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File: 84 KB, 976x549, _106507101_gettyimages-458439242[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21567490 No.21567490 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready to see Houellebecq's shrivelled prick in action?


>> No.21567516

What is this?

>> No.21567530


>> No.21567532

Get the fuck in here


>> No.21567546

Top kek

>> No.21567551

Go back, roastie

>> No.21567570


>> No.21567576

but his wife is pretty cool. booking prostitues for their honey moon trip. One should be a world famous author anyway

>> No.21567594

>we are literally gonna get porn of michel houellebecq before we get english translation of his new book, hell yeah

>> No.21567637

someone needs to kidnap this faggot and ransom him for an english translation of anteater

>> No.21567648

Wow, that’s horrifying.

>> No.21567652

>hell yeah
Why do they have to add these cum town fillers everytime they post?

>> No.21567663

I assume they might have been gay male prostitutes for herself as that is what the country is known for. See the Beat poets who all went there.

>> No.21567676

>i know plenty of women who said they’d have sex with him out of curiosity
I hate women so much

>> No.21567683

You are just jealous of his Gallic allure.

>> No.21567686

Suck start a .50 cal, you söyboy faggot

>> No.21567740

What is thi?

>> No.21567752
File: 392 KB, 500x375, 1601489703711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the Fr*nch so much bros

>> No.21567757

Absolutely unexpected. What a legend.

>> No.21567782

gonna be kino if the chink wife watches while they fuck.

>> No.21567798

Not really. He already did this movie:

>> No.21567814
File: 29 KB, 472x461, 1592841674531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I watch the film he made with ZIggy Pop? The essay how to stay alive is the best thing he ever wrote.

>> No.21567849
File: 158 KB, 1287x835, Netherlands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what university is like in the Netherlands?



>> No.21567857

Fuck. I should have accepted the offer to attend graduate school in Amsterdam

>> No.21567926

Low countries should not exist.

>> No.21567937
File: 104 KB, 1492x900, Dutch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another episode of this KIRAC thing where they invite a right-wing philosopher on to have sex with a left-wing girl, and he starts explaining Houellebecq's philosophy to her before they have sex. Just surreal stuff.

>> No.21567961

that's not even funny it's just repulsive

>> No.21567979

Kino if you ask me

>> No.21568001

That sounds hilarious

>> No.21568026

It's actually quite sad. He gets naked and stuff but it doesn't work, and he then asks them to delete the footage but they publish it anyway. He's almost in tears on the phone talking about Kierkegaard etc and they just ignore his pleas.

>> No.21568027

>right-wing philosopher on to have sex with a left-wing girl
the overton window has certainly shifted
is he right-wind because he's against recycling or something?

>> No.21568034

No, he seems pretty prominent. Not Dutch though so can't confirm.


>> No.21568037

What episode is it? Any other good ones?

>> No.21568043 [DELETED] 

'Honeypot': https://stefanruitenbeek.stackstorage.com/s/TPYXpqY7K9M6mBgv/en_US

No idea, just marathoned that one.

>> No.21568056

It's 'Honeypot'. I don't like the fact they published it after he asked them not to, so deleted the link. It's a weird set-up, but may just be a Dutch thing.

>> No.21568079


>> No.21568104

i will not be watching that tyvm

>> No.21568108

and people still say physiognomy isn't real

>> No.21568123

Is this the movie to OP's trailer? Is it some fictional story in which H. is a side character or some kind of documentary?

>> No.21568144

The link is another video by this KIRAC art group in which they invited a Dutch right-wing philosopher who writes about sex, Muslims, etc - who is accused of being a fascist - to have sex with a left-wing student.

>> No.21568152

>Is it some fictional story in which H. is a side character
The map and the territory, for me his best novel.

>> No.21568165

>a left-wing girl
you mean the whale in pic related?

>> No.21568177

why are they all so fucking ugly
I'm starting to believe the bioleninism theory.
Eugenics should have never been stigmatized

>> No.21568192

She's actually not fat.

>> No.21568205

That's how every woman looks like if you get close enough. It's because of perspective. One day you'll see, maybe.

>> No.21568235

Sink Europe into the sea for this debauchery

>> No.21568292

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this coomer? My mother reads his stuff and I borrowed Serotonin from her and couldn't get far into it because it was just comically vulgar. Is it just a case of him being french or what?

>> No.21568311

>Comically vulgar
That's the point.
>My mom reads it
Are You 15?

>> No.21568321

I watched some parts of episode 14 as well and it came to my attention that their cinematography is utterly atrocious
millions must die

>> No.21568323

Yes, he's French

>> No.21568335

when the FUCK are they gonna release his new book IN ENGLISH?

>> No.21568353

wtf did i just watch?

>> No.21568416

holy kino, frogs are so based

>> No.21568459

we hate you as well, don't worry

>> No.21568490

It's a Dutch film.

>> No.21568602

Why are rightards fascinated with this french weirdo? Just read Marquis de Sade instead or something.

>> No.21568621
File: 219 KB, 1280x813, 1280px-1500306894-pierre-woodman-and-serge-gainsbourg-1987[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankoids haven't been gauls since roman times. Weird insipid creatures they are.

>> No.21568643

rimbaud would disagree

>> No.21568650
File: 23 KB, 683x123, lolnetherlands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly what Neggerlands is like.

>> No.21568660

yes the preeminent art form
>Verification not required.

>> No.21568677

it's got better writing and acting than most porn

>> No.21568732
File: 14 KB, 400x415, sid_lukkassen_0-003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking sexual advantage of some right wing literature autist who probably cherished his virginity
This truly is rape of the worst kind.

>> No.21568754

Sorry anon, but there's a 105% chance that ur mums a hoe.

>> No.21568768


>> No.21569220

What the fuck is wrong with Europeans?

>> No.21569614

What's his opus magnum?

>> No.21569638

Least perverted Frenchman.

>> No.21569647

Go clean your foreskin, scrote.

>> No.21569653

>there's not any poop or farts or even a little bit of pee

This cuck doesn't hold a candle to James Joyce.

>> No.21569654

I really wanna believe r/redscarepod is actually full hot anorexic arthoe chicks but it's on reddit so I know it's all just dudes larping

>> No.21569655

What kind of moron would sign up for this? Anyone who knows anything about PR knows that editors and directors can do whatever they want in order to make you look bad if they don't like you.

>> No.21569659

Idk, lolcow farms has a thread full of arthoes calling Anna and Dasha fat so presumably there's some girls on the subreddit.

>> No.21569662

Ok but why is the left wing girl so ugly? The guy is kind of handsome but that lady hit the wall hard.

>> No.21569664

>KIRAC means "Keeping It Real Art Critics"
They can't even write the name of their organization in Dutch? European moment.

>> No.21569859

Why does the Netherlands always look so cold and bleak? Can't really describe it but everything just looks so...empty?

>> No.21569877

I knew that Houellebecq had had a slightly lively sex life during his life but this video has killed the image I wanted to have of him in my mind, I will never read again him. I hope that the horde of Muslims burns all of France and that he is beheaded in public.

>> No.21569938

>during his life
rip houellebecq

>> No.21569997

Thanks anon, it was great, by any chance do you have another episode from KIRAC? i would love to see what else are this mf doing

>> No.21570036

this is way less impressive in an era of widespread internet pornography. i can go on instagram or twitter right now and see funnier shit posted by hookers and porn studios. only the fact that it's wellby makes it worth a click at all.

>> No.21570104

That site has no arthoes, it's all fat femcels.

>> No.21570111

>literary incel icon is fucking cute girls 40 years his junior
it's so over bros

>> No.21570166
File: 172 KB, 1450x1071, 20230125_085318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over Houllebecqcells

>> No.21570196

Europe used to be a continent full of Christians.

>> No.21570233

Same somewhat

>> No.21570352

Thats all of northern europe

>> No.21570355

The overwhelming majority of women will fuck any famous man they can get with. Being a 70 yo goblin is not an issue. Fame and social status is the key more than money beyond not being a poorfag.

>> No.21570388

>film the birth of your child and present it alongside this
Everyone involved should be killed Allah make it so

>> No.21570408

Honeypot is bonkers lol

>> No.21570504

Houellebecq is often trolling. He has written about how he enjoys to repulse people. This could all be fake and theatrics.

>> No.21570541

learn french you cucks

>> No.21570662

Always wondered why women have much higher level threshold of disgust

>> No.21570677

Extension du domaine de la lutte, obviously

>> No.21570843

If you want to go evopsych it is not too surprising. They take care of babies that are very gross for a long while. Female bodies are also just more disgusting more often, if only because of menstruation.

>> No.21571166


>> No.21571185

this man is so fucking ugly its impressive

>> No.21571551

I live in the UK and for whatever reason we don't have quite the same philosophical angst that those other countries seem to suffer with.

Maybe that's why our philosophy output has been weaker in comparison.

>> No.21571588

Why would he agree to participate in this? I still don't understand how reactionary he is, aren't his books supposedly critics of the sexual revolution?

>> No.21571614

Kekw Gainsbourg on the right is a jew

>> No.21571647

Nah he’s just a Kumar

>> No.21571707

No, that's just the midwit take on his books. His books are supreme humblebrags in the vein of "The world is going to shit, and a lot of guys aren't getting any pussy, luckily none of this applies to me."

>> No.21571730

Seriously what's with the Netherlands being so fucking degraded and morally corrupt as of late? Not even Germany has sunk that low

>> No.21571744

The Netherlands is simply what an actual liberal society looks like.

>> No.21571746

well then, it looks like shit

>> No.21571752

all the good dutch left for canada

>> No.21571778

It's because philosophy has always been considered pointless in the UK, existential angst just gets channelled in other ways like class larping and environmentalist protests.
Just last man values being taken to their logical conclusion. The Netherlands has been consistently prioritising these since before any other European country.

>> No.21571972

He is far from an actual incel, I mean far from an incel period. No I mean bro, he is not an incel. He gets pussy with no problem

>> No.21571982

>aren't his books supposedly critics of the sexual revolution?
Like every European he's a depraved atheist degenerate but also wants to be celebrated for criticizing other people for being depraved atheist degenerates.

>> No.21571991

Hypocrisy is the privilege of the powerful.

>> No.21572074

From the start the male body is way more disgusting than a woman's, they probably see dicks just as hairy and sweaty as men do but they still are attracted to them

>> No.21572093

>In the next episode we'll find out if Jini finds love with sadistic NFT artist from England

>> No.21572101
File: 57 KB, 832x638, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21572114

Muhammad fucked babies

>> No.21572131

The worst is either Neggerlands, or Swedenstan. I can't decide.

>> No.21572141

You'd have to be retarded to name your brand something your audience doesn't understand this is marketing 101

>> No.21572204

Does anyone have magnet links to their other films?

>> No.21572244

Are these women who know about the frenchie goblin in the room with us right know?

>> No.21572361

She's probably planning on suing him after it's all over. She was young and naive after all, and the goblin so famous and intimidating...

>> No.21572404

Seconding this, the cinematography is shit, but they have some interesting ideas

>> No.21572480

I want this too please

>> No.21572593

Same anon who asked the question. Most of their films are freely available on their website. Clicking "Download full film here" opens a Stack page with the related video file. They also have Youtube playlist titled "episodes" with their films.

>> No.21572614

>giving blowjobs for your pornhub channel constitutes a masters thesis for philosophy departments

>> No.21572676

I feel sorry for them

>> No.21572682

He fucked prime Jane Birkin

>> No.21572686

It's just the Dutch

>> No.21572720

Why would you feel sorry?

>> No.21573164

They have to be in Canada

>> No.21573491


>> No.21573516

He's not le ebin retvrn to tradition larper, that's the prerogative of anglo mouthbreathers.

>> No.21574193

She will.

>> No.21574195

And if that says something, then...

>> No.21574238


>> No.21574254

I love the Netherlands but I'm German.

>> No.21574260

Muh, muh empirah!

>> No.21575230

Post KIRAC kinos

>> No.21575240


There best (and only good episode)

>> No.21576079

Do the French feel shame?

>> No.21576106

He's just being French.

>> No.21576273
File: 110 KB, 1189x663, mkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek.

>> No.21576317
File: 128 KB, 1138x810, njkdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All while listening to the soundtrack from Kubrick's The Shining

>> No.21576323

Biologically incapable to feel it.

>> No.21576508

Actual kino, thanks

>> No.21576779
File: 559 KB, 463x643, poor dutch guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.21576790

Reminder that there was a time in the 70s-80s~ when child pornography was legalized in the Netherlands

>> No.21578119

Those KIRAC guys are pretty interesting but under no circumstances will I watch Houllebecq have sex

>> No.21578445

What's with that catamite boi anyway? Was he just there to drink wine and shove radishes into asses?

>> No.21578450
File: 54 KB, 600x805, n08A8NO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21578468

KIRAC were based until they paywalled all their shit

>> No.21578633

They have plenty of good episodes. Like the one where Kate goes to the Rietveld Academie to defend her cancellation after writing negatively about a black lesbian artist.

>> No.21578660

Kate is a cute. A CUTE

>> No.21578756

I've never seen another woman being so completely ugly bastard pilled as her


>> No.21578986

It is majority male(as all of reddit), but has a high level of females for a subreddit.

>> No.21578994

Its literally translated in majority of english languages. I read it in bulgarian 3 months ago.

>> No.21578995
File: 29 KB, 743x539, BehBvYKIUAAP-LM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to be a regular thing now?

>> No.21579007

How wonderful and viscerally disgusting

>> No.21579039

This really puts it into perspective, philosophy is such a cope. Can anyone ever take him seriously again, on anything? Every time he would say something like "the Western civilization" or "we must develop the virtues" you just know where it stems from. There wouldn't be any weight behind it. All that people will see is a little boy trying to hold back his tears. What a fucking wuss, Kierkegaard is fitting for him. Let him not touch anything else.

Are all conservatives in the Netherlands like that?

>> No.21579066

Everything is a cope, life sucks if you aren't either rich, famous or good-looking and have sex all the time, this is just a fact.

>> No.21579071

Can't be assed to watch it, what happens? He can't get it up, he cums and starts farting as soon as she touches his virginal dick, he starts crying once he sees naked tits, what?

>> No.21579074

What an absolutely ridiculous assertion, I am unknown, poor and mediocre-looking and hardly ever fuck, but I snorted 20 milligrams of oxycodone just 15 minutes ago and am currently in pleasure beyond comprehension.
People who think sex is the highest ecstacy should really get better drug dealers.

>> No.21579079

how long does it last and does it become less effective after using it for a long time and do you become dependent on it and how much is it

>> No.21579080

Cringe post.

>> No.21579094

>I hate to say it but just by perusing KIRAC for 15 minutes, it's clear that the Euro art world is leaps and bounds more transgressive than the American equivalent. They're doing incredibly perverse but interesting Lacanian object-desire readings of harvey weinstein and female seduction while artists in the US are figuring out new ways to incorporate land acknowledgements into their artist statements.
I was sitting here, trying to collect my thoughts for commentary on this, but I think I'd rather not, it shall stand on its own.

>> No.21579133

>Lacan is having a revival because a couple of hot NYC podcasters are slightly interested in him, leading to an entire generation of simps who will rejuvenate his thought
worst timeline

>> No.21579162

Lefty philosophyhoe makes a post on a rightwing forum, asking rightwing men to fuck her on camera. First she fucks a construction worker who fucks her basically for an entire day and manages to seduce her cameraoperator as well and have a threesome. Sid instead has sent a video where he talks about "what an interesting proposition" it is and relates how he found artistic inspiration in a previous relationship with a leftist girl.

He arrives, formally dressed and he awkwardly is like "oh let me check the garden" while she waiting naked inside her room. He also goes into some autistic debate about creativity and inspiration. While with her he awkwardly strokes her hand while the people around tell him he should've brought her a gift. He leaves and comes back with a cheap box of chocolates, he starts munching on it instead of offering her and they make fun of him for it. He undresses and they have some lame debate about art and then awkwardly kiss. The girl has to go to the bathroom and talks about how she doesn't wanna do it anymore and he's just an "oaf", load enough that he can probably hear. She returns and he starts to recognize he's being humiliated. they talk about how he should buy her an expensive gift and start fucking with him and say that she's BPD and he just needs to spank her and take control of the situation. They leave so he can buy her jewelry but the store is closed. He feels hurt and betrayed by the whole thing and leaves. He calls them some days later and has a mental breakdown about how everything is shit, they comfort him a little bit.

The moral of the story? If you're gonna have sex with someone, treat it as some spurious meaningless fun thing and not some profound event. Women like it when you take what you want from them in a way that's still caring, they don't like it when you ask them for permission.

>> No.21579175

Sometimes I forget Bulgarian is a subset of English.

>> No.21579262
File: 892 KB, 1400x840, cheetah-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That oxy whatever the fuck you feel is released when feeling human touch during sex so your post is flipped on its head instantly by saying it's the best feeling ever, then you agree love is the best thing, which I don't even agree but you're an idiot.
This view can be fixed instantly like most bullshit thoughts in one's head, by experiencing some severe physical pain such as a toothache or a burn or a broken limb. You will instantly miss a few moments ago when your biggest problem was thinking about sex or money, if you say that not getting laid hurts more than literal pain then you're just an idiot, I don't care if you will summon the "but it's biology!!" argument, staying alive is still higher than sex even then, also, what's with this new trend of people not wanting to take accountability for being human? What the fuck is this "i am actually an animal, a monkey, I can't help myself, it's biology brah, gorillas fap too so it's a high iq activity" these faggots like you need to be whipped badly back to reality

>> No.21579292

>by experiencing some severe physical pain such as a toothache or a burn or a broken limb.
Ever considered that's exactly why life's shit? We don't experience any of that. No thrill, danger, adventure. Just listlessness, self brainwashing to find "your personal meaning of life" (wtf even is that) and endless organizations that feel like HR department or the suffocation you felt in a classroom back in elementary.

You think my man here would be crying over Kierkegaard and crying over his peepee failing him in front of a girl, if he was risking his life and enjoying the fruits of an actual payoff?

>> No.21579298

>That oxy whatever the fuck you feel is released when feeling human touch during sex
Rookie mistake.
OxyTOCIN is a chemical released in touch (and especially nipple play). It makes you feel slightly warm, fuzzy and happy. You can get it in a nasal spray too. Apparently it's good for autism, no joke.
OxyCODONE is an extremely potent opioid and full agonist of the mu-receptor, semi-synthetically perfected from alkaloids in the opium poppy. It makes you feel EXTREMELY warm, fuzzy and happy, so much so that people will ruin their lives to get more of it, and it has currently killed some 100k americans in their opioid epidemic.
Oxy- as a prefix is shared by a shitload of chemicals because of chemistry naming conventions my man.

>> No.21579312

I agree with you on the moral of the story.
>he didn't just say "the gift is muh dick"
0/10 bantz skills from Sid.

>> No.21579340

Also forgot to mention it starts with a Muslim woman artist crying because the far right anti-muslim politician Sid didn't want to marry her and instead tried to fuck the philosophyhoe and it triggered the muslim artists because she was always passed over in school.

If he had just been "well we're here to fuck so let's just do it" they probably wouldn't have made fun of him so much. The problems is that as a traditional conservative he has to maintain his veneer of tradtional domineering masculinity in a way that's not decadent or degenerate, which is impossible in an intimate situation like this.

>> No.21579345

The thing about saying something like that in that situation is that you then have to deliver on it, which Sid can’t because he’s so obviously a pathetic weakling with the childishly romantic ideals of the average /lit/-zoomer.

>> No.21579348

KIRAC is a dutch national treasure. It's degenerate as hell but these guys are so unhinged it's funny. Lefties hate them btw.


i love this one

>> No.21579368

Are you fucking idiots? You think he didn't know any of that? You think he was trying to put up some prude veneer? How autistic are you exactly? He fucked up because he was gripped by fear, and everyone picked up on it immediately when he entered. He was tense, sweating, and his autistic curiosity of the garden and discussions was just a distraction to buy him time to get a grip. That's also why he was so happy to get up and run after his little gift chockolate box, on her demand. You think he did that because he couldn't think of a cock joke? Are you serious? He was afraid out of his mind and used every chance he got to escape from that room and stave off the inevitable.

Either you're some chads who've never experienced performance anxiety, or you're virgins. His cure would be someone slapping him out of his head and his BS cope intellectual facade and right back into his body, like that highway worker. He's just some beta that went nuts intellectualizing since the first moment he felt sexual frustration in his life.

>> No.21579376

> It's degenerate as hell
They're unironically reactionary as fuck. Kate is a such a trooper

>> No.21579381

everything with Jiniwhore is pretty degenerate tbqh

>> No.21579391

I know that fear. I had that almost every time I was with a woman. Then I went to a lot of prostitutes, and now I am like the highway construction worker.
Thank god for prostitutes.

>> No.21579394

The reason he feels anxious is because of his approach. A normal person would decline when he saw that there's a bunch of other people there. The only thing which kept him in the house were his delusions. The garden shit was obviously just calming his nerves, but the all art discussions was him looking for a real connection, if he had balls he would've declined the sex himself but insisted to have a conversation about art instead, because that's something he was more comfortable with. However his horniness and ego means he can't back out of sex because it makes him look impotent, but he's not really interested in having sex as such, he's wants to experience of sex, but doesn't want to the awkward thrusting and grunting and thwicking.

People have a responsibility to take care of themselves, and decline situations they'll dislike. Instead he was looking for other people to take care of him and recognize his needs.

>> No.21579395

good for you. a real positive change for you, and really for the world. i mean that very sincerely!

>> No.21579400

i want to do this too but it's fucking expensive. also i'm afraid of falling in love like a retard

what kind of prostitutes do you recommend, where do you find them

>> No.21579407

God yes. This is exactly what I needed

>> No.21579415

I love how writers are almost considered celebrities in France. There's no other way he could bed women like that as a greasy chain smoking goblin

>> No.21579417

Yep, i was morbidly afraid of actually being intimate with women until I bit down and took the escort pill. Really helped me get myself under control and de-mystify the whole thing.

>> No.21579422

If you're afraid of falling in love, don't go the same one every time. Also, go to brothels if they are legal in your country. It is cheaper and you wont catch feelings, it's very transactional in brothels. It desensitizes you to the mechanical aspects of sex without having a woman pretend that she loves you.
But yeah, it is expensive, I did it over a few years.

>> No.21579424

Someone should have done this to Chomsky when he was shilling Hillary

>> No.21579434

Consider them practice dummies.

>> No.21579439

I don't think he would've started crying

>> No.21579442

this is why i think people shouldn't care that much about 'the first time'. The girl i had sex with for the first time is not a part of my life anymore she wasn't even a part for +2 months. At the time i liked her. That should be enough for everybody else tbqh. If the connection is there at the moment and you like her why wait for the special person. First time will suck anyway.

>> No.21579449

That woman wasn't crying because of their comments anyway.

>> No.21579450

Such a good episode. This is how you do reactionary activism/confrontational journalism. You can see they've got their group dynamic down pat here, with Tarik being the heel, and then Kate being a CUTE babyface to the management that wanted them out.

>> No.21579515

God damn man these people just fucking die as soon as a bit of mischievousness cuts through the regulated politeness.

>> No.21579578

That Jini girl looks like a clone of this girl I knew from my youth who was also a huge whore. Funny how things like that happen.

>> No.21579612

Anyone got the video of M Wellbeck dancing to Black Sabbath?

>> No.21579616

Nevermind, I found it:

>> No.21579659

disgusting neanderthal physiognomy

>> No.21579707
File: 281 KB, 1152x2048, GOBLIN'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21579729


>> No.21579760

>I love how writers are almost considered celebrities in France.
It was cool when a million people attended Hugo's funeral, it's less cool when the celebrity is the shitty stylest who holds meme reactionary positions about le islamists

>> No.21579812

Damn, imagine having a whore like that to use as a prop in your art.

>> No.21579820

> it's less cool when the celebrity is the shitty stylest who holds meme reactionary positions about le islamists
Still kinda cool though.

>> No.21579836

So quick poll, you guys think Houllebecq's dick actually works or not? He is 66. From his books we can deduce he is a gargantuan coomer. He smokes 40 cigarettes a day.
I think we can reasonably assume that even with an entire pharmacopoeia of dick pills, this man cannot get an erection. Perhaps he has molded his sexuality into pussy eating instead? Some impotent men do.

However, assuming his dick does work, I wonder what his refractory period is like. That is one of the overlooked aspects of an aging man's sexuality - while for most men under 40, they'll be ready for another round in 5-30 minutes after cooming, as men get older, this extends to as much as 72-96 hours. Can his body sustain his desire for cooms at this point? Has he reached a point where fame finally allows him to fuck groupies, but too late for his body to reap the harvest? What a profound tragedy that would be.

Anyway, looking forward to it, and will definitely jerk off to it if the action is good, the girl looks hot and absolutely disgusting, repulsive men molesting angelic beauties is a major turn-on.

>> No.21579877

I know its weird but everytime I smoke a cig My dick gets hard. Dont know why.

>> No.21579929

Good post. I'm thinking the same. The problem isn't being uncomfortable in a situation like this. It's being enough of a manchild lacking in self awareness and life experience that you would get caught stumbling so badly out of your element in the first place, forcing everyone around you to pay for it by managing your emotions for you. It's tiresome being a babysitter and that's why manchildren evoke such repulsion.

There's always a classy exit from situations like this. Like you said, he could've just stuck to the conversation and turn the situation around by taking the initiative with the girl, flirting, teasing even, without getting sexual. He could've made *them* the fools.

Of course I'm speaking hypothetically. In this specific case, with this specific person, that was impossible. We already saw how forced the conversation was. He simply couldn't have shaken the feeling of impotency. Despite being 35, he hasn't come to grips with his limitations and hasn't been able to accept himself as he is. This is a man who has lived his entire life feeling inadequate, and hence forced to follow others. He is a refugee from himself and probably his entire character is a charade. He should really stop mulling over grand ideas and verbal puzzles for a second and reflect on himself as a person, a bodily individual, a man, a friend, and a lover.

>> No.21579934
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, 5_File-picture-of-Anders-Behring-Breivik-taken-from-book-downloaded-from-Norwegian-discussion-website[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey you there, rightoid, wanna have sum fun with leftists?

>> No.21579966

I've fucked over 40 girls and I'm still afraid. What do? I need a concrete step by step guide for being physically comfortable with a girl.

>> No.21579977

I find that very hard to believe unless all of them were hookers and you had little interaction with them besides exchanging the money and having terrible sex.

>> No.21580030

None of them were hookers. In fact I think a hooker would be the scariest experience ever. I'm not afraid of people. I'm afraid of physical comfort.

It's probably my fucking mother who shamed me too much and deserves a shovel to the head.

>> No.21580031
File: 816 KB, 1096x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, bros...

>> No.21580053
File: 643 KB, 1621x1963, ballet cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His reactionism is just longing for la belle epoque when comfy middle class dudes like him could openly hang out with teenage ballet girls, local plebs was honest and hardworking and arabs safely kept away in Algeria.

>> No.21580064
File: 329 KB, 1439x1319, 1670309972818057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit my nigga

>> No.21580068

Why'd he do it tho!?

>> No.21580085

She's the only reason I watch

>> No.21580113

which episode is that?

>> No.21580132

i don't think i am

>> No.21580144

Houellebecq sex tape kino.

>> No.21580187

You just know.

>> No.21580189


>> No.21580195

Peak French degeneracy.

>> No.21580228

>incapable of recognizing spoken Dutch
Damn, the americans got off work already?

>> No.21580229

hes literally me.

>> No.21580230

Sounds like a Houellebecq short story.

>> No.21580232

The Dutch are the retarded off spring of the French and Germans minus any cultural value.

>> No.21580238

>hurr durrr muh flagposting
Back to your containment board, imbecile.

>> No.21580256
File: 79 KB, 500x889, ptmPr6Uj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women really like ugly bastards that much? I thought it was just some weird porn meme.

>> No.21580294

this ugly bastard has fame

>> No.21580343

This is an essential /lit/ post.

>> No.21580361

I don't understand these KIRAC artists, they criticise so much and actually produce decent content but I've yet to see them create anything of value.

>> No.21580369

imagine being raped by him

>> No.21580389

And what would be art of value to you?

>> No.21580452

If their content is "decent" how are how have they "not created anything of value?"

>> No.21580472

I can't stop watching KIRAC now

>> No.21580479

listen to this , it doesnt work like that

>> No.21580500

This will be trash unless they show extreme closeups of his old man dickhead rubbing that chick's labia.

>> No.21580565

Lets be real, the trailer doesn't show much, beause there isn't much. Compare this with Honeypot trailer.

>> No.21580569


>> No.21580577
File: 77 KB, 551x620, nkvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have posted with a pic. How many women do you think they lined up for him?

>> No.21580737
File: 72 KB, 640x480, B655B392-D170-49DA-807B-51F92240FFF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time was great and it became a seven year relationship so maybe it’s just a you problem? I don’t get why the fuck people like you talk like they’re reacting to stifling norms from the 50s when everyone on this site grew up long after the sexual revolution.
You’re not some naughty rebel suggesting people have empty fuck around relationships before committing to anything, that’s a 50 year old philosophy at this point. Society is steeped in it. Even worse you try to project your own insecurities as a universal rule using this aegis of BRAVE and POWERFUL bog standard hedonism.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.21580772

that's very very sad

>> No.21580835

shut up the frogs are out of line and have been for centuries.

>> No.21580876
File: 95 KB, 660x655, kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video Artist Knox Harrington vibes.

>> No.21580998

lmao, I find it funny how an English translation is yet to come, while the Polish translation is soon to be released.
Apparently, Polish translators are really good at translating Frenchies.

>> No.21581110
File: 48 KB, 1024x1024, snicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My <everything> was great, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.21581166

Every hero of his novel is some kind of middle class egocentric, living a comfortable existence and wanting to be popular with attractive young women despite being physically unattractive and/or having repulsive or dull personality. All of them can afford to swim in paid pussy or easily pick up some mail order bride, but refuse to do so out of their own masochism and misguided sense of superiority. Its not like they cant, they wont.

>> No.21581233

>Its not like they cant
The MC in Serotonin literally can't. It's a major plot point/thematic device in the novel.

>> No.21581406

He could just go on with hotwifing and have some fun gangbangs, alas he felt it was demeaning, despite everyone in his social circle did that. Self loathing masochist unable to separate public and private spheres of his life, the intellectual pursuits from simple needs of the flesh, thats all. Similar problem as with the autist incel philosopher baited by the snickering arabs and hoes from this KIRAC collective. Except that incel doesnt have social savvy and opportunities to overcome his complexes, Houllebecq protagonist usually have aplenty.

>> No.21581421

what a great discovery

>> No.21581472

No, he's literally impotent both because he's getting old and because of the drugs (i.e. one facet of why the novel is titled "Serotonin"). Impotence is a theme in the book--the MC is physically impotent and also impotent when it comes establishing any meaningful agency in the world. Aymeric underscores this, being one who is directly degraded by the MC's "work," alongside being a comment on the decline of traditionalism and the old aristocracy. The book is about the hegomonic onslaught of neoliberalism and how it drains the life out of living and destroys the basis for meaningful connections between people. Houellebecq isn't wrong about this but in real life it seems he fetishizes fornication as a connection between two people (while in his books he has an awareness that such a thing is just a distraction).

>> No.21581475

Nothing compared to the girls the other guy in the picture has fucked.

>> No.21581508
File: 530 KB, 678x1000, Based Rocco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq has now reached Gainsbourg-tier levels of based. I kneel

>> No.21581556

I thought they were leftypol types.

>> No.21581568
File: 49 KB, 770x600, 7j5676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is surreal, also was kinda expected albeit

>> No.21581617

Based Rocco
Idk how leftypol is defined but from what I’ve seen KIRAC are quite against the establishment in the current art world, plus the video where she says essentially that women “fantasised about Weinstein raping them and were disappointed by it” isn’t going to win over lots of typical lefties

>> No.21581636

> isn’t going to win over lots of typical lefties

cultists fear and despise jesters, no surprises here.

>> No.21581654
File: 54 KB, 850x400, based pirate quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could just go full retard with the rifle, which he didnt, instead preferring to live in a basement. Houllebecq protags seem either alexythimic or enslaved by social convenances and comfortable life to the point of complete passivity even in extreme situations.

>> No.21582226

Is serotonin also about ennui and wanting to fuck but not fucking as much as one wants to?
How many books can he write on this theme? How are people still reading it?

>> No.21582229

I very much hate the Dutch.

>> No.21582242

>First time will suck anyway.
If you're a female then perhaps the first time will suck because it's physically painful. There's no reason this would be the case for a man. Maybe it sucks for some men because they don't last long enough their first time. I had been abstinent for a while before my first time so I lasted longer than I would have otherwise.

>> No.21582248

>tfw you just want to follow the lecture on the strengths and weaknesses of the A-version of the transcendental deduction but some woman is getting attention the only way she knows how, while simultaneously gathering field report evidence for her thesis on her own sexuality, that will outrank your work no matter how much effort and brilliance you put in it because of the tyrannical political climate of academia, and you realize in a flash that this is the exact moment where she has secured herself a wonderful future by getting her pussy eaten without shame and to the detriment of an entire auditorium, while you have wasted your best and most virile years reading philosophy that no one cares about or finds important

I'd be miffed as well, desu.

>> No.21582292

My post was a reply to a guy banging escorts. I'm not trying to be a rebel or setting a universal standard. My own insecurities? Lmao.

>> No.21582313

Calm down, it's a typical trope I myself even had, that the first time should be with someone special.

>> No.21582319

>some guy says the first time doesn't necessarily have to be the most special thing ever
Wew lad, calm down.

>> No.21582349

oral fixation, you are gay.

>> No.21582361

I have an oral fixation but it only comes to expression in my love of eating pussy.
Would Freud conclude from this that I am gay because I love having vagina in my mouth?
of course he would Freud is a fucking retard

>> No.21582390

not necessarily a trope when it demonstrably happens

>> No.21582423

>demonstrably happens
Which is exactly what a trope is

Tropeness doesn't imply falsity.

>> No.21582591

Not only are you seething you also want to rewrite reality on what the post said. I’ll take your backpedalling spittle as conceding.

>> No.21582644

t. guy that´s seething. Also it´s not just me that´s trying to explain my post. Your reading comprehension is that low apparently.

>> No.21582749

Tarik needs to be less cringe for this to be enjoyable. Very tryhard.

>> No.21582760

True, he's their weakest link for sure. Like in the Mara McCarthy episode, he draws the attention away from the fact that she's a gallery-owner that sells work that she doesn't really understand or engage with herself and makes it about her having a dumb haircut. I understand why they include him but he needs to be reigned in.

>> No.21582818

For me he´s the funniest part of Kirac. Because these kind of characters are so rare in media lately.

>> No.21582828
File: 109 KB, 413x395, 1668974362014305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's almost in tears on the phone talking about Kierkegaard etc and they just ignore his pleas.

>> No.21582842

He comes off being stuck in his head, with some grandiose image of himself that he is impotently forced to live up to. Who the fuck is he to tell her "you'll get used to it"? The cockiness misses its mark so badly its unfathomable - the social dynamics for saying something like that are totally missing. Why would she "get used to it"? Are they dating? Did he just hire her as secretary? Are they fucking? No. It's a literally-who that came up to her telling her to "get used to it", lmao.

>> No.21582852


>> No.21582975

>be me
>autistic, lonely, retarded
>watch an autistic lonely retard be honeypotted and completely sexually humiliated to the point of suicidal despair by Jini the whore to whom this does not even register
>fall hopelessly in love with said whore
I swear to God my mind and entire existence has the sole purpose of making fun of myself.

>> No.21582986

Anon the world is a tragedy to those who feel and a comedy to those who think. Less feeling, and more thinking and sardonic laughing.

>> No.21582998

Everything is just a distraction.

>> No.21583019

we truly live in a society

>> No.21583049

>being in academia
That's where you willfully cucked yourself. Just transition and get it over with.

>> No.21583055

ur gae

>> No.21583074
File: 171 KB, 650x843, Picture_of_Schopenhauer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... still not laughing.

>> No.21583186

What a goober lmao

>> No.21583190

All of Northern Europe is overcast for at least 10 months of out each year.

>> No.21583191

laugh and be butthurt at the same time you krautist

>> No.21583219

Based solely on his conduct I would have assumed he is a virgin. Were it not for a previous lover appearing in the film there is no possible way he could have convinced me he is not.

>> No.21583234
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1621609704573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I am scared of how sharp these normalfags are, their verbal games, their body language and how immorally they play these manipulative games. I don't wanna interactive any of these manipulative psychopaths.

All of this is scary and disgusting. Are all normalfags like this?

>> No.21583242
File: 48 KB, 250x350, dutch wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall hopelessly in love with said whore

shes a healthy dutch heifer with bohemian pretentions, nothing unique about it, just fap to some degenerate porn to dispell the feminine magic and you will get over it, Anon.

>> No.21583254

You know when literature describe people as opportunistic monsters? This is what they're refering to. Like Kate says when describing how Sid arrives, he's like a fresh juicy meat of self loathing and self delusion and everyone is just acting on instinct around him, waiting to tear him down. The only options are to fight or to submit, but you can never trust them.

Just put a shield around you, it's what everyone else does.

>> No.21583257

These aren't normalfags, they're mildly to moderately sociopathic people who have made it their entire purpose to fuck with people by shitting on notions of politeness and mercilessly and ruthlessly picking apart and humiliating any hypocrisy.
Most normies are very nice and kind, and, if you watch more of these KIRAC videos, you'll see their targets are usually normies who can't deal with the fact that these sociopaths don't acquiesce to normie politeness.

>> No.21583355

also kinda noticed it
i would benefit greatly if i had at least 25% of their hardware installed in my head. they are just witty, composed, smart (but not too smart), and know how to fuck with inferior people. very malicious group.

in THAT episode i even suspect the two witches were exceptionally nice to the troglodyte* that fucked them first, because lets be honest, he seemed like a very 95 IQ "decent blok" with 14 cm cock, so he was nothing special really, but they showed him in a favorable light, to contrast him with sensitive and fragile impotent respected conservative intelectualist (a bigot)
*i wouldnt be surprised if that guy wasnt really from this "far-right" forum

>> No.21583365

Is that Siswet?

>> No.21583374

>he seemed like a very 95 IQ "decent blok" with 14 cm cock, so he was nothing special really, but they showed him in a favorable light
Sluts love men who have fun and animalistic sex, and these women are sluts. Shaking your dick back and forth and strutting out your ass to get a girl to spank it is fun.
Quoting Kierkegaard and talking about art and inspiration while you feebly stroke a woman's hand with your own (that are 100% certain ice cold because of his fear causing vasoconstriction) is anti-fun and anti-erotic.
I don't think any preemptive thought went into it. Retarded guys like the first one has sex all the time because it's just dumb animalistic fun to them and the sluts love it, not some fatal Kierkegaardian decision.

>> No.21583380

>everyone just looks bored
what the fuck

>> No.21583391

These contrarians aren't normalfags.

>> No.21583402

>Are all normalfags like this?
Yes. Have you ever been outside? Have you gone to school?

>> No.21583409

they are normalfags in a sense they have amazing social skills and normies would find them likeable (unless they reveal their powerlevel, which is unlikely as they are aware and too smart to do it)

>> No.21583420

So this is why I always have cold hands and feet, always assumed it was low blood pressure.

>> No.21583425

>I had been abstinent for a while before my first time so I lasted longer than I would have otherwise.
I woudve expected the opposite

>> No.21583430
File: 245 KB, 1080x1350, dutch wife 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iam affraid so.

>> No.21583437
File: 139 KB, 937x1171, R9jkA8nNSBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know... that this dog has seen some shit.

>> No.21583460

why can't i get sex

>> No.21583461
File: 4 KB, 150x150, 1672016671663803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video warped my views on sexuality harder than my decade+ of porn consumption

>> No.21583464

His mistake was not taking viagra an hour before meeting just to be sure. It was a hookup so what did he expect to happen? But then, incel philosophers are impractical dreamers, they wouldnt be incel philosphers otherwise. Too much ego and to little attention to mundane realities of life.

>> No.21583468

>this dog has seen some shit

Yep, thats a fact documented on multiple occasions. Hes not bothered anymore.

>> No.21583471

In what way?

>> No.21583493

You think that's what the road worker did?

>> No.21583497

He didn't need to.

>> No.21583526

As other anon said, he didnt need to, being young laid back jock. Sid is the complete opposite of that, which he should be aware of instead of deluding himself to be next Evola or D`Annuzio and meeting manipulative and politically hostile slut in an unfamiliar place without pharmaceutical backup.

>> No.21583534

Wouldn't be surprised if the younger guy has made amateur porn as well, given how comfortable he was with being naked on camera.

>> No.21583539

>Evola or D`Annuzio
they were chads?

>> No.21583542

heres her plebbit with nudes.
She has onlyfans too ofc.

>> No.21583549
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1629641092816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to see her nudes, I already saw somebody shove a radish up her ass.

>> No.21583550

They were sexhavers, but of course given the contemporary status of women it was an entirely different environment.

>> No.21583555

At least competent in maintaining the image of warrior-poet, which Sid is not.

>> No.21583556

How the fuck you can deal with sluts and nasty faggots like these?

>> No.21583562

What vile, disgusting creatures are those?

>> No.21583563

And she ate it afterwards, with gusto. Decent gf material.

>> No.21583564

Pretty much anyone that's not a terrminally online borderline retarded incel.

>> No.21583570

Some anon once wrote that problem with incels(like Sid in this case) is that they treat women with too much agency and respect. That's why they don't get their attention from.

Just treat them like fuck boys and then they're down.

>> No.21583574

I resent that! You must reference me as a volcel.

>> No.21583666

>but I've yet to see them create anything of value.
They are a bunch of jews and an arab.
What did you expect?

>> No.21583683

If i recall correctly Sid was interested in the subject matter and wanted to discuss with Jini why she does what she does. However his simpness got exploited.

>> No.21583717

The only thing I learned from this thread is that it's a good thing if Europe collapses

>> No.21583738

*western Europe

>> No.21583827

>some woman is a slut
Chill man

>> No.21583841


>> No.21583910

I envy them in that they seem to have no inhibitions, they do what they want, dress how they want, say what they want. They own any space they are in, unconcerned with how they are perceived by others, unafraid in any environment. They are free to truly allow their will to engage with the world around them. Compare that to the average person on here who feels threatened in every public place and who is enslaved by his own fears constantly.

Maybe it's because these people have hardened hearts, sociopathic. But I wish I could be more like them.

>> No.21583950

You just idealize them. If you ever leave your cave and actually interact with people and over time gain freedom over yourself, in that you stop being afraid of everything that surrounds you, you will understand how pitiable those people may be. You can sense some narcissisim and desperation under the veneer.

>> No.21583955

This social execution was worse than an entire rekt thread

>> No.21583956

link is literally itt

>> No.21584002

>They own any space they are in, unconcerned with how they are perceived by others, unafraid in any environment
you are overestimating them. they seem like this because they picked an extremely easy target and destroyed him. its the same like with that disgusting, rotting girl who inspired chris chan to fuck his mother. i bet if we learnt more about their past we would be mocking them.

>> No.21584052

Did she eat the ass-radish in the KIRAC thing or is it from her onlyfans?
Like, I want to see her eat an ass-radish, but not enough to pay for it that's stupid.

>> No.21584055

Chris Chan was manipulated into that? I thought it was his own autism. Qrd?

>> No.21584066

it's at the end

>> No.21584091

yeah "manipulated into" is a better expression. desu when i think about it i may have made it up, but if you want more details about the girl check this video on her https://youtu.be/XfBikkNuUk8 or this https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Isabella_Loretta_Janke

>> No.21584474

I think it was the "Universities openly funding porn and accepting sucking cock as a philosophy thesis" bit amongst others that led Anon to that conclusion.

>> No.21584610

Damn, that was pretty interesting.

>> No.21584808

There are too many normies on this site now, it sickens me.

>> No.21584819

>CWC got played by some retarded zoomer

>> No.21584829

You act like CWC hasn't been played by teenagers ever since he was discovered