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21567478 No.21567478 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good anti coomer/semen retention books (philosophical, spiritual)
I want to test my willpower for some months and stay in abstinence

>> No.21567496

>semen retention
KEK. Just read books asceticism.

>> No.21567573

>Substitutions for sexual satisfaction are by no means harmless; they dispose a person to the numerous forms of neurosis and psychosis that are conditional upon the reversion of the subject's sexual life to its infantile forms. Moreover, masturbation in no way meets the ideal requirements of civilized sexual morality and therefore drives young people into the very conflicts with the educational ideal that they sought to escape through abstinence. It also corrupts the character through indulgence in more ways than one; first, it teaches people to reach significant goals without expending any effort, by taking the easy route rather than committing all their energies to the task (that is in accordance with the principle that sexuality sets the pattern); secondly, by raising the sexual object in the fantasies accompanying the satisfaction to a degree of excellence that is not easily rediscovered in reality.

>The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).

>> No.21567736

My sexual impulse is one of those things that I've never truly been able to master. Masturbation is something that constantly keeps me stuck in a state of addiction. It's always been a cycle for me that consists of abstinence —> relapse –> indulgence. The only real difference is that my period of abstinence might range from 2 days to 10 days, but I inevitably end up relapsing and starting the cycle all over again.

I've always believed I was a pervert or rapist of some kind who does not have any degree of self-control because of the fact that I've never been in control of my sexual activity. I only indulge when my temptations take me over completely, which almost feels like being possessed by a devil. On the other hand, I've met people who have told me that their experience with masturbation was similar to mine, and that masturbation is something you're not supposed to ever be able to quit. What can be surmised is that my cyclical experience with masturbation is not something that's unique and is actually universal.

The truth is that I've never been able to relate to the general mainstream conversation around masturbation. On one side there are hardcore religious fundamentalists who call you a biological abomination for indulging in so-called self-abuse. I always believed this was a ridiculous and over the top reaction, because I've always had pity for people who just like me try to stop masturbating and get caught up in the cycle. On the other side, there are people part of the sexual liberation movement who consider the sex drive to be innocent and fundamentally a force for good. This is also frankly not something I can relate to, because my sexual feelings have always been monstrously powerful and my fantasies are things that I should never act on.

The comedian Louis CK has a bit where he talks about walking into a library and seeing a pretty girl, and even though he wants to feel like a normal person, seeing her immediately invokes a lot of intrusive thoughts in his mind that he simply cannot ever say out loud. This pretty much perfectly encapsulates why I've never been able to interact with women in a normal, well-adjusted way instead of getting severely nervous and anxious around them. Because if I open my mouth and say something like "I want to stick my dick in between your fat tits", I know that's going to put me in jail faster than anything else I could ever do.

I've also never considered a healthy act. I've sometimes been on porn binges that last several days and by the end, I look in the mirror and see that my face looks exactly like that of a meth addict. There's also some effect on how others perceive me when I'm severely relapsing. Almost as though they detect some weakness in me and they try to bully me over it. Masturbation has this way of turning me into a magnet for negative experiences with people.

>> No.21567859

The Coiled Serpent - C.J. Van Vliet

>> No.21567927

Read the Journal of John Woolman, it's a Quaker account and one of the great American autobiographies. Here was the rare man who truly strove in earnest to perfect himself in service of a greater Good.

>> No.21568208

>I've also never considered a healthy act. I've sometimes been on porn binges that last several days and by the end, I look in the mirror and see that my face looks exactly like that of a meth addict. There's also some effect on how others perceive me when I'm severely relapsing. Almost as though they detect some weakness in me and they try to bully me over it. Masturbation has this way of turning me into a magnet for negative experiences with people.
Noticed this as well. It's a real phenomenon, but I don't know what could cause it. The converse is also true in my case, that when I don't watch porn people just seem to respond more positively to me in general. I become more likeable.

>> No.21568236

>Almost as though they detect some weakness in me and they try to bully me over it.
you're essentially suppressing your testosterone levels, which not only affects your mood/confidence/behavior/etc, but also your scent
pheromones are real and people filter them subconsciously

>> No.21568268

>Androsterone, or androstenol, is a putative human pheromone that may make men sexually appealing to women. Only 10% of men secrete an abundant amount of the pheromone, and these men may be considered desirable in the population. Androsterone can change the way people perceive someone’s desirability.

>> No.21568339

Why can't you just jerk off once/twice a day and be a normal person who isn't dominated by his urges? Just moderate your perversions to a lesser degree over time; it's hard but possible.

>> No.21568347

easy peasy is a waste of your time just read your brain on porn and that's that

>> No.21568358

I think it's only available in audio, but I got a lot out of 'No More Diddles' by Goddess Gracie. Genuinely changed my life for the better.

>> No.21568364

>Goddess Gracie is a self-identified hypnodomme providing sissification hypnosis and brainwashing files for true pathological sissies who lack even a sliver of manhood. Her work enforces listener to a strong attraction to men while only viewing women as platonic friends or figures of worship/envy.
seek Christ

>> No.21568675

>I become more likeable
that's an impression, just like alcohol makes you believe you're hot shit or thc creating deep meaning thoughts. wanking is indeed shameful if you believe that it's shameful. i knew people who were compulsive wankers and on the positive spectrum of the look standard, bad news they attracted people anyway. wanking is a massive loss of time nonetheless, and time is the absolute value of our realm, it dictates the value of money itself, that is why wanking is inherently wrong, not because it allegedly shrinks your testo levels, not even picking the pheromon nonsense, those molecules are powerful for arthropods because their central nervous system is close to chemiotactic levels, there is no mate calling molecule for human beings and most of the mammals, and if some compounds might have a significant effect on sexual arousal it's not primarily caused by a specifically designed exogenic molecule, vision, audition and smell (not particular molecules but rather a mix of them which have reinforced reward seeking behaviours, isoamyl ethanoate could be arousing under certain conditions) are the main vessels of sexual arousal, not obscure individual pheromones. wanking is a loss of time. compulsive sugar consumption is worse as a behaviour for societal balances for it actually enhance tumoral developpement and oxydative stress. Kantsisters you can let it go now.

>> No.21568777

>Masturbation and ejaculation haven't been shown to have any long-term or negative effects on testosterone levels

>> No.21568832

objectively incorrect
your own link debunks you

>> No.21568837

How does the link debunk its own claim?

>> No.21569104

I have been in your position, from the mindset to the binges. I also viewed myself in this way, that I don't want porn but I only indulge when my temptations take over completely. I viewed myself as different from others struggling with addiction, because I told myself, they struggle not to want, I already don't want, I am simply compelled by my temptations.

This is a lie we tell ourselves. If we truly want something, we get it, and if we truly hate something, we avoid it. If I want something and I failed and it was in my control, then I would have had it. It's a tautology that is fundamentally true. And yes, porn in in your control, only your temptations tell you that you have no control. You have to shatter your self image and view yourself honestly. If you truly hated porn, would you have allowed yourself to relapse easily? It might seem reprehensible to admit to yourself, but even though you hated something so much, you have to admit that your hate was not strong enough. Your language betrays the fact that you deceive yourself. You say masturbation "keeps" you in a state of addiction. No, you have to take responsibility and see that only you keep yourself in any state, don't pawn off the blame to temptation or anything else, those things are part of you. If you masturbate again, fine, but don't lie to yourself after that it wasn't you doing it, it was temptation making you. No, accept the blame.

You have to learn what it truly means to want something. If there was a thief in a motel room and someone told him there was a vast amount of gold in the room next over, he would not be able to sleep. All night he would think, how to tunnel in, or pick the lock, until he finally achieved his goal. You might tell yourself you want to stop masturbating, but you do not really want to stop until you want to stop the same way the thief wants gold. You're back on 4chan for example, instead of avoiding all things that might possibly lead to a relapse. What does that say about how badly you really want to stop masturbating? Once you judge yourself harshly and remove self deceptions, you will win.

>> No.21569127

>f I want something and I failed and it was in my control, then I would have had it.
Typo, meant to write "If I want something and I failed and it was in my control, I did not want it enough."

>> No.21569378

Truth. The duality of these temptations seems so inexplicable, demonic, but it really comes down to this: not having the strength to give up a known and guaranteed pleasure as strong as sexuality, even if it is an attenuated sexuality. I think the realization that I was having such a difficult time kicking only a shadow of the real thing is really what finally lit a fire under my ass

>> No.21569465

If you're arguing that beating masturbation is only a matter or willpower, then I don't anyone has put in as much sincere effort into quitting than I have. I used to try everything. I tied a belt around my legs. I wore multiple layers of clothing. I used to punch myself everytime I had a dirty thought until there was a visible scab on my shoulder. Do any of these indicate that I didn't "want it bad enough"? Even if I were to somehow quit this time, it will be because my sexual impulse has died down naturally and not because I put in any kind of new effort.

"Why are you back on 4Chan?"
Because I don't care anymore, dude. Relapse has been a part of my life since I was 10. I'm not entirely sure if it's even possible to quit anymore. Either way, it's no longer something I want my entire life to revolve around.

>> No.21569553

It's a tautology, don't take it personally. If somebody wanted something and didn't get it, it's a fact that he didn't want it enough to get it.

>> No.21569572

>I think the realization that I was having such a difficult time kicking only a shadow of the real thing is really what finally lit a fire under my ass
You hit the nail on the head. Most people hide the most embarrassing or shameful parts of their character from themselves and live in denial because to do otherwise would be extremely painful. People who live in denial all their lives and are confronted with the truth have mental breakdowns. That's why many people's self image of themselves is greater than the reality, But you forced yourself to realize that you were being weak and faced this embarrassing reality, and this allowed you to grow.

>> No.21569713

I appreciate your words

>> No.21569789

I haven't coomed in 10 days now. I lasted a month once years ago but it was really difficult. This time it seems easier for some reason. I don't even feel horny. Yesterday I tried to jerk off without porn and couldn't even get hard. I think porn has seriously fucked my dick up.

>> No.21569949


What do you think about masturbation in the animal kingdom, then? Did you know that horses masturbate? And that not allowing them to do so causes it great distress, but also leads to increased masturbation and disturbances of normal breeding behaviour. What if masturbation is something that we've evolved to do?

The truth is that I don't know the answer to some fundamental questions about masturbation because everything about it is so hush-hush. For instance, do you believe that you've officially quit masturbation for good, or do you think you've simply entered a elongated period of abstinence that will eventually end in a relapse anyway.

If what I stated is true, then that clearly implies that the end-goal that I'm supposed to be working towards isn't actually possible.

So the tautology you're bringing up does not even apply. You can only judge human beings for things that they are actually capable of doing. You obviously can't judge someone for not being able to leap to the height of a skyscraper because they apparently "didn't want it enough".

>> No.21569962
File: 61 KB, 540x675, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane mentally ill replies in this thread. Just jerk off to still images of women only or bikini workout videos. Don't look at porn with dicks in it, that's really GAY.

>> No.21570005

Jerking off to any porn is bad, sex mostly isn't visual, it's a lot of senses and feelings and thoughts combined. Jerk off only once every few days and only to a fantasy in your mind about a real girl, and actually try to walk yourself through some of the "mundane" aspects and flesh out the physicality of the scene in your imagination rather than the visuals and the dominance-based psychological dynamics, and you will find you are a lot less broken from porn than you think. You've just forgotten how much more "real" real sex is, where a small forgettable movement ijn the act where you're just moving her around a bit has more sensation and "action" built into it than ten hours of oversaturated porn. Remind your primal monkey brain that simple mundane stuff is the real main event of real sex, not this porno overdone fantasy shit with ten fetishes at once.

It's the visuals that are horrible for men and cause porn sickness. If we didn't have visuals we would jerk off once in a while when the physical urge really overpowers us, it'd be to a nice fantasy that comes to the mind easily and is made up of a few combined memories of what a nice butt feels like when you do this or that to it, and that would be that. Instead porn is a hobby because what man doesn't instinctively want to see two lesbians eating each other's asses. But tomorrow you'll be looking only for that one studio where they REALLY lick the ass, and a year from now you'll have a favorite girl from that studio, and a year after that you're Der Coomer.

If you can't handle full nofap, go begin the healing at least by just imagining all the visceral nice things about eating ass instead of letting porn visuals do the work.

>> No.21570274

>jerk off once/twice a day and be a normal person

I don't think even that is normal.


I've always thought the fundemental problem is not so much masturbation per so but the fact w (those of us fortunate enough rather to live in a first world country with a home and internet access) have unfettered access to porn and society in general is awash in pornographic imagery and stimuli. This constant triggering and stimuli and how to react to it cannot be healthy to any human brain or society in the long term and we are seeing the fall out - lets consider tiktok and the constant 15 second dopamine hit of video after video after video for the average zoomer. Their social skills, mannerisms, and ability to apply themselves to something outside of 'social media' is rendering them useless in a society which needs doctors, engineers, architects, scientists etc. Output is geared almost exclusively to 'entertainment' and indeed I recall a poll looking at what kids wanted to be in the West and the most common answer is 'celebrity/social media icon' as opposed to China where the top answers were scientist, astronaut etc. Our society is going down the sink with this constant gratification/porno exposure that debilitates healthy mental practices I think.

>> No.21570278
File: 45 KB, 1280x544, 1654470394721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This comment is gold. Thank you.

>> No.21570287

>What if masturbation is something that we've evolved to do?

There are always anomalies in every population - outliers and extremes. Compulsive masturbation didn't arise from nothing as is the same with every addiction - smoking, gambling etc. I agree that some people are more susceptible to being ensnared mentally but that doesn't mean they had to go down that path. I'm curious rather about your 'history' how did it start, evolve, and continue? Every action reinforces itself upon you mentally - you build up tolerance, habit, even desire etc. It starts as as innocent 'just once I swear 'and then it snowballs as most addictions do. The shame you felt evidently was not greater than the desire that compelled but really dig deep into your history and psyche and try and analyse the slow degradation into habit that you unfortunately now have.

>> No.21570340

But you didn't answer the question. Whether quitting masturbation is actually possible, because it could just be the case that everyone's stuck in the same loop, but some people are less self-aware about it because their guilt makes them want to strongly believe that they have quit masturbation for good, even though what is most likely the case is that they are simply in an extended period of abstinence that is going to eventually end.

Maybe it's the case that you made your cycle longer, and not that you've succeeded in beating your addiction.

It's also worth mentioning the possibility that the people who believe they've quit masturbation completely have just reached an age where their sexual impulse has died down, which is less like they've given up on masturbation, and more like masturbation has given up on them.

>> No.21570367

It offends my perception of reality to believe that men like St. Anthony or any nameless mystic/monk/ascetic was just fooling himself about having mastered their sexual urges. Their experiences and your argument are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.21570474

Why wouldn't they be mutually exclusive? If those same men could never have conquered their urges when they were young, when those same urges were at their very peak, then do they deserve the credit that you ascribe to them? What have they supposedly accomplished?

Perhaps I'm being unfair. It's possible that complete abstinence is a remarkable feat irrespective of what age you accomplish it at. My point is that I don't know.

I'm also offended with the idea that we have to compare the progress of an average person to that of ascetics and saints. It's an unreasonable expectation to have and wrong on multiple levels. I'm not going to compare my sprinting ability to that of Usain Bolt, someone who has dedicated his entire life to maximizing that very trait.

I also don't think ascetics are regular people. They are people who completely displaced themselves from society in order to accomplish their goals.

In a way, what you're really stating is that the goal of complete abstinence is something that's reserved for people who revolve their entire lives around achieving that final goal. If that's the case, what if I'm someone who does not believe that to be a worthwhile cause to serve. What if there's something else I want to assign my energy to?

Something I wanted to bring up that conclusively verifies my argument is Aristotle's belief of what constitutes virtue. According to him, virtue is the golden mean between having the excess and deficiency of a particular trait. For example, an excess of the trait of modesty can make you shy and withdrawn, whereas too little of it can make you irritating and boastful. He extends this same argument to the trait of abstinence. Too much of it becomes ascetism (the same thing you advocate for is to him a negative trait), too little of it makes you addictive. The golden mean, according to him, is being "temperate", which to him is a virtue. So you can see how from an Aristotlean perspective, I'm ultimately more virtuous than you because of my balanced indulgence in sexual activity, because I have always tried to keep it to a minimum.

>> No.21570497

I said in my first comment that humans are capable of avoiding porn. I know nothing about horses and don't care. If you want to keep saying to yourself that it's not your fault, it's outside your control, then you will keep proving yourself right and continue your self abusive practices. You were never overpowered by your temptations. You were convinced that they could overpower you and you let it win because you believed it. Temptation works not through power but through cunning. A mouse can only defeat a lion if the lion believes the mouse stronger, and you, being defeated so many times, are eager to assert that yes, the mouse is in fact stronger. But if you want to grow you will have to confront that self deception.

>> No.21570509

Again, all you've simply done is proven that you don't really have any answers. Which is okay, because neither do I. But atleast I can admit it.

You seem to hold people to impossible standards without having a rational explanation for why you're doing so, while also believing you have a firmer grasp on the truth than Aristotle himself. What can I call that except delusion and unjustified narcissism?

>> No.21570544

Not masturbating is not an impossible standard. I feel so bad for you that you think that. Until you take responsibility, you will have to keep learning the same lesson until chastisement brings you to reason. I wish you well.

>> No.21570550

I, too, hope you will be able to grow up and recognize that there are beliefs more consistent and rational than the ones you've held on to for so long.

>> No.21570705

step away for a bit, come back and read this thread again. anon has been rational and hardly espousing any unobtainable standards while you are seemingly insensate in your closed mindedness.
>but i’m only asking questions that have still not been answered!
do you really want to be compared to a horse in regards to behavior?

>> No.21570711

Why are you people so fucking stupid?

>> No.21570716

Why do christcucks go absolutely
APE SHIT over semen and the release of semen so much?

>> No.21570725

>be a normal person
Ha! Fuck you, go back to retarddit

>> No.21570737

Because at this point in human history the meaning of masturbation is simply unknowable. There is no clear consensus among scientists and a lack of research. There is a long tradition of philosophers and church fathers all being against sexual release for recreation. This uncertainty confuses people.

>> No.21570742
File: 22 KB, 1508x69, buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversely, what's some peak coomer /lit/?

>> No.21570745

I'd much prefer that a church father just work one out instead of buggering the choir boys as they are so famous for.

>> No.21570961

I think you are dismissing the addiction aspect too frivolously. I promise myself to quit porn after each use but I'm quickly using again. I know it's wrong and I don't even like it that much but I still do it. My addicted mind finds excuses and it's easy to convince myself to do wrong even though I know I will regret it. I have difficulties with getting and staying erect with real girls. The prettier the girl the stronger my performance anxiety (which is porn induced i believe). I've known I have to quit for a long time and I've seen my life getting better once I do quit (I once abstained 100 days). Anyways I'm 2 days clean now and here goes another attempt at quitting.

>> No.21571026

Why not? At the end of the day, we're only animals. Maybe we're smarter than the rest, but biologically there are mechanisms built into us that operate in essentially the same way as those of any other species on Earth. My point was that masturbation can be an innate biological function, in the same way that hunger or thirst is. If reproduction is one of the fundamental drives of all living creatures, then I can see why masturbation, or the expelling of semen from the body, might actually be an essential process. I'm not suggesting you'll die if you don't jack off, but completely halting masturbation could be just as impossible as trying to quit eating or quit drinking.

Let's take the example of eating again. Nobody calls the activity of eating itself an addiction. Only an excess of it, which leads to obesity, or a deficiency of it, which leads to anorexia or death, are considered problems. Why can't masturbation be seen in the same way?

>> No.21571030

>but completely halting masturbation could be just as impossible as trying to quit eating or quit drinking.
what a coombrain take

>> No.21571048

I think you should take your own advice, step back, and read this thread as a whole. My entire side of the argument was to prove the possibility that everyone is stuck in the same cyclical process of addiction, only to varying degrees. You could be 50 days into your streak, but that doesn't mean you have quit masturbation completely. Only that you haven't relapsed yet.

Another piece of evidence for this is nocturnal emission. Irrespective of how much effort you put into abstinence when you're awake, you're body expels that semen you've been storing up anyway when you're asleep. Doesn't that again point to the possibility that the expelling of semen might be a necessary process.

But since you unironically called me a coombrain without coming up with any arguments of your own, I don't think you have any thoughts of your own apart from "eww, sex". If name-calling is all that you have in your arsenal, then you don't deserve to be part of any kind of mature discussion at all.

>> No.21571090

I know this anon was only trying to make a joke. But he brought up something that I've noticed before which also re-affirms my belief in maintaining a balance when it comes to sexuality that I just elaborated on.

What I noticed was that events of sexual misbehavior seem to be hyper-localized in two types of environments: One is heavily sexualized, such as those of occupations that deal, in some way or the other, with the commodification of sex (Hollywood being one example).

The other is environments where sex is highly stigmatized. For example, the pedophilia problem in Catholic Churches across the world.

This leads me to believe that any kind of environment where a particular dogma around sex prevails is going to produce problems like these, and I hope we can reach a point where there's an honest discussion about the effects of both sexual excess (coombrainism) and repression (ascetism) on the individual.

>> No.21571121

The pedophilia problem in the Catholic Church was caused by a purposeful infiltration of Marxists. I know it sounds like a schizo theory but since the 1900s there was a huge push from freemasons and commies to fill the seminaries with gay men to undermine the Church since its the only relevant institution with strong sexual and life ethics. Read up on Bella Dodd. It's fine if you don't believe me, but it really is the truth. Catholics aren't allergic to sex by any means, all our devout friends have at least 6 kids and are the most fulfilled people know, even the poor ones.

>> No.21571122

Keep yourself occupied and around other people as much as possible. It's as simple as that.
And why is relapsing such a big deal? What's the obsession with quitting completely?
Surely masturbating once in 10 days is far better than doing it twice a day. Moreover, whether you fap once a week or not at all, the difference in quality of life can't be a lot.
Besides, it is pornography which is the silent killer and not masturbation. Quitting porn is 10 times easier than quitting masturbation, All it takes is deleting social media, reducing screentime and a website blocker.

>> No.21571148

I'm not validating your theory in any way, but even if you didn't like the fact that I brought up Catholic Churches, I can also point to the countless incidents of rape, harassment, pederasty and bestiality in theocratic Muslim countries as examples for the kind of sexual perversions that are pervasively exist in highly repressed environments.

>> No.21571155

I agree with you. I disapprove of pornography too. In fact, that's why I'm I'm support of masturbation to healthy extent. Because it can facilitate the process of quitting pornography forever, in the same way that people use vaping to quit smoking.

>> No.21571165

>I think you should take your own advice
what advice? that was my first post.
just found it amusing how far you're contorting yourself in an attempt to justify your coombrain
i don't really care what you do as long as you go back

>> No.21571167

You should take the same advice anyway and read the whole thread again. Because you're forcing me to reiterate arguments that I've already made.

>> No.21571330

I've gone a full month without nocturnal emissions before. You severely underestimate the power of the human body.

>> No.21571579
File: 17 KB, 333x500, unwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sex & Culture" by J. D. Unwin


From https://www.galaxie.com/article/caj10-1-03:

"If the British anthropologist J. D. Unwin is correct in his assessment of society, this present generation in the Western world may be the last one. In his book, Sex and Culture, professor Unwin studied eighty “uncivilized” cultures and compared his results with sixteen “civilized” cultures extending over the last 4,000 years. He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced, the society attained its greatest cultural energy, especially in the arts, sciences and technology. But as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy, which resulted in the decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, he did not find any exception to this trend."

>t. Alternate solution: have your 12 year old daughter diddled by her aggressive depraved female classmate, with the teachers giving her cover as they were just "exploring their identity" and needed a "safe space." You'll see the degeneracy of our culture everywhere and be utterly sickened by it. Overnight I went from a 3x a week coomer to having zero desire for porn. This planet deserves hellfire.

>> No.21571597

>there are men who wilfully put themselves in chastity cages and spend their days talking to other men online about their urges to touch their dicks and how to avoid touching their dicks
There is no difference between a guy whose girlfriend locks him up in a chastity cage and a semen retentionist, except the guy in the literal chastity cage actually had the masculine vitality to attract a woman.

>> No.21571602

>have your 12 year old daughter diddled by her aggressive depraved female classmate, with the teachers giving her cover as they were just "exploring their identity" and needed a "safe space." You'll see the degeneracy of our culture everywhere and be utterly sickened by it. Overnight I went from a 3x a week coomer to having zero desire for porn. This planet deserves hellfire.

I've always had a morbid fascination in what the parents of victims must think of the world after something like this happens to them. What happened?

>> No.21571610

>still has not coped with the fact that all of Unwin's theses fail today because of the invention of effective contraception
Damn man.

>> No.21571736

>What happened?

- girl joins my 12 y.o. daughter's class, they become friends
- meet parents, traditional and very anti-woke professionals
- the previous school in California had fucked with the children, got them all to use new pronouns, different names
- basically tried to teach them they were all gay
- girl is into "pride", has a rainbow flag
- my daughter starts having panic attacks, wont talk us, something is very very wrong
- acting like she's been abused? school suspects us, we have no idea what could have happened
- eventually we find a secret communication channel, this girl is sending my daughter increasingly sexual stuff
- starts out as "you're bi too!", progresses to "I need consent", "I'm going to use a dildo on you", etc...dozens of messages mixed in with normal chat
- the shit she's saying reads like a fucked up /b/ fantasy, a 13 y.o. talking to my kid like a 30 y.o. pedo NEET
- my daughter was just lonely and wanted a friend, she was blatantly groomed by a depraved mixed up kid
- light touching had happened, nothing worse thank god
- other girl's parents in complete denial, it was just a joke, she heard it while hanging out with high school kids (?)
- this is clearly not their first time dealing with this with their 13 y.o. kid

My daughter is now at home playing Animal Crossing and reading while we move her to a new school. When I first saw the messages it was under a strange screen name, I thought for sure it was a middle aged dude saying this shit, no way it could be a kid. I was ready to kill him, cleanly, and happily do my (reduced) time in prison while reading all the lit I wanted. The fact it was another kid saying this adult grooming shit was utterly mind blowing.

>> No.21571765

America is so fucking damned holy shit. I'm so glad I left that shithole forever. I'm sorry.

>> No.21571780

>I've always had a morbid fascination in what the parents of victims must think of the world after something like this happens to them.

Anyone that fucks with kids should be fed feet first into a wood chipper. I look around at my kid's school and I wonder "Is that janitor dude the pedo? Is that teacher one?" I turn on the TV, I look at kids toys at Target, and I can see clearly now the progressive sexualization of our children EVERYWHERE over the past decades.

It used to be very fucking simple: there were normal people, and there were perverts. There were adults (who could have sex), and there were kids. Now we have bisexual 12 year olds watching Pornhub and talking about polyamory. "Romeo and Juliet" laws allow minors within 3 years of each other to lawfully have sex if it was consensual, down to the age of 12. That means a 15 year old boy can plow my 12 y.o. son's ass causing him to wear diapers the rest of his life, and if my kid "consented" then it's all fine in the eyes of the law...as if a 12 year old can consent to anything.

We found out the hard way, the US talks a good game about protecting kids, but if your kid gets molested by another pervert kid nobody will do shit. This planet deserves a coronal mass ejection, stat.

>> No.21571784

Thank you.

>> No.21571785

The sexualization of children and childhood is evil. America is a pedovoric culture, always has been, always will be.

>> No.21571883

Surely you must understand, contraception INCREASES sexual opportunities, as it reduces the repercussions of out-of-wedlock childbirth? And that it neither supports nor refutes Unwin's thesis, but rather adds another dimension along which to rank cultures according to sexual practices and repression?

>> No.21571913

I personally don't feel that semen retention or abstinence is a healthy venture. Indeed I agree there is power in this liquid of man just like there is power in his own emotions. I think people tend to forget the key understanding of emotions is in the part of the word that says, "motion." Emotions are meant to be moved and processed in the proper expression/way and in the proper place and time. I use the teaching of emotions to help connect the ideology to this semen retention fad. It's not a good thing to keep emotions held within just like it's not a good thing to hold in a fart. You'll only make yourself sick in doing so. The key to healthy ejaculation is finding the right woman to give it to. In the setting of solo masturbation, the creative flow of man is expelled in the hand or dropped on the floor. It gives him nothing in return other than temporary relief. However, when transferred into a woman, she herself becomes influenced and empowered and after all, she is your mate and you get to reap the rewards of her help in many wonderful feminine ways. If she conceives, you then receive a child and a bigger team is produced. And don't think for a second that the man doesn't receive the hormones and powers of her biology as well. This process is reciprocal and beneficial. Man was not created to be retentive in many ways. Any value that men claim they receive from semen retention (strength, focus, etc.) cannot be compared to the value he can receive from a healthy sexual relationship with a woman.

>> No.21572023


"Animals masturbate so it must be natural"

I laugh when people look at animal behavior to justify human behavior. That's how degeneracy begins but expected intellect coming from an evolutionist. You're implying it's okay for men to act like animals and that seems awfully shallow.

Linguists started realizing that in various tribal people found across the world that there was no word or anything close for masturbation. When they started asking the men if they masturbated at all. They literally had to be explained as to what it even was and all seemed baffled at such a concept when there was women for that. There's something that goes rogue in advanced civilizations, whether it's society rules or some other structure of modern civilization where masturbation is normalized. I can't say I'm opposed to masturbation but it's certainly not the best solution nor the most rewarding or healthy answer. Not even comparable to a healthy sexual relationship.

>> No.21572504 [DELETED] 
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Have you thought, about, you know, having sex?

>> No.21572511
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Have you thougth about, you know, having sex?

>> No.21572684

It's not an easy truth to accept, that one is deficient. If a man has a self image of himself as someone who does not desire to masturbate yet still masturbates, he will have to adjust one of these statements because they are contradictory to each other. Some men will look at themselves and say, alright, in fact I did not desire not to masturbate strongly enough to succeed in my endeavor, because if I masturbated, this contradicts the notion that I don't want to masturbate. This is rational. But other men will choose change the other statement, which is evidently irrational because it is a fact that they have masturbated, but this is somehow easier than admitting harsh truths. They will say, yes I hate masturbation, and the fact that I masturbated does not contradict this because it wasn't my choice, Temptation and Desire were moving my hands and making me pleasure myself, I had no autonomy.

Of course, we can see that this sort of rationalization is dishonest and unhealthy. In fact, this leads to a layering of mental illnesses stacked upon one another like a house of cards, ready to collapse. Porn addiction is itself a mental illness. But now a man (because he wishes to deny culpability) adds a new mental illness by rejecting that he has any control over himself. This will of course increase the severity of the porn addiction, but this will have ruinous effects in other aspects of his life as well because this mindset is antithetical to success in any endeavor. Soon he may need to rationalize yet more aberrant behaviors and introduce new layers of mental illness to his psyche in a futile attempt to prevent his self image from shattering.

>> No.21572756

I don't know but I just wanna say that I haven't masturbated or watched porn this year and I feel blessed.

>> No.21573371

that wasn’t me hehe.
everything is good in moderation. one can masturbate in moderation and be completely normal. it sounds like you either coom too much or you’re practicing rhetoric or some shit. regardless, philosophizing masturbation is a waste of time dog.

>> No.21573558

Yeah, based on own experience, I think this is a load of shit. When I discovered masturbation, I didn't even know that what I was doing was, in fact, masturbation. All I knew was "touching my peepee feel good". That's what lead to my first ejaculation. You don't need any prior knowledge about masturbation to masturbate.

>> No.21573574

Libido Dominandi (E Michael Jones) is a long one on relevant matters.

>> No.21573602
File: 364 KB, 693x1000, richard-wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once, at a banquet in my honour at Leipzig, I gave my kind hosts the advice to strengthen their good resolutions above all by abstinence. I re-echo that counsel to-day. Only in answer to a noble need, can the Arcane reveal itself; nothing can evoke the beauteous vision, save the force of our desire therefor. Upon us Germans our great Music has bestowed the power of ennobling far and wide; but that power must be potent, to incend the flame by whose pure light we at last shall haply find full many an exit from the misery that surrounds us everywhere to-day.

>> No.21573622

When is it too late? How do you accept your deficiency?

>> No.21573658

found the retard

>> No.21573661

janitors are neets with jobs

>> No.21573724

Would you use the same logic for addicts in general?

Would you tell a prostitute who gets stringed out on dope by her pimp that she is only an addict out of choice?

What about the man who robs a liquor store to finance his heroine addiction? Would he have done the same if he was never introduced to smack in the first place?

What about when the British introduced opium to China? Was it China's fault that their society was

The argument of reducing addiction purely to a matter of choice and willpower truly is one of the most bizarre ones out there. I sometimes wish its proponents are forced to pick up heroine habit, just so that I can laugh as I watch them spend every last dime in their pockets trying to chase the dragon. Where did your willpower go now?

>> No.21573727

Their society was completely destabilized?

>> No.21574032

I miss my grandpa. I wish he could have been around long enough to at least see me get a gf. All things considered, he lived pretty long (til 80) for someone who was a raging alcoholic and also had been chain-smoking cigarettes since he was like 14. Even just remembering him as I type this shit gets me choked up.

>> No.21574156
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just drummed this up, might be worth looking up the references

>> No.21574398

Do you realize this proves my point? Addiction is the extreme form of wanting. An addict is by definition someone who wants something extremely. Why do you think the first step in addiction programs is admitting that one is an addict? So yes, the logic that one has to be truthful in self assessment applies to them as well. If one says, I relapsed, I wanted to drink, I chose to give in and it is my fault, he has a chance, not a guarantee but a chance at saving himself. But if a masturbation addict keeps comparing himself to horses and pushing all responsibility away from himself, well then he can never grow just as the horse can never grow.

>> No.21574485

Most writers are coomers

>> No.21574705

No, you're completely missing the essence of my thesis, which is that there is real credence to the possibility that masturbation might be an essential biological function, irrespective of whether you or I believe that's the case. You remind me of the people that called Jordan Peterson stupid for comparing humans to lobsters in his Channel 4 interview, without understanding why he used that analogy in the first place.

If we're taking what you wrote here at face value, then what you're essentially stating is that an addict's journey towards is smooth-sailing immediately after he admits that he's addicted. This is an absurd simplification. Because you make it sound like the only people who are are the ones who are too stupid to have the self-awareness to be able to know they are addicted, which is a pretty brain-dead take. Something that I can debunk by using the example of a character from a book (since this is a literature board), Marmeladov from Crime And Punishment. Marmeladov was someone who knew very well that his drinking was causing great suffering to his family. He was also someone who was actively taking steps towards becoming a functioning member of society. But he ends up relapsing at an extremely critical juncture in his life, which eventually culminates in his own death by drunkedly stumbling into the way of a horse carriage and getting his head crushed.

Marmeladov's story itself completely blows your entire argument out of the water. He is a flawed man who knew he was flawed. He calls himself a wicked man for drinking so much, but also admits that he can't stop doing it. He was trying to take control of his life, but he failed because his urges were too strong for him.

Do you think he was a man who lacked motivation? His own children were suffering because of his habits. Do you not think that was motivation enough to quit?

The narrative that you're trying to spin is so explicitly false that I don't even think it's worth engaging with. There's a reason why admitting to an addiction is only the first step to the process. There's a great deal of effort to go through even after that. There's a reason why the advice we give children is "Just say no" and not "Do it a little if you want to, but make sure you quit later".

If instead your point of attack is that the reason I'M failing to quit masturbation is because of my personal beliefs about it, then that ignores the fact that I spent a huge chunk of my life sincerely believing that I could quit masturbation, and actively working towards doing so. It's only after a long time that I started to question what it was that I was actually trying to do, which made me look into alternative theories about it. One such theory is that ejaculation is an inevitable process that's built into human beings towards the purpose of reproduction and the continuation of the human species. Again, I'm not stating that I'm sure this theory is 100% true, because of a complete lack of information

>> No.21574709

an addict's journey towards recovery*

>> No.21574721

Surely you must understand that all the empirical material Unwin has found from before 1930 where his work was published has been from societies where there was a 1:1 correlation between sexual opportunites being taken and unintended pregnancies and childbirths, these unintended pregnancies and childbirths 100% being the primary causal factor for poorer outcomes, something which is avoidable today because of contraception.

Literally name one fucking compelling causal factor of why societies fall apart if you fuck outside of marriage that isn't unintended childbirth.

Make a point or fuck off.

>> No.21574768

<contd... >
I'm arguing that ejaculation is inevitable. Therefore I don't think it's possible to quit masturbating at all. There are several reasons for why I think this is the case, several of which I've already mentioned, but am I going to list again for the sake of clarity.

1) There aren't enough reliable stories about people quitting masturbation completely, unlike for alcohol or other addictions.
2) The presence of masturbation in other species (like horses) indicating that masturbation could be something humans evolved to do.
3) The possibility that the people who believe they've quit masturbation are in the middle of an elongated period of abstinence (meaning that they've not really exited the cycle)
4) The possibility that the people who managed to quit masturbation only did so because their sex drive died down as they grew older
5) The possibility that the only people in history who seem to have accomplished the task of quitting masturbation completely, are the ones who dedicated their whole lives to that goal (like ascetics or saints) which makes me believe that the feat itself is so spectacular that it can only be achieved by those who are specialized in it, and not something for the average Joe
6) The fact that I've come across a lot of people who shared my cyclical experience with sex, and also believe that it might not be possible to completely quit masturbation.

>> No.21574839

Oh, and also:
7) The existence of nocturnal emissions, which implies that even if you try your best not to ejaculate, your body will do it for you anyway. Which coupled with point (2), indicates that ejaculation might be a mechanism built into us.

To reiterate, I'm not saying these are reasons for why you SHOULD masturbate. I've previously mentioned that I have felt the negative effects of compulsive masturbation. I'm saying that the end-goal that people are supposedly meant to work towards, of completely quitting masturbation, might not actually be possible.

What if your real goal should not be to stop, but instead to lead a balanced life, just like Aristotle said, where you're indulging in masturbation only to a healthy degree.

>> No.21574958

I can share a personal story. I really admire dedicated athletes, because they are ascetic in there commitment to training. I viewed myself like them, because I told myself that I had their mindset but just locked their physical talents. But I was missing training sessions due to my addictions. I told myself that I was still like them, because my addiction was out of my control. But then I thought about whether my favorite athlete would accept this excuse, and I realized I would be kicked out of the team if I missed training for this reason. And then I applied the logic to religious figures, whom I rever far more than athletes, and I realized that the men I love the most would want nothing to do with me. This really helps, because if I ever feel tempted, I remember that the men I would admire would reject me if I give in, and even more, God would be displeased with me. This is like an anchor. Whereas if I denied culpability, I would not have this anchor of shame. So examine your self image, what type of man you wish to be, who you revere, and ask if your self image matches with reality.