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21581432 No.21581432 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf thread

>> No.21581492
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I don’t feel like posting a bunch of pics but here’s my Lawrence/Henry Miller/transcendentalist section

>> No.21581499

God this shit is always so fucking pathetic.

>> No.21581537

get rid of everything except the three musketeers

>> No.21581557

Why you only keep personal injury damages book? Where are da rest bruh?

>> No.21581876

Post shelf

>> No.21582085

>Personal injury

insurance law sucks dick. change to comm lit or some other specialisation like insolvency, construction, or even family law. i hated insurance so fucking much:
>someone gets a mild back injury
>they go to three million unnecessary medical appointments
>they make a CTP or workers comp claim
>send them to an expert
>settle after 12-18 months
>rinse and repeat

>> No.21582168

Why is inferno so thick?
Does it have notes?

>> No.21582231


>> No.21582245
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>muh shelves are for books only.
Anons, I...

>> No.21582318

Preaching to the choir

>> No.21582321
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my meme shelf

>> No.21582917

Get the Merrill translations of Homer

>> No.21582942


>> No.21583021
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>> No.21583381
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give me back my skull

>> No.21583392

>ITT: wagie parasitic attorneys whinging over their parasitic profession
Maybe stop being a pettifogging shyster and you would not be such miserable cunts.

>> No.21583423

They're the best and use dactylic hexameter. Very nice even to read it out loud.

>> No.21583427

Why the dislike for lawyers? No one else would support you when you're criminally wrong - for a fee.

>> No.21583488
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>> No.21583489

Legitimately kys

>> No.21584139

>two copies of American Jurisprudence, but missing Vols. 1-2, 4-11, and 13-18


>> No.21584644
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>> No.21584923

Yea nah

>> No.21584935

At work

103 pages of intro, dual language, 100 odd pages of notes

No one on this board reads

>> No.21585335


Also why 3 american psycho books?

>> No.21585655


To scare away women, but also because the covers are different and cool

>> No.21585734

Do you not have 3 copies yourself?

>> No.21585783

Are you in prison?

>> No.21585979


>> No.21585995

Who isn't.

>> No.21585998
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honestly the only normal thread on /lit/ nowadays.
my ugly shelves incoming. wish I had a long wall to put all my shit up or somehow better put it together but sadly I don't so my shelves are all over the place.

>> No.21586003

My bookself only has a few books in finnish and some donald duck, garfield an fantom comics from my childhood and my fathers childhood.
Only reason I have those books is that finnish ebooks are hard to find(pirate)
all the rest is on my hard drive or in local library

>> No.21586004 [DELETED] 

it's from the movie Cape Fear by Scorsese

>> No.21586015

Cmon dude

>> No.21586018 [DELETED] 


>> No.21586024

Yeah, that's some shitty pine/whitewood right there, but at least it's not particle board. The books are the real problem. The shelves work well enough.

>> No.21586047

you spoiled my fun

>> No.21586540

>Unironically displaying damaged/non mint condition books
Why? It looks fucking horrible and ugly, it's like displaying your broken/chipped/rusty knives in your kitchen that you decorated yourself in hopes of looking good.
Are you really too poor to afford multiple copies of books for reading and displaying?

>> No.21586696

Books are for reading.

>> No.21586775

I’m rather wealthy, I just buy interesting books when I see them on discount at my local used bookstore. Sometimes the spines are ugly but if it’s in readable condition and less than $5 I will buy it. I use the money I save to purchase expensive and exquisite old European art and Chinese porcelain, which I place above the bookshelf to snare the wandering eyes of retards, so they can’t think I’m poor because of my damaged books.

>> No.21586789

Heh. Wouldn't have guessed you, of all people, frequent this site. I think we'll see each other in the coming weeks. Me or R.

>> No.21587013

>tryhard /lit/core
Allah's mercy wil not reach you

>> No.21587682

I'm actually probably got about six million or so roundabouts depending.
That's a corner basement thread.
When you have a large brick building and are known for being very successful and intelligent you don't really bother with ghetto style "signaling."

>> No.21587685

I keep my books in very good condition and yet you quoted one of my pics. And yes, I do read them

>> No.21587686

Also, many of those are first editions because when you are erudite you tend towards that and by their nature they are a little crusty typically.
Probably $5,000 easily on that shelf.

>> No.21587709

That Latin dictionary is obnoxious.

>> No.21587717
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Pls bully

>> No.21587723

>being a wordlet
SAD! but many such cases.

If you don't have historical dictionaries, then you don't know what the author is saying when you read old books.
This is obvious to people that read and are educated.
But to contemporary brainlets, not so much.

>> No.21587726

>no hardbacks
Too easy, I'll pass.

>> No.21587734

What's it like being blind?

>> No.21587735

What damaged books are there in >>21585998?

>> No.21587759

I can't find a book to make fun of. Maybe the Yoko Ono book but I don't know anything about it. Honestly pretty good shelf.

>> No.21587763

What's it like getting baited so easily by random fags on the internet?
Yes, there is a hardback or two. kek
Compare here >>21584644

>> No.21587769

>old hardbacks with yellow pages and bugs

>> No.21587772

What a strange thing to fetishize.

>> No.21587776

>>old hardbacks with yellow pages and bugs

>> No.21587780

they're the vinylfags of the book world, only they have no actual reasons because the content is the same.

>> No.21587800

You misunderstand. It is a chode of a book, as fat as it is long. It’s got to be ~2000 pages. It should be broken up into multiple volumes

>> No.21587823

>sunken bookshelves
i am jelly anon

>> No.21587846

>asks to be bullied
What are first editions and out of print books?

A smart person once said "if you only read what others read, you are likely to only think what others think."
It's not ideal to have a shelf full of mass produced books. It means you are a normie, downloading normie ideas almost entirely.
Expand your horizon a touch.
Fair opinion I suppose. The oxford English dictionary tends to be just a big fat book too.
Not many dictionaries are divided by letters unless they are the old style "dicto-pedias" that used to be around a lot.

>> No.21587873

Oh dear sweet Anon, you're operating under the mistaken assumption that there's only one other person in this thread talking to you

>> No.21587885

No I'm not.
The person complaining is complaining in the stead of someone who asked to be bullied.
That's white knight retarded. A special kind.

Paperback normie collectors seethe no matter what you say because of their inferiority complex.

>> No.21587889

>white knight
Anon I am sincerely asking you to take a step back from the computer for like ten minutes and interact with an actual human being

>> No.21587902

I run a business. I see enough people daily.
Just spent all morning with my kids and wife.
Then did yoga. I think I can post online a bit.
Thanks though.

>> No.21587915

Who tf cares if someone reads hardcovers or paperbacks, takes good care of their books or throws them around, uses an ereader or physical books? Isn’t the important thing that we read? Every thing is so tribal anymore

>> No.21587922

Is that Alan Moore book any good? Doorstoppers intimidate me.

>> No.21587923

>No one has a copy of Poe's Eureka

I have a friend who finished Law School recently. He would ask me for help proofreading his papers on occasion. I would know he forgot something early on in the paper just by reading the later parts he would show me. Intuition will always triumph over route memory.

>> No.21587933

Who cares if your name is "Allen" or "Poindexter"?
He asked to be BULLIED. The reaction is maybe telling of deeper issues /lit/ has.
This is like reacting to a roast of yourself with BUT THAT'S NOT EXACTLY TRUE!!!

>> No.21587934

I have it in Poe’s LoA collection. Just didn’t post it

>> No.21587948

I was just using that interaction as a stepping stone to my rant. I see what I said often. Every time someone posts books in good condition you will inevitably get an “unread” comment. Like why are you here if you think people don’t read books they own? Especially if they have many

>> No.21587951

Have you read it? I have only read the first few pages, but I will finish it this week.

>> No.21587962

Well...you sound kinda like the scene from Casablanca where the officer enters the casino and says "I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find there's gambling going on in here."
Then another comes over and says "Your winnings sir" before everyone clears out.
You are on 4ch. I don't think people are quite serious all the time.

>> No.21587967

Not yet but I am planning on it. It is a strange phenomenon where Poe gets a lot of acclaim in Europe but not his home country. I’ve always thought his humor is underrated. I always laugh in The Black Cat when the narrator reasons that someone chucked the cat he hung through the window to warn him of the fire

>> No.21587975

https://baltimorepostexaminer.com/edgar-allan-poe-albert-einstein-greatest-thinker-time/2013/12/28 Well you should know the history of it then.

>> No.21587984

>A smart person once said "if you only read what others read, you are likely to only think what others think."
Are you saying we shouldn't read the classics anymore? Because that's what many others read. It's a very silly quote that implies all people are the exact same and whatever input they put in their minds has the same result on all of them.
>It's not ideal to have a shelf full of mass produced books. It means you are a normie, downloading normie ideas almost entirely.
I'm not sure what you mean here. You are giving qualities to a particular format yet those same qualities can also be found in other formats. Don Quixote is the same book in hardcover than in paperback.

>> No.21587991

Thanks. I’ll read it when I get a chance. Have you read any of his literary criticisms? I’ve been meaning to check them out. DH Lawrence has a decent write up on Poe in his Studies in American Literature that I found interesting. You might like it. IMO Poe is deserving of his spot among not just American literature, but world literature. His influence is far reaching from Dostoyevsky to the horror genre in general

>> No.21587994

I think you missed a word.
Reading comprehension involves reading the full sentences, qualifiers and all.
>next portion of what you said
Again, with the qualifiers
>not ideal

I agree with your points, but they are not exactly refutations or counters to what I said.
Are you possibly a female? They have big issues with hearing and registering qualifying statements (if/thens) relative to men.

>> No.21588008

I must have read some criticisms of him in the past, but none that stand in my mind anymore beyond the article I linked you. I think him inventing the detective genre as well as presaging 20th century scientific theories goes to show his brilliance.

>> No.21588011

Yep, and the seafaring genre too

>> No.21588015

Honestly it's a bit of a slog. Moore writes a fantastic Northampton accent but as an American it's hard to pick up its rhythm. Lots of truncated words and apostrophes. I was king of hoping for something more in the vein of Here by Richard McGuire, exploring a fixed point in space over a vast length of time, but it's slow going. I should really try it again one of these months.

>> No.21588018

How did he shape the seafaring genre?

>> No.21588031

The Narrative of Arthur Pym influenced at least Melville and was a precursor to Conrad and company. Also Poe had some early sci fi stories that influenced the genre. His influence is vast

>> No.21588044

The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion is so criminally ignored by Poe fans and fans of the sci-fi genre alike. I only stumbled upon it while studying American apocalypse narratives in college but it's so damn well-written.

>> No.21588063

I know of his sci-fi influence, but other stories predate him, such as Frankenstein. I know seafaring tales are much older than Poe thoughever. Lots of talk of it in European mythos and beyond with tales of Libertalia and the like. I did not even know of the two other authors you listed. I do not read to gawk at fancy words and sentence structure, so I largely ignore young adult fiction.

>> No.21588066

Have you read The Devil in the Belfry? It's a bizarre little tale. I've never read quite anything like it. It's has that same absurd vibe of something like Alice in Wonderland, Dr Seuss books or Tim Burton's early movies. I was expecting a horror tale with a devil or something and suddenly this odd, whimsical tale unfolds. Wasn't expecting it but it was interesting.

>> No.21588076
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Here’s another pic of books I’ve got lined up, most will be rereads. I just finished Niels Lyhne and I strongly recommend it.

>> No.21588077

Can't say I have! I'll have to try to remember that one.

>> No.21588082

Yea, but Frankenstein is a different subgenre. The story that guy mentioned is apocalyptic fiction specifically.

>> No.21588095

>The Essential Goethe
is it worth getting that compilation?

>> No.21588096

In fairness Shelley also wrote The Last Man, which is explicitly a work of post-apocalyptic fiction. And rather good, if my opinion matters to you.

>> No.21588110
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I like it. I read Egmont last week and enjoyed it. Here’s the table of contents

>> No.21588114

Sci-fi also goes back to Arabian Nights. There might be some apocalyptic fiction in there. http://www.scififantasynetwork.com/arabian-nights-sf-origins/

>> No.21588127
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 9A4C6798-3C71-443F-8B9E-8B1254FF5062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably prefer Conversations With Goethe by Eckermann though. It’s like you got to know Goethe intimately, his thoughts, analysis, criticisms, ideas, etc

>> No.21588138

Most genres will have many origins and influences. All of Shelley, Poe and Arabian Nights provided groundwork for science fiction

>> No.21588144

Thanks! It looks like a pretty nice compilation. My main interest is Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Very difficult to get individually, unless through those print on demand services.

>> No.21588156

Fair enough. I just tend to prefer looking at the roots in chronological order.

>> No.21588165
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Apocalyptic fiction was influenced by the Revelations book in the Bible.

>> No.21588170

I say this and look like this

>> No.21588186

And the Book of Revelation was influenced by apocalypse narratives from Jewish tribes suffering under Roman rule. And those Jewish tribes were influenced by the Greeks and Persians. It's one long daisy chain of influence all the way back to the birth of the written word!

>> No.21588230

It was influenced by Deucalion’s flood, a real event

>> No.21588245
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Do we call it decualian fiction or apocalyptic fiction? Apokálupsis means 'Revelations' in Greek. The seed of all is genre is that book in the Bible.

>> No.21588468
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>Are you possibly a female? They have big issues with hearing and registering qualifying statements (if/thens) relative to men.
I'm actually way too manly, if nothing. Sorry I didn't care for the homosexual nuance of your cowardly quote.

>> No.21588549
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We'll have a guest over, so I'm making room in the office for him, bookshelf is cluttered as a result

>> No.21588561
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Fixed for neck-havers.

>> No.21588574

Fuck, you have the entirety of Everyman's Library current catalogue? Is there anything by them that you don't have?

>> No.21588612

If you posed your shelf in this thread, just know you are a loser and will never accomplish anything in life.

What an absolute moron.

>> No.21588644

As opposed to you, the highly successful, emotionally regulated, sex-having gigachad browsing 4chan on a Sunday instead of doing literally anything else

>> No.21588658

I posted itt, am successful with women, have a good job, a good place of my own, and a good social life

>> No.21588667
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Are Easton Press books the real deal when it comes to quality? I like the looks of pic related and they've got a lot of other classics that are tempting me.

>> No.21588829

I have most of the editions that I want. I'm still looking for Vasari, and a few more of the eighteenth and nineteenth century editions. The house of the dead I bought for $12 from amazon is on backorder until February. Other than Raymond Chandler, Hammet, and the other Elroy, I think I have all of the Red modern classics. If I run across the Bridge on the Drina I intend to get it. I don't think I'll get the Trollopes now that I have the Folio editions

For most people it's okay as long as you don't pay more than $20-30 for it. I gave my copy to a friend last year because I already have the Rockwell Kent and a few other copies. They use good paper, decent bindings, and rely on editions from the George Macy Limited Editions club/ Heritage Press. The best thing about these are the size of the text. It's much more comfortable to sit in an armchair with a giant book that's easy to read rather than a little fat paperback with 10pt font.

>> No.21589182

>the other Elroy
What Ellroy do you have? Everyman sells the LA Quartet in a single volume and the Underworld USA trilogy in two volumes. I only have the former.

>> No.21589795
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>> No.21589801

Nice. Are those all the volumes? How much do they cost?

>> No.21589819

Yeah this is all that's available atm. These cost me $840aud (%70aud each). Much cheaper than getting all 41 paperbacks which would be $1k+aud

>> No.21589821

Oops meant to put $ for 70 lol

>> No.21590076

Dear lord, how are you not supposed to fall asleep the moment you touch one of those books?

>> No.21590082

Excellent, now one for non-ants

>> No.21590968

Good books, but are you going to read those books?

>> No.21591364

Collect & Read


>> No.21592083

I have

>> No.21592103
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I have the LA quartet, and to clarify, I don't want many of the red books, unless they do a McCarthy or something like Joe haldeman's forever war, or Conan. I might get an autobiography if they did a djilas.

I'd like to get the Zola for the introduction and notes, but I already have 4 copies of germinal

>> No.21592108
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I have a few of the original nonesuch Dickens, but they're locked up with some of the 18th century books that need restoration

>> No.21592111

Is there any way to filter out anyone that posts this thread or posts their shelves in this thread?

I think it would make /lit/ a much better place to eliminate these morons from it, even if it's just for me.

>> No.21592113
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These are amongst my most cherished books, so they hang out in a darker section. That anatomy is signed by the illustrator

>> No.21592123
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Same here, house, 3 kids, wife and a huge library. My kids collect books too, the magic treehouse, Richard scarry and little blue truck.

>> No.21592132

why do married people come here?

>> No.21592152

Because they like literature? I can only speak for myself but I don’t come here that often anymore, mainly because the board is on life support

>> No.21592177

If there was such a filter you just filtered yourself, retard.

>> No.21592183

it's the normalfags and the /pol/tards destroying the board.

>> No.21592188

This reminds me of that reading comprehension thread a while ago.

You'll notice I specified people who start this thread, and those that post their shelves in it. Not those who post in it.

I know the internet feeds you words really fast, but try and slow down, stop breathing through your mouth, and really try to understand sentences.

>> No.21592319

Out of all the terrible threads, a lot made by people who probably don’t read, it is shelf threads that draw your ire? Strange but okay

>> No.21593233

Much of the complaining owes to a sense of powerlessness many young people feel today. Limited job prospects, constricted budgets, and a societal malaise owing to low home ownership rates. Basically it's as sour grapes as it gets. They believe poverty makes truth, earnestness, and authenticity...

>> No.21594538


>> No.21594568

Yeah. That’s one of the points. If someone has a lot of books you like, chances are you have similar taste

>> No.21594575

Feels like you just went to Barnes and Noble and bought a bunch of shit from the fiction section. Not bad but also no real throughline
Go show this to the HGTV forums or something
Good but kind of narrow
Looks like shit you had to take from your dead grandpa's house because no other family member would.
Niche, not bad, but could never see myself getting through one of those tomes.
You will get shit for comics but there is literally nothing wrong with this as long as you have other shelves with other stuff as well.

Go collect funko pops or something fag

>> No.21594637

Nice Mann Folio Society. I’ve wanted it for a while. This will be the first year I haven’t reread Mann during the winter in some years

>> No.21594987

I would read some of these but I would never pay a single dollar for any of them.

>> No.21595011

> honestly the only normal thread on /lit/ nowadays.

I’m trending in the same direction. I have more faith that anons posting in stack and shelf threads really read. If I see an anon has a certain book and I ask about it, I’ll believe he read it if he says so. Too many ulterior motives on /lit/ anymore

>> No.21595023
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Seeing others who also enjoy books pleases me. An older friend and I consult our shelves and think on our reading, what we know, and think conceptually as the ideas converge on the shelves. The physical placement of the totemic symbol of knowledge creates sparks and even that most bourgeois of idea--inspiration.

>> No.21595058

Have you read the Abelard Heloise letters? That’s been on my list for a bit

>> No.21595257

Only good one

>> No.21595258

Yeah, in 2005 for a history courses I took, we read a selection of letters and compared them to LuSanna and Giovanni.

>> No.21595284

How are they if you remember?

>> No.21597177

I found the peculiar and fascinating at the time, for the strangeness of the padt

>> No.21597765
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>bottom right red volumes
Are those the life works of Thomas Paine?

>> No.21597952
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If this isn't bait just fucking end it anon, holy shit.

>> No.21598951
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>> No.21598959

I just started reading The Last of the Mohicans today. I really like it so far

>> No.21598978

>Donad Duck comics
>The Planetary
>Kirby's Fantastic Four
>Calvin and Hobbes
All kino, nta.

>> No.21599729

Do you read them or are they just props for when you have guest overs?