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21581513 No.21581513 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you remember your gnostic phase

>> No.21581525
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>tfw I remember my 4chan phase

>> No.21581547
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>tfw you remember your human phase

>> No.21581626
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Okay, here it is.

>> No.21581649


Gnosis/integresis is not a phase.

You mean: "(your) g:Olem phase".

>> No.21581656

You made this terrible frog post twice as cringe

>> No.21581657

Is something wrong with gnosticism?

>> No.21581664

There's a virulent band of catholics infecting the board.

>> No.21581686

God I hate catholics

>> No.21581692
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>> No.21581772

gnosticism is the truth
You just have to ignore all the cringe /x/ shit about it

>> No.21581785
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finally. /lit/-brand "gnostics" are growing up.

>> No.21581791

>You just have to ignore all the cringe /x/ shit about it
So... everything?

>> No.21581793


>> No.21581804
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tfw you remember

>> No.21581809

You were likely never a gnostic. You were likely a believer, since you didn't attain gnosis. Agnostic maybe.

>> No.21581813

>didn't attain gnosis
not a real thing, but it sure helps 4chan losers feel better about themselves

>> No.21581820
File: 370 KB, 2000x1000, G-Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is though

>> No.21581837

oh yes, because an old man said so, and he must be right because he's old and the picture is in black and white and he's smoking a pipe and looking grimly to the side

>> No.21581852
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>tfw you remember your early internet atheist phase
>tfw you remember your Guenon phase
>tfw you remember your Stoic phase
>tfw you remember your Neetchee phase
>tfw you remember your Ted-Kaszynski phase
>tfw you remember your Trad-Cath phase

>> No.21581854
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>tfw you share a board with people young enough to have "phases"

>> No.21581866

le ebin fellatio man

>> No.21581878
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>tfw you remember your material existence phase

>> No.21581886

The extent to which every occult teaching falls under the ambit of both Gnosticism and the Christian tradition leads me to believe that monotheism (always of two deities, strangely) itself is not only conducive to but designed for Gnosticism. You have God and you have the Devil in the way, and it takes no effort of imagination to switch their places. Which one leads to gnosis and which one keeps you from it? Maybe it doesn't matter.

>> No.21581894

You wouldn't know if it was.

He didn't attain gnosis.

>> No.21581897

>t. didn't achieve gnosis

>> No.21581899

Esoterically this means you are centerless, which is feminine and lunar.

>> No.21581900

It is irrational (both due to pure reason and reason applied to revelation and apostolic tradition), and only exists as a form of antinomian Hellenic mental masturbation based upon the realization that matter is substantial (which is wrong btw), and then everything else beyond that (emanationism) is completely made up. Both Neoplatonic and Patristic critiques of Gnosticism still hold up over a millennia later.

>> No.21581909

Are you old?
Do you have your picture in black and white?
Do you smoke the pipe?
Can you smirk grimly to the side whilst having you picture take?
If you can't do any of these things, how were you expecting to attain gnosis?

>> No.21581912

I know of people who have and do presently and they don't talk about Jung except in reference for an example of what not to do.

>> No.21581916
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I don't know what these words mean

>> No.21581918

>Both Neoplatonic and Patristic critiques of Gnosticism still hold up over a millennia later.

>> No.21581919

>Has no ritual or tradition, so you don't have to do anything
>meme JRPG gods and demons
>Everyone is stupid but me!
No surprise it's so popular on 4chan

Jung was a New Age quack whose only legacy is being wheeled out to justify absurd interpretations of the world, like you're doing now