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21574726 No.21574726 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21575010
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>> No.21575234
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>> No.21575242


>> No.21575452
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>> No.21575590

Holy shit that cover is rad. What's the author like?

>> No.21575689

Ah, a man of taste. I bought it because of the cover, it really grabbed my eye. The author is pretty good, i hold the book in high regard, he wrote some of those original twilight zone tv episodes as well. There's a few mid tier stories in here but there's also quite a few good ones, my personal favourite was "The Howling Man". Either way I'd say it was definitely worth the money.

>> No.21575690

thx for being so specific uwu fuck off you ape

>> No.21575694
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>> No.21575712

Cover art is by Will Sweeney

>> No.21576258

I just picked this up last week. Very good.

>> No.21576329

are backwoods other books worth checking out?

>> No.21576439

Just grabbed that off libgen, first book I'm reading on my new ereader and it's really good. Beaumont has some amazing prose. Bradbury's introduction was rather heartbreaking, you can really tell how hard the death hit him.

>> No.21576488
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>> No.21576507
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Straub is a master of suspense and great with words, pic related is pure kino

>> No.21576514
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>> No.21576522

Straub has one or two books that mention the city closest to where I live, so he's a cool dude.

>> No.21576561

frankenstein earrape radio transmission gangster computergod communists want to put their frankenstein earrape radio devices in your draculimbic system and control the igorequencies of your cellular metabolism in order to divert resources to the communist gangster computergod objectives of the frankenstein cellular metabolic control communist international conspiracy

>> No.21576584

Yeah obviously

>> No.21576599
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>> No.21576611
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>> No.21576624
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The only other thing I read from him would be the wendigo and it was fantastic, would highly recommend.

>> No.21576628
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>> No.21576630

Love the Wendigo.

>> No.21576640

The House on the Borderlands

>> No.21576768

How does he compare to Robert e howard

>> No.21576837
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>> No.21576909


>> No.21576910
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>> No.21577076

You're right, even if you're a bot

>> No.21577209

John Hornor Jacobs, Southern Gods.


>> No.21577220

A prime example of a book being jerked off just because it's old.

>> No.21577405

Has anyone read Song of Kali by Dan Simmons? Any good?

>> No.21577423

Any horror that involves a flowers for Algernon scenario? where the horror derives from the basic conception of "rightness" being turned on its head but the POV perspective doesn't even know exactly how it is "wrong", just a niggling sensation that something is wrong, but it cannot be fully intellectualized? like a deeply ontological horror.

>> No.21577431

Just finished up Fritzen. Beaumont had some truly unique talent, the story variety so far has been huge but not lacking in any regard. Shame he died so young, imagine the decades of stories he might have put to paper had he lived.

>> No.21577550

Music of Erich Zann

>> No.21577589

Frankenstein is one of the best written books in the English language. Its plot and premise however does not live up to its reputation. I'd say the best part as a reader is relating to young Victor and the feels when the Monster tells his story. Before and after that point, the book is rather a drag/bore.

Still extremely well written, stylistically speaking.

>> No.21577674

>Dan Simmons
Read Hyperion and Ilium both were good reads.

>> No.21577852

Creepy as fuck.

>> No.21577856

Fuck, anon, wasn't what happened to Charlie scary enough? Tragic through and through.

>> No.21578704
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>> No.21579044

Wendigo, Ancient Sorceries, Secret Worship, and the Chinese painting story (Milligan) my favorites.

>> No.21579059
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>> No.21579155

I enjoyed this. My favorite story was Pig Blood Blues.

>> No.21579163
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Didn't add picture.

>> No.21579324


He asked for horror kino, none of these are horror.

>> No.21579547

the recent garth marenghi book is top kino

>> No.21579571

How does this one compare to Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe?

>> No.21579639

I'd say it's plot and premise exceed most peoples expectations because the majority of people are familiar with an idea of frankenstein that is nothing like the novels portrayal at all. They expect some dull witted monster being chased by dull witted villagers with pitchforks but the real story is more tragic and nuanced.

>> No.21579643 [DELETED] 


>> No.21579670 [DELETED] 
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KEW is king

>> No.21579696

Color out of Space and Whisperer in Darkness are his best works.

>> No.21579894

The Night Land by William Hope Hodgeson

>> No.21579928

Underrated story if you ask me. I wish more people talked about it here.

>> No.21580062

Despite Boris Karloff being our vision of the monster, no adaptation comes close to Percy Shelly and Lord Byron’s original novel.

>> No.21580112

Didn't know inspiring equals creating

>> No.21580123
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Pic related.
Excellent, but not horror.

>> No.21580131

(You)s back-to-front. Whoops.

>> No.21580159

The Willows is a 8/10 story with a 10/10 ending.
The Wendigo is a 10/10 story throughout
>are backwoods other books worth checking out?
The glamour of the snow
A haunted island
Smith: an episode in a lodging house
The wood of the dead
A suspicious gift
A case of eavesdropping
The occupant of the room
The man who found out (some Jekyll and Hyde vibes from this one)
The decoy
The sea fit (in a very vague manner it's similar to the Wendigo)
The insanity of jones
+his John Silence stories
Will add more if I recall any other good ones

>> No.21580169 [DELETED] 
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>no call of the crocodile

>> No.21580185

Descent into the Maelstrom, MS found in a bottle, Metzengerstein, Man of the Crowd, King Pest, Island of the Fay and Loss of breath are all very underrated stories.

>> No.21580218

These posts are very interesting. I actually wanted to go to the book store and pick up a few of the necessary novels in the English Gothic cannon. This just cemented my desire.

>> No.21580748

He's really good but this collection doesn't have a lot of his more insane stories. There's a 4 or 5 volume set that has all of his work.
He's the middle ground between HP Lovecraft and Robert E Howard.

>> No.21580784

You need to shake the mindset of collection and get into the mindset of experience. The book was published in 1818. You can read it on Gutenberg, Archive.org, Wikisource, etc., this very instant.

In this day and age, you should only buy physical of books you can get electronically when you've personally guaranteed it's worthwhile for you, in my opinion.

>> No.21580786

As far as I am aware, no one has ever tried.

>> No.21580795

>WE had now reached the summit of the loftiest crag. For some minutes the old man seemed too much exhausted to speak.
I dislike use of the word "loftiest" here since its connotations are light and airy, too bright for what's supposed to be horror.
I also take issue with "too much exhausted" rather than "much too exhausted", for the latter sounds better and more correct.

>> No.21580849 [DELETED] 

If you're looking for the action and bloodshed of a howard story you won't find it in smith's work
Smith is decadent, his stories are otherworldly and oftentimes alien, most of them end with with his characters dying or suffering unfortunate fates at the end. If howard loved barbarians and lovecraft loved intellectuals who end up going mad then smith loved sorcerers and necromancers

>> No.21581474
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>> No.21582464

Colors out of space was the most profoundly disturbing thing I have ever read desu.

>> No.21582638

It's way too on the nose and preachy as if it was written by a 14 year old child. Anything past the point the monster is actually let loose often borders on unintentional comedy. The monster monologuing about shit we all knew how would end for 50 pages was way too much for me. Yeah, I get it, humans bad.

>> No.21582645

>le genre fiction categorizing brain
Who said that the story is supposed to be 'horror'? It's an adventure story where the protag employs knowledge of physics to escape death
Not even 50% of Poe's stories fall strictly within the horror genre

>> No.21582770
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>> No.21583032

Wrote some of the best episodes of The Twilight Zone.

>> No.21583077
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Absolute kino

>> No.21583454

adding The Man whom the Trees Loved
maybe not as tight as wendigo or willows but it's up there

>> No.21583458
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>communists want to put their frankenstein earrape radio devices in your draculimbic system

>> No.21584354


>> No.21584572
