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/lit/ - Literature

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21581202 No.21581202 [Reply] [Original]

what are you reading now

>> No.21581215 [DELETED] 

BBC cuck porn transcripts

>> No.21581216

One of the best books ever but i am not going to tell you.

>> No.21581220
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Cartographies schizoanalytiques

>> No.21581222

i dont read

>> No.21581239

industrial society
infinite jest
the kalevala
the bible

>> No.21581304

The Right Stuff

>> No.21581325

>The Right Stuff

Why are you reading Acts?

>> No.21581332

It was next after the gospels and I lost my reading list. I got TRS at the airport last week.

>> No.21581362

Academic papers. Academia.edu is such a great site for them. It's pretty much what I exclusively read nowadays. Currently reading this:

>> No.21581363 [DELETED] 

i used to read a lot of literature papers off jstor related to whatever i'm reading, but honestly most academic papers are pretty low quality, so i rarely bother these days.

>> No.21581364

I'm currently reading Respect about Aretha Franklins life and upbringing as a person. I'm a very slow reader so it's gonna take a long time to read it.

>> No.21581368

Do you have any idea how little time you have left on this earth?

>> No.21581538

Finished The Kalevala last night, gonna read some Conan now.

>> No.21581650

I am reading Vampire$ by John Steakley, Protector by Larry Niven, and Cobra: Cobra Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. Thinking about reading Anabasis: The March Up Country and JADAM Organic Farming (Second Edition) by Youngsang Cho

>> No.21581658

Reading Robert E. Howard or some nock off?

>> No.21581667

>The Journal by Thoreau
>The Air Conditioned Nightmare by Miller
>The Pickwick Papers by Dickens

>> No.21581678
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A 2017 collection of Robert E Howard’s work called the broadsword legacy collection, supposedly it’s all the exact text as REH wrote it, which is good because I didn’t even consider that some editors would alter it excessively.

I was gonna buy the hardcover complete chronicle that Amazon has for 40 bucks but I got this for like, 5 dollars.

>> No.21581700


>> No.21581751
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>> No.21581780

The Two Natures of Christ by Martin Chemnitz

>> No.21581800

Hackett, David Fischer; Washington's Crossing

>> No.21582232
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>Intimate Behavior by Desmond Morris
>The Japanese Family: Touch, Intimacy, and Feeling by Diana Adis Tahhan
>Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin by Ashley Montagu

>> No.21582235

I plan to start either Sherlock Holmes or House of Leaves.

>> No.21582236

Poems by Christina Rossetti

>> No.21582238

don't tell me that's a man

>> No.21582241

The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem
I don't usually read sci-fi and feel like I'm missing a lot

>> No.21582294

The way of kings

>> No.21582301

I don't know. In the last six months I started a bunch of books and stopped. I guess I'm rereading Borges stories to find a specific one that I remember but not the title.

>> No.21582311

Wish there were cool hentai like that today

>> No.21582320

Infinite Jest, the ebonics sections are fucking painful

>> No.21582399

2001 a space odyssey

>> No.21582415
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im not really in a frame of mind to read anything. last year i have only read like 6 books
i work in IT, i write boilerplate code all day, and after work im just watching footy on my tele or some series
i dont even play vidya, its boring.

>> No.21582452
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>> No.21582601

Same, programming is killing my soul. I implemented one cool feature in November but other than that it was all mindless crap.

>> No.21582985

A handmaid's tale

>> No.21583051

How the fuck do you manage reading 4 books?

>> No.21583106

The Sleepwalkers - Hermann Broch

>> No.21583109

Rereading Paradise Lost

>> No.21583119
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The book of Enoch and ‘the place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church’ by fr. Rose

>> No.21583130

The Turn of the Screw.
Deutsche Krieger.
Seeing like a state

Is the Kalelava worth it?
I noticed the English version that appeared last year on the Internet, but haven't read it yet.

Do you actually read?

>> No.21583136

Yes, i read /lit/ posts everyday

>> No.21583329
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Not that anon but 4 books is manageable but more than that i feel it becomes clumbersome.
2 or 3 is the comfiest quantity if you want to read more than one book.

>> No.21583335

>Is the Kalelava worth it?
I'm only 4 chapters in but it's wonderful so far. I love the nature imagery and forest life and the Friberg translation reads well.

>> No.21583353

On the Apostolic Preaching

>> No.21583444
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Halfway through the The Latter-Day Pamphlets. Mostly just obstinacy keeping me going at this point.

>> No.21583448
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Human All Too Human

>> No.21583712
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>> No.21583725

Verification not required

>> No.21583767

Is Kite any good?

>> No.21584071

Yes but avoid the dub

>> No.21584203

The plague by Camus, in french. Fucking shite. Don't like Camus. Can't wait to finish and then read madame Bovary, which will hopefully be good. Candide is really funny. I enjoyed it immensely.
>tfw no red sheep

>> No.21584263


>> No.21584273
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>> No.21584295


>> No.21584300
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>> No.21584413
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Really good set of advices, talked to 2 girls this month.

>> No.21584438

Gene Wolfe - Peace
What a pleasure to read so far

>> No.21584475

the pilgrim's progress

>> No.21584815

I'm enjoying it so much more than the first time reading it.

>> No.21585499


>> No.21585528

The prince

>> No.21585548

His Dark Materials. Not too long not too short.

>> No.21585627
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Currently I'm reading a tale of two cities. Plots finally picking up.

>> No.21585642

leviathan - oxford classics. really enjoy the index
what translation/edition

>> No.21585644
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My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
t. straight white dude

>> No.21585693

Started Gravity's Rainbow, why is it all about bananas so far

>> No.21585722

the band aid is on backwards

>> No.21585751
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Sky in the Deep. About 20% through it, enjoying it so far.

>> No.21585757

new verner vinge?

>> No.21585765

It's a good read. There are some fun stories in there that modern readers might get a little squeamish with. I personally enjoyed Lemminkainen and the story of Kullervo

>> No.21585794

Augustus by John Williams. Read Stoner in December and loved it. I'm getting used to the concept of the story being told via letters written by different figures.

Also reading Phaedrus, just finished the Trial of Socrates dialogues.

>> No.21586121
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So far i enjoy it, has anyone else read it?

>> No.21586137
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I'm from argentina but this book was printed in English version, check it yourself

>> No.21586228

I'm currently reading Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass. It's an essay collection written by a doctor/psychiatrist with lots of experience working in a British slum, a prison, and some of the poorest countries in Africa. It's about the troubles of the underclass, how their worldview shapes their actions, and how ideas pushed by intellectuals often aggravate their problems, even when their intentions are good. It's a pretty interesting read, so I definitely recommend it.

>> No.21586275

The Bible and Talking To Canadians (the memoir of Rick Mercer)

>> No.21586372

thanks for the rwc seems v interesting

>> No.21586912

I just finished Sobre Heroes y Tumbas (On Heroes and Tombs).

The writing is glorious and the main plot is interesting, but GOD it is a BORE to read. The author goes nowhere with bazillions topics that add nothing to the novel and it becomes tiresome very fast.
"Informe Sobre Ciegos" is also boring. It lacks complete sense and, of course, goes nowhere.

But that's most of latinamerican literature, I guess.

>> No.21586930
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The most wild swings in quality, tone, style and subject matter of anyone I've read.

>> No.21586932

>I fucked a prostitute and now I feel better with myself!11!1!!!!


>> No.21587374

the shield of achilles is such a great poem

>> No.21587397

Cugel's Saga and Radix.

>> No.21587399

The King in Yellow. It's alright but I was expecting something spookier

>> No.21587568

ratner's star
pretty bizzare book

>> No.21589209
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Doña Barabara en español
Eccentric Lives, Peculiar Notions in English

Barbara is killing my ass with all the llanero speech. Eccentric Lives is okay, but the Internet makes it seem kind of quaint.

>> No.21589392
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I meant to start reading Foster Wallace with "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men" but bought this instead. It is a great read but don't know if I could be arsed with Infinite Jest any time soon.

>> No.21589406
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80% in and i feel like killing myself

>> No.21589427

Not that anon, I'm currently reading 4 books too.
I read two when I want to actually read, changing them when I get bored of one.
Then I also read one book which is extremelly longer (2600 pages long), I read some chapters after finishing a normal book.
I also read the bible to go to sleep.

>> No.21589506

2001: A Space Odyssey

I'm loving the pace

>> No.21589754
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>> No.21589765

Is this real or AI-nime?

>> No.21589864

>what are you reading now
industrial society

>> No.21590270

>Doña Barbara
I think this is the first time I've seen someone mention a book from my shit hole here in /lit/, It feels nice.

>> No.21590284

it's a real book by Guattari

>> No.21590989

The king in Yellow is pretty spooky as is.

>> No.21591027

War of the Flowers by Tad Williams

The Lacanian Subject by Bruce Fink

The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa

for language learning:
Kiki's Delivery Service (魔女の宅急便)

>> No.21591082
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just finished cory doctorow's radicalized. in short: convenient 2d strawmen dish out or receive social justice in political statements haphazardly disguised as novellas.