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21577958 No.21577958 [Reply] [Original]

How do you refute him, /lit/?

>> No.21577965

he's in prison, and I just saw him yesterday being taken somewhere in cuffs and his voice was shaking on the point of crying
I actually kinda felt bad for him

>> No.21577968

This nigga brags he’s going to Romania because it’s lawless then complains it’s lawless when he’s hauled off to jail. He refuted himself from having an opinion on anything. BTFO for life.

>> No.21577972

This thread is off topic.

>> No.21577998

I use my smarts to lie to his face and flatter him, then I fuck his gf while he's being an ape somewhere else, like all smart people in hostory

>> No.21578007

Don't race mix, kids

>> No.21578019

Get this bot dogshit out of here

>> No.21578126
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By being stronger than him and then saying smart is better when he is your slave

>> No.21578130

>How do you refute him
By not being stuck in a Romanian prison atm, and possibly for the next few years.
TOP G TOP G yeah yeah fuck off cunt

>> No.21578141

Absolutely Holden-pilled.

>> No.21578142

Romanian police pls

>> No.21578154

>How do you refute him, /lit/?
Probably by reading books and sleeping in a clean bed instead of raping and teenagers.

>> No.21578157

Islam prescribes the death penalty for anyone who tries to leave the religion.

Since he converted to Islam, is it not morally right for the Romanian state to give him the death penalty?

I don't even know what else he's supposed to have done, but just betraying your own people and converting to a hostile foreign religion that metes out the death penalty to apostates is already enough to warrant either deportation to the nearest Muslim country or the death penalty.

>> No.21578165
File: 44 KB, 850x400, quote-i-d-always-rather-be-lucky-than-smart-donald-luskin-100-0-054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strength vs Smart is easy to refute.

THIS is the hard one to refute.

>> No.21578167

I'd rather be blessed in Heaven than be lucky on Earth.

>> No.21578171

By your anime picture I can tell you guzzle up a whole pint of estradiol pills compressed into a blender per day so good luck with that, pussy.

>> No.21578172

Luck. Always luck.

>> No.21578355

Halfniggas chin is so weak his mouth is sliding to the side. Out of magnanimous pity I'd let him carry on believing that 2+2 is 5, that's the least I can do for this sad fuck.

>> No.21578356

>>21577998 is onto the biggest one: smart is a strength. Look at how many people were ready to kill and die because, say, Rousseau or Marx said something that got their noggins joggin'. Similarly, point out that one of the reasons that he's as physically strong as he is is because he was able to actively choose to become physically strong and seek out good information on how to do that with his mind.

Going further, you point out that no man is an island and that anyone who behaves like he's proposing (especially today) would be stopped by the force of society at large (as his arrest has kind of shown) and this is arguably for the best for anyone who's interested in something more than being a caveman.

The cherry on top would be to press him on how it's kind of suspect to use the very thing that he's arguing is so ineffectual to show it as ineffectual (and how it also reeks of brainlet cope) instead of this supposedly superior means he's going on about. Provoke him by calling him a bald faggot and telling him that he's actually all talk, and when he chimps out, shoot him. As he recoils and falls in shock, tell him that might doesn't make right, following up with a reading of the entire SEP page on truth as he lies there bleeding out.

>> No.21578363

If he was smart he wouldn’t be in jail right now.

>> No.21578379

Just you wait 'til he uses his strength to bend the bars, shrugs off the guards' bullets and punch a hole in the wall to escape through.

>> No.21578380
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>> No.21578385

It's over.