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21576706 No.21576706 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking chud!

>> No.21576865

99% of all philosophers would be super chuds by todays standards

>> No.21577177

>almost all of the wisest men who have ever lived would have despised the mindset of current-day people
It's almost as if there were something very very wrong with the social media era's zeitgeist or something.

>> No.21577198
File: 774 KB, 2101x1614, various historical figures on women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.21577282

Keep seeking to identify your basest instincts with history's greatest minds chudieboys. It doesn't equate you with them

>> No.21577291

Does it not even make you think a tiny bit? Really

>> No.21577300

I merely seek the truth of things, sire

>> No.21577329

> women are much more like each other than men

rly makes u think

>> No.21577338

you missed the meaning I think. He's saying women have a stronger herd mentality than do men, not simply that men and women are different.

>> No.21577362

he was so right bros...

>> No.21577372

Think you missed the point there brosky. More that women will be more like other women then men will be like other men. There is a larger subset of "types" of men then "types" of women.

>> No.21577384

that's what I said. Herd mentality is the opposite of individualism, the statement is that men are more individualistic than women. The converse of that is taht women have a stronger herd mentality than men

>> No.21577402

no herd mentality is one directed at a group as a goal, rather then BEING certain way. One is goal oriented, becoming, the other one is in action, being. that might result in a similar outcomes in some respects, but the formatting is distinct in terms of framing and understanding.

>> No.21577418

That is the weirdest possible way you could have explained what you were trying to say lol. You're saying herd mentality describes a propensity to change to conform, as opposed to just being a certain way? Meaning they're malleable?

>> No.21577435

No. That the variety of x is larger then the variety of y. Herd mentality describes the set being drawn to singularity rather than simply being less diverse in typology. Which may be true, but the operative elements of the statement is directed towards the disparity in diversity between the groups rather than the particular motive force behind this. These are important things to recognize in pithy statements.

>> No.21577480

>Herd mentality describes the set being drawn to singularity rather than simply being less diverse in typology.
That's what I said, malleability vs just being different types. Women could be non malleable but all of 1 type for example.

>> No.21577486


>> No.21577494

please read what I said speed reader in regards to the specific nature of pithiness. its not that you are wrong so much as you are overly specific.

the "Herd mentality" (as the cause) is an extrapolation on your part, not the essence of the statement itself.

>> No.21577498

Apparently we've learnt that women really are more like each other than like men because even men who are in complete agreement with each other will argue over the smallest misunderstanding like utter spastics.

>> No.21577509

Yeah sure I'm not the first guy you were talking to. I was just trying to ascertain if your point is that herd mentality means they're malleable, they will change to conform, and you were differentiating this from men and women having a set of non-malleable types. So saying that women just change to whatever fashion is is different statement than saying they are only made in 1 or 2 moulds, but stay in these moulds(as opposed to men being made in 10 moulds or whatever)

Its just the way you wrote it with reference to being and becoming made me lol. Its just a weird way to explain the idea, that's all

>> No.21577513

my point is manifestly proven, yes.

>> No.21577552

I mean, Cato the Elder was unironically a chud, i.e. he was always complaining about how the influence of Greek culture was ruining Rome and pressing for the extermination of her enemies. Not saying he was wrong or not based though.
The masses are always wrong. They had contempt for the people of their own day as well.

>> No.21577615


Which book is this?

>> No.21577632

What book is this