjoyment for many things and my relationships deteriorated a lot or failed completely.
>What is the solution?
I won't kill myself due to my beliefs, tempting as it is, but other than that I'm not sure if there really is one. For a less severe case, like temporary mental shock or regression due to trauma, therapy will probably help, as will eating well, exercising outdoors regularly, finding things you can be passionate about, your faith if you have one, and maybe some mental introspection and examination - nothing as intense as what Jung was up to but something in that vein, where you use your temporary state of dissociation from yourself to take a more objective look at things and sculpt yourself into a better form, if that makes sense.

>> No.21583907

How the fuck is that guy only 23? He looks like he's 35 and has been sitting in a cubicle 9 to 5 for 10 years.

>> No.21583920

When i was 14 going through a lot of trauma I basically zombified. I ignored everyone, wouldnt talk, would do everything mechanically. The only thought in my mind was "damn, I can't wait to go back to sleep tonight"
I just shut out the world and pretended it didnt exist and receded pretty deep into my mind. I felt like I was lookjng at everything through very long tunnels, like my vision was set back far behind my eyes.
It was okay. I still remember the day I "woke up" so to speak. I noticed that everything had color and wasnt black and white and I thought something like "oh, huh, I forgot about that."

>> No.21583925

I saw somewhere that doing "self therapy" is a symptom of borderline personality disorder. I find myself often imagining that I'm explaining my problems to someone else very much the way it would occur in a therapy session. Am i mentally ill for doing that?

>> No.21583942

Welcome to the human race. Some people bald early.

>> No.21583943
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I will never find love

>> No.21583953 [DELETED] 

The night is deep
Beneath her veil
She longs so strong to rescued be
Her tights are tight and slimy snail
Is bathing in her fragrant sea

I had to leave all heavy tomes
I had to leave my searches and
To join the legions of unknowns
To thread the path to nowhere land

Sometimes she smiles and then I see
How innocent and pure she is
More frequently, alas, she sleeps
And all my magic disappears

I am but a madden blameful fool
Who's mumbling chants under the rain
I cannot grow past middle school
Remaining painfully the same

Heed to my word and don't forget
The pussy's magnetism is strong
And if you slip away, my friend
You will be taken to the throng.

>> No.21583968

I think there's still plenty of vanilla stuff being made, especially by amateurs, but yeah, the market has shifted, and that probably has to do with vanilla people not wanting to pay for porn, whereas everyone with an outlandish fetish absolutely will, meaning the market for outlandish shit is disproportionately large compared to people's actual preferences.

>> No.21583979

Oh, so that's the name of it. I heavily related to you have written so we have experienced same thing.
>I won't kill myself due to my beliefs, tempting as it is, but other than that I'm not sure if there really is one.
Yes, I think about suicide everyday and I don't have faith like you. I make plans to live more "consciously" and pursue everyday like a warrior in a battle. But then the thoughts of futility and death grip me by the balls. So before sleeping I say, what's the point of doing it? Life doesn't worth this much active struggle and all for what? Dusty death. The cycle repeats over and over.

>IQ has probably dropped by 10 points
I have also noticed this decline. I sometimes stumble across my posts in the archive from few years ago and it's surprising how how well put together those are in comparison to whatever bullshit I write now.

Suicide is probably the only way for me. I don't really like living or like/enjoy anything and I consider these self improvement techniques as fads. I live in poverty ridden 3rd world shithole with no chance of social mobility and even a decent before getting butt fucked by the market for good 5 to 6 years. So you can't even eat properly in the mean. It is just animalistic survival. They feed you just enough so you can come to the job next day. Grim.

>> No.21584007

That "awakening" just clicked out of nowhere? Don't you think that feeling life more intensely makes it difficult and puts lots unnecessary baggage on your shoulders?

>> No.21584015
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Went to a pub alone, to eat. The pub was really crowded and the only place to sit at was at the counter, where the waitresses poured drinks, entered orders and printed checks. I liked it, because it increased my chances of striking up a conversation with one of the servers. There were 4 waitresses. First the new girl. She only brought out food from the kitchen and returned the dishes. When a customer directed a request towards her, she had to pass it on to one of the veterans. She wasn't hot and she seemed uncomfortable amidst the cramped pub. Then there was the pleasent 45 year old lady. She was a real pro. She was probably the shift manager. She took my order. Then there was the 35 year old most unnoticable waitress. She seemed to know what she was doing, but she had a plain face. She was short and had fat legs. She also spoke Russian. Lastly, there was the tall, young and beautiful mademoiselle (victim in French). She was hot and cute at the same time. She had braces. She navigated the pub in a quick and graceful manner. Let's call her Lizy. I larped as a polite young gentleman who was busy and wanted a quick bite. As I was waiting for my order I played sudoku on my phone because this makes me less self-conscious. As I was waiting and playing, Lizy had just received an order and was pouring 2 glasses of beer and two glasses of juice (mixed juice) in front of me. I pretended not to notice her. As she was pouring juice into the last glass, she dropped the juice box, but caught it quickly so she didn't make a mess. I tried to think of a witty comforting remark but pretended not to have noticed the whole ordeal instead. I timed the finishing of my meal in a way that only Lizy would be behind the counter, so she would have to deal with me about settling the bill. I paid in cash and asked her, what are these seeds called that were in my duck salad. She said she knows what they're called but can't remember. She asked me if I wanted her to go ask from the kitchen. I said if it's no bother. She ran to the kitchen and ran back and told me what the seeds are called. She didn't seem to be repulsed by my presence or my humble request. I thanked her and bid her goodbye. I don't remember what the seeds are called. I'm considering visiting that pub more often and eventually asking for her number.

>> No.21584020

Its not just his hairline. My brother had similar hair at that age but holy shit at least his face still had youth. My brother is about 28 not, basically bald and still looks younger than that cave troll

>> No.21584044

He probably eats a lot carbs and sugars. He is skinny fat. I have few friends who after going through the trauma of blading in their 20s, kind of gave up on life. My "chad" friend took this blow to his heart the most. Life is fucking brutal.

>> No.21584050

>That "awakening" just clicked out of nowhere?
It was a slow process. Life started getting back to normal so the worst of what I was avoiding had passed. I remember the day it happened Iw as walking with a girl after school, so I think increased social contact and validation helped bring me to life. I remember looking at a bee buzz around a flower and saying "whoa that's colorful."
Then i looked qt the sky and said "wow it's so blue, and the trees are green"
The girl looked at me like I was crazy.
>Don't you think that feeling life more intensely makes it difficult and puts lots unnecessary baggage on your shoulders?
I'm not sure I really understand. Not feeling anything is like being dead already. It was very unpleasant. I'd rather feel pain and stress than be numb again.
>puts lots unnecessary baggage on your shoulders?
I'm a beast of burden. Give me my yoke and I'll drag it.

>> No.21584048


>> No.21584069

I don't even know why I write. It's natural to do so, but it's also natural to dwell on how bad my writing actually is. I hope that one day I may be able to write something that is not shit (and I hope not to off myself before that). The grinding is so tiresome.

>> No.21584072

>I'm a beast of burden. Give me my yoke and I'll drag it.
Good luck friend.

>> No.21584092

Here it is again, that deep sense of peace. Ever feel like you're watching yourself from above?

>> No.21584101

Not me, it's just from some Nabokov's book.
More and more often feel severe urge to bite. This desire gets more and more intense and so natural, there's no inner conflict, shame or fear when feeling it, like it was before. It feels like wanting to drink water or to eat, so essential and natural. I tried to find more info about it, scientific studies, i.e., during sex couples usually bite each other, but I wondered how far can this instinct go. There was a young wealthy guy who ate a man's face and body parts while high on acid, cops found him over a body as he was biting off pieces of flesh like a predator. I don't take acid or alcohol, just feel an increasing hunger to eat out her slender throat and feel last impulses of life with my teeth and tongue, just want to rip off her tiny budding pies until ribs show up, then tear off her soft kitty. I understand why pitbulls never ease their jaws once they get a bite, they go deeper and deeper, feeling every heartbeat of their prey with their jaws. There's a reason why nature made us this way, but we have to hide our true natural needs and suppress them, which only makes them more uncontrollable. Sex is absolutely nothing compared with pleasure of literally turning into a beast and just ripping to pieces that blossoming sweet creature that inspired Lewis Carrol, Balthus, and many others.

>> No.21584123

Thanks for reminding me, brother.

>> No.21584125

Thinking of getting circumcised for hygienic reasons.
My balanitis always keeps coming back after a while and I'm sick of it.

>> No.21584137
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>The most common cause of balanitis is related to inadequate personal hygiene in uncircumcised males.

>> No.21584153

Try cleaning yourself regularly.

It's only sensible for dirty goat herders with no access to regular bathing.

>> No.21584156

I would like to reflect on the absurdity of the occasion of writing in this thread. Whenever I try to write in these threads, for some odd reason, the consciousness of what this thread in this board in this website represents stops me in my tracks as if I have encountered a predator. The very meaninglessness of this act is comprised in the lack of visibility or attention that any such posts get. We write and form ideas in a dialogical process at all times. We internalize a language that comes before us. We use expressions that aren't of our own making, and we use metaphors and images that are not of our own thinking. We model our internal thought in the form of a conversation. We are social animals though and through. We write for readers, and whenever there is certainty that there is no reader out there, any impetus for writing is lost as well. My very writing this contradicts what I am trying to say.

>> No.21584161

Without going into specifics, I can confirm that even in the most degenerate fetishes, a similar degradation has occurred. Even a decade ago it was more "vanilla".

>> No.21584173

Flirting with the cute indian girl at 711. I think she likes me <3

>> No.21584174

Went bald in HS and would have done anything to delay it until my 20s.
When my book is out I hope you fags buy it.

>> No.21584182

I wish you the best. If your condition was caused by trauma rather than just appearing one day you have a better chance of reversing it so keep struggling on. If yours is like mine then one of my copes is the thought that if things can still get worse, they can change, and if they can change they can hypothetically get better again. Good luck.

>> No.21584190

i can't take this anymore, my lifeis a mess and i'm no close to unscrewing it
i want to light my shoulders from the burden of my mistakes

>> No.21584228

I wanto to be like a crab and cast off my morality, social relations and limitations like a shell. Anabolic steroids might be the way to do this. Ecdysis

>> No.21584238

>recently started wet shaving because cartridges are a scam
>get a horsehair brush for my own autistic reasons even though everybody uses badger hair or synthetic these days
>use it one time
>after drying for a little while it now unleashes extreme horse stank

god i hope the smell is gone by tomorrow morning

>> No.21584254

I developed it during a trip innawoods, ofc the hygiene wasn't perfect there.
Now I shower daily, including the shlong obviously, but it always develops again after a while? Anyone know if I can have unprotected sex with it and not infect the girl?

>> No.21584269

O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

>> No.21584312

Where is the fallacy in my thinking? Whenever I see someone (+unknowingly) damaging their body for example by eating and drinking only trash I basically want more authoritarian control or at least annoying reminders for people not to engage in that. Is that wrong? How is that in anyone's interest, to let people freely ruin themselves especially if they don't really know what they are doing.

>> No.21584313

It means you're morally good and not oversocialized by society to turn a blind eye to the sufferings of others.

>> No.21584339
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You should know this.

>> No.21584344

Fake and gay. Probably not even jewish, just a common troll

>> No.21584349

What is to be done with Anon?
He knows what is true and what is right and yet he does that which is not right. He knows what he ought to be doing, but creates a thousand excuses and contrivances to quell his conscience as he goes his own way. And yet he knows to his bones that the day of reckoning will come, that he will be called to account for every minute of his life, that nothing can protect him.
Does Anon do these things because of a monstrous sense of divine justice? Does he hate himself so deeply as to ensure his own suffering, his own destruction, placing a millstone around his own neck?In the ages of ages, will he hold the doors of Hell shut from the inside and beg those who knock to leave him be, that he deserves it, that he deliberately chose not to repent as a means of ensuring his own punishment for all time? Such a creature is either a supreme narcissist, taking the role of God in his own Judgement, or surely guilty of some hideous crime which he has kept secret. Which of these is Anon? Does he know himself?

>> No.21584364

Wanna dominate me? I'll wear a collar and only eat what you allow.

>> No.21584382

Awesome post. What inspired it?

>> No.21584402

hell yeah anon. i like this a lot.

>> No.21584403

Read Romans 7

>> No.21584426

i wish i could feel that way. what's the secret?

>> No.21584434


>> No.21584465


>> No.21584466

I'm shitting with the bathroom door wide open. Its so liberating

>> No.21584473

Read Romans 7 and then 8 for answer to your question and peace for your guilt.

>> No.21584512

i have no thought, drive, motivation or take any decision anymore, completely lost control over everything
i just let fate move me toward the abyss, dragging me through the dirt, i watch the collapse and i feel nothing, nothing but a faint pain and quiet desperation
i lost my faith, i lost my life, a dead body

>> No.21584538



>> No.21584549 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 616x540, gettoblaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chudjack's dad is a chicago booty bass producer?

>> No.21584552

I did, but Paul filters me pretty hard in that whole epistle. I can't follow what he's trying to say about the Law and sin.

>> No.21584599

No I'm not Jewish and never claimed to be.
All I wrote was true.

>> No.21584601

He's saying that he knows, mentally, philosophically, and doctrinally that the Law is good and he should keep it. He wills to do what his mind says he should. But he is unable to keep the law, not because he is lacking in knowledge of it but because his will is defected by original sin. The flesh compels him to do what he doesn't want. It is impossible by his own will to overcome itself, so we must instead rely on God's grace.
>8But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.

>17Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
This is essential to understanding grace and redemption.
More esoterically he establishes a kind of dualism. Do and Do Not. When the Law prescribes "thou shalt not covet" it immediately generates its opposite which is to covet. The opposite of the Law is sin, which indwells the flesh. Supplement this reading with Galatians. By partaking of the Spirit and grace we are no longer under the law, hence the dualism no longer condemns us. The sin dies to us with the flesh upon redemption. This is easily signified by the two trees in the Garden. When under the law we live according to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When under grace we live according to the Tree of Life.
In any case, dont feel bad about the continued sinning. Redemption is a regenerative process. It slowly brings us out of the Law and condemns the sin in flesh independent of our own being.
>2 Corinthians 4:16
>“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

>> No.21584611

Me too, but for the past month or so.
Everything went uncomfy and each night when I go to sleep, no matter how exhausted I am, I always ruminate for another hour and have a bad sleep. Sometimes I wake up with a swift twitch.

Anyone here have experience with the initial stages of a mental disease? I feel like weird connections are developing in my brain that have no business there.

>> No.21584623

I passed a few hundred subs on youtube, debating whether or not to seriously put effort into it. Kinda afraid of using up all my good ideas early

>> No.21584627

I want to put a bullet through my high school bullies head and i cant stop fantasizing about it.

>> No.21584660

Good post.

>> No.21584681

This is old. You're reposting another anon's work.

>> No.21584694

Lol, even with all that effort to cheese, a mere 122. This estimator is better than I thought.

>> No.21584695

In still water met a spirit called I
A fragment of the eternal divine
On the back of a beast living a lie
I know many selves of mine

>> No.21584701
File: 872 KB, 216x191, D5CF5C19-5D14-459C-97A1-56864DE4DCBA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds weird but does anyone know what the deal is with that look in a girls eyes when she really likes you? It’s like a square of light and it’s always a dead giveaway that a girl is really into you

>> No.21584716

I have no idea what you're talking about. I have never seen such a thing.

>> No.21584736

Tiny details in body language are felt more than consciously seen. Pupil dilation is probably a factor in what you're noticing. God works in mysterious ways.

>> No.21584739

morphic fields. telepathy is real.

>> No.21584752

Yeah it’s a very interesting phenomenon. I can always tell when a girl is head over heels for me simply by the way her eyes look. I can’t describe it well but it almost like a gleam or window of light

>> No.21584767

The light sources seem brighter reflected in the blackness of the dilated pupil. Stars in her eyes.

>> No.21584817


>> No.21584825

The dilated pupil lets in more light so in that fleeting moment what she's looking at glows like the stars in her eyes.

>> No.21584826

im so fucking mad at everything

>> No.21584833

Interesting. Thanks

>> No.21584851

Even me? What did I do?

>> No.21584854

Xi, I know you're lurking you candian twink. Come out and show yourself.

>> No.21584858

I hate drunk people so much it's unreal.

>> No.21584862

Damn I'm drunk right now

>> No.21584875

is Kanye West an avatar of William Blake?

>> No.21584879

I am confused as to how people like GK Chesterton or Sancho the Fat managed to become morbidly obese pre-introduction of HFS or calorically dense foods being made common placd and easily accessible. Was it a case of not enough movement? I understand being fat, owing to their high social statuses, but somehow managing to become borderline morbidly obese is beyond me.

>> No.21584886

My mom keeps saying I was descended from royalty. Yea I'm pretty sure everyone is technically descended from royalty going back far enough, mom. It literally doesn't mean anything. Sheesh.

>> No.21584894

It does if and only if you're in unbroken patrilineal continuity to the royalty.

>> No.21584898

that just means nobody is living up to their potential. Why do you instinctually resist being inspired? It is because you are weak.

>> No.21584902

No, royalty bloodlines typically don’t dilute with peasants. Maybe turn into nobles over time, but that’s it.

>> No.21584906
File: 61 KB, 397x599, chesterton at 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't even grow up fat. But he spent his adulthood as a full time writer. Sedentary work + beer, cheese and bread (his favorite meal) will make someone obese over time.

>> No.21584919

Are you saying the natural selection of royals selected for genes that are perennially dominant?

>> No.21584927

Yeah dumb normies claiming "the Queen is my 13th cousin!" annoy the shit out of me

>> No.21584929

I'm already inspired in intellectual pursuits for my own cause.

>> No.21584930

look at him, he exudes vitriol - he is a snake, who draws power by making others weaker.

>> No.21584961

Even a peasant can become the Wizard King.

>> No.21584966

She is everything you love and the star in her eyes is someone who is not you. Life is wonderful.

>> No.21585011

Wizards aren't real.

>> No.21585041

Oh yeah, then why am I a 30 year old virgin?

>> No.21585057

Why is it that bread and cheese is such a supreme combination of foods? I have never been more satiated, content, and ready to work than after having a nice meal of bread and cheese. This is one of the few meals where I’m willing to forgo meat entirely.

>> No.21585078

>that probably has to do with vanilla people not wanting to pay for porn, whereas everyone with an outlandish fetish absolutely will, meaning the market for outlandish shit is disproportionately large compared to people's actual preferences
There's a pretty horrible implication to this. Look at what happened to art - not porn art, regular art. Nobody wanted to pay for normal art, at with the internet it just became a fact that you were just supposed to post it online for free, so at some point people started drawing porn and the market for porn increased. Now normie art sites are filled with barely SFW ads made by porn artists who want to sell porn. And now vanilla porn doesn't seem to be profitable anymore, so vanilla porn has become the non-porn art, you're just supposed to post it for free. Nobody's really making normal art anymore, it's all that weird smearshit propaganda or just drawing tranny flags everywhere. I'm pretty sure that with AI the few people who were still chasing the "I wanna work at Blizzard" pipe dream have given up as well. Most art in general is just pretty girls with big tits, even on professional sites. The market slowly transforms the general taste of people.

>> No.21585082

>bread and cheese
add pears to this

>> No.21585106

if it's true that the primary character of human cognition is intuition of space, then it makes perfect sense that intelligent life would be able to evolve in oceans. Humans are the only bipedal animal with front facing eyes, i.e, who are at least partially predators. it's predators who evolve intelligence as a means of survival, but they also need to be able to walk upright in order to develop the intuition of space - walking upright creates a three dimensional world rather than a two dimensional one. But all sea creatures except the bottom dwellers live in a purely three dimensional world.

>> No.21585114

The lowest common denominator and the path of least resistance mainstream the most carnal of human inclinations. The corruptibility of human nature is boundless

>> No.21585119

Aren't humans wonderful

>> No.21585137

Regret and rumination are consuming me. All I can ever think about are my losses and mistakes

>> No.21585182

>Sedentary work + beer, cheese and bread (his favorite meal)
Chad taste
I should read this guy

>> No.21585191

I'm going to the corner store to get some SODA.

>> No.21585205

how does one stops talking about their life? the fact that I can't prevent myself from talking about my life when something exciting happens is becoming clearer and clearer. I try to keep things to myself but I happen to slip or something like that every time. I have the feeling that if I manage to control this and truly accept my own shortcomings (unrelated but I can't stop justifying myself for everything I do wrong) I would become a better person.

>> No.21585226

It's 03:47, I'm enjoying some Gouda cheese and crackers. I have two types: chili and mediterranean Gouda. An involuntary smile creeps its way on my face as I take the first bite of a cracker with a hefty serving of Gouda on top. My brain fires up electrons and chemicals in elation. My spine tingles, my skin gets goosebumps. The taste spreads in my mouth and leaves a creamy, mellow aftertaste. I am genuinely happy.

>> No.21585297

They're intolerable, especially older men who go to concerts alone, get hammered and try to chat up younger attendees while acting like insufferable douchebags.

>> No.21585327

fucking hell!

>> No.21585346

>you need more commas
it's like how bout you get bigger lungs you pussy ass bitch

>> No.21585365

I feel very left out

>> No.21585373 [DELETED] 

i hate it when target is sold out of my deodorant. i don't want to have to use a different brand as a stopgap and last time i ordered it in bulk from amazon some shithead sent me the wrong flavor/scent/whatever and i had to return the shit.

>> No.21585374

I feel very left out but I cant tell anyone that I feel left out because then I would come across as needy and demanding. Is it really so much to ask that I be invited to things?

>> No.21585404

I don't know your circumstances, but more often than not I like listening to what other people are doing in their lives. As long as they are talking about positive things, that is. On the other hand I dislike it when I have to listen people dumping all of their emotional baggage. Especially if they don't know when to stop.

>> No.21585408

I'm an awkward fuck, so I don't know how normal people do it, but I do it. I just come to people and ask them if I can come with because I like [thing they're planning to do] and was looking for a [team to play with/people to go with]. That's about it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In the second case scenario they politely say they are full or something.

>> No.21585416

The problem is that I dont know what anyone is doing until after they do it. Then they tell me about it after the fact. It sucks. Feeling excluded makes me feel like a kid again. I hate the feeling.

>> No.21585418
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it’s by design

>> No.21585424

>hey, are you planning to go out the coming weekend? If you are, mind if I come with?

>> No.21585431

You seem like you have a nice personality. I don't talk about negative stuff unless I get prompted for it and usually say something like [do you really want to talk about this or should we move on?] because I hate it when people have leverage on me. Whining in itself is something I've sworn I won't do again, so I don't know. Some people do get entertained when I get excited talking about stuff but I'd really enjoy to keep some things secret and avoid the alternative of [I'll just wait till it's over then tell somebody] sometimes.
How do people even manage to keep secrets to their grave and not tell a single soul? It's completely maddening.

>> No.21585437

That's it. That's about it. Just act casual and if you succeed once they'll invite you by themselves the second time.

>> No.21585442

Ive reached out like that before but all I've received is static. I think I just need to make different friends.

>> No.21585452

Yes, whining is insufferable and only makes me annoyed. Of course if there are problems that I can help solve I will gladly help, but listening to negative things for the sake of it only serves to make the whiner feel a bit better at my emotional expense. I'd much rather share in my friends' excitement and elation, and learn from what they have experienced and done. At best it even inspires me.
I don't keep many secrets personally, but I find that if I need to talk about them, I can always tell the secret to an unrelated third party (like a family member) in passing. No harm done. Of course, if the secret was something serious like "my friend murdered a man in cold blood", things would be quite different.

>> No.21585460

like 3/4 of the people on 4chan are total wackos, are you self-aware enough to tell if you're a wacko or not?

>> No.21585464

...would a wacko be able to tell? Quite the conundrum

>> No.21585465

I got my SODA.

>> No.21585472

didnt see you at the soda store today, anon. what gives?

>> No.21585481

Nonsense. I was just there!

>> No.21585489

my therapist is in love with me and i am in love with her and we have had sex but she refuses to start a relationship with me because i am her patient fucking headcase

>> No.21585498

uhhhhh i don't see anything on the cctv footage. are you sure you're okay man?

>> No.21585506

He's a vampire! A soda vampire!

>> No.21585511

I have a Coca-Cola in my hand right now motherfucker.

>> No.21585561

she could just recommend another therapist and date you afterwards. I'd suspect the heck out of her if I were you, and would actually tell her to cut the shit and date me or be clear about her intentions.

>> No.21585563


>> No.21585629

yeah like the other anon said seems like she just wants to take advantage of you. She wants money and sex from you, nothing more.

>> No.21585720
File: 118 KB, 500x500, artworks-deAJSBg72HLw-0-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to this coffee shop for a year now mostly reading whispering dialogue out loud to myself in a corner like an insane person and today i squeezed past the usual crowd of people blocking the door, past the usual people not knowing what they want to order, and as i came out of the mass this girl that works there said my Name, and (unlike everyone else that works there) even spelled it right on the receipt . . .

im just a completely deranged man, aren't i, and absolutely should not under any circumstances ask this girl on a date?

>> No.21585726

>im just a completely deranged man, aren't i, and absolutely should not under any circumstances ask this girl on a date?
go for it, worst case she looks at you weirdly and says no and you'll have to suffer an awkward situation

>> No.21585728

While I don't regret sleeping with other people's wives, I do feel I have no right to ask my wife to be loyal to me. Like if she ever cheats it'll just be karma and I'll just take it

>> No.21585729

living in the present, the future, and the past all at the same time - that is the secret. Treat the future and past as just as real as the present, because everything is real. nothing ever dies.

>> No.21585732

I only have the inspiration to write while I'm working. When the weekend comes around and I have the time I got nothing.

>> No.21585735

>While I don't regret sleeping with other people's wives
You should
>Like if she ever cheats it'll just be karma and I'll just take it
Tell yourself this till it happens to you. It's like people saying dying isn't a big deal and despairing when they learn they have cancer. You have no clue

>> No.21585740

>It's like people saying dying isn't a big deal and despairing when they learn they have cancer.
Anon, with all due respect I think death is a little more serious than your missus spending a couple hours at a hotel with someone else

>> No.21585746

It's not.

>> No.21585761

I regained access to my old roblox account that i used from 2008-2011. I scrolled through my inbox and saw all the online conversations I had as a ten year old with my irl and online pals, and they caused me to gasp for air I was laughing so hard, partially because of the internet lingo that was used at the time, but mostly because I was a genuinely funny kid, and had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor at ten years old. I used to make everyone laugh all the time, and I laughed all the time. Looking back on it now, I can't help but view my development since that time as nothing more than a transition into becoming a more cold, calloused, and complacent person. I feel trapped in a prison of my own creation. I envisioned myself as always being well-liked, surrounded by friends and family, and finding some sort of passion I could make a career out of. As it turns out, I have no monetizable passions, and it's too late to find applicable meaning for my life outside of religion, or living in my inner world like I have been for the past five years. It's a stupid cycle, I have declined about 80% of the social invitations I've received through college, but it comes from an overwhelming premonition that none of these people are worth spending time with, and that I will never have any worthwhile friendships or relationships for the rest of my life. I genuinely feel that most people aren't worth knowing, dismiss them, then lament the fact that I am alone. This self-perpetuating cycle causes self-loathing, another trait that disgusts me when I see it in other people. I used to love the person I was, now I have no idea who I am, or what I am supposed to be.

>> No.21585807

I love when I see a girl for the first time and she smiles at me and blushes. There’s something so innocent and sweet about it. I wish I can hold on to that feeling forever.

>> No.21585809

>I feel trapped in a prison of my own creation.
This seems to be exactly the case. You want social interaction but you reject it because of your prejudices. And as a result you have cast yourself out, and you've come to dislike what you've become.

>> No.21585820

>death is easy when you’ve been cucked.
That’s the opening to my novel.

>> No.21585821
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You must like tits

>> No.21585881

i've been paranoid that i will develop schizophrenia but now that my behavior and beliefs are the most objectively bizarre i feel the most healthy

>> No.21586021

what are your beliefs? i doubt that they're that strange in the grander scheme of 4chan

>> No.21586034

Yeah. Don't think I can think my way out of this mentality on my own. I'll keep praying and seek help or something idk.

>> No.21586040

>it's too late to find applicable meaning for my life outside of religion, or living in my inner world like I have been for the past five years
You could watch some documentaries. Maybe you find deep meaning in artic terns or the history of the teapot and never knew it?

>> No.21586083

So much pain in my soul

>> No.21586103

vaclav reminded me of a poem

The Assyrian King in peace, with foul desire
And filthy lusts, that stained his regal heart
In war that should set princely hearts on fire:
Did yield, vanquished for want of martial art.
The dint of swords from kisses seemed strange:
And harder, than his lady's side, his targe:
From glutton feasts, to soldier's fare a change:
His helmet, far above a garland's charge.
Who scarce the name of manhood did retain,
Drenched in sloth, and womanish delight,
Feeble of spirit, impatient of pain:
When he had lost his honour, and his right:
Proud, time of wealth, in storms appalled with dread,
Murdered himself, to show some manful deed.

>> No.21586112

I feel like the whole world came together to fuck me over. Everything is so specific in the way it happened that it cant be by chance.

>> No.21586125

Life is like a box of chocolates. You buy it at a store, then you eat the chocolates inside the box.

>> No.21586178

As in loudly talking and explaining your problems to an imaginary therapist? I do the same.

>> No.21586248

Yes, I speak out loud

>> No.21586263

Are we mentally ill?

>> No.21586273

>vaclav reminded me
It keeps reminding me of Havel's Garden Party. I don't know where the bra comes in.

>> No.21586282

His helmet, far above a garland's charge

>> No.21586288

Sorry I have to go retrain as a building superintendent.

>> No.21586305

i don't believe thinking to yourself is mental illness.
seeing somewhere that it is & then doubting yourself and checking with 4chan could be something

>> No.21586308

fuck u

>> No.21586317

Probably. I like to think I'm just lonely

>> No.21586320

I saw on 4chan that its a mental illness :(

>> No.21586336
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I wouldnt worry about it

>> No.21586347

My family assume I care what I look like and always offer to buy me expensive clothes, haircuts, highlights, etc. Why would I care what I look like?

>> No.21586351

'So arousing and satisfying to bury your thangs into her tender neck, and feel that warm stream of sweet blut pulsating for the last seconds until she falls asleep forever ." - Vladimir Nabokov(1921—1977) Unpublished diaries.

>> No.21586365

>Why would I care what I look like?
Clothing you wear does have an impact on your behavior. I have noticed whenever I wear well fitting outfit, I feel way more energetic and active. Whenever I weal sweatpants and shirt I get lazy as fuck and don't even bother to leave my bed. Even pissing becomes a chore.

>> No.21586369

I feel like an idiot when I wear nice clothes, like I got scammed.

>> No.21586377

Don't wear expensive clothing but well fitting clothing. Buy from thriftstores and get them tailored. Expensive clothing is a scam.

>> No.21586381

when i wear joggers i feel like a legend, it feels a bit cringe dressing nice

>> No.21586388

If you had friends you would care

>> No.21586396
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>it feels a bit cringe dressing nice
post examples

I consider pic related as a nice outfit for a day at uni. How is it cringe?

>> No.21586418

You look gay

>> No.21586421

you're trolling

>> No.21586449


post outfits which you consider nice?

>> No.21586462
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>> No.21586466

recommend me something to read after i just smoked a ton of meth

>> No.21586472


>> No.21586476

im permabanned!

>> No.21586482


>> No.21586484

just for meth ???

>> No.21586500

you look like a flaming homo, no offense

>> No.21586501

No you actually look homosexual.

>> No.21586509


>> No.21586511

still waiting for an example photo

>> No.21586520

don't really get why you posted your photo tbqh, no one asked

>> No.21586525

that's not mine. it was my example of a nice fit.

>> No.21586529

proper weirdo

>> No.21586538

Todd Howard?

>> No.21586543

what are you trying to say?

some anon on /fa/

>> No.21586761

does anybody here want to be my friend ?

>> No.21586892


>> No.21586966
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idk, I'd need to get to know you first

>> No.21587369

Of course you should.
Or talk about this and that, and calmly casually inquire if she's seeing anyone.
If the answer is yes, she is seeing someone, she now knows you're interested, but it doesn't matter. Don't feel bad about it. There are other women