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21579357 No.21579357 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book to learn psychological and mental manipulation?

>> No.21579446

Usually marketing or hypnosis books. Thinking fast and slow is a good place to start.

Here's dilbert man's list:


>> No.21579457

go to the mindbreak/sissy hypnosis threads on /gif/

>> No.21579475

Read pimp by iceberg slim.

>> No.21579478

I suggest you try Hogg by Samuel Delany.

>> No.21579480


>> No.21579482

Learn sales at a shady telecommunications company. They literally teach you how and you practice all day

>> No.21579483

Everything suggested in that book will only work on people who were molested or beaten by their parents. Normal people don't respond well to ghetto behavior.

>> No.21579485

>people who were molested or beaten by their parents
So most people in the US

>> No.21579544

If you actually read a book in your life, you'd know about a thing called the hypothalamus, that's the part of the brain you use to drive people crazy, it's the part that deals with sexual behaviour, fear, and love. Make them have heart palpitations when they see you and you will manipulate them easily, but you NEED to be likeable. And there is a shitload of things about human and especially female psychology after reading Pimp, not just abusing someome abused as you pointed out, actually read it

>> No.21579708

>download book, excited to learn all such secret techniques
>open it
>it's a fucking novel
How am i supposed to learn anything properly from this?

>> No.21579764
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I mean I don't know about you, but I was making this face throughout the entire book because I couldn't wrap my mind around why anyone would want to be near someone like Iceberg.

My conclusion was that everyone around him was simply broken, and that seems to be true for the most part. One of his whores admitted she was molested by her father, Sweet watched his mother get raped and his father get lynched and even Iceberg himself came from a chaotic home.

>> No.21579781

Nah I gave you one example, what should have been on you to do next, is to find any book you can on the subject of how the mind works, that's just one book, I would recommend 48 laws too but I know you want to delve in way deeper, but you should know you can't do shit without influence/being somebody. Seriously you expect us to do all the work for you? Just go and download every book on psychology and manipulation you can find, i gave you one that actually puts it in action, most people are charismatic enough by nature and not autistic enough to need these kind of tricks and using any mischeviousness. Also by the way you talk, you will most likely always be the manipulated one, you're soft as fuck, if you want to get a bitch to fuck you tell me and I will give you some options

>> No.21579795

>but I was making this face throughout the entire book because I couldn't wrap my mind around why anyone would want to be near someone like Iceberg.
If anything, this only tells you how likeable he managed to be, still. He was also ugly as shit. He probably actually had a high as fuck iq, I don"t buy it was actually 175

>> No.21579803

I can't just read every single one of the thousands of psychology books ever written. Give me a rec of something about the "hypothalamus" thing, "heart palpitations" and the like. That's what i need

>> No.21579806

These types of books are literally everywhere where books are sold. Just look for them.

>> No.21579821

The Bible

>> No.21579882

The price that comes with that is you will want to rope yourself if you have any functioning moral compass whatsoever.

>> No.21580000

good list.

>> No.21580024

If he's asking to learn psychological and mental manipulation I'm guessing his moral compass doesn't exist

>> No.21580282
