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21579594 No.21579594 [Reply] [Original]

i am absolutely terrified at a possibility that i am actually double digits iq, just educated
i feel like actually smart people keep me at distance, because they can sense it. its like a stench i got used to

>> No.21579600

I was lower mid triple digits and then suffered clinical brain damage. Now I may be double digits. Sucks.

>> No.21579606

Who are they to dictate you like an animal? Strike down their hubris, make them swallow their egos, conquer the dissapointed sighs ! For what purpose are you posting on 4chan by the way

>> No.21579625

On what basis did you, or, for what reason do you presuppose, that raw intelligence alone is noteworthy or worth worrying about at all? I am a certified 94 IQ person. This does not bother me, however, as I severely mog most everyone I interact (including on this board) with, in terms of knowledge and physique alike. I've met demonstrably gifted people who could achieve my position with half the effort, yet never will. They miss the forest for the trees. Be grateful you are intelligent enough to be self-aware, that is all you require, only effort yields results. And buddy, 99% of people out there aren't trying at all.

>> No.21579674

judging by the way you phrase its extremely unlikely that you are that low iq. i know people with degrees who are unable to write so eloquently. i know you can counter my desbelief with
>that was exactly my point
but you are jesting, bro, you are jesting hard, and im not in a mood for jesting

>> No.21579942

kys dumb frog

>> No.21580852

actual smart people keep everyone at a distance. people are dangerous.

>> No.21580865
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1672819714352712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is why IQ is bullshit.
If your inner life and way of seeing the world developed under high iq conditions, you're still going to have a fundamentally sophisticated inner life even if a few brain cells get fried IMO.

>> No.21580912

You almost had me. Fancy phrasing? Sure. However in that post my grammar is abysmal. Because I am low iq. This is no jest, brother, you may have to try harder than the average and high iq normals, but the very act of that effort will place you above droves of them.

>> No.21580924

I don't know if you fags are actually dumb or are merely pretending, but stop it.

>> No.21580939


>> No.21581186

Even if you are, there's no point in being terrified. Just accept it and learn to live with it.