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21569502 No.21569502 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest character in literature?

>> No.21569529
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>Whiny cunt who rapes his own sister
>Greatest character in literature

>> No.21569530

Mickey mouse

>> No.21569541

>rapes his own sister

>> No.21569561

Jay Gatsby

>> No.21569571


>> No.21569575


>> No.21569588

pierre gringoire

>> No.21569591
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I'm afraid you're all wrong

>> No.21569596

Unironically Hamlet

A close second.

>> No.21569600
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>> No.21569615

Extremely based. Now, do both Calvin and Hobbes count as one character? I vote no.

>> No.21569626

Judge Holden.

>> No.21569630

Geralt of Rivia :DDDD

>> No.21569636

Hes a pretty good character. Kind of screwed up. Does not rape his sister. Is maybe the most reaction prompting character/most discussed character in the English speaking world honestly.

>> No.21569652
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>> No.21569661
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>The four most original characters literature has given us: Hamlet, Falstaff, D.Q. and Sancho.

>Goethe, Cervantes saw and created characters, D. Q., Sancho, Faust, Mephisto; Dante, Vergil were wanderers who looked around them, whereas Aeschylus spoke like a priest in the midst of a community. Shakespeare neither the one nor the other, the most enigmatic of them all.

>> No.21569670

He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.

>> No.21569674

> Now, do both Calvin and Hobbes count as one character?
Hobbes is a part of Calvin's imagination, so kind of.

>> No.21569678

If Hamlet had a stuffed animal he conversed with using two totally different personalities do you, personally, think his tragedy might have been averted?

>> No.21570047

Ignatius J. Reilly but my underdog nomination would be Esther Summerson (Bleak House).

>> No.21570123

>Unironically Hamlet
This desu

>> No.21570129

Assigned hermaphrodite at birth?
It's a toss up between Kurtz or Friday for me.

>> No.21570562

The Underground Man
Ivan Karamazov

>> No.21570575


>> No.21570576

a captivating character,yes
but FAR from being the greatest

>> No.21570620

Heinrich von Ofterdingen as the patrician choice

>> No.21570740

Master and unironically Margarita, along Woland.

>> No.21571644

Long John Silver

>> No.21571656



>> No.21571706

That would be Jay Gatsby. He's a great character.

>> No.21571764

>Hobbes is a part of Calvin's imagination
Plainly untrue, since it would be so boring. Also the author said it's not as simple as that.
And we occasionally see them as two separate entities from another character's point of view.

>> No.21571802

I've never read Hamlet. I have a copy sitting on my shelf. Should I whip it out and read it?

>> No.21571833

No, make sex with it.

>> No.21572328

the protag in my novel, won't tell u tho

>> No.21572368

Harry Potter?

>> No.21573329

>Oh why did you have to go do that by which she meant

>> No.21573340

Tyrone Slothrop

>> No.21573345

Pyotr Stepanovich Verkhovensky

>> No.21573385

>part of Calvin's imagination
Imagine getting filtered by the Sunday funnies

>> No.21573513

Greg Heffley

>> No.21573519

These guys get it

>> No.21573525

Daniel de Bosola
Read more

>> No.21573913

>rapes his own sister
You know how redditors will make the exact same joke each time a general topic comes up?

>> No.21573950

You sound hurt. Have a popsicle.

>> No.21574264
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he is literally me

>> No.21574271

I am going to have to agree, Jeff Kenny masterfully crafts the greatest unlikable protagonist in all of literature

>> No.21575190
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>> No.21575197

This dude rules. I wish we'd gotten a whole series of novels about his antics.

>> No.21576054

Does it feel good to post the reddit meme? Was it worth the time?

>> No.21576132


>> No.21576141

>Ignatius J. Reilly
Just Don Quixote with a bit of Thomas Aquinas

>> No.21576155
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I could fix him with hugs and kisses

>> No.21576185

If you really wanna hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is what subreddit I'm from, and what my twitter handle is, and how many discord servers I'm on and all that paranoid schizo kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you wanna know the truth.
In the first place that stuff bores me and in the second place the people screaming about twitter and reddit are themselves the ones who most use twitter and reddit. They get touchy when you point that out, especially the discordtrannies. I'm not saying they're actual trannies--but just like real trannies they're touchy as hell.
Besides, I'm anonymous and there's no way to prove I'm not on discord so I'm not even gonna bother with that crap. I'm just going to tell you that the people that say that are a total bunch of phonies, they really are.

>> No.21576237

Stop watching anime, dear trannon

>> No.21576336

andrzej kmicic

>> No.21576359

Wouldn't the answer also inevitably be the same answer for
>greatest author

>> No.21576873
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Diomedes. Litterally every appearance he has in the Iliad he fucks shit up.
>Fucks Ajax in a sparing contest
>Book V rampage
>Fucks up Aeneas with a boulder
>Fucks up Aphrodite and Ares, and even taunts Apolo
>Goes on cool undercover missions with Odyseus
>Saves Nestor from certain death when everyone else forsakens him
>At the end wins every competition in the funeral games even though he's injured
Homer had to fucking nerf him with an arrow, otherwise the trojans wouldn't even have reached Achilles

>> No.21576901

How is he a great written character? I read the book and he was such a whiny character.

>> No.21577263

Great characters aren’t just let epic bad asses who underage retards and autistic manchildren say are “literally me”
Holden has a complex inner life and feels like a genuine person through whom we can experience an interesting perspective of life. I agree that he isn’t the GOAT though, that’s probably hamlet, DQ, Ahab, or maybe one of those Dostoyevsky characters people like, idk I can’t read Russian. Could maybe consider Stephen Dedalus but that feels like cheating (as would choosing Ishmael) because it’s literally just the author

>> No.21577268

James Bond
Women love him, men want to be him.

>> No.21578202

Anon, Holden is quite literally the "literally me." That's why adults who sympathize with him triggers red flags.