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21554568 No.21554568 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing else compares to this. The ultimate epic kino.

>> No.21554697

should I start with the jeets?

>> No.21554722

Start with the poop inscriptions from gjidodjvjdjs snabrivkd the 2nd

>> No.21555238

Can you give a rundown please? I’m interested in them.

>> No.21555489

pajeets really define the concept of quantity over quality

>> No.21555496

Just read the edited version thats like 500 pages

>> No.21555529

All of is is pretty good. It’s not like Proust, Zola, Powell or O’Brien don’t also have long series.

>> No.21555566

I hope I will see a complete direct translation from Sanskrit into German in my lifetime.

>> No.21555585

Is he handing out a redpill on the 3rd book?

>> No.21555704

I heard this translation was bad

>> No.21555866

That's why the Ramayana is better.