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21568756 No.21568756 [Reply] [Original]

I find Hinduism infinitely more interesting than Abrahamism and I've only barely scratched the surface. Those ancient aryans were on to something

>> No.21568763

I agree with you OP, but I'd still like to hear why you find it more interesting.

>> No.21568764

Kena, Katha, Isha, and Chandogya upanishads are all you need

>> No.21568788

I'm interested in Vedanta. Where do I start?

>> No.21568795

I like the heavy focus on philosophy, rather than theology. I feel like Abrahamic religion uses philosophy ad hoc to prove its theology whereas Hinduism does the exact opposite. I'm still very new to this, but these are my thoughts

>> No.21568829
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>I'm interested in Vedanta. Where do I start?
Pic related is the guide to studying the original source texts of Advaita Vedanta

For Vishishtadvaita Vedanta a guide would probably be something like:

1) The Face of Truth - Lipner (or an equivalent secondary source providing an overview of Vishishtadvaita)
2) Upanishad commentaries - Ranga Ramanuja Muni (optional)
3) Bhagavad Gita commentary - Ramanuja
4) Vedartha Sangraha - Ramanuja
5) Vedanta Sutras commentary - Ramanuja

>> No.21568854

The actual difference between Abrahamic religions and Hinduism is dogmatism. The idea of "freedom of religion" would never have occurred in a Hindu culture because it is the norm and has been for millennia. Proselytization is an utterly foreign concept for Hindus. This allows religion to form its natural function as local tradition and ritual. It allows you to recognize that the gods are not dependent on what names you call them by. They are metaphysical, psycho-spiritual beings and forces that exist for all people under any name and any manifestation. You are wrong that it focuses on philosophy more than religion, that is just how it is presented to you. The upanishads are supposed to be what comes after the rest of the Vedas, which are mostly rituals and hymns to the gods. They are the GOAL of the vedas, not the foundation.

>> No.21568863

>I like the heavy focus on philosophy, rather than theology.
In ancient times there was no difference between the two, if you read Plato it's made perfectly obvious that philosophy is itself a form of theology.

>> No.21568864

I think watching lectures should be seriously considered for anyone interested in Vedanta. This was originally how they passed down information onto disciples, through the spoken word. Yes, books are important and should be read, but if you're able to find a Swami that goes through the book slowly, you'll get so much more out of it than if you were to read it by yourself.
My two favorite Swami's are Swami Sarvapriyananda and Swami Tadatmananda. They both run their ashram's youtube channel and produce many great lectures. Swami Tadatmananda has recently past his 100th lesson going through the Bhavagad-Gita 4-5 verses at a time.

>> No.21568877

This is not related to literature.

>> No.21568879

this is a philosophy board

>> No.21568886

>if you read Plato it's made perfectly obvious that philosophy is itself a form of theology.
Then that's what I like about it. What went wrong along the way and why?

>> No.21568902

The lack of contact between the collapsed western Roman empire and the eastern Roman empire + your ignorance of western theology. Theology was what the best students would study, and philosophy mostly referred to what they learned in their introductory textbooks (these were literally just the complete works of Aristotle).

>> No.21568908

Just to give you a background on myself (OP). I used to be a believer in Christ before I turned away from Abrahamic religion after reading Schopenhauer and contemplating on the problem of suffering. I have great admiration for Schopenhauer and I think it's very fascinating how Vedanta tradition came to the same conclusion of Arthur thousands of years prior to him being born and even he acknowledged this.

Another aspect I like about Vedanta is its roots. As an Indo-European I feel a certain connection to these ancient traditions that, to think this or a close form of this is what my ancestors believed many many years ago. Greek mythology helped turning me away from Christianity too but I feel it lacks the philosophical rigor and theological basis that Hinduism has retained still to this day but I ultimately see all Indo-European traditions as pointing towards the same outcome.

>> No.21568923
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>As an Indo-European
>Greek "mythology" lacks the philosophical rigor

>> No.21569141


>> No.21569145

Advaita is shit. Study Dvaita instead.

>> No.21569172
File: 29 KB, 220x276, Madhvacharya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I'm an avatar of the wind-God Vayu
> I also authored the Sruti and Mahabharata myself
> Also, here are dozens and dozens of quotations from purportedly """"Sruti""" texts show my philosophy is true and that confirm I am an avatar, just trust me that they are real even though nobody has ever seen them before or referenced these passages in any prior piece of writing in any Indian language... I wouldn't make them up!

was it autism?

>> No.21569202

I’m the complete opposite OP. I find the jeets incredibly boring, and watching a dirty brown guy kneel in front of a cow doesn’t give me much hope that this is what God looks like.

>> No.21569214

another "muh indo-european" heritage larp thread

real theology is real metaphysics and vice-versa. this "theology vs philosophy" dichotomy is entirely modern

>> No.21569218

Hinduism is a religion so backwards that India was one of a handful of places which improved thanks to the arrival of Islam

>> No.21569235

Thankfully, India no longer suffers from a lack of 70-IQ retards produced from repeated 1st cousin marriage

>> No.21569240

>What went wrong along the way and why?
your ignorance
there's a deep intellectual tradition that you're apparently oblivious to

>> No.21569282

It isn't a LARP, experts notice the similarities between Hinduism and pre-Christian European religions, they are "sister religions".

>> No.21569315

That tradition receded into the foreground in the west in a way that it never did in India. The mainstream or more influential intellectual trends and movements in the west have been moving away from Neoplatonism, Scholasticism etc for many centuries now.

>> No.21569365


>I find Hinduism infinitely more interesting than Abrahamism[...]


>Those ancient aryans were on to something[.]


>> No.21569526

That’s because you barely scratched the surface of Christianity and think the infantilized version you were taught is the right one. Most eastern religions are life denying, which make them shit tier, by the way.

>> No.21569543
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>I find Hinduism infinitely more interesting than Abrahamism
Because you're an impressionable retard easily impressed by the exotic. Your understanding of hinduism cones from LARPing fetishists. You want to appear cultured while you venerate a bunch of shit-worshipping subhumans. Also what he said:

>> No.21569586
File: 63 KB, 851x714, 4db0b2f4a9fc2224aa4732c32266481a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most eastern religions are life denying, which make them shit tier

>> No.21569599

>another "muh indo-european" heritage larp thread
How is it larp though when the vedas was brought to india by the aryans? you know what's larp? evangelics pretending to worship a jewish god and talking about muh israel

>> No.21569603

hows pakistan these days?

>> No.21569605
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>> No.21569606

what does this have to do with the vedas though? you want me to pull up tranny priests and call it christian?

>> No.21569616

The difference is Christian philosophy, theology and scripture all specifically condemn homosexuality. Pajeet mystics think toilet witches are evil.

>> No.21569620

Pajeets will fight each other for praying to the wrong cow statue.

>> No.21569625
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>> No.21569639

I don't care what fucking pajaeets do. Unless they're high caste they are not even worthy of the Vedas. I'm only interested in the Vedic texts and insofar as it relates to Indo-European traditions

good thing Hinduism is not dogmatic, I can practice my spirituality my own way

>> No.21569657
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>> No.21569667

pajeets have nothing to do with Vedas.

>> No.21569676

Then who exactly is keeping this "vedic tradition" alive?

>> No.21569682

>The difference is Christian philosophy, theology and scripture all specifically condemn homosexuality. Pajeet mystics think toilet witches are evil.
No, they don't. That's an outdated meme based on one (1) online article from years ago which was anecdotal anyway.

>> No.21569683

t. Toilet witch

>> No.21569685

"Abrahamists". The Vedic religion was strictly monothiest and the "Hindus" digressed into idol worship.

>> No.21569688

Pajeets are appropriating and committing a divine crime by "keeping the tradition alive". It is punishable by death for a pajeets to even hear a single line of the Vedas, but I digress. I do not know what a pajeet is doing in India has to do with me reading the Vedas in Europe.

>> No.21569694

>The Vedic religion was strictly monothiest and the "Hindus" digressed into idol worship.
How so? The later philosophical and theological schools of Hinduism basically all say that Brahman is the Supreme God and that every other diety is more like an angelic being that is contingent on Brahman, later philosophical Hinduism is more explicitly monotheist than the Rig-Veda for example, where there are only a few passages that explicitly suggest that there being one supreme God above all; this is made MORE explicit in later Hinduism and not less

>> No.21569698

Also this. From my limited understanding, Brahmin (God) is One but the gods of Hinduism are merely different sides, aspects or whatever philosophical terminology they use. This reminds me of the Trinity even. Just look at how Muslims attack Christians for "polytheism"

>> No.21569701

>It is punishable by death for a pajeets to even hear a single line of the Vedas,
That rule doesn't come from the Vedas itself but it comes from later texts that were written by pajeets (ie manusmriti and other dharmasastras). If you view all additions by pajeets as illegitimate then that rule itself is illegitimate.

>> No.21569707

>dude no it's actually le neoplatonic system
Is this true or just another pajeet trick?

>> No.21569709

Why would Pajeets themselves impose such rules on themselves? I thought the Caste system was wholly devised by the Aryans to keep their race pure from pajeet admixture.

>> No.21569716

>neoplatonic system
Yes. All Indo-European traditions are the same under the hood pronouncing the one divine Truth about Reality.

>> No.21569717

yet the vedic texts themselves make fun of those who are "sheep to the gods" and make sacrifices. Literally describing what the Hindus turned Vedic texts into. Only the Lord is worthy of worship etc. The early texts are full of phrases like this. Just because all things are lesser forms of the Lord doesn't mean you should worship anything but the Lord. The Vedic religion believed this wholeheartedly.

Indeed. I don't think it's a coincidence that the examples given in the early parts of the Torah for idol worship is a golden calf and that's literally what Hindus worship. The Torah almost reads like a pissed off Vedic dude was writing it.

>> No.21569719

>The Torah almost reads like a pissed off Vedic dude was writing it.
I see the Vedas as the last standing antidote against the Yahweh worshipping cult.

>> No.21569723

Is it a coincidence that the one thing Torah worshippers are scared of the most is the symbol of the Swastika?

>> No.21569734

You're going down a fruitless path. At best, you'll come out after wasting a lot of time. The worse scenarios are all very dangerous. Repent, seek Christ. Study other religions only for historicity and cultural understanding - if at all. Trust me, you'll be glad you listened.

>> No.21569736

how so?

fuck off poltard

>> No.21569745

It's the Lord. "Yahweh" is not the name of any god worshipped. YHWH is an acronym

>> No.21569750

You seem knowledgeable. You know John David Ebert? He talked about Spenglers commentary on Hinduism and said that after the Aryans brought the Vedas (post-vedas era of India) Hindus introduced foreign practices into the Vedic religion that were not mentioned in the Vedas at all and today Hinduism is basically an amalgamation of Vedic tradition and Hindu (Dravidian) tradition.

Do you know which practices he meant?

>> No.21569758

>Is this true or just another pajeet trick?
Basically 99% of Hinduism and all major types of Hindu theology all accept that there is just one supreme God on whom everything is contingent, anyone who knows the least thing about Hindu philosophy could tell you this.
>Why would Pajeets themselves impose such rules on themselves?
The dharmas-sastras say that all twice-born (which includes millions of pajeets) are able to study the Vedas. They don't state the reason for every caste rule. Some people think rules like those maybe were added to help prevent foreigners from claiming to be Vedic experts and thereby engaging in subversion. In a practical way it also makes sense that laborers should be directed to stay in their lane instead of being less productive by engaging in other matters which they might not have the training or aptitude for.
>I thought the Caste system was wholly devised by the Aryans to keep their race pure from pajeet admixture.
This is a meme-tier misunderstanding repeated by brainlets who maybe read Evola once and never engage with the primary texts. In the dharmasastras that establish the rule of castes they actually give the lower castes many advantages that the upper ones don't have, in particular the punishment for breaking a law gets worse and worse the higher up in the caste that the criminal is.

>> No.21569761

>how so?
It is the only Indo-European tradition standing fully intact after Jews, Christian and Muslims erased most of European pre-christian traditions.

>> No.21569769

>muh pol
Idiot detected

>> No.21569775

Likely you're referring to them bringing their gods and painting them as equally worthy of worship as part of the Brahman. Along with this came sacrifices (of humans in ancient times.). There's a series about this "Dravidian Gods in Modern Hinduism"

>> No.21569778

>"Dravidian Gods in Modern Hinduism"
Interesting, thank you. Is the practice of Yoga and Meditation mentioned in the Vedas or is that also a product of Dravidian addition?

>> No.21569780

To add, this evolved into the ever complex system of Idols/Avatars/etc to justify worshipping and sacrificing to their own gods instead of that of the Aryans.

>> No.21569783

u mad

>> No.21569786

Both Yoga and Meditation are mentioned as ancient practices even in the earliest of texts.

>> No.21569795

if you strip out all of the last few thousand years worth of idolatries and sacrifices you end up with something akin to a panthiest/animist take on monothiesm with worship being meditation based (yoga being a form of body meditation.). Pretty comfy religion.

>> No.21569804

>yet the vedic texts themselves make fun of those who are "sheep to the gods" and make sacrifices. Literally describing what the Hindus turned Vedic texts into.
That's basically backwards

1) The Vedas promote Vedic sacrifices/ritual as being good things which can generate positive results
2) In the midst of doing this, the Vedas talk about many deities AND mention one supreme God, but the latter idea is less common
3) the last portion of the Vedas, ie the Upanishads, gets more explicit about metaphysics and clarifies that while Vedic rituals can produce positive results they cannot generate moksha (liberation) or union with God, they also get more explicit about there being one supreme God
4) Hinduism has gotten less concerned with Vedic rituals/sacrifices as time went on and not more as you wrongly suggested

>> No.21569815

>induism has gotten less concerned with Vedic rituals/sacrifices as time went on and not more as you wrongly suggested
sure in the modern day. We're comparing the original vedic religion to the Hinduism that came after it.

>> No.21569839

>We're comparing the original vedic religion to the Hinduism that came after it.
The only sources we have on the early Vedic religion is the Vedas themselves, which are more focused on sacrifices/rituals in the chronologically earlier portion of the Vedic text, and less focused on sacrifices/rituals in the chronologically later portion of the Vedas (the Upanishads). This does not align with the thesis that the original Vedic religion had no place for sacrifice/ritual or that a concern with sacrifice/ritual was a foreign imposition on Vedic religion.

>> No.21569873

Adityas Mitra Jesus

Jesus is a Hindu

>> No.21570060
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>I find Hinduism infinitely more interesting than Abrahamism and I've only barely scratched the surface. Those ancient aryans were on to something